Bursitis of the shoulder joint - symptoms and treatment, folk remedies

A rather frequent medical problem is bursitis of the shoulder joint. This disease is the development of the inflammatory process in the joint bag in the shoulder area. In most cases, bursitis develops after suffering a trauma or a heavy load in this area. In the risk group are people involved in sports, as well as representatives of heavy physical occupations, for example, loaders.

  • Types of bursitis of the shoulder
  • Causes of the development of ailment
  • The main manifestations of bursitis
  • Acute
  • Chronic
  • Methods of treatment of bursitis of the shoulder
  • Medication
  • Use of physiotherapy
  • The role of curative physical education
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Bursitis of the shoulder joint, the symptoms and treatment of which we consider below in the article, is a fairly common disease. Pathology can develop both in men and in women, bringing considerable discomfort to everyday life. In order to avoid complications, it is very important to seek the help of a specialist. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help to avoid many health problems in the future.

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Types of bursitis of the shoulder

In medical practice, this disease is divided into the following types:

  1. Lime bursitis of the shoulder joint. This concept implies the process of pathological proliferation of bone and cartilage damage. The synovial fluid that provides lubrication of the joints, lose its natural function due to the accumulation of calcium particles in it. This species is also called stone bursal of the shoulder joint.
  2. Calculous bursitis of the shoulder joint. There is a significant damage to the bursa due to infection. To penetrate pathogens into the joint can through the lymph and blood flow. The result of this negative impact is the accumulation of the products of the vital activity of viruses and bacteria, the so-called toxins. These substances cause significant harm and violate the natural function of the joint.
  3. Podukovidovidny bursitis of the shoulder joint (its other name is counterfeit). So it is customary to call damage to the synovial bag in the lateral region of the joint. This process leads to the formation of pus and its penetration into the joint tissue.
  4. Podkromialny bursitis of the shoulder joint. Here, the destruction of the bag occurs in the lower region of the joint. The synovial fluid stops providing lubrication, blood can enter the joint cavity.
  5. Ossifying bursitis of the shoulder joint. Pathology occurs as a result of the inflammatory process, affecting the bursa and joint. This species is similar to the previous forms of bursitis.

Important!All types of this disease have similar symptoms. Do not try to diagnose yourself. Diagnosis can be made only by a doctor with the necessary knowledge.

Causes of the development of ailment

In the most cases, bursitis of the shoulder develops due to injuries and excessive physical exertion. The result is a variety of damage to the synovial bag. Also, the following states of the organism are among the factors that can provoke bursitis:

  • various diseases of the joints;
  • pathologies leading to disruption of healthy metabolic processes of the body, for example, diabetes, gout;
  • long physical exertion on the shoulder area;
  • diseases associated with impaired immunity;
  • various allergic diseases;
  • transferred infectious diseases. Presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.

The main manifestations of bursitis

Symptoms of this disease most often come down to such symptoms:

  • discomfort and pain in the shoulder;
  • sharp pain when trying to rotate by hand or pulling it back;
  • quite strong pain syndrome with palpation;
  • an increase in muscle tone in the area of ​​the affected area.

In addition to the above, there may also be signs of general weakness and malaise. In some cases, nausea and even vomiting develop.

You can also identify the symptoms of pathology, depending on the form of the flow.


Pain at this stage is sharp and strong. Unpleasant sensations can occur with any movement of the hand. Often the pain extends to the back and neck area. The movements of the patient's shoulder are limited. Also, redness and swelling occur in the area of ​​the affected area.


Here, the pain syndrome manifests less intensively, however over a long period. In general, the mobility of the hand is poorly disturbed.

Important! With the development of one or more signs of pathology, it is extremely necessary to visit a traumatologist. Lack of timely care can provoke chronic bursitis of the shoulder joint, which is very difficult to treat.

Methods of treatment of bursitis of the shoulder

Treatment of this disease should be comprehensive and include compliance with all necessary preventive measures.

The types of therapy include the following:

  1. Use of medicines.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Massage.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Application of folk remedies.

Answering the question about which doctor treats this disease, it should be noted that in the presence of unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a therapist or a traumatologist.

Important!Any of the methods of therapy should be selected exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the peculiarities of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.


Before starting treatment, the patient must ensure the immobility of the joint. For these purposes, use a special bandage or gypsum.

In the initial stages, ointments related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. It can be the following drugs:

  • Voltaren;
  • diklak;
  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen ointment.

If the nature of the disease is of an infectious origin, antibiotics are often used. Among such medicines, the following are often used:

  • omokiklav;
  • azithromycin;
  • doxycycline.

Another group of drugs in the severe course of the disease are hormonal drugs. It can be:

  • cenalone;
  • cortisone.

The drugs are injected into the affected area with the help of a dropper or injection.

Use of physiotherapy

The course of treatment with the use of physical procedures is carried out only after the elimination of acute symptoms. The following methods are used for treatment:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Manitotherapy.
  3. Ultrasound.

The result of treatment is the complete elimination of the main manifestations of bursitis.

Also well-proven massage. The technique of massage consists in influence of the expert on area of ​​the amazed joint with the purpose to adjust a circulation, and to remove a tonus of muscles.

The role of curative physical education

Exercises and daily exercise are extremely important for the complete restoration of the shoulder joint after the illness. The patient should be selected by the patient, taking into account the patient's state of health. The first exercises are conducted under the supervision of the coach. Further exercise therapy can be performed independently. The specialist selects the charge individually and helps the patient figure out how to develop a hand after the illness.

Important!If you notice pain during exercise, it is recommended that you stop the exercise until you find out the possible causes with your doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment at home is often done using a variety of folk remedies. So, than to treat bursitis of the shoulder joint at home?

To get rid of pain and inflammation, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Burdock root finely chopped and pour 200 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 15-20 minutes, then strain and cool. In the pouched solution, moisten the tissue and apply it to the affected area for 1.5-2 hours. On top of the compress should be wrapped with a woolen shawl.
  2. A good tool is a fresh cabbage leaf. He kneaded and put to the shoulder. Top with a tight bandage or gauze bandage. The remedy perfectly removes pain, and relieves inflammation.
  3. Another effective way is a warm compress of heated flax seeds. To do this, the seeds are placed on a frying pan or in an oven and heated strongly. After they are poured into a tissue bag and put on the shoulder. The temperature should be pleasant, not too hot. On top of the compress can be covered with a blanket.

The above methods are not capable of causing harm, they are only auxiliary types of treatment. Adherence to the rules of treatment, performance of gymnastics and careful attitude to your health will help you avoid complications in such pathology as bursitis of the shoulder joint.