Acute bilateral sinusitis

Features of treatment of bilateral sinusitis

bilateral sinusitis should call a doctor

Bilateral sinusitis is one of the most common and serious diseases.Wrong treatment of this disease can lead to the fact that it will flow into a chronic form.This disease can also overtake children. In order to correctly diagnose, correctly appoint a treatment, you need to see a doctor. What are the symptoms accompanied by bilateral sinusitis?


bilateral sinusitis

If the sinusitis begins its development immediately in two sinuses, then the disease is quite hard.

  1. Body temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  2. The nose is permanently embedded.
  3. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  4. First there are small purulent discharge from the nose, then these discharge become thick and yellow.

Depending on which forms of sinusitis arise, the symptoms also depend.If the inflammation is catarrhal or serous, then all manifestations will not be very disturbing.Usually, breathing is difficult, there is pain in the nose and forehead. From a nose there are plentiful allocation. With the development of purulent bilateral sinusitis, the nose is clogged with mucus, so the bacteria develop very rapidly, pus is formed. During this time period the following symptoms appear:

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  • chills, fever, fever;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • headache.
than to treat a runny nose in a newbornHow to treat a cold in a newborn is indicated in this article.

How to cure a runny nose folk remedies quickly, is indicated in the article.

How is the treatment of the common cold with pregnancy folk remedies, you can find here:

On the video - bilateral sinusitis:

If there was a purulent process, the patient's lack of normal breathing does not bother so much. More serious processes will begin, if this type of sinusitis is not treated. Otitis, meningitis, and a number of other diseases may appear.

A person with a chronic sinusitis will not feel any very strong changes. Disturb will be a stuffy nose and a fairly tight discharge. Also, the sense of smell disappears, and this, in turn, complicates the work of the brain. As a result, a person quickly gets tired.

It is worth noting that preschool children practically do not suffer from such a disease. Sinusitis occurs often after 10 years. If at this age it is not good to cure inflammation, it will lead to negative consequences.


  1. Acute form- is manifested as a result of the penetration of bacteria or infections into the sinuses of the nose, the ducts of the maxillary sinuses are clogged.bilateral sinusitis acute form
  2. Chronic form- Usually occurs if the acute form is not treated. But it can also occur if there are still some foci of infection nearby, for example, in the oral cavity.bilateral sinusitis chronic form

Depending on what form of inflammation occurs, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Catarrhal viewIs the easiest kind of bilateral sinusitis. With this form only the upper layers of the mucosa are affected as a result of the viral infection. Edema occurs, but shows little. From the nose there are secretions that have no odor and color.
  2. Serous or exudative- in this case, the development of a large amount of serous fluid begins, mucus secretions are formed. But as a result of the fact that the outflow of mucus from the nose is disturbed, bacterial infections begin to occur, resulting in ulcers.
  3. Purulent appearanceIs a complicated form of catarrhal or serous process. In this case, the patient suffers from more complicated symptoms. Slime, which stands out from the nose, becomes viscous, and the smell is unpleasant. It is purulent bilateral sinusitis is more common than others. Pain in the bridge of the nose interferes with sleep, discomfort is felt, the temperature can often be increased. The main thing is that the first symptoms are very similar to a cold. In this regard, people do not go to see an otolaryngologist, which leads to serious consequences. About how to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis without a puncture, is specified in the article.

On video - treatment of bilateral sinusitis in a child:

There is an International Classification of Diseases or abbreviated ICD 10. In this document all pathogens of diseases, classification and cause of death are fixed. Each disease carries a certain code of the ICD.Acute sinusitis has the code J01.0. This species refers to acute respiratory diseases.And here the chronic genyantritis has other code - J32.0.

reviews of Albucida in the common cold in children.In the article references of Albutsida at a cold in children are indicated.

What folk remedies for the common cold with pregnancy are most often used, is indicated in the article.

How the common cold is treated with folk remedies at home, is indicated here:

It is known that sinusitis can be caused by various pathogens. In this connection, use the additional code. B95 is the causative agent of streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. B96 - other bacteria, B97 - viruses that provoked the appearance of the disease.

On the photo, a two-sided sinusitis:

bilateral sinusitis


The most important thing in treatment is to remove the pathogenic microflora.90% of cases are accompanied by the development of the disease against a background of bacterial infection.In order to accurately identify the pathogen, it is necessary to take excreted mucus for research. Drug treatment mainly consists of the use of the following drugs:

  1. Drops, narrowing vessels. Due to their use, the edema of the mucous membrane decreases, and, therefore, the passages stop clogging, a person can breathe. Such drops can be applied no more than 5 days, since in the subsequent they will cause a habit, and then the nose can not breathe without their help.Drops narrowing the vessels with genyantritis
  2. Rinsing of the nose- this procedure is quite important. Due to the solutions used, the mucus leaves better, and the pathogenic microflora is destroyed. Washing can be done both in a polyclinic and at home. At home, you can use saline, decoction of herbs, drugs that are sold in a pharmacy such as Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt. Washings are often done, at least 4 procedures must be done per day.Rotokan for washing the nose with genyantritis
  3. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The composition of these drugs include antibacterial components. Such drops include Pinosol, Sinuforte. A Sinupret can be used inside.Pinosol for the nose with genyantritis
  4. Antibiotics. In the treatment of sinusitis without them, it is very difficult to manage. Cephalexin, Macroben is prescribed for various forms of sinusitis. The most important thing is to drink antibiotics courses. It is necessary to finish them up to the end, otherwise you can not achieve complete cure.Cephalexin antibiotic in the treatment of genyantritis
  5. Antihistamines. Such drugs are usually prescribed to children. The puffiness is removed, the respiration is adjusted. You can drink such drugs in case of an allergy.Antihistamines for the treatment of genyantritis
  6. Warming up. It is used in the case when pus accumulations have been removed.

It is worth considering that it can be used in the event that when pressing on certain areas on the face there are no strong pain sensations, the body temperature is not increased. How does heating occur with sinusitis with salt, indicated in the article.

If all these types of conservative treatment did not help ease the condition, then use such a procedure as a puncture. The nose region anesthetize and pierce the place between the sinus and the nasal passage - through the bone septum. The entire area of ​​the puncture is rinsed with an antiseptic, removes excess mucus, and injects the medicine into the sinus area.

Folk remedies

Folk methods are used as additional measures to the main treatment:

  1. Inhalation. This will help potatoes. It is necessary to take 1 kg of potatoes, but do not clean it. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to drain the water, and breathe over the steam. It is necessary to take shelter from above with a towel, so that the pairs of potatoes do not go away quickly. The time of the procedure is unlimited: it all depends on the abilities of the person. After the end of the procedure, you need to lie on the bed without a pillow, and throw your head back. Inoculate the onion with a solution of onions. Cook it as follows: squeeze 15 drops of juice from onions and mix them with 15 drops of alcohol, concentration of 96%. In each nasal passage, drip 2 drops. At first this procedure will cause a strong burning sensation, but after 20 seconds everything will pass. It is best to do this procedure at night. By morning all the symptoms will go away.inhalation with genyantema
  2. Eggs and garlic. It is necessary to weld 1 hard-boiled egg. Now you need to warm up your sinuses. Instead of the egg, you can use salt, heated in a frying pan and wrapped in canvas paper. After warming, rub garlic on the skin above the place where the focus of inflammation. Then you need to rub the mixture of burdock root with birch charcoal. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. Achieve a standing effect can be after 2-3 procedures.heating of the sinuses with the egg
  3. Oil and Grass. You need 100 g of olive oil, you can take and sunflower, 1 tbsp. l. shredded lemon grass. Mixing these ingredients, put them in a dark place for 3 weeks, without forgetting to periodically mix the compound. Then you need to strain the solution, removing it from the impurities of Ledum. This oil can bury your nose. The first time you need to drip 2-3 drops in each passage, the next - 1 drop 4 times a day. The course lasts one week. Acute antritis, or rather a runny nose, for this period of time will pass, and chronic it is necessary to treat 2 weeks.crushed lemon and oil
  4. Plant from a tomato. It is necessary to take the tops of dried tomatoes, pour it with water and boil. Use this solution to do inhalation. Covered with a blanket, you need to inhale the right, left nostril, and the mouth alternately. It is necessary to conduct sessions for 10 days. The effect will not keep you waiting. It is better not to conduct this procedure for younger children.
  5. Balm "star". You need to boil 5 or 6 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. soda and a little balsam asterisk. If there is none, then you can buy a liquid for inhalations in the pharmacy. Not superfluous will be added and 2 tbsp. l. vodka or alcohol. These solutions need to breathe for 20 minutes. In the beginning it is better to breathe with your mouth to get used, it will take about 10 minutes.Then you can breathe through your nose, so the nasal passages and nasopharynx warm up.The next stage is washing. It is necessary to prepare the following solution: in 200 ml of boiled water pour 25 drops of pharmacy propolis, ½ h. l. salt and 1 h. l. soda. With this solution you need to wash your nose using a syringe, but without needles, or a special syringe. After these procedures, you need to drip your nose with a solution of oil, which must be prepared 10 days before the procedure. Mix 200 g of olive oil with 1 tbsp. l. dry mint, 20 g propolis. Leave the oil for 10 days, then strain. In each pass you need to drip 1-2 drops. Complete this complex for 10 days.

The video tells you whether to agree to a protocol with bilateral sinusitis:

Features of treatment in children

Children often develop a chronic form of the disease due to the structure of the nose.

In the treatment it is best to use sprays and aerosols, and not drops, because the spray is evenly distributed in the nasal cavity. When using antibiotics, you first need to test for how the child reacts to them.

This will help to avoid side effects and waste time. Of course, this method of treatment, like a puncture, is used only in the most extreme cases. Choosing the traditional methods of treatment, too, pay attention to the composition of funds. Also the child can carry out acupressure and respiratory gymnastics.

Bilateral sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases of ENT organs in children and adults. Subcooling, viruses and concomitant diseases of other organs can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa, to disturb the normal outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses and to provoke the development of a unilateral or bilateral sinusitis. Most often in children and adults there is acute bilateral sinusitis, which develops against the background of a viral or bacterial disease of the nasal cavity. One-sided process in the maxillary sinuses meets less frequently and is usually diagnosed in secondary maxillary sinusitis, for example, with the spread of infection from the oral cavity.


Types of bilateral sinusitis

There are several main types of bilateral sinusitis:

  • acute - develops as a result of blockage of the duct of the maxillary sinus, which arose due to viral or bacterial inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • chronic - to chronicize the process can lead to "not treated" acute form or chronic foci of infection in a number of located organs: the oral cavity, larynx or pharynx.

According to the nature of inflammation, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • catarrhal - the easiest form, most often develops with a viral infection, the inflammation affects only the upper layer mucous membrane, edema is expressed slightly, this form of the disease is characterized by a mucous discharge, without color and odor;
  • exudative or serous - in the nasal sinuses a lot of serous fluid is produced, watery, mucous discharge, but in As a result of the outflow of mucus outflow from the sinuses, this form of the disease is easily complicated by the attachment of bacterial infection and development purulent process;
  • purulent - arises at bacterial infection or at complication of catarrhal and exudative forms, clinical symptoms are much more pronounced, separated from the nose by purulent, viscous, with unpleasant smell.


width = Bilateral acute sinusitis usually proceeds quite heavily, patients complain of an increase in body temperature - up to 38-39 degrees, for general malaise, nasal congestion and copious discharge, as well as for headaches worse with movement.

Also, the clinical picture depends on the form of inflammation: catarrhal and serous sinusitis cause far fewer complaints and do not severely disturb the overall well-being of the patient. With these forms of the disease, the main problems of patients become difficulty nasal breathing, copious nasal discharge and dilating and pressing pains in the forehead or orbit.

Two-sided purulent sinusitis proceeds much more heavily: stagnation of secretion in the maxillary sinuses and development of a bacterial infection in the body causes a sharp rise in body temperature, fever, weakness, general malaise, severe headaches, pain in the face and a sense of heaviness in the head. Nasal congestion and nasal discharge with this form of the disease are of little concern to the patient, as his attention is focused on more unpleasant symptoms. To treat purulent maxillary sinusitis is necessary with the help of antibiotics and the sooner antibiotics will be started, the more effective the treatment will be in general.

Chronic bilateral sinusitis is clinically manifested much weaker, but to treat this form of the disease is much more difficult, patients complain of periodically arising difficulty breathing and the appearance of a discharge from the nose, a detailed survey can reveal a decrease in memory and attention, frequent headaches, fatigue and decline the sense of smell.

Sinusitis in the child

Acute, and even more so, chronic sinusitis is almost not found in preschool children.

This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the maxillary sinus in a child - up to 5-6 years they have not yet fully formed maxillary sinuses.

In a child over 10 years old, the symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis do not differ from the clinical picture of the disease in adults. But it must be taken into account that in childhood, because of the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity, and also because of imperfection of the immune system of the child, the chronic form disease.


Treatment of sinusitis depends on the form of the disease and the severity of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

To treat acute catarrhal or purulent antritis is suggested with the help of antibacterial drugs, washing the nasal cavity with solutions of antiseptics, vasoconstrictor drops, and also use treatment methods such as "cuckoo" or special preparations to dilute and improve the outflow of mucus - sinupret, Sinuporte and others.

If you can not cure the disease with the help of such methods it is impossible, the patient is prescribed punctures of the maxillary sinuses, with their help they clean the nasal sinuses from mucus and wash them with solutions of antibiotics.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis is much more difficult, especially if the disease is diagnosed in a child, in which case it is necessary to find the cause of chronic inflammation and must eliminate it. These can be carious teeth, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, or a decrease in the body's defenses in the child.

Bilateral sinusitis is a serious and unpleasant disease that can cause serious complications, so treatment must under the supervision of a qualified ENT doctor, and after treatment to avoid relapse of the disease, it is worthwhile to think about strengthening the immune system and the whole organism in whole.

Bilateral sinusitis: symptoms and treatment

Runny nose in most people is associated with something unpleasant. but not fatal. There is even a proverb: "If the rhinitis is treated, then it will pass in seven days. And if you do not heal - then a week. " This statement reflects the attitude of people to the common cold. However, it is not as harmless as it seems. If it does not pass for a long time or significantly hinders breathing, then one can suspect sinusitis in a person.

What it is?

bilateral sinusitisSinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the cavity of the maxillary, or as it is called, the maxillary sinus. Since the maxillary sinuses are a pair formation, the inflammatory process in them can be either one-sided, there and two-sided. Bilateral sinusitis occurs several times heavier than one-sided and is associated with a large number of various complications. Thus, for example, a triggered bilateral process can be chronized in a relatively short time, and can be transferred from the cavity of the maxillary sinus to neighboring formations, in particular, the brain.

When the infection passes to the brain tissue, its cysts with purulent contents, as well as all kinds of abscesses of the brain, can develop. Subsequently, there is a possibility of developing very serious diseases, such as encephalitis, meningitis or meningoencephalitis. These diseases are very difficult and can threaten not only further health, but also life.

What can be sinusitis?

acute bilateral sinusitisFirst of all, if a doctor has diagnosed a man with a "genyantritis then in no case should one think that this is something frivolous and will go away by itself. This applies to both unilateral and bilateral sinusitis. Let us consider in more detail the second of them as more dangerous. The bilateral sinusitis due to the severity of its course can be divided into acute and chronic. The latter proceeds with pronounced remissions. In terms of severity of clinical symptoms and severity of the disease, catarrhal bilateral sinusitis and purulent discharge are distinguished.

Etiology of the disease or causative factors leading to its development

There are a huge number of reasons that can cause bilateral sinusitis. Among them are the following:

bilateral sinusitis treatment
  • all kinds of injuries that have arisen in the area of ​​the nose and upper jaw;
  • penetration of the infectious agent from an external source, for example, from the nasal cavity, into the maxillary sinus;
  • thickening of mucus in the nasal cavity and its subsequent congestion;
  • formation of adenoid and polyposic growths;
  • the existence of a person with allergic diseases or his predisposition to allergies;
  • general weakening of all protective forces of the human body, that is, its immunity;
  • complications arising after the transferred infectious and severe chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of teeth and gums, especially untreated;
  • abuse of strong alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.

Catarrhal acute bilateral sinusitis

It is characterized by a very stormy sudden start. In the first days, the patient feels a worsening of the general condition, manifested by such symptoms as lethargy, general weakness, loss of strength, decreased efficiency. Simultaneously, the body temperature rises, and then a rather strong chill appears. There are severe headaches, difficulty in nasal breathing, as well as discharge from the nasal cavity of a serous nature.

Purulent acute bilateral sinusitis

how to treat bilateral sinusitisThis disease is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to high enough numbers, a strong deterioration in the overall state, the development of long and painful coughing attacks, as well as secretions from the nasal passage, having a turbid a purulent character. In addition, there are severe headaches that can radiate into the area of ​​the teeth.

Chronic bilateral sinusitis has a more worn-out clinical picture, while the overall condition of a sick person can remain satisfactory. Naturally, people have a question about how to treat bilateral sinusitis.


The diagnosis of bilateral sinusitis should begin with examination and consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist who, on the basis of patient complaints and the severity of the clinical picture will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis, and then confirm it with the help of a number of instrumental methods research. When diagnosed "bilateral sinusitis treatment begin immediately. The list of diagnostic manipulation data includes such modern methods as magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostics with the help of ultrasonic waves, computed tomography, as well as such specific methods as diaphanoscopy and thermography.

Bilateral sinusitis: treatment

bilateral sinusitis PhotoThe whole process of treatment of bilateral sinusitis is under regular supervision of the doctor and takes an average of two to four weeks. Unsurprisingly. that the treatment of the disease is a rather unpleasant and long process, it is by no means possible to delay it with a march to Laura. In the complex of therapeutic manipulations, which can appoint a doctor, we can distinguish the following:
  • The regular washing of the nasal cavity with various solutions (this can be as specifically designed for this solution, and broths of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, for example, chamomile or calendula). The procedure itself is unpleasant, however it facilitates breathing and disinfects the cavities.
  • Admission of a full course of antibiotic therapy (an antibiotic can be administered either empirically or after determining the degree of sensitivity of a pathogenic microorganism). This is especially important if the disease provokes streptococci.
  • Vitaminotherapy (necessary to maintain the defenses of the body in the norm).
  • When the temperature rises above 3, degrees, it is recommended to start takingcatarrhal bilateral sinusitisantipyretic drugs (the simplest of them is paracetamol). However, the temperature to 38 degrees does not get off. At this time, the body's defenses fight bacteria.
  • In severe and neglected cases, when individual conservative therapy is ineffective, it is necessary to resort to the implementation of a puncture of the maxillary sinus with the evacuation of its contents and washing the cavity with antiseptic solutions. After such a procedure, sinusitis, as a rule, does not return.
  • To facilitate the process of nasal breathing, you can use vasoconstrictive drops, but do not use them for more than five days.

It should be understood that systemic and only systemic will allow to cure bilateral sinusitis. Photo of maxillary sinuses filled with pus, can motivate any person to immediately start treatment.

What is catarrhal bilateral sinusitis

Not many people have an idea of ​​what is catarrhal bilateral sinusitis and why it occurs. The pathology of the upper respiratory tract is very common. Often inflamed paranasal sinuses. They are also called the paranasal sinuses.

The problem of sinusitis

There are 4 varieties of these anatomical formations:

  • paired maxillary sinuses;
  • frontal;
  • latticed;
  • wedge shaped.

Most often, otorhinolaryngologists find inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In this situation, it is a matter of sinusitis. The inner surface of the maxillary sinuses is lined with ciliated epithelium. In its thickness, there are many special cells capable of producing mucus. The maxillary sinuses perform a number of important functions. They participate in the amplification of voice resonance, warm the incoming air masses, participate in the distribution of weight in the skull. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of bilateral sinusitis?

Features of catarrhal sinusitis

The scheme of genyantritisSinusitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinus of the nose.In most cases, this pathology develops against other diseases (influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, scarlet fever). In this case the inflammation can be bilateral and one-sided. Depending on the clinical manifestations and the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic catarrhal sinusitis are distinguished. The catarrhal form of inflammation is very common. In this case, it can have a different etiology. Depending on the etiological factor, the following varieties of sinusitis are distinguished:
  • viral;
  • posttraumatic;
  • bacterial;
  • mixed;
  • fungal;
  • allergic nature.

Separately, it is necessary to isolate the genyantritis that has arisen against the background of the use of medications. Catarrhal sinusitis can occur in both children and adults. The highest incidence rate is observed in the autumn-winter period. It is important that bilateral inflammation occurs much less frequently than one-sided inflammation.

Etiological factors

The development of catarrhal bilateral sinusitis is due to several reasons. The most important factors are:

ARVI - the cause of sinusitis
  • frequent colds;
  • inadequate or untimely treatment of influenza, ARVI;
  • supercooling;
  • decreased immunity;
  • allergic reactions (polynoses);
  • curvature of the septum of the nose;
  • the presence of polyps in the nasal passages;
  • congenital pathology of the development of the maxillary sinuses;
  • the presence of acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • traumatic injury to the face.

Important importance is the focus of chronic inflammation (adenoiditis, pharyngitis). As for the infectious agent itself, it can be bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), viruses, microscopic fungi. Catarrhal sinusitis can be non-infectious. In this case, it provokes an allergic reaction, taking medications. Most often, inflammation and swelling of the sinus mucosa develop in childhood. In this situation, it is an acute form of inflammation. In the absence of treatment, acute sinusitis easily passes into a chronic, which is much more difficult to cure. Often the infectious agent penetrates into the maxillary sinuses through the blood. The most common cause of catarrhal sinusitis is the pathology of the upper teeth.

Clinical symptoms

Bilateral sinusitis has many symptoms. At the heart of their appearance is local mucosal edema and excess mucus production. The latter is produced by goblet cells. Normally, a healthy person develops mucus a little, and it goes through special ducts. With bilateral sinus sinus, the ducts are clogged. A similar condition can cause a secondary infection, suppuration. The most common symptoms of bilateral sinusitis are:

Headaches with genyantritis
  • severity in the region of the maxillary sinuses;
  • headache;
  • mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • increased body temperature (with acute inflammation);
  • soreness in palpation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • nasal.

It is known that the maxillary sinuses are located on the side of the nasal septum at eye level. With bilateral catarrhal sinusitis, reddening of this area and eyelids can sometimes be observed. Some patients develop lacrimation. Acute inflammation develops suddenly. First there is a feeling of discomfort in the nasal area, then a pain syndrome. The pain intensifies in the evening. In the beginning, the pain is localized in one area. As the disease develops, the pain is determined throughout the head. Children may feel weak.

Due to the accumulation of serous or mucous secretions, breathing through the nose is disturbed. With catarrh of the genyantritis, the secret secret is liquid and transparent. If a putrefactive microflora is attached, it acquires a greenish color and a thick consistency. In this situation, there can be an unpleasant smell. Additional symptoms of the disease include sneezing, sore throat. The temperature can rise to 38 degrees or more. It happens in acute maxillary sinusitis. Catarrhal sinusitis is dangerous for its possible complications. They include the attachment of purulent infection, the formation of abscesses in the brain, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, purulent tissue melting.

Diagnostic measures

Nasal examination with genyantemaTo begin treatment, the doctor must make a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis of catarrhal sinusitis includes a detailed conversation with the patient, examination of the nasal mucosa and the entire face, laboratory and instrumental examination. Inspection should start from the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Often, this determines the soreness. The doctor assesses the mobility of soft tissues and their consistency. Rhinoscopy is mandatory. With an acute form of catarrhal sinus, reddening and swelling of the mucosa in the middle nasal passage is revealed. Additional methods of examining the nasal cavity include diaphanoscopy. This method is based on the transmission of maxillary sinuses. The patient has a darkening.

The final diagnosis is made based on the results of the X-ray study. An alternative option is the use of MRI, CT, ultrasound. With bilateral sinus, the sinus transparency is compared with that in the eye sockets. Computed tomography is indicated in case of traumatic injuries of the facial part of the skull, severe degree of sinusitis. This diagnostic method can not be used for pregnant women. Puncture is used to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Manipulation is performed under local anesthesia.

Tactics of treatment

Treatment of catarrhal sinusitis has the following objectives:

  • the elimination of infection;
  • recovery of outflow of mucous secretions;
  • elimination of the main symptoms of the disease;
  • prevention of complications.

Treatment is often conservative.

Treatment involves drainage of the sinus sinus cavity, administration of antibiotics, the use of various vasoconstrictors (drops, sprays), sinus heating, physiotherapeutic Events.

Treatment is carried out only after consulting a doctor. With catarrhal inflammation, the secret is liquid, therefore surgical drainage may not be used. As antibacterial agents in the bacterial form of the disease, cephalosporins, semi-synthetic and protected penicillins, macrolides are used.

The best therapeutic effect is possessed by "Levofloxacin "Amoxicillin "Amoxiclav "Cefuroxime". Antibiotics are not always used. It is not appropriate to prescribe them for viral etiology of the disease. In this situation, therapy involves the use of steroids, mucolytics. To eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, humidification of the air, normalization of nutrition, elimination of the effects of allergens are carried out. In severe pain syndrome, drugs from the NSAID group are used. Local treatment involves washing the nose with solutions of antiseptics (Furacillin, sodium hypochlorite). In the allergic form of sinusitis, antihistamines are indicated. Thus, sinusitis should be treated timely and thoroughly.

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