Worms: folk remedies for worms at home

Worms are widely distributed among the inhabitants of our planet not only in animals, but also in humans.

If you take in proportion, then every two thirds of the inhabitants of the Earth - in adults and children, one way or another, you can find out laboratoryally the presence of parasites in the body. It also happens that the presence of worms in the body can be asymptomatic, the patient does not even suspect about it. But basically, people living with parasites in the intestine and other organs are experiencing a complex of symptoms, characteristic of helminthic invasions.

Therefore, this article provides the most effective folk remedies and remedies for wide-spectrum worms that can be successfully used in adults and children at home in order to quickly expel and get rid of round and tapeworm parasites.


Pumpkin seeds: how to drive out worms at home

Mechanism of action : changes the motor activity of the parasite, causing at first relaxation, and then contracture of muscles. At the same time, due to peristaltic waves, the helminth is expelled outward.

Route of administration and dose

Ingestion, mainly if contraindications to the use of male fern extract are available. Two days before the treatment, a cleansing enema is prescribed in the morning and a saline laxative( magnesium sulfate 33% -100.0) the previous evening. On the day of treatment, an enema is placed on an empty stomach irrespective of the presence of a stool.

Pumpkin seeds are used in two ways.

The first way

The raw and air-dried pumpkin seeds are peeled from the hard peel, leaving the inner green sheath;300.0 g of peeled seeds( for adults ) is ground in small portions in a mortar, after the last portion, the mortar is washed with 50-60 ml of water and poured into a bowl with ground seeds;to this you can add 50.0-100.0 g of honey or jam and mix thoroughly.

The received mixture of the patient takes on an empty stomach, lying in bed, in small portions for an hour;After 3 hours they give a laxative, then in half an hour, regardless of the action of the intestine, they put an enema.

Food intake is permitted after a stool caused by an enema or laxative. At day time prescribe to children at the age of 3-4 years - 75,0 g;5-7 years - 100.0 g;8-10 years - 150.0 g;10-15 years - 200-250,0 g.

Second method

Pumpkin seeds are ground together with the skin in a meat grinder or in a mortar, poured with a double amount of water and evaporated for 2 hours on a light fire in a water bath without boiling;the broth is filtered through gauze, after which the oil film is removed from the surface of the broth.

The whole broth is taken on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes.2 hours after taking the decoction, a salt laxative is prescribed.

Dosage of

Adult is given a decoction of 500 g of unrefined seeds, for children 10 years - from 300.0 g, 5-7 years - from 200.0 g, to 5 years - from 100-150.0 g.

Consecutive appointment of pumpkinseeds in a usual dose and an extract of a fern in small doses( adults 2,5-3,0 g, children accordingly age) raises efficiency of treatment. Fern extract is prescribed an hour after receiving pumpkin seeds, and after taking the fern extract, a laxative is given.

How to remove nematodes: roundworms

Walnut . Method of preparation : in the amount of three teaspoons of dried leaves, insist in two glasses of boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Drink in a warm form in several receptions, like tea. St. John's wort St. John's wort . How to use : 10 grams of Hypericum herb infusion in 1 cup of boiling water, infuse. Take 1 tablespoon 2-4 times a day after meals.

Devyasil high

How to prepare :

  1. One teaspoon of dried rhizomes with crusts to insist for 8 hours in 1 cup of cooled boiled water, drain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.
  2. Twenty grams of rhizomes with roots boil in 1 glass of water, infuse for 4 hours, drain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.


How to use :

  1. grate several root crops or pass through a meat grinder;to squeeze out the juice. Fresh juice before use mixed with honey or sugar to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.2 times a day in the morning - on an empty stomach and in the evening for 1-1,5 hours before meals.
  2. three tablespoons of grated carrots boil in 1 cup of milk. Carrot gruel take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day before meals.

Wormwood .In medical practice dried wormwood inflorescences are used. They are ground in a mortar and taken in a mixture with sugar, jam, honey 5 g "citrated seed"( for adults) 3 times a day for 1.5-2 hours before meals for 2 days;after the last reception for the night appoint a laxative. Adverse events with overdose: vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, respiratory depression and cardiac activity.

Tansy .Basically, due to toxicity, is used in adults with , and is not for children. Flowers and essential oil have a helminthic effect against nematodes, are especially effective in ascariasis and enerobiosis. To this end, dried flowers can be taken in the form of a powder, in the form of infusions( 1:10), as well as in enemas from tansy extract. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day( with ascariasis and enterobiosis).

Anthelminthic insecticide . Method of preparation : one teaspoon of dry top of marie anthelmintic together with the fruits to insist in 2 cups of boiling water, drain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.

Birch warty .Decoction of the kidneys has a helminthic effect with round worms.

Ways of using :

  1. One teaspoon of birch buds to insist 1 hour in 1/2 cup of boiling water, drain. The infusion is divided into 3 parts. Drink a whole day for a day in 3 divided doses.
  2. Five grams of birch buds to boil for 15 minutes in 1 glass of water, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Take 15-20 drops of water 2-3 times a day.

Leucantium ordinary .The broth is used to drive out small worms.

How to prepare : 2 tsp.grass with flower baskets nivyanika insist for 4 hours in 1 cup of boiling water, drain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day. Stronger infusion use for washing and lotions. Dandelion medicinal .All parts of the plant have antihelminthic effect.

Ways of using :

  1. One teaspoon of roots and herbs of dandelion to insist for 1 hour in 1 cup of boiling water, drain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 1/2 hour before meals.
  2. Powder of dandelion roots( take a dose placed on the tip of the knife) to take with water 3 times a day for 1/2 hour before meals.

The mistletoe is white .Mistletoe has anthelminthic( on round worms) action.

How to prepare :

  1. One teaspoon mistletoe infuse in 1 cup cold boiled water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  2. Thirty gram of raw mistletoe boil in 1 liter of water. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Walnut hazelnut .Walnut oil is taken orally as an anti-worm against Ascaris. Garlic sauce .Warm garlic broth is used for anthelminthic enemas. When pinworms in children in the anus is introduced a slice of a bulb of garlic, which kills parasites.

    How to remove cestodosa: tapeworm

    Siberian larch .Turpentine is obtained from larch. In folk medicine, turpentine is used as a remedy for tapeworms.

    Fern of the male .Rhizomes are very effective against tape worms.

    Thyme ordinary: garden thyme .From the essential oil plants receive thymol, which acts on the tapeworms, paralyzing their musculature.

    Pumpkin . How to use : Purified seeds with gray-green skin, ground and mixed with water, are used against tapeworms( tapeworm).Method of application: pumpkin seeds to be taken on an empty stomach: dose to adults - 150-200 grams, to children - 50-100 grams.

    Pomegranate .The bark of the roots and branches of the pomegranate has a strong paralyzing effect on banded worms. Method of preparation : one teaspoon of leathery pericarp( peel) of fruits or pomegranate flowers boil in 1 glass of water, infuse for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

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    Moderator: Irina Lisitsyna. The doctor-pediatrician of the highest category is leading the transfer: Mikhailova Tatyana Mikhailovna. Information is given for reference. It is necessary to consult with a specialist for correct treatment at home.

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    A fragment of the program "About the most important".

    HelmiFag: Treatment of helminths with folk remedies

    HelmiFAG is a reliable remedy for parasites! Completely rid of parasites, worms in 30 days. Clears from parasites for 1 course thanks to tannins, heals and protects against parasites liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin, additionally relieves rot in the intestines, neutralizes the eggs of parasites due to active substances.

    15 million people die each year, becoming victims of parasites! These are sources of infectious and oncological diseases. Affect your liver, lungs, brain and heart, they are able to grow up to 40 cm and lay 250 eggs for 1 time.

    Test yourself for signs of infection:

    1. Allergies( rashes, watery eyes, runny nose).
    2. Frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion.
    3. Chronic fatigue( you quickly get tired, no matter what you do).
    4. Frequent headaches, constipation, or diarrhea.
    5. Pain in the joints and muscles.
    6. Nervousness, sleep and appetite disorders.
    7. Dark circles, bags under the eyes.

    How do parasites enter the body?

    Infection vectors:

    1. Water, soil and food.
    2. Pets, insects.
    3. Objects and common areas.

    How does HelmiFag work on an infected organism?

    Molecules A: Yarrow grass:

    1. Destroys parasites at all stages of their development.
    2. Displays them from the body.

    Molecules G: Gravel grass:

    1. Provides wound healing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.
    2. Promotes the restoration of damaged tissues and organs.

    Molecules F: Carnation:

    1. Restores the intestinal microflora.
    2. Forms in the body an environment that protects against the re-development of parasites.

    Synthesis of 20 auxiliary components restores the protection of internal organs

    Than HelmiFag is better than special chemical preparations

    1. Certified, recommended by the doctors-helminthologists, a means for getting rid of parasites at home.
    2. Has a pleasant taste that will appeal to children.
    3. Consists exclusively of medicinal plants collected in ecologically clean places.
    4. No side effects( unlike chemical tablets that cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, worsen the biochemical parameters of the liver).
    5. Completely natural and safe detox-drug, which means, you can drink without the
    6. doctor's appointment.