Treatment of phimosis in boys at home: in what cases do you urgently need to see a doctor?

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At the birth of the boys, the penis head is covered with the foreskin completely, it joins inside by thin spikes. Spikes perform a protective function in infancy( protect against injuries and open a small area for urination).

By the time of urination, the blood filling of the penis increases, it thickens, as a result gradually the foreskin is stretched to 3 years of age. Phimosis is characterized by the inability to release the head of the penis( or it can be done with difficulty) and causes discomfort due to narrowing of the foreskin.

Article content:
  • Possible causes
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Possible causes of

There are 2 types of phimosis:

  • congenital( physiological);
  • acquired( pathological).

The causes of physiological phimosis have not been finally determined. It is believed that pathology is associated with a hereditary predisposition. Development of the pathological species is facilitated by:

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  • balanoposthitis, which results in the appearance of cicatricial changes on the epithelium;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • insufficient content of the component providing elasticity of the epithelium.

As a result of pathological phimosis, the process of urination ( a thin jet will inflate the foreskin) may be disrupted. In this case, surgical treatment is required.

Symptoms of

The main manifestation is the obstruction or inability to release the head of the penis .Also noted:

  • pain during urination;
  • purulent discharge after pressure on the head of the penis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal region;
  • with a micturition a weak jet( in severe cases urine is excreted by drops);
  • increased body temperature.

There are phimosis stages:

  • I - in the unexcited state the head is easily released from the foreskin; in the erection state, there is a slight difficulty;
  • II - in the free state the discovery is difficult, it is impossible to be excited;
  • III - in a loose state it is difficult to remove the foreskin, causes acute pain in the state of erection and can lead to bleeding;
  • IV - the head is completely closed by the foreskin, postitis develops, the urine is separated by a thin stream and promotes its stagnation, the development of pain and inflammation.

It is not always possible to note the onset of phimosis: , when the foreskin is narrowed for a long time, symptoms may be absent. If it is difficult to open the head under the pressure of the jet, the fluid for a short time is under the foreskin, forming a ball.

Urinary retention may occur( the condition is called reflex, often observed in young children) as a result of pain associated with the infringement of soft tissues.

Babe can not urinate for a long time, worries, makes complaints about pain in the abdomen and above the pubis( palpation increases the bladder).In case of acute urinary retention, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Symptoms and effective treatment of tonsillitis at home.

How to cure chickenpox in children with folk remedies? Read in this article.

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General recommendations

Depending on the patient's age, various treatment methods are used. In the first year of life, it is not recommended to take any action, as phimosis is physiological( except for performing hygienic procedures).

At 3 years of age, phimosis usually disappears. If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor. After 11 years, the probability of an independent resolution of the problem is 2%.After 13 years, in the absence of concomitant symptoms, they start treatment.

Surgical methods of treatment are used when it is impossible( naturally) to empty the bladder or if there are scarring changes on the penis after inflammation. This method almost completely eliminates the problem.

Conservative treatment can be:

  • using medicines ( administration of glucocorticosteroid agents in the form of ointments to increase the elasticity of tissue fibers);
  • without using medications ( daily massage after shower or bath).

How to treat folk remedies?

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of phimosis helps to free the head of the penis and prevent the development of complications. To eliminate the inelasticity of the foreskin, the baths are used followed by a massage.

At home for the treatment of phimosis, bathing medicinal herbs and ointments with corticosteroids are used. Recipes for preparing infusions and broths for the baths:

Name How to use
Calendula( dried flowers) 1 tsp. Raw material pour a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, after filtering use for trays.
Chamomile Pharmacy Dry herb chamomile( 10 g) brew with boiling water( 1 stack.), Infuse 15 minutes. After filtering, use for baths and washings, slightly stretching the foreskin. Chamomile softens the skin, eliminates itching and pain.
Strip Dry grass( 10 g) brew with boiling water( 1 stack.), Infuse for several hours. Strain, use for trays.
Barley Pour 50 g of barley ½ liter of water into the evening. In the morning, boil 10 minutes, insist an hour, drain. Use for washing.
Potassium permanganate Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. To prepare the solution, several granules are dissolved in water until a solution of light pink color is obtained. It is used for hygienic procedures.
Donnik 1 tbsp.l. Grass the sweet clover with a glass of boiling water, heat for 5 mn. After cooling, strain, use for lotions.
Leaves of wild strawberries Leave leaves, use for compresses.

Apply herbal infusions for baths and lotions recommended daily 2 - 3 times.

What is not recommended?

When swimming, it is forbidden to push the foreskin apart, making efforts. Contraindicated bath with sea salt.

Do not attempt to dilate the foreskin hole( there is a risk of injury and subsequent necrosis).

Prevention measures

It is impossible to prevent phimosis in children. Preventive measures are to prevent complications after surgery:

  • during the first 24 hours you can not remove a sterile bandage;
  • to remove the bandage on the second day it must be previously soaked in a solution of furatsilina;
  • apply on the wound recommended by the doctor ointment;
  • in the absence of redness and discharge from the wound after 48 hours, the dressing is not required.

In the absence of results from conservative treatment within 6 months, qualified medical care( surgical treatment) is required. With an early referral to the doctor and the proper performance of his appointments, it is possible to completely eliminate phimosis.