How to increase testosterone in men in natural ways, with the help of medicines and folk remedies

Why the hormone testosterone is needed

The sex hormone testosterone( androgen) is called a masculine entity. This is the leading androgen( steroid) in the body of a man, most of which is synthesized from cholesterol in the ovaries, a small amount is produced by the adrenal cortex. The effect of the hormone occurs in two main directions:

  • Androgenic. The hormone coordinates the functioning of the reproductive system. During puberty, adolescents promote the development of male organs and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Anabolic. Steroid takes part in the synthesis of endorphins, proteins, insulin, promotes the formation of muscles, affects the physical development of the body.

Testosterone performs many other important functions for human function:

  • is involved in metabolic processes;
  • regulates the level of sugar in the blood;
  • contributes to the formation of anatomical body shape;
  • influences potency, is responsible for the production of seminal fluid;
  • instagram viewer
  • increases sexual activity;
  • influences the regulation of spermatogenesis;
  • improves resistance to stress and mental stress.
  • is responsible for sexual functions;
  • controls body weight gain, inhibiting the growth of fat tissue, and getting into the blood, it participates in the processing of fats and complex carbohydrates into useful energy.

The level of testosterone in the body of a man depends on age, it participates in the most important processes in every period of life:

  • Embryonic. Under the influence of the hormone, the sex of the future child is formed, the fetus develops seminal vesicles, the prostate.
  • Pubertatnogo( the transition age in boys - from 13 to 16 years).Under the influence of testosterone occurs:
    1. enlargement of the chest, an increase in the shoulders, chin, jaw, forehead;
    2. build-up of muscle mass;
    3. forming an Adam's apple, coarsening the voice;
    4. hairs throughout the body: on the face, chest, legs, arms in the pubic and axillary region;
    5. increased genitalia;
    6. occurrence of reproductive function.
  • Maturity period( after 35 years).During this period, the concentration of androgen in the body of a man decreases, the extinction of sexual desire disappears, there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, failures in the work of the vegetative system.

Norms of the

test The level of testosterone can be determined by a blood test, but this figure varies throughout the day. The optimal androgen index is observed before lunch, and in the evening time - it falls dramatically. The testosterone rate varies throughout life. It depends on age:

  • to 18 years, the level of the hormone is constantly growing and reaches the highest values;
  • from 18 to 30 years, the maximum androgen concentration is fixed;
  • after 30 years - its production is gradually decreasing( annually by 1-2%).

The total content of the sex hormone in the blood consists of a free part - 2% and associated with proteins - 98%.The optimal values ​​of total androgen, depending on the age of the male, are as follows:


Indicator value, nmol / l

Indicator value, ng / mL

0 to 6 months



6 months-10 years

Up to 3.09

Up to 0.89

10-11 years



12-14 years






17-18 years



19-49 years



From 50 years



Free testosterone levels in men are given in the table:


Value, pg / mL

0-6 years old


6-13 years

up to 4.6

13-19 years


20-54 years


From the age of 55 years

0, 70-21,45

Signs and Causes of Deviation

Deficiency of the male sex hormone adversely affects the quality of health and vitality. The following factors can provoke a decrease in androgen in the absence of serious pathologies:

  • Addiction to alcohol. Abuse of alcohol produces a gradual withering of healthy cells, the complete extinction of the reproductive system and the brain.
  • Psychological loads. Regular experiences, stressful situations have a negative effect on the development of substances in the testes of men, lead to negative changes in the hormonal background.
  • Incorrect food intake. Excessive consumption of salt, sugar, caffeinated or carbonated drinks. The predominance in the daily menu of dishes that are able to lower the level of androgen also affects: fast food, confectionery, high-calorie, spicy, pickled, fatty, smoked food are dangerous.
  • Smoking, taking drugs. Harmful habits are critically reflected on the hormonal background, the work of the organs of the whole organism as a whole, significantly reduce the testosterone ratio.
  • Lack of regular sex life or overly active sex life.
  • Passive way of life. Sports activities have a positive effect on men's health and the production of androgen. Insufficient or excessive physical activity leads to a sharp decrease in the sex hormone ratio.
  • Disorder of the day, lack of sleep. Excess weight, obesity. A large amount of fat suppresses the production of the male sex hormone, and the production of estrogen( female hormones) is enhanced.
  • Poor environmental environment or work in hazardous industries.
  • Age changes.
  • Prolonged use of potent medications or addictive drugs. These are:
    • painkillers;
    • antiulcer;
    • antidepressants;
    • drugs that increase libido or erectile function.

Reduction in the level of the sex hormone can occur due to poisoning with toxins( bisphenol A, phthalates), active development of pathogenic organisms, hereditary predisposition, with a large number of bruises and brain concussions. The pathologies that indicate a low level of testosterone in men include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • heart palpitations;
  • elevated level of bilirubin;
  • kidney failure;
  • disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • subcooling;
  • disruption of normal functioning of the testicles, due to trauma, surgical intervention.
  • metabolic disorder;
  • elevated blood cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Total testosterone deficiency adversely affects the functioning of vital organs. A man experiences malaise, begins to look bad. The main visual signs of low levels of hormone are:

  • pale skin;
  • hair thinning on the body and face;
  • chilliness, a feeling of hypothermia;
  • yellowing of the eye protein;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
  • dry skin, the occurrence of many fine wrinkles in a short period of time.

To determine the exact concentration of the hormone in the blood can only be done by testing and laboratory tests, but there are indications in the behavior of a person that may indicate a decrease in androgen:

  • irritability, apathy, depressive state;
  • rapid emotional fatigue;
  • impaired concentration;
  • insomnia at night;
  • memory reduction;
  • drowsiness during the day.

On the part of masculine health, the following signs of a deficiency of androgen level appear:

  • problems with erection, premature ejaculation;
  • decrease in the amount of semen during ejaculation;
  • decrease in testes in size;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Other symptoms of lack of a sex hormone are:

  • decreased sexual desire;
  • rapid pulse;
  • muscle weakness, body aches, pain in the bones;
  • increased sweating;
  • weakening of bone tissue - a man becomes more vulnerable to fractures;
  • development of gynecomastia( growth of mammary glands);
  • rapid fatigue, poor endurance during exercise, physical exertion.

Many people mistakenly believe that an increased amount of androgen, which promotes an increase in the sex organs - is a big plus, but in fact an excess of the hormone causes testicular atrophy and leads to impotence. Reasons for an overabundance of the sex hormone are:

  • bad habits( addiction to smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • is a tumor that is formed in the testicles or adrenal glands;
  • Reifenstein's syndrome;
  • neoplasm in the pituitary gland;
  • early puberty, characterized by the presence of an enlarged penis and small testicles;
  • chronic ailments, obesity;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • poor sleep, lack of sleep;
  • irregular sexual life;
  • reception of hormonal preparations and means for increasing muscle mass;
  • regular stress, psychotrauma, shock;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • androsteroma.

An excess of androgen leaves an indelible effect on health. Recognize alarms can be due to such changes that have arisen in the behavior and body of a man:

  • irritability, impulsiveness, aggression;
  • a long erection, in some cases - painful sensations in her;
  • apathy, depression, melancholy, propensity to suicidal actions;
  • persistent headaches, migraines;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • appearance on the skin of acne or blackheads;
  • enhanced hair growth on the body and hair loss on the head;
  • rapid growth of muscle mass of the body.

Increased testosterone in men by natural methods

Before starting therapy with medications, doctors recommend that the testosterone level should be raised naturally, which is to observe the following recommendations:

  • proper nutrition;
  • weight normalization;
  • physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular sex life.


The production of hormones is a very complex, laborious process that requires the joint work of all organs and systems of the body. In order for androgen to be produced in the required amount, the diet should be reviewed and the necessary substances must be supplied. These are:

  • Minerals:
    1. Zinc. With a lack of zinc, there is a significant decrease in testosterone, it is found in seafood( crabs, shrimp, squid), fish( salmon, anchovies), nuts( walnuts, almonds, pistachios), sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
    2. Calcium. Contained in cheese, sesame nuts, red fish and seafood, green vegetables.
    3. Arginine - improves the secretion of androgen. Arginine is rich in peas, beans, sesame, nuts.
    4. Selenium - involved in the production of androgen, is found in garlic.
    5. Magnesium. This element is rich in lean meats, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables.
    6. Potassium. It is a component of cocoa, dried apricots, potatoes, almonds.
  • Vitamins:
    1. Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, is responsible for the body's defenses, prevents the transformation of the male sex hormone into a female hormone.
    2. acids omega-3 and omega-6 - contribute to the production of testosterone, are found in seafood and fish.
    3. Vitamin A - positively affects the synthesis of androgen.
    4. vitamin E - helps insulin in the fight against high blood sugar, protects androgen molecules from decay.
    5. vitamin B.
  • Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Substances are the basis of human nutrition and life, without them, no biochemical process, including androgen synthesis, is possible. Useful fats are rich in linseed, olive, peanut butter, bananas, egg yolks, proteins - meat and dairy products.
  • Pure water.

For good testosterone production, you must adhere to the rules of proper nutrition. Products should be chosen only natural, fresh, try not to overeat, eat small portions, but often, drink plenty of water. In the men's daily menu, the following products should be:

  • greens( vegetable form of androgen) - dill, parsley, spinach;
  • dried fruits;
  • porridge - buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, rice;
  • fish and seafood;
  • meat;
  • spices - curry, turmeric, cardamom;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • eggs and dairy products;
  • vegetables - carrots, aubergines, avocados, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, celery;
  • fruit and berries.

Many men, trying to increase testosterone, eat everything, but there are products that can reduce the level of androgen. These include:

  • sugar;
  • white bread, pastries, pasta;
  • salt( in large quantities, the daily norm is not more than 3 g);
  • caffeine containing drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • soy products, containing in their composition female hormones, which have a depressing effect on the production of testosterone;
  • vegetable oils( with an overabundance) - corn, linseed, sunflower;
  • spirits;
  • fried, fatty, smoked dishes;Sweet and fizzy drinks
  • .


You can achieve an increase in androgen levels by observing the right lifestyle. It should consist of such key points:

  • Minimum of stressful situations. Continuous experiences, neuroses, stresses produce to the development of a stress hormone( cortisol), which blocks the action of androgen. Raise the level of the sex hormone will help yoga, respiratory gymnastics.
  • Outdoor activities, the sun. Swimming in the pool, the river or the sea, walks have a positive effect on men's health and the development of testosterone. It is useful to sunbathe( but not for long, up to 20 minutes weekly) - ultraviolet irradiation activates the production of sex hormones.
  • Intermittent fasting. Periodic abstinence( from 16 hours to 2 days) of food intake contributes to better health, cleansing and rejuvenating the body, restoring hormonal balance, increasing testosterone levels several times.
  • Doing sports. Strength exercises, bring the greatest effect. During such exercises, large muscles of the legs, back, hands develop. Training is recommended to be held before lunch( 2-3 times per week), the optimal duration of the session is up to 1 hour.
  • Active sex life. Frequent sex and flirting stimulate the production of male hormones.
  • Compliance with wakefulness and sleep. The production of most sex hormones occurs at a time when a man is fast asleep. A healthy sleep should be given at least 7 hours a day.

Testosterone preparations for men

Medical agents for androgen enhancement may be prescribed exclusively by physicians by conducting all necessary laboratory tests. The drugs are prescribed at a hormone level below 10 nanomol per liter. Anabolics that increase the level of testosterone in the body of a man, differ in the form of release:

  • Solutions for injection( Nebido, Sustanon 250, Testen-100, Testeks).The injections immediately deliver the steroid to the shelter, but the hormone injections are very painful, in their place can be formed bruises. The therapeutic effect of a single injection lasts from 3 days to 3 months.
  • Transdermal patches( Androderm).You can glue on any part of the body, the active substance, when in contact with the skin quickly penetrates into the blood, but patches often cause skin rashes.
  • Capsules and tablets to increase testosterone in men( Anriol, Tamoxifen).When taking the medication, the oral therapeutic effect is achieved quickly, but also passes quickly - because the active substance is not retained for a long time by the body.
  • Creams, gels, ointments( Androgel).The active component of the agent quickly penetrates into the blood, but with frequent and prolonged use, allergic reactions are possible.
  • Subcutaneous implants. These are small capsules with a hormone that is injected under the skin, where its gradual( up to 6 months) release occurs.

To help drugs resorted to a neglected form of disorder. The effectiveness is different:

  • Andriol - capsules with a dosage of 40 mg. The daily norm is 3-4 capsules, take the drug for 2-3 weeks.
  • Omnadren is an oily solution for injection. Enter 1 ampoule once a month.
  • Nebido - solution, for intramuscular injection. The active substance is testosterone undecanoate. Enter the medicine 1 time( 1 ampoule) every 3-4 months.
  • Androgel is a colorless, transparent gel. The product is applied to clean dry skin of the shoulders and abdomen, 5 g daily. The course of therapy is determined by a specialist.

To take drugs with testosterone should be under the supervision of physicians, periodically giving tests to control the concentration and condition of internal organs. Long-term use of anabolics( the more often athletes, bodybuilders are fond of) can lead to undesirable complications, such as:

  • swelling;
  • aggression;
  • inhibition of androgen production by the body;
  • intensive growth of the hairline throughout the body;
  • baldness;
  • increased risk of oncological diseases;
  • development of gynecomastia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infertility.

Increased testosterone in men with folk remedies

Natural remedies used in folk medicine are often not inferior in effectiveness to medication. Natural components for normalizing the level of androgen are much safer for the body of men, do not require medical appointment and have a relatively low price. Potency and testosterone are increased with:

  • Ginger root. The crushed root of the plant( 10 g) is poured with boiling water( 150 ml), cooked on low heat for 10-15 minutes and insisted for 6 hours. Then take 50 ml three times a day for a month.
  • Dried St. John's Wort. Use the grass instead of tea leaves for tea, it is poured with boiling water and take 1 glass 3-4 times per day. Term therapy - 2-3 weeks.
  • Love. The plant is used for bathing( from the grass make a steep broth and poured into the bathroom) or taken orally by 1 tsp.decoction every 3-4 hours throughout the day.
  • Eleutherococcus. Dry plant( 2.5 tablespoons) pour alcohol( 250 ml), insist 3 weeks. The finished extract takes a month, 25 drops daily.
  • Hop cones. Hops cones need to be lowered into boiling water, boil for another 10 minutes on low heat. Cooled down drink for 0.5 the morning and in the evening.
  • of Ginseng. For the treatment, the root of the plant is used as a tonic, increasing the erection, the level of androgen.
  • The crook of the creeper. Use crushed dried herb( 0.5 tbsp), which is poured with boiling water( 1 tbsp.), Leave to stand for 4-5 hours. Tincture is taken twice a day for 1/3 cup.


Modern men( especially young men) often lead an incorrect lifestyle, including unbalanced nutrition, late sleep, lack of sleep, smoking, drinking alcohol, minimal physical activity. This adversely affects the quality of health and affects the decline in the production of sex hormones( testosterone).Learn how you can increase the testosterone level in a natural way, with the help of medicines and folk methods.