The incubation period of botulism

  • Through how much botulism manifests?
  • Short incubation period
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Botulism is a dangerous infectious disease that develops as a result of the penetration of botulinum toxin into the body. The main source of infection is food. Botulism is considered a deadly disease. According to statistics, approximately one thousand people a year around the world is diagnosed with "botulism".

The average incubation period of botulism lasts from several hours to one day. The disease leads to severe damage to the nervous system. Infected persons may develop paralysis of the respiratory muscles. In patients, impaired vision, swallowing, speech and respiratory depression occurs. A life-threatening complication is sepsis.

The constant site of the clostridium of botulism, the causative agent of the disease, is the soil. It forms spores that are resistant to physical and chemical effects. Clostridium itself does not cause botulism, the toxins present are a danger. To develop intoxication, even a small amount of toxin is required.

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Botulinum toxin is an anaerobic, which means that it begins to accumulate in an environment with a small amount of oxygen. Poisoning can occur with the use of ham, sausage, salted fish, as well as canned vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Important! To date, botulinum toxin is the most toxic substance. At the same time, an infected person is not dangerous to others.

So, after what time toxin poisoning manifests itself? Consider the features of the incubation period.

After infection, the first symptoms usually appear in the first few hours

Through how much botulism manifests?

The duration of the incubation period depends on the number of infectious agents that have penetrated the human body. In some cases, this period can be ten days, but this happens rarely. There were even recorded cases of lengthening the period from poisoning to the appearance of clinical symptoms due to the use of alcoholic beverages.

The disease appears suddenly and the first signs resemble the symptoms of food intoxication. Toxic substances from infected foods quickly penetrate the intestines, after which they are absorbed into the circulatory system, spreading throughout the body. Toxic damage disables vital organs and systems.

Headache and abdominal pain

Specialists distinguish two forms of botulism: spore and vegetative. The second type of infection can be eliminated with a five-minute boil.

As for the spore form, it survives even after boiling for several hours. Under normal conditions, botulinum toxin can exist for a year, while maintaining even frost and heat.

The insidiousness of vegetative forms lies in the fact that with a slight heating they form spores that can germinate in six months. Such disputes are insensitive to neither freezing, nor drying out, and even the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Cooking salt is not able to fight botulinum toxins, they do not even die under the influence of gastric juice. The only effective preventative measure is boiling.

Short incubation period of

The main symptom of the disease is neurological disorders. Only in fifty percent of cases patients show signs of gastroenteritis and symptoms of general intoxication.

Important! In most cases, the less the incubation period lasts, the harder the disease progresses.

Patients can complain of abdominal pain, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, headaches, fever to forty. Then comes atony of the intestines, because of which diarrhea is replaced by constipation. Also, the temperature is normalized.

A rapid manifestation of symptoms usually occurs with severe toxin toxicity.

A mild form is characterized by the defeat of the oculomotor muscles. An infected person has a visual impairment. In patients, a veil appears before the eyes, the doubling of objects, muscle weakness, the descent of the upper eyelid. It is difficult for them to hold their heads and it is difficult to stick their tongue out of the mouth.

In convalescents, residual effects persist for several months. The disease causes serious complications in the form of pneumonia, myocarditis and blood infection. The key to successful therapy of botulism is timely assistance.

If you have the first signs of botulism, you should immediately call an ambulance. The disease is difficult to treat. The basis of treatment is the use of anti-botulinum serum.

There is no doubt that botulism is a deadly disease. Timely measures and treatment will help bring the patient to full recovery, and further prevention will help to avoid relapse. Take care of your health, always carefully read the information on the shelf life of the goods.

The botulinum toxin-affected preservation can be visually seen on the swollen lid. Do not buy fish and meat products in spontaneous markets. Wash your hands before eating, always subject food to heat. Remember, your health is in your hands!

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