Diet for stomach cancer

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  • General recommendations
  • Recommended products
  • What can not be eaten?
  • Diet after operation
  • Nutrition for chemotherapy
  • Ration for stomach cancer 4 degrees
  • Video on topic

Gastric cancer is an extremely dangerous disease, which is virtually impossible to detect at early stages. Initially, patients may be disturbed by nausea and pain in the upper abdomen, but who thinks that these are signs of oncology. All write off this for an ordinary gastritis.

In the pathological process, the mucous membrane of the organ is first affected, after which metastases appear in nearby organs and even in the lungs. The question of provoking factors of stomach cancer remains open among scientists. Still, experts distinguish several theories regarding the etiology( cause) of this ailment.

It has long been known that Helicobacter pylori infection can cause gastritis and ulcers, a disease that can eventually degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Risks of oncology increase improper nutrition. Abuse of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, smoked food can eventually lead to the formation of atypical cells.

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Overeating, snacks on the go, eating dry, radical diets - all this overloads and weakens the stomach. Scientists also note the role of nitrates and nitrites in the development of pathology. These substances disrupt the integrity of healthy cells, provoking their malignant degeneration. Sources of such chemically active substances are vegetables.

Radiation exposure, long-term drug therapy, bad habits - this is not a complete list of all factors that negatively affect the work of the digestive tract. The disease begins with signs that are characteristic for all cancer processes: chronic fatigue, rapid fatigue, causeless and severe weight loss.

Other symptoms can also indicate the presence of the pathological process, which patients often simply do not pay attention to: abdominal swelling and heaviness after eating, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, heartburn, difficulty swallowing. In this article, let's talk about what you can eat with stomach cancer. We will find out which medical table is shown to patients and which products will have to be abandoned.

Diet for stomach cancer is just as important as medical therapy

General recommendations

Therapeutic therapy in the early stages can lead to complete recovery. That's why experts recommend to carry out endoscopic diagnostics every year. Not all causes of cancer can be affected, but there are simple preventive measures that will help reduce the likelihood of an illness:

Diet for vomiting
  • regular and thorough examination in the presence of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, polyposis and anemia;
  • power adjustment. Restriction of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked food, and also alcoholic beverages;
  • is attentive to the choice of vegetables, which can be a source of carcinogens, nitrates and nitrites;
  • dishes that are served to the table, should be comfortable temperature, which corresponds to the temperature of the human body;
  • observance of the measure while taking medications;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • adherence to the correct diet, involving the exclusion of overeating and too frequent breaks between meals.

In the day menu, patients with stomach cancer enter those foods and dishes that correspond to the treatment table number 1. The basis of the diet should be food that is easily digested and contains a large number of nutrients. Dietary nutrition is selected by a qualified physician, depending on the stage of the pathological process.

Diet for stomach cancer involves cooking the food for a couple, cooking, baking, quenching
Important! Dishes should be served in a crushed, scraped form, especially in patients, after chemotherapy and surgery.

Nutrition for stomach cancer involves frequent meals in small portions. In order to avoid psychological discomfort and a sense of deprivation, it is better to buy plates of small sizes. Such a measure will improve the process of digestion and reduce the load from the stomach.

In order not to irritate and so inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach in the diet should be minimized the amount of salt consumed. Patients will have to completely abandon the spices and seasonings. It is best to eat fresh dishes that were cooked just before serving.

Patients with this diagnosis need an increased intake of easily digestible protein. They are recommended to introduce into the diet turkey, chicken, river fish, lentils, peas, low-fat cottage cheese. To combat the disease can not do without complex carbohydrates: vegetables, cereals, bread, nuts, fruits, cereals.

Recommended products

After the diagnosis of "stomach cancer" patients are shown a gentle diet, which is based on cereals and vegetables. With cancer of the stomach, products with antitumor activity will be useful:

  • color and Peking cabbage, broccoli, radish;
  • carrots, red pepper, beets, tomatoes;
  • red and orange fruits and berries;
  • fish and seafood;
  • soy products;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic and onion;
  • artichoke, nettle, green dandelion shoots.

You can enrich the diet of patients with cancer with the help of such dishes:

  • milk cream soups with the addition of vegetables and cereals;
  • steam fish cutlets;
  • vegetable puree;
  • liquid, well-boiled porridge;
  • non-acid curd;
  • dried yesterday's bread;
  • steam omelettes.

When oncology it is recommended to eat puree food

What can not be eaten?

Regardless of the stage of cancer, patients are forbidden to eat foods with dyes, preservatives and flavors. Oily and overcooked dishes are a source of carcinogens that can cause oncology. Rough, salty, hot, hot food damages the mucous membrane of the stomach, reducing its resistance to harmful substances.

The diet will completely eliminate strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, soda, fast food. To the list of forbidden foods, you can also include other products:

  • beans;
  • beef, trout;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickles, marinades, smoked products;
  • fatty broth;
  • sour fruits and unripe vegetables;
  • confectionery, baking.
It's forbidden to eat bean products with stomach cancer.

Diet after operation

There are several types of gastrectomy. With partial removal only the lower half of the organ. If the stomach is removed completely, then the esophagus connects with the small intestine. Prior to surgery, the patient should undergo a series of examinations and stop taking certain medications. The patient should quit smoking, as this habit can create a number of difficulties in the rehabilitation period.

After a gastrectomy, a person experiences discomfort for some time, manifested as severe and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other digestive disorders. Food does not stay in the stomach, but quickly enters the intestine, because of this, the following symptoms occur: weakness, hyperhidrosis( sweating), flatulence, tachycardia, drowsiness, heaviness in epigastrium.

To avoid unpleasant sensations, patients after removing a part of the stomach are recommended to eat in small portions, slowly, chewing food carefully. Often after removal of the stomach, there are problems with swallowing. Food is only partially digested, so it should come in small quantities.

When gastric resection, patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • thorough mastication of food;
  • reduced portions;
  • fractional power;
  • the use of the wiped dishes;
  • rejection of products with high fiber content;
  • the use of products with vitamins, calcium and iron;
  • reception of vitamin supplements.

After the operation, there will be unpleasant feelings in the abdomen, which can be corrected with the correct dietary regimen

Immediately after the surgical intervention, patients are shown intravenous administration of nutrients. Then the patient is gradually transferred to the standard way of eating. To reduce discomfort, you should eat without getting out of bed. Eat at least ten times a day. Even liquid food should be chewed thoroughly. When removing the greater part of the organ with a difficult swallowing process, the probe nutrition is shown.

Important! Before the operation, the diet should consist of easily assimilated food, ninety per cent of which must be vegetable fiber.

In the first three days after resection, abstinence from food and abundant fluid intake are shown. Thanks to hunger, the inner seams will heal faster. On the fourth day, liquid low-fat broth with the addition of wiped vegetables and cereals are allowed. From the second week, the menu introduces dishes from vegetables and cereals in a nutshell.

Nutrition for chemotherapy

Suspension of the process of division of atypical cells can be achieved with the use of potent drugs. Unfortunately, these drugs do not act selectively, specifically destroying the tumor and metastases, their use affects the work of the whole organism as a whole. This is an aggressive form of therapy, which has a lot of side effects, among which:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • nail brittleness;
  • hair loss.

Diet for chemotherapy will help the body withstand the aggressive effects of medicines

The diet should necessarily introduce dairy products. They include vitamins and calcium, which contribute to the early recovery of a weakened organism. From protein products, preference should be given to eggs, liver, and low-fat varieties of meat and fish.

You can not do without seafood. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anticancer activity. Patients should consume large amounts of vegetables and fruits in raw, boiled or dried form. Often after chemotherapy, patients experience nausea and vomiting. Cope with unpleasant symptoms will help not only antiemetics, but also proper nutrition.

In this case it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if possible, do not participate in cooking;
  • before meals, hold in your mouth ice cubes or sour fruit, for example, cherry plum, lemon or lime;
  • to refuse milk, spicy, spicy dishes, as well as fatty and fried foods;
  • restriction of products that have a specific flavor and strong odor;
  • avoiding that the stomach is full. For this, you can not drink food with water, eat small portions and thoroughly chew food;
  • drink water one hour before meals or an hour after eating;
  • to eliminate a nausea attack will help mint lozenges or chewing gum;
  • is prohibited from eating food before introducing strong remedies.

Cope with nausea after chemotherapy will help a piece of lemon. As a side effect after chemotherapy, stomatitis may occur. In this case, such advice will help. Food should be warm and mashed. The basis of the diet consists of soups, mashed potatoes, mashed porridge, jelly, yoghurts, soft-boiled eggs. In the diet it is useful to include milk ice cream and chilled pulp of watermelon and melon.

It is useful to hold an ice cube in your mouth, after eating, the oral cavity is treated with an egg solution and an antiseptic. In cases of hemopoiesis violations in order to maintain bone marrow in the menu, it is necessary to introduce such products: fruit and vegetables, including freshly squeezed juices, sprouted wheat grains, caviar, walnuts, egg white.

Ration for stomach cancer of the 4th degree

In case of stomach cancer of the 4th stage, it is not a complete cure. With adequate treatment, doctors manage to prolong the life of the patient, improve the quality of life and relieve suffering. At this stage of the pathological process, symptoms appear:

  • vomiting with blood impurities;
  • intense abdominal pains of a persistent nature;
  • general weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • sensation of fullness of the stomach, even with small portions.

In cancer with metastases, the food should be consumed in liquid form
Important! If the neoplasm interferes with the filling of the stomach and its further movement into the intestine, feeding through the parenteral tube is practiced.

Nutrition with advanced cancer with metastasis largely depends on the degree of damage to the stomach. If the patient can eat independently, then the diet should consist of liquid and mushy dishes. Patients will have to give up red meat and the same color of fish, sauces, rich broths, as well as canned, pickled and pickled vegetables.

Animal fats, legumes, mushrooms, honey, sugar - it's all also banned. So, the diet for stomach cancer plays a huge role. The disease is easier to treat in the early stages, which is why it is so important to conduct diagnostics in a timely manner.

The menu is selected by a qualified specialist based on the stage of the process, the degree of organ damage and patient complaints. It is recommended to eat dishes in the form of a puree-like consistency. Products should be steamed or boiled. The drinking regime is also important. Compliance with medical recommendations will help prolong the life of a patient with stomach cancer!