Treatment of cataract without surgery

Cataract treatment without surgery is very difficult. Experts believe that clouding the lens is an irreversible process. However, in rare cases, ophthalmologists speak of not significant improvements.

In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to cure cataracts without surgical intervention, and tell you which treatment methods are most effective.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

A couple of years ago, for people at the age of sixty, the diagnosis of cataract was a verdict.The older the person, the less transparent his lens becomes, and the worse the vision becomes. Cataract is a very dangerous disease that is slowly developing.Therefore, a person can not immediately notice any significant symptoms, and the trip to the doctor is postponed for a long time.

Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose cataracts at an early stage.

Cataract can develop under the influence of internal and external factors.

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Often it is associated with age-related changes in the body and a disease such as, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Congenital cataracts may appear if, during pregnancy, a woman has been ill with any infectious illness, for example, rubella, herpes, if she took strong medicines or was exposed to radiation effects.

Cataract can affect as one eye, and immediately two. If the cataract is not a consequence of trauma, then the opacity of the lens is symmetrical on both sides.

Depending on the place of turbidity, the cataract is divided into anterior, posterior, nuclear, cortical and total.

Stages of cataract:

  1. The initial.The lens is transparent, but there are small, cloudy areas.
  2. Immature. The lens is noticeably cloudy. Sight falls. Intraocular pressure increases.
  3. Mature.The lens is completely cloudy. Vision is completely reduced.
  4. Liquefaction of the lens.Vision is greatly reduced, but can sometimes improve.
Types of cataracts


The main reason why cataracts can develop is natural physiological aging.Provoke this disease can and problems with the endocrine system, with the metabolism, diabetes, vitamin deficiency and so on.

Other causes of cataracts include heredity, the presence of a number of eye pathologies or injuries, poor ecology, and the use of certain medicines.


Depending on the degree of damage to the lens, the symptoms of cataract are different. But the most basic signs that will prompt a problem are:

  1. There is a double vision in one eye, when the other is closed.This symptom is manifested at an early stage, and as the cataract progresses it disappears.
  2. Objects become vague and indistinct at any distance, even in glasses or lenses.
  3. At night (less often during the day) bright flashes and glare appear.
  4. The eyes become sensitive to light, and at night vision deteriorates significantly.
  5. Around the light sources there are ghosts.
  6. The perception of colors is disturbed, they do not seem as bright as before. This is especially true of purple and blue.
  7. Vision may become better for a while, but then falls back again.
  8. More frequent change of glasses or lenses is required, as vision quickly decreases.
  9. It becomes difficult to read, to work with small details.

In people over 60 years old, gray or white opacities in different parts of the eye may be seen during examination.


Diagnosis of cataracts is possible only at a reception with an ophthalmologist. It is very important to begin treatment as soon as possible and not to pull, otherwise it may be too late.

The main way to diagnose cataracts is to examine the fundus by which you can see the presence of certain changes or opacities.

What is ophthalmoscopy of the fundus will tell this article.

To study the eyes in more detail, biomicroscopy is used. It makes it possible to see the lens in an enlarged size.

  • The anterior cataract is manifested in the form of a spot of white color, which has flat boundaries.
  • The posterior cataract is represented as a white ball.
  • Central cataract has the form of a ball located in the center of the lens.
  • The spindle-shaped cataract has the appearance of a thin spindle, located along the entire length of the lens.
  • If the lens becomes cloudy and forms a dense bag, then a dense soft cataract is diagnosed.
  • Diabetic cataract looks like white flakes on the surface of the lens.
Complication of cataract retinal detachment


Currently, a variety of eye drops and ointments are used to treat cataracts.They can include vitamin complexes, hormones, substances of plant and animal origin.But ointments and drops are only substitution therapy, which provides the eyes with the necessary useful substances, which are so lacking, and because of what could have appeared cataract.

Why use vitamin drops for the eyes read here.

Cataracts can not be cured without surgery, but it is possible to slow down its development with the help of medications at an early stage.

As treatment with the help of medicines, the following can be appointed:

  1. Drops with vitamin complexes, which contain nicotinic acid. This acid helps to deliver vitamin C to the eyes.
  2. Drops with magnesium, potassium, calcium, cysteine, zinc. Zinc allows to restore the epithelium of the lens.
  3. Methyluracil. It helps to store in the lens nicotinic acid.
  4. Drops with riboflavin, insulin.
Cataract drops

Recipes of traditional medicine, too, will prove effective only at the initial stage of cataract development. People's methods need to be treated for a long time, and all the components used must be fresh (no more than two days).

Some folk remedies for treating cataracts:

  1. Honey drops. Dilute boiled water in May honey and drip two or three times a day for two drops. Do this for two months.
  2. Washing with infusion of woodlice.The juice of the lice is mixed with water in a combination of one to one, insist twenty minutes. Flush eyes five times a day.
  3. Drops of blueberries.Juice of berries mixed with water in a proportion of one to two and drip into the eye once a day for several months.
  4. Washing the broth with the brooch.Pour three teaspoons of enchanters with two glasses of boiling water. After cooling, rinse the eyes or do compresses.


If you do not find a cataract in time and you delay with treatment for a long time, complications such as:

  • Complete loss of vision.In cataracts, blindness occurs very slowly, so with timely treatment, it can be avoided.
  • Dislocation of the lens.The lens moves or breaks. There is a sharp deterioration in vision. Such a lens needs to be removed.
  • Faciolitic iridocyclitis.It appears due to inflammation of the iris or ciliary body. This causes severe pain in the eyes and head, the vessels turn blue or red, the pupil movements become difficult.
  • Phacogenic glaucoma.The lens increases, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Obscuration amblyopia. This complication is typical for children. The retina atrophies and ceases to function normally.

How to detect obscurative amblyopia you will learn from this article.



Prophylaxis is aimed at eliminating the reasons why the lens may grow dull.

Therefore, it is necessary to abandon such harmful habits as alcohol and smoking, monitor the level cholesterol and sugar in the blood, control your blood pressure, reduce excess weight, move to a healthy food.

In addition, it is necessary to fight a high degree of myopia and treat all inflammatory eye diseases, such as uveitis and iridocyclitis.

What is a high degree of myopia read here.



If you find the first symptoms of cataracts, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Do not self-medicate. It is better to direct all your forces to fight this dangerous disease and not let it lead to complete blindness.

Phacoemulsification is an effective method for controlling cataracts, for more details read in this article.