Gymnastics for eyes with myopia: basic exercises and rules for their implementation
Myopia is the most common visual defect. There is myopia due to abnormal changes in refraction. The most obvious reason is an increase in the eyeball, as a result of which the image is focused not on the retina, but in front of it, and the picture turns out to be fuzzy, blurry (it's about deleted objects).
For the treatment of myopia, contact lenses (conventional and night wear), glasses, hardware techniques, vitamin therapy, surgery and gymnastics are used. Special exercises do not present difficulties in implementation and give very good results with relatively small distortions of vision.
1Than gymnastics for the eyes is useful
2The list of exercises
2.1Accommodation training
2.2Bates System
2.3Corbett System
2.4Gymnastics for Agarwal
Than gymnastics for the eyes is useful
Gymnastics for the eyes gives a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the normalization of blood supply in the eye tissues and training responsible for the accommodation of the lens of the muscles.
The maximum results it gives with simultaneous use of optical correction and a change in the diet.
Do you want the exercises for the eyes to give the maximum results? Enter in the diet a sufficient number of vitamins A, E and C.
Perform the exercises need to be systematically.Carefully study the complexes described below and follow them strictly in accordance with the recommendations - if it is written that you need to move your eyes smoothly, do it just like that. ATthe success of classes depends on the correctness of breathing - you need a lot of oxygen for training.And do not bet on the amount - it's better to do gymnastics carefully and regularly, but not much, but as horrible and once again.
The list of exercises
Myopia develops as a result of refraction anomalies.In modern ophthalmology, there are a number of techniques that can improve vision without surgery. How effective they are, it is difficult to say for sure - everything depends on the correctness of the choice of the scheme, the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of distortion of vision. Next, we describe the main complexes of exercises that perform with myopia.
Gymnastics for the eyes really works, but the success of training depends largely on the initial indicators of dysfunction.
Accommodation training
Classic ccomodotraining is a complex of gymnastic exercises that are performed when short-sightedness in the treatment of existing vision problems and to prevent the development of abnormalities in future.They relax the lumen of the lens, connect accommodative muscular reserves, activate the work of the ciliary muscle.
Exercise training:
Perform fast blinking movements for several minutes at a time.
First, spread out your eyes, and then translate it to the tip of your fingerBefore the nose and fix the sight at this point for 5 seconds, again spread out.Repeat 15 times without pausing.
Bring a finger close to the nose and focus on it for 5 seconds, start to bring your finger to the nose until the picture begins to double. Do 10 repetitions.
Squint for 5 seconds, then open your eyes and relax.. Do 8-10 cycles.
Place the left hand finger 2 cm from the nose, close the right eye with the palm of the free hand and concentrate for 5 seconds at the tip of the finger. Repeat with the second eye. It is enough 10-12 repetitions.
Close your eyes and massage them for 12 seconds.
Lower the finger located in front of the nose to the waist, then start lifting it upwards, carefully following the views. You need 6 repetitions.
Stand up straight and as far as possible, take your eye to one side. Move to another.Repeat 10 times. You can not move your head and your eyes.
Accomodotraining is an excellent tool for the treatment of myopia of medium and small extent. Like other exercises, which will be discussed later, with strong myopia, it does not help.
Bates System
This system was developed by Bates.Provided regular training, it also gives good results in treating myopia:
Open the book and look at its letters with the most convenient distance for you.Now close your eyes and imagine the text that you just saw. Open your eyes in a minute. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The darker the image (in this case, the contrast of the text), the easier it will be to remember it.
Imagine a large palette of bright colors, visualize each of them for a few seconds,then abruptly switch to a new shade. When the spectrum is over, start over. The training time is 10 minutes. It is convenient to count to about one hundred.
Imagine that you are looking at a beautiful flower, detail it to the smallest detail (petals, stem and so on). Perform all actions without tension, make sure that the objects have high definition, in parallel, consider to yourself to a hundred.
Place a classical eye examination table 5 cm away from you.Read carefully all those lines that you see without squinting. Remember the largest letter and represent it, as much as possible dimming. Open your eyes and look at it. If you did everything correctly, the letter in reality should become clear.
Remember the small letters and numbers.The principle is the same as in Exercise n. 4, but letters will need to be presented in a reduced form.
Palming (account to about one hundred) is performed within the system in each exercise.
Corbett System
M.D. Corbett developed her own system of gymnastics for the eyes with myopia.Its complex involves the use of the Sivtsev table, the main principle of the exercises is to memorize and recognize the letters.
The meaning of the Corbett system is a reduction in voltage when looking at the letters of the Sivtsev table.
Do not treat the table as a test pattern - it is rather a mechanism for obtaining the desired result. Before starting workout, stretch the muscles of the neck and draw a palm.Then take two tablets Sivtsev - the usual large and small. The first will be placed at a distance of 2 m from you, and the second directly in front of your eyes. Read the letters on the mini-table, pull it in your hand, repeat the procedure. Then look at the big plate and work with the same line.
Sivtsev's table
To work with tables it is necessary strictly line by line.
After a few days of active training, a large table will become clear for you, so move it half a meter.
Gymnastics for Agarwal
R.S. Agarwal developed a system of vision correction using the data of ancient Indian treatises.It is based on the following principles:
Elimination- when looking at objects, efforts are decentralized. That is, the vision does not need to be strained - let it be passive (this will help reduce the burden on accommodative muscles).
Stimulation- this principle contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the capillaries, to the improvement of the sensitivity of the retina. Breathe deeply, read small fonts in good light.
Relaxation- and not only the eyes, but the psyche are relaxed. To help in this case, again comes palming, as well as a detached view, lack of concentration.Exercises for the eyes
Agarwal uses the same exercises that Bates, recommending in addition to include in the complex of games with bright balls, puzzles, puzzles, speed reading, embroidery and frequent long walks on nature.
What is defocusing vision and how to restore a violation of accommodation
Treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns and methods of prevention are described here.
About treatment of macular degeneration of the retina, this article will tell.
Special gymnastics is an effective therapeutic tool that promotes vision improvement with myopia. It also has an excellent preventive effect and can be performed if the eyes are completely healthy. The main thing is to approach the business responsibly and tune in to a permanent job.
Read about the methods of diagnosis of abnormalities in vision - visometry and pachymetry.