Village vision: what to do?

Eyes are a unique organ through which we receive up to eighty percent of information.Often we do not attach importance to the fact that our vision has worsened, referring to age, overwork and other reasons. But reduction of visual acuity in most cases is a signal of development of diseases of the lens, retina, cornea, lesions of the vessels of the eyes or its tissues. How to restore vision at home read in this article.


  • 1Causes of eye diseases
  • 2Prevention of eye diseases
  • 3What to do if the vision has fallen
  • 4Symptoms of which diseases can be this factor
  • 5Modern recovery methods
  • 6Tips for the care of eyesight
    • 6.1ethnoscience
    • 6.2Charge for the eyes
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Causes of eye diseases

The reasons for which various eye diseases can occur are divided into two groups:

  1. External causes- damage caused by mechanical impact on the eyeball.
  2. Internal causes- the result of diseases and disruption of the immune system.

For external reasons, usually include the following damage:

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  • Injuries of the eyes.Injuries are mechanical and burn. Both the first and second represent a serious threat to vision, as they are fraught with various adverse consequences.
  • Infectious, viral, fungal infections of the eyes.Immediate and timely medical attention is required, since the consequences of these lesions are very dangerous and threaten not only blindness, but death.

Internal causes are those that are hereditary, or are the result of various failures in the body.

These include:

  • Congenital pathologies of vision, such as nearsightedness, glaucoma and cataract.
  • Age-related farsightedness.
  • Pathologies of the organs of vision, which were formed in the embryonic period of development.
  • Other diseases that do not concern the organs of vision, but which affect the functioning of the eyes, for example, diabetes, high blood pressure.
  • The processes of tumor development and various autoimmune diseases.

Other reasons why the health of our eyes may worsen are:

  1. Poor environmental conditions.
  2. Unfavorable economic situation.
  3. Heart disease and metabolic problems.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. Inability to withstand stressful situations.
  6. Wrong food, lack of vitamins.

Prevention of eye diseases

To prevent the development of eye diseases, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis. There are quite a few different techniques and techniques that have a very good effect on eye health.

The most effective preventive measures:

  1. Warm up for the eyes.Next, you will learn about the most effective exercises.
  2. Cold water.Cold perfectly stimulates the eyes, so it is recommended to lower your face in cold water for four to five seconds. This needs to be done several times.
  3. Regular visit to the ophthalmologist.This will help to detect problems in a timely manner, as well as to control the general state of vision.
  4. Treatment of chronic diseases.Diabetes mellitus is a common cause of ocular diseases. Therefore, diabetics need to carefully monitor the level of sugar, and regularly monitored by both the endocrinologist and the ophthalmologist.
  5. Eye massage.It should be done with the thumb, starting from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye and along the entire length of the eyebrow. You can gently massage the eyeball, the eyelids should be closed.

What to do if the vision has fallen

If you notice that your vision has fallen, you should think about resting your eyes more often.In addition, it is recommended to do special exercises that help to relax the eye muscles.

Vision can fall not only from a permanent job at the computer, but also because of emotional overstrain. The state of the nervous system greatly influences the development of diseases.

In this case, meditation can help.In addition, you can use various sets of exercises to train the eye muscles.But first of all, you should go to an ophthalmologist and undergo a checkup, as the vision could have worsened as a result of the development of a disease that requires compulsory treatment.

If the vision is difficult to restore, the ophthalmologist can advise the use of contact optics

Symptoms of which diseases can be this factor

Vision falls for many reasons. Often this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

Check of vision at the ophthalmologist
  1. Retinal detachment.Reduction of visual acuity occurs as a result of separation of the retina from the choroid of the eyes. To restore vision, it is necessary to resort to a surgical operation.
  2. Macular degeneration of the eye.This disease manifests itself at the age of about fifty five years, while the yellow body is affected. This disease is treated with the help of a laser, photodynamic therapy or with the help of medications.
  3. Diabetic retinopathy. It occurs in diabetic patients and is caused by the destruction of the walls of the vessels of the retina, which leads to a violation of blood circulation.
  4. Rupture of the retina and detachment of the vitreous.With age, the vitreous becomes less elastic and dense, because it can separate from the retina, which eventually can tear or flake. Treatment is carried out surgically.
  5. Cataract.Cataract develops because of a disturbance in metabolism, trauma, and exposure to free radicals. The initial stage of cataract is treated with medication, and in more severe cases, a surgical procedure is used.
  6. Myopia and hyperopia.Reducing the sight in most cases can indicate the development of the disease, which can be treated with glasses, lenses, laser surgery and so on.
  7. Injuries of the eyes.Vision may fall due to various injuries that can be caused by burns, foreign objects entering the eyes, bruises, bleeding in the retina or eye socket or injuries.
  8. Belmo.Belmo or opacity of the cornea is characterized by the fact that vision is reduced as a result of the formation of an infiltrate on the surface of the cornea. To get rid of this problem it is possible with the help of drops or keratoplasty.
  9. Corneal ulcer.An ulcer occurs in the case of infection, inflammation or trauma, which lead to a decrease in visual acuity. Treatment is carried out by hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs with antibiotics in the form of drops.
  10. Keratitis.This is inflammation of the cornea. It can be caused by viruses and bacteria, fungus, have an autoimmune, allergic or toxic nature.
  11. Problems with the thyroid gland.Vision can be reduced due to the presence of diffuse toxic goiter in the thyroid gland. He is treated with drugs, a radical method is a surgical operation.

Reducing the vision may indicate a banal overwork. Constant stress, lack of sleep, work at the computer - these are the factors that lead to premature loss of functioning of the organs of vision. Therefore, you should reconsider your lifestyle.

Modern recovery methods

The restoration of vision with the help of contact lenses is shown when:

  • Hyperopia and myopia;
  • Ineffective correction with glasses;
  • The difference is more than, diopters in visual acuity on the left and right eye;
  • Absence of the lens;
  • Amblyopia;
  • Indications related to professional activities.

With the restoration of vision with the help of contact lenses, complications can arise, for example, redness, erosion or corneal edema, conjunctivitis.

The easiest way to restore visual acuity are glasses.The action is aimed at correct focusing of the image of the object on the retina.

It is recommended to wear glasses if there are:

  • Myopia and hyperopia of a high degree;
  • Astigmatism;
  • Age-related farsightedness;
  • Individual intolerance to contact lenses;
  • Contraindications to operations.

Surgical and laser methods for restoring vision include:

  • Keratoplasty.It is used in case of recovery of vision after injuries, illnesses. The operation lasts about half an hour under local anesthesia. Corneal tissue is replaced by a donor and sewn. In the postoperative period (six months - a year) you can not remove the stitches. The first two weeks you need to use drops with antibiotics.
  • Cross-breeding.This operation is used to treat various eye diseases, for example, keratoconus, ulcers and corneal dystrophy. It is carried out under local anesthesia. Some of the corneal tissues are cut off, and vitamin B2 is dripped on the cut. After that, the eye is irradiated, so that the corneal layer becomes dense. The effect of cross-breeding lasts up to ten years.
  • Laser coagulation of the retina.Laser coagulation is indicated for dystrophy, retinal detachment, tumors, problems with the vessels of the eyes. The operation lasts about twenty minutes under local anesthesia. Through a special lens in the eye direct the laser beam, which glues the tissues and blood vessels.
  • Laser vision correction.The curvature of the cornea changes with the action of a cold laser, which cuts off the corneal layer, and then pinches it and returns it to its place. The operation is performed under local anesthesia for five to fifteen minutes
  • Refractive lens replacement.The operation is aimed at restoring vision with myopia and hyperopia, if there is a risk of developing glaucoma and so on. The lens is replaced with a new one, but no seams are superimposed. The operation lasts about twenty-five minutes.

There are many other diverse operations aimed at restoring vision in various diseases. All of them are conducted by ophthalmologists.

Tips for the care of eyesight


First of all, you should pay attention to your food. It should be right and healthy with enough vitamins.

Let's consider more in detail the most necessary vitamins and microelements for eyes:

  1. Lutein.It is an antioxidant that protects the eyes from various pathologies. An adult a day is recommended to consume five milligrams of lutein. Rich in lutein paprika and spinach.
  2. Vitamin A.With a lack of vitamin A, the ability to perceive colors is impaired, and "night blindness" develops. This vitamin is found in the liver, egg yolks, carrots, cabbage, sorrel, pumpkin, butter. The daily rate is one and a half milligrams.
  3. Vitamin C.It supports the health of all eye structures, if it is not enough, then vision begins to fall. Vitamin C can be found in apples, dog-rose, citrus, parsley, sea-buckthorn, currant and so on. The daily rate is one hundred milligrams.
  4. Anthocyanins.Anthocyanins are antioxidants that prevent the development of inflammation. They have a strengthening effect on the vessels of the eyes, prevent the appearance of glaucoma. Anthocyanins are rich in black currants and blueberries. A hundred milligrams is the norm that an adult should use per day.

Water is necessary for the eyes, so one should drink at least one liter of clean water a day.

Charge for the eyes

Charge is better to do two or three approaches throughout the day.

Checking the visual acuity of an ophthalmologist
  • Letter from the nose.This exercise is aimed at relaxing the eye muscles. In order to do it, you need to sit down, close your eyes and relax. You can imagine that there is a pen on the end of the nose that you will draw or write. Do not strain your eyes.
  • "Through your fingers."You need to bend your arms in the elbows, fingers should be open, palms are below eye level. The head should rotate smoothly and slowly to the right and to the left. The view should be directed to the distance, and to look through your fingers.
  • Palming.To do this exercise you need to network and relax. Hands should cover their eyes so that the level of the pupil was in the center of the palm. The palms should not press hard against the face. Between the fingers should not leave a lye. Close your eyes and relax.
  • "The Great Circle."The head should be fixed. You can imagine the clock face in front of you. Look first in the direction clockwise, then against. Each time the radius of the circle should be increased. Blink after completing the exercise.

Treatment of hypermetropia of weak degree in children.

How to treat cataract eyes will prompt this article.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis:




Eye diseases lead to a decrease in vision. They are dangerous also because a person can completely go blind. The development of hyperopia or myopia is only the beginning, their difference is that one disease can be cured, the second remains with you forever. And then you have to use additional methods of vision correction, such as contact lenses with different modes of wearing or glasses for the eyes. Therefore, at the first signs of visual impairment, one should consult an ophthalmologist and initiate preventive measures.

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