Osteoarthritis of the arcuate joints of the spine


  • 1Arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar spine - causes and symptoms, treatment methods
    • 1.1Causes of arthrosis
    • 1.2Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.3Treatment of arthrosis of arcuate lumbar joints
    • 1.4Physiotherapy
    • 1.5Physiotherapy exercises and massage
    • 1.6Wearing orthopedic corsets and collars
    • 1.7Nontraditional methods of treatment
    • 1.8Folk remedies
    • 1.9Prevention of disease
  • 2Treatment of arthrosis of arcuate joints of the spine
    • 2.1The provoking factors
    • 2.2Classification of the disease
    • 2.3Symptomatology
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Therapeutic events
  • 3A powerful overview of arthrosis of arcuate joints
    • 3.1Causes of pathology
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnosis of facet arthropathy
    • 3.4The main methods of treatment
  • 4Why do people suffer arthrosis of arcuate joints
    • 4.1The structure of arcuate joints
    • 4.2Development of arthrosis of the facet joints
    • 4.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment
  • 5Osteoarthritis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar spine
    • 5.1Causes and symptoms
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2Treatment of spinal arthrosis
    • 5.3Nontraditional methods of action on arthrosis
    • 5.4Traditional methods of treatment

Arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar spine - causes and symptoms, treatment methods

The spine has joints between the vertebrae, which are called arcuate joints. They provide flexibility, flexion, extension, tilting, torso rotations.

But when, for one reason or another, the cartilaginous tissue of the arcuate joints becomes thinner or deformed in the lumbar region, the person has arthrosis (lumbararthrosis).

This disease is characterized not only by painful back pains, but also by severe impairments in the work of the spine.

Causes of arthrosis

Chronic arthrosis of arthrosis joints of the spine in the lumbar region is formed in all people aged 45-50 years.

The disease is caused, first of all, by the physiological aging of the organism, but this is by no means the main factor of the disease.

The following factors influence the development of the disease:

  • trauma and chronic spinal congestion;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • endocrine diseases leading to cartilage dystrophy;
  • congenital malformations of the skeleton;
  • some infections (tuberculosis, purulent arthritis);
  • instability of the lumbar vertebra, when it is easily displaced forward or backward.

With lesions of the arcuate joints of the lumbar region, aching pain appears in the sacrum, extending to the hips and buttocks.

At first, the painful sensations arise only with prolonged sitting, when lifting weights, changing the posture.

If the arthrosis of the spine is not treated, then over time, the pains begin to bother the person in a lying position, intensifying at night.

When deformation of the arched lumbar joints, tingling, numbness, weakness in the thighs, tonicity of the buttocks and waist muscles is increased, the movement of the pelvis is limited.

In the later stages of the disease, lumbar pains become so strong that a person can not only walk, but also sit, lie, stand.

In the mornings, the patient has a strong stiffness in any movement of the spine, which is associated with inflammatory processes in the lumbar region.

Diagnostic Methods

With any pain in the lower back, you need to contact a rheumatologist who will take into account the following clinical manifestations for the diagnosis:

  • crunch when flexing the waist;
  • increased pain when changing position;
  • morning stiffness;
  • limitation of mobility.

To exclude other pathologies of the spine, the doctor will refer the patient to laboratory diagnosis and radiography of the lumbosacral section.

To assess the bone-cartilaginous structure of the spine, the degree of compression of the tendons and muscles, and also the level involvement in soft tissue arthrosis, the patient can be directed to computer (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) tomography.

Treatment of arthrosis of arcuate lumbar joints

The main goal of treating the disease is to reduce pain, limit the progression of destruction of arcuate joints, restore activity and, as a result, the overall quality of life of the patient.

Therapy is complex and is performed on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is the subject of patients who need surgical intervention.

An important place in the therapy of arthrosis is conservative treatment: massage, medical gymnastics, physiotherapy, orthopedic correction of the spine.

For those patients whose cause of illness is covered in excess weight, a rheumatologist appoints a special diet, which reduces the caloric content of the diet, but the lack of nutrients the body does not experiences. With arthrosis shows the consumption of oily sea fish, raw vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, all kinds of cereals, plentiful drink, small portions, fractional food.

  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed to block pain and reduce the inflammatory process in the cartilaginous tissues of the arcuate joints. Actives, injections, tablets, gels, ointments are actively used. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor individually. Based on the nature of the course of the disease, analgesic therapy is 10 to 30 days with a daily dosage of 1 tablet 3 times after meals. The most famous anti-inflammatory and pain medications are: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Phenylbutazone.
  • Miorelaxants are drugs that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles. They relieve the patient from the spasm of the muscles of the lumbar spine, restoring the circulatory process. Miorelaxants do not treat the disease, but contribute to the suppression of pain, so they should be considered only as ancillary medicines. The daily dose is from 5 to 100 mg, depending on the symptomatology, and the course of treatment is performed before the onset of therapeutic effect. Known muscle relaxants: "Sirdalud "Baclofen "Midokalm".
  • Chondroprotectors - drugs that promote the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue. They repair joints, slowing down the destruction of cartilage, as they consist of materials that are close in structure to human cartilage. The duration of treatment with chondroprotectors is 4-6 months after the initiation of therapy. These drugs are effective in the early stages of arthrosis, and in later stages - completely useless. The most famous chondroprotectors are: "Artra "Structum "Don".


With arthrosis of the arthroduodenal joints of the spine, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, which are performed under stationary conditions.

With the help of physiotherapy, the burden on the body is reduced from medications, the effect of any other treatment is enhanced.

The complex treatment of the disease includes the following types of physiotherapy procedures:

  1. Laser therapy, when laser light, passing through the skin, affects the affected joints, stimulates their regeneration. The infrared ray pains the nerve endings, promotes the normalization of the circulation in the lumbar region.
  2. Electrophoresis. The essence of the method is an electric current that passes through intact skin and deeply injects medicines. Such local administration allows avoiding side effects from medications, enhancing their therapeutic effect on the body.
  3. Magnetotherapy. Magnetic eddy currents deeply warm the tissues, increasing the tone of the blood vessels, restoring the damaged arcuate joints of the spine. In the lumbar department, inflammatory conditions are passing, metabolic processes are improving.
  4. Cryotherapy. With arthrosis of the lumbar region, treatment with cold is indicated. Under the action of cold gas pain receptors are quickly blocked, tissue swelling decreases, muscle tone is reduced, spasms are eliminated.

Physiotherapy exercises and massage

With arthrosis, massage, as well as exercise therapy, is aimed at activating the circulation in the lumbar spine and creating favorable conditions for the restoration of damaged cartilage.

Regular training with an experienced trainer and low-back massage specialist helps to strengthen the muscular corset, increase the mobility of the intervertebral articulations.

The complex of therapeutic gymnastics includes a lot of circular movements with the torso, swimming, classes with a hoop.

Wearing orthopedic corsets and collars

An important condition for lumbar spine arthrosis is the orthopedic regimen.

To comply with it, you need not only to put in order the body weight and maintain a balanced diet, but also wear orthopedic products: collars, corsets, belts, bandages, to rigidly fix spine.

They are prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, when it is recommended to keep damaged arched joints in rest without overloading with unnecessary movements. Orthopedic corsets can be lumbar, thoracolumbar or lumbosacral with various types of fixation.

Nontraditional methods of treatment

For the removal of pain symptoms in the arcuate joints of the spine, non-traditional medicine is widely used, which has gained immense popularity. Innovative methods of treatment include:

  • Manual therapy, which is aimed at increasing mobility, joint correction and prevention of loin muscle atrophy. The manual therapist is able after the first session to relieve muscle spasms, joint pain, restore their mobility. This method can be used once or in several sessions, based on the degree of lumbar spine arthrosis.
  • Acupuncture, which has a beneficial effect not only on the area affected by the joints, but also on the entire body. This form of treatment has been tested not for one thousand years, therefore it is officially included in the arsenal of medical methods of modern medicine. With the help of the correct choice of the point of influence, the depth and direction of needle insertion, the specialist removes pain by activating the internal processes of the body.
  • Hirudotherapy is the treatment of spinal arthrosis by leeches. In their saliva there are biologically active substances with the help of which the human body improves work of the immune system, the functions of the cells are normalized, inflammations, pains are quickly removed, improves circulation. For treatment use only medical leeches - worms from the swamp are carriers of dangerous to human infections.

Folk remedies

Treatment of arthrosis of the lumbar region with folk recipes is an effective process to restore articular cartilage of the spine.

The power of nature is best manifested in plants, so the preparations made from them are used for grinding the loin and for ingestion.

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Here are some effective folk remedies:

  1. Juniper tincture. Gather in equal proportions juniper berries, field horsetail, St. John's wort flowers, birch buds. All grind, mix, pour 2 tbsp. l. raw materials with two glasses of boiling water. Elixir persist for 2 hours. To consume it you need 30-40 days to 100 ml before meals 3 times / day. Tincture will remove the inflammatory processes in the joints.
  2. Cabbage juice. The curative properties of cabbage increase the body's resistance to diseases, nourish cartilaginous tissue, normalize metabolic processes. To prepare the juice, cut the fresh head into parts, put it in an enamel pot, cover with a mortar. After such actions, cabbage is ready for suction. Transfer to the juicer, which will give the therapeutic juice at the output. You need to consume the drug for daily drinking from 30 days to 3 months, one glass for 15-20 minutes before meals, 2 times a day.
  3. Eucalyptus tincture for rubbing. Pour 100 grams of eucalyptus leaves, liters of alcohol, let it brew at room temperature for 5 days. Rub the product into the lumbar area every night before going to bed. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which you will forget about arthrosis, even without taking medications.

Prevention of disease

To prevent arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar region, several rules should be observed. The main enemy of the disease is cold. Do not overcool. In cold seasons wear woolen things, paying special attention to the lower back.

Avoid the risk factors for arthrosis will help properly composed diet. Be sure to include in the menu products containing vitamin E to maintain joint health (nuts, dairy products, parsley, hazelnuts, vegetables).

The guarantee of health will be a regular warm-up for the waist.

As shown by medical practice, therapeutic exercise in the treatment of arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the spine occupies a dominant position. Only to conduct a complex of special exercises is necessary in the absence of inflammation and acute pain in the lumbar region.

If you are patient and persistent, regularly performing physical therapy, then your desire to get rid of arthrosis will necessarily become a reality.

Look at the video below for several effective exercises for the lumbar spine in the performance of a professional fitness trainer.

A source: http://vrachmedik.ru/14-artroz-dugootroschatykh-sustavov-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Treatment of arthrosis of arcuate joints of the spine

The disease, which is characterized by deformation or destructive processes of the tissues of diarrtosis, is called arthrosis of the arcuate joints.

Thanks to the facet joints, the spine has flexible properties, allowing the person to bend and unbend, to carry out body movements in various directions.

The pathological process is accompanied by painful sensations in the region of the back, the functions of the spine are disrupted.

Osteoarthrosis arthrosis

The provoking factors

The arcuate joints and their tissues are deformed and depleted after 40 years. This process is due to aging of the body. During the aging of diarrtrosis, the process of destruction proceeds slowly. In the normal state of visible pathologies in the joint tissues is not observed.

The provoking factors:

  1. Minor anomalies in the development of the skeleton. This condition is common. Initially, the pathological process is asymptomatic. Some patients do not even think about the presence of the disease. Osteoarthritis of the arcuate joints of the spine can be detected accidentally during an X-ray examination.
  2. Trauma and the presence of microtraumas, excessive load of the spine of a permanent nature (as a result of sports activities, accidents, excess body weight, hypodynamia).
  3. Excessive mobility of the joints of the lumbar region, their displacement.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders cause dystrophy of the cartilaginous tissue.

With a long influence of causes, the deformation of the arcuate joints increases. There is a decrease in the level of elasticity of cartilaginous tissues, exposure of the cartilage surface. Pathological processes affect the bursa (articular bag), located next to the muscles and bones. Arthrosis begins to develop.

The difference between healthy joints and affected with arthrosis

Classification of the disease

The pathological process is classified according to the localization of the disease:

  1. Dorsartrosis - the appendages located in the thoracic spine are affected.
  2. Cervicoarthrosis - the tissue of the joints of the cervical department of the musculoskeletal system is destroyed.
  3. Lumboarthrosis - the vertebrae of the lumbar region are affected.


Osteoarthrosis arthrosis is characterized by certain clinical manifestations, but the main factor is pain. Most pathological process affects the cervical spine.

The patient is concerned about the pain in the neck. They have a pulling and dull-like character, they often appear in the evening. Painful sensations can be significantly reduced after rest, and sometimes even temporarily retreat.

But after an insignificant load, they reappear. Through the time in the morning it is problematic to make slopes or to make head turns. There is a morning stiffness.


If osteochondrosis joins, there may be problems with eyesight, a discomfort is disturbing in the chest, the head is spinning, disturbing sounds in the auricles.


Pain in the spine is one of the signs of arthrosis

At the advanced stages, the formed spike-shaped outgrowths provoke a crunch when the head moves.

The amplitude of neck movements decreases. Muscular contracture can form.

Pain constantly worries the patient, increases during physical activity, with changing weather conditions and changing the position of the trunk.

Less often the disease is observed in the lumbar region. It is characterized by pain in the region of the back (sacrum), arising from prolonged sitting in one place. They give to the region of the thighs and buttocks. Then the flexion and extension of the back becomes more complicated, the pain sensations are constantly observed.

Spondylarthrosis in the thoracic region of the spine is rarely localized.

He is characterized by pain in the back area during a turn or incline activity. Spasm of muscles provokes feelings of stiffness of the sutra.

The formation of bone tissue affects the nerve endings, reducing sensitivity.

In the case of defeat pathological processes of costal-vertebral joints, discomfort is felt in the ribs.

Pain increases after a prolonged stay in a standing position. Pathology is diagnosed mainly in women.

In the absence of treatment, the patient is likely to become disabled.


The doctor can diagnose "Spondyloarthrosis" during the initial examination for specific complaints of the patient and characteristic symptoms. The doctor determines how much the spine is moving. X-rays can confirm the diagnosis. If necessary, you can conduct an MRI or computed tomography.

Diagnosis of the disease

Therapeutic events

Treatment for such a serious illness can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Conservative methods are used depending on the stage of pathology, the phase of the disease, the severity of clinical manifestations. The pathology stage is determined by the x-ray.

Effective therapy should always be comprehensive, go through medication and non-pharmacological methods.

  1. Non-medicamentous methods allow to achieve stable improvement of the patient's condition, to prevent the aggravation of the pathological process. These include therapeutic massages and gymnastics, physiotherapy. It is important to eliminate provoking factors (excessive weight, hypodynamia, excessive load).
  2. Drug therapy means pain medications, chondoprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In neglected cases, the doctor may prescribe hormones. Dosage and duration of the course of therapy is determined by the physician in each individual case.

During an exacerbation of the pathological process, the patient must comply with bed rest. This will reduce pain, normalize blood circulation, improve cell nutrition as a result of relaxation of hypertonic muscle tissue.

The infusion effect of drugs can restore metabolic processes.

In addition to basic therapy, non-traditional methods can be used:

  • hirudotherapy;
  • mud treatment;
  • acupuncture therapy;
  • massage.

Traditional medicine can increase the motor amplitude, normalize blood flow, ease pain. But the recipes of traditional healers apply only after consulting a doctor.

Any pain in the back - an occasion to consult a doctor. If in addition to pain is limited mobility, you need to immediately contact a specialist. Timely therapeutic measures will preserve the mobility of the spine.

A source: https://osustave.ru/artroz-dugootroschatyx-sustavov

A powerful overview of arthrosis of arcuate joints

Facet arthropathy or arthrosis of arcuate joints is a common disease of the spine, in which deformation, destruction and thinning of joint tissues occur.

Arcuate (facet) joints are the joints between the upper and lower articular processes of the vertebrae (see Fig. photo below).

It is precisely the arcuate joints that provide the flexibility of the spine, make possible flexion-extension, turns and torso of the trunk.

Therefore, the development of arthrosis in this area is accompanied not only by pain in the back (which already brings a lot of suffering to patients), but also by severe impairment of the function of the spine.

Read further the full capacious characterization of the disease and answers to the most important questions on this topic.

Causes of pathology

Depletion and deformation of the tissues of the arcuate joints of the spine are formed absolutely in all people, beginning from the age of 40-45 years, and are caused by the processes of physiological aging of the organism.

However, with aging, the joints are destroyed very slowly, and no significant changes in them should be observed (even by the age of 90).

A much more serious role in the development of spondylarthrosis, including at a young age, is played by the following four factors:

  1. Various minor anomalies in the development of the skeleton: incorrect or asymmetric arrangement of paired processes, fusion of the vertebrae, cleavage of the vertebral arches.

    Such anomalies are not uncommon; symptoms at first they do not have, and many people do not even guess about their existence until then, for some reason, do not have to take an X-ray the spine.

  2. Injuries and microtrauma, chronic spinal congestion (sports injuries, heavy physical work, trauma in an accident, load with excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

  3. Excess mobility (instability) of the lumbar vertebra, when it is easily displaced backward or forward relative to the underlying vertebra.

  4. Exchange disturbances, endocrine diseases, leading to eating disorders and subsequent cartilage dystrophy.

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With a constant effect of provoking factors, changes are also taking place in the arcuate joints: the cartilage gradually loses its elasticity, the articular surfaces exposed, the articular bag is involved in the pathological process, adjacent parts of the bone, ligaments and muscles, spines are formed on the bone - develops arthrosis.


The leading symptom of arthrosis of facet joints is pain.

  • Most often, arthrosis affects the arcuate joints of the cervical region, and then patients complain of neck pain, usually dull, pulling, arising at the end of the day. After rest, the intensity of pain is noticeably reduced, and sometimes the pain even recedes for a while, but again makes you aware of yourself after the next load. Over time, there are difficulties in turning and tilting the head, especially in the morning (morning stiffness). In later stages, due to the formation of spike-like outgrowths, head movements are accompanied by crunching. The amplitude of movements in the cervical region becomes less and less, perhaps even the formation of muscle contractures (when the neck is fixed in one position and no movements are possible). Pain is of a permanent nature, increasing with load, body position changes, in rainy, damp, windy weather.
  • Occasionally, the arthrosis in the facet joints of the lumbar vertebrae is somewhat less frequent in the back, arising from prolonged sitting. Then there is a restriction of flexion and extension of the trunk, the pain becomes permanent.
  • In the thoracic spondyloarthrosis is very rarely localized, it also manifests itself in back pain.

Diagnosis of facet arthropathy

To presume the presence of spondylarthrosis, the physician can already on the first examination on a set of specific complaints and objective symptoms (an examination is carried out with determination of the volume of movements in the spine). The diagnosis is easily confirmed by conducting an X-ray study of the spine, if necessary, computer or magnetic resonance imaging can be prescribed.

The main methods of treatment

Treatment of spondylarthrosis is prescribed only by a doctor.

Specific activities depend on the stage of the disease (determined radiographically), the phase of the disease (exacerbation or remission), and the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment of arthrosis of intervertebral joints is always complex, combining medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods of influence.

  1. Non-pharmacological methods are an indispensable component of the treatment of spondylarthrosis. Without them, it will be impossible to achieve lasting improvement and prevent further progression of the disease. The main ways of such influence: physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy.

    It is also necessary to eliminate the factors that provoke the disease (excess loads, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, etc.).

  • Spondyloarthrosis is treated with the same groups of drugs as arthrosis of another localization - this is painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, in severe cases - hormones. The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor.

  • Any pain in the back and neck is a cause for concern.

    If the pain is accompanied by a restriction of mobility, albeit temporary, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed in any case.

    Timely initiation of treatment can completely restore (preserve) the functions of the spine, but delays always lead to severe disease progression.

    A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/artroz/dugootroschatyh-197.html

    Why do people suffer arthrosis of arcuate joints

    The spine is a complex structure, in which there are a multitude of articular joints.

    Some connect adjacent vertebrae in a single vertebral-motor segment, others - bones of the spine with the bones attached to them.

    Arthrosis, localized in the joints of the spine, is usually called spondyloarthrosis. The most common type of spondylarthrosis is arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the spine, or facet arthropathy.

    It is often combined with a degenerative-dystrophic process in the intervertebral discs - osteochondrosis. Both diseases are accompanied by pain in different parts of the back, limited mobility of the spine.

    The structure of arcuate joints

    Virtually all the vertebrae of the human spine, except for the rudimentary coccygeal and upper cervical (atlanta), consist of a body and an arch (arc). The arc is attached to the body with legs, closing the vertebral foramen.

    The totality of all the holes forms the vertebral (spinal) canal. From each arch goes 7 appendages - 1 spinous in the center, 2 lateral along the sides and 2 pairs of joints, which are also called facets.

    They are located to the left and right of the awned, between it and the transverse, and pointing up and down.

    These processes form paired joints, thanks to which the movements of the spine are carried out and its stabilization is ensured, the body's balance is maintained.


    Since the joints of the spine are formed by the processes of the arcs of the vertebrae, they are called arcuate. Other names are faceted, intervertebral, they refer to cartilaginous symphysis joints.


    What it is? This is the term partially mobile joints, which occupy an intermediate position between the freely movable synovial joints and the immobile fibrous joints.

    Their articular surfaces are covered with hyaline cartilage, which fuses with denser fibrous. Each facet joint is enclosed in an articular bag, internally covered with synovial membrane, the joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid.

    In different parts of the spine the position of the joint surfaces and the shape of the joints differ. The facet joints of the thoracic and cervical parts are flat, the lumbar joints are cylindrical.

    Development of arthrosis of the facet joints

    Osteoarthrosis of the peripheral joints and spondylarthrosis of the arcuate joints develop according to one scenario:

    • Articular cartilage begins to collapse. This may be due to a deficiency of nutrients, insufficient blood supply, a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, increased mechanical stress;
    • gradually articulate the facet joint surfaces;
    • Bone tissue, deprived of protection in the form of cartilage, thickens and forms on the edges of spines - osteophytes;
    • sometimes arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the spine passes into ankylosis, the cartilage is completely destroyed, and the articular surfaces of the processes grow together, as a result, the affected segment loses mobility.

    The destruction of the cartilage, which lining articular surfaces, leads to their friction.

    As a result of the movement of the spine or a prolonged static load on it, painful sensations are accompanied, and mobility is limited.

    The surrounding structures are involved in the process, the ligaments become inelastic, the muscles become strained. Due to bone deformities, as well as weakening of ligaments, subluxation of the joints is possible.

    Thinning of cartilage and narrowing of joint lumens leads to an increase in the load on the intervertebral disks, their destruction begins. Sometimes degenerative-dystrophic processes begin in the discs, and then the joints are involved.

    The causes of degenerative-dystrophic changes in articular cartilages and intervertebral discs are the same:

    • anomalies in the structure of the spine, curvature, posture disorder, because of which the load is distributed unevenly;
    • trauma and microtrauma of the spine;
    • excessive loads, including those associated with excess weight;
    • sedentary lifestyle, stagnant processes in the tissues and weakening of the muscular corset;
    • metabolic, hormonal disorders, infectious and autoimmune diseases that cause the destruction of cartilage tissues by biochemical agents (enzymes, toxins, hormone-like proteins).

    Symptoms of the disease

    Depending on the part of the spine in which the spondyloarthrosis of the arcuate joints is localized, its manifestations differ. All types of spondyloarthrosis are characterized by:

    • pain syndrome;
    • stiffness of movements, limitation of mobility of the spine;
    • crunching in the joints during movements, usually starting at stage 2;
    • when the inflammatory process in the joints - swelling, swelling of the spine.

    The disease progresses, the pains are at first blunt, aching, mild, occur at the beginning of the movement, after a prolonged static or intense dynamic load, with changing weather. Over time, the pain manifests itself after the slightest stresses and even in a state of rest.

    Their intensity increases. To the pains caused by the friction of the bones in the joint, pains in the tight, spasmodic muscles are added. Stiffness of movements at an early stage is manifested mainly in the mornings.

    As arthrosis progresses, the limitation of the mobility of the spine acquires a permanent character.

    Less often, arthrosis develops in the thoracic region, and their symptoms are less pronounced.

    In the sacral and coccygeal divisions there are no joints at all, only the modified joints between the loin and the sacrum, the sacrum and the coccyx.

    Significantly more common arthrosis arthrosis joints of the lumbar spine, or lumbararthrosis.

    This department is subjected to significant loads, people suffering from heavy physical labor, athletes. Increased risk of lumbararthrosis during pregnancy, obesity. Spondylarthrosis of the cervical (cervicoarthrosis) often develops in people with sedentary work, which constantly has to bend the neck, tilt the head.

    With arthrosis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar spine, the pain is localized in the lower back, the sacrum, and can be given to the buttocks, the upper part of the thighs.

    It is also possible tingling and numbness, painful muscle tension or muscle weakness in this area. Pain increases with flexion, extension, tilting and bending of the trunk.

    Over time, the amplitude of these movements is significantly reduced. With cervico-arthrosis, the pain is felt in the neck and shoulder girdle, the turns and inclinations of the head are difficult.

    Symptoms of blood supply to the brain - dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and visual disturbances, also appear.


    Pain in the back and stiffness of the spine manifest different diseases.To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor first surveys and examines the patient.

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    In particular, he is interested in how long the symptoms have appeared, which could provoke the disease, whether there was a history of trauma or inflammation. The examination is not limited to a visual examination of the spine.

    Mandatory palpation is performed, it allows you to identify painful areas, dressed muscles, severe bone deformation. The patient also performs a number of active and passive movements.


    Their amplitude, muscle tone, pain sensations are evaluated. Palpation and movement may be accompanied by a crunch, which is also informative for a specialist.


    After a physical examination diagnostic procedures are assigned, first of all, an x-ray in several projections. In the photo you can see:

    • narrowing of the joint gap, in 3 stages the lumen is practically absent, the articular surfaces of the facets are closed;
    • osteosclerosis, that is, consolidation of bone tissue under the cartilage;
    • growth of osteophytes along the edges of the joints.

    X-rays can also reveal cystic cavities in bone tissue, subluxation of joints, destruction of the vertebra. Other diagnostic methods are also quite informative:

    • contrast radiography provides clarity of detail;
    • computer tomography allows you to see more than a snapshot, because the image is represented in the form of numerous slices;
    • magnetic tomography provides information on the state of all joint tissues and near-vertebral structures;
    • blood tests (general, biochemistry, rheumatic tests) allow to exclude or confirm the inflammatory process, the autoimmune nature of the disease.


    With arthrosis of the facet joints of the spine, the treatment is predominantly conservative, therapeutic. Spinal surgery is used at the last stage of spondyloarthrosis with a burdensome course. From medicinal preparations are shown:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and relieve inflammation;
    • paravertebral blockade with hormonal drugs and local anesthetics in acute pain syndrome;
    • chondroprotectors for protecting cartilaginous tissue from destruction in 1-2 stages of the disease;
    • muscle relaxants with prolonged muscle spasms.

    Ointments, compresses, lotions are less effective, but can be used in addition to the listed methods.Injections of hyaluronic acid in spinal arthrosis are rarely done due to the complexity of the manipulation.

    Virtually all medicines, except for chondroprotectors, are not intended for long-term use, they are used according to indications before the symptoms disappear.

    As for non-drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy are prescribed by courses in the subacute period, in the absence of inflammation and intense pain.

    Physiotherapy should be practiced constantly, the exercise should begin after the sharp manifestations are stopped, and in the future, with exacerbations, only reduce the load. The best effect is provided by a combination of different techniques:

    • electrophoresis, amplipulse, magnetic, laser, shock wave therapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures improve the nutrition and blood supply of the joints, relieve pain and inflammation, normalize the tone muscles;
    • Different types of massage help relax or strengthen muscles, activate microcirculation;
    • Manual and traction therapy, that is, stretching the spine manually or using a special device, reduces the burden on the joints. As a result, pain disappears and destruction stops;
    • LFK contributes to strengthening the muscular corset and maintaining the flexibility of the muscles, activating the blood circulation, preventing the formation of persistent contractures.

    Osteoarthritic arthrosis or facet joints occur almost as often as arthrosis of large joints of the extremities.

    Beginning with subtle manifestations, the disease leads to the fact that a person suffers from pain even during sleep, can not tilt and turn the body or head. Especially serious is the disease, if the nerve endings are jammed.

    Cervical arthrosis is dangerous because of the possible squeezing of the vertebral artery, which provides blood supply to the brain. Cure spondylarthrosis is impossible, you can only slow its development, relieve symptoms.

    Therefore, the spine should be protected from injuries, hypothermia, overload, strengthen the muscular corset, eat properly and control weight.

    A source: https://artroz-help.ru/artroz-pozvonochnika/artroz-dugootroschatykh-sustavov

    Osteoarthritis of the arcuate joints of the lumbar spine

    Osteoarthritis of the arcuate joints of the spine is a very common disease. It is characterized by a chronic form, and patients are susceptible mainly to patients after 45-50 years.

    Osteoarthritis of the vertebral part is manifested by dystrophic changes and growth of the edge of bone tissue, thinning of the cartilage in the arcuate joints.

    Osteoarthrosis arthrosis is typical for cervical, less often thoracic and lumbar.

    Causes and symptoms

    To arthrosis of arched joints necessarily will result in excessive stress on the spine as a whole, especially on its cervical section. Pathology can develop independently or in combination with osteochondrosis, scoliosis and lordosis.

    Often arthrosis of the vertebral column is accompanied by pathological changes in the unco-vertebral articulations. For these lesions, the formation between the processes of the thoracic, cervical vertebrae of the neurologic syndrome is common, accompanied by intense pain sensations.


    Facet arthropathy or spondylarthrosis (the process of aging of the intervertebral joints, during which the shape changes, anatomy and function of articulations) - this diagnosis is made almost to everyone who has addressed to the doctor with complaints about discomfort in the spine.


    The main symptom of such an arthrosis is a strong pulling pain, which is most acute when walking, standing or considerable physical exertion. Periodically recurring pains with time begin to progress and appear even with minimal stress.

    Treatment of spinal arthrosis

    Treatment of arthrosis of arcuate articulations and spondyloarthrosis should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked pathology, and, of course, to alleviate general symptoms.

    The main measures necessary for the treatment of spinal arthrosis:

    1. During the first few days of exacerbation, the patient should be kept bed rest. This measure is needed to relax tense tissues. Over time, the pain in the cervical region will gradually subside and allow movement. Blood circulation will begin to recover, and cell nutrition will improve.
    2. With the help of chondoprotectors and hormonal drugs for arthrosis, in order to reduce inflammation, blockade is carried out. The drugs are injected directly into the area of ​​the affected joint.
    3. Intravenous droppers or injections of drugs that help improve metabolism in the body patient with arthrosis and providing good microcirculation in the nerve endings; blocking autoimmune reaction.
    4. The appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, topical agents (ointment, cream, gel) and vitamin complexes.
    5. Use of physiotherapy methods: darsonvalization, electrophoresis, laser and magnetic therapy, LFK course.
    6. Application of non-traditional methods of treatment: massage, mud, homeopathy, hirudotherapy (medical leeches), manual therapy, acupuncture.
    7. The use of folk remedies for arthrosis of the spine helps to ease the overall well-being of the patient and reduce the intensity of pain.

    Full rest at the very beginning of an exacerbation helps spontaneous relaxation of muscles and eliminates the factors provoking the appearance of a pathological focus. But when the pain subsides a little, the patient should gradually expand the motor range, however, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights.

    In the spondyloarthrosis of the cervical department, blockades are prescribed, in which the drugs come directly to the pathological focus.

    The main drugs used for this procedure are glucocorticoids (diprospan, kenalog).

    They do not have an analgesic effect, but, eliminating the causes of the pain syndrome, contribute to the treatment of arthrosis.

    Nontraditional methods of action on arthrosis

    Medical leeches for the treatment of many diseases, including arthrosis of arcuate joints, began to be applied more than 2 millennia ago.

    Today hirudotherapy is very popular. Medical researches have proved, that treatment by leeches at an arthrosis - rather effective procedure.

    Leeches contribute to a venous outflow of blood, which reduces the high pressure inside the tissues and eliminates swelling. Hirudotherapy has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect on the area of ​​localization of the pathology site.


    When performing physiotherapeutic procedures, the main points of application are tissues of arched joints and intervertebral discs together with a neural tissue. Physiotherapy provides an improvement in the blood flow in the pathology zone, eliminates the inflammatory process and pain syndrome.


    Abdominal decompression is an innovative method that provides:

    • increased oxygen transport by erythrocytes;
    • facilitating the flow of fresh blood to the vertebrae;
    • destruction of free radicals.

    The final phase of any therapeutic course of arthrosis and spondyloarthrosis is massage. It is carried out on the near-vertebral soft tissues (peravertebral muscles). The massage sessions normalize the muscle tone, strengthen the spinal column as a whole and remove the slag from the body.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    An ancient folk method of preventing arthrosis is a belt of dog hair. To treat Arthrosis of the spine can be with the help of infusions, broths, compresses and lotions, cooked on medicinal herbs.

    • Tincture of eucalyptus. Shredded eucalyptus should be poured into 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for one week. This infusion is recommended to rub the affected area. This procedure is done before going to sleep, and the movements should be circular and leisurely.
    • Infusion of birch buds can be drunk instead of the usual tea. The kidneys should be brewed with steep boiling water and insisted for two hours. Birch buds can be poured with vodka and insist for one week in a dark place. As a result, you get a good tool for rubbing.
    • 100 gr. dry mustard, 200 gr. salt pour a small amount of kerosene to the consistency of thick sour cream. The obtained ointment is rubbed before going to bed.

    A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/arthritis/artroz-dugootroschatyh-sustavov.html