Hurts under the ribs in the back: causes of the onset of the symptom


  • 1Possible causes of pain on the right under the ribs giving into the back
    • 1.1Causes of pain in the side and back
    • 1.2What should I do immediately?
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Pain in the lower back with osteochondrosis: causes
    • 1.5Classification of pain in the hypochondrium
    • 1.6Treatment of pain in the right side and back
    • 1.7Conclusion
  • 2Back pain under the ribs: what to do?
    • 2.1Diseases that provoke pain syndrome in costal bones
    • 2.2Bruises, fractures
    • 2.3Intercostal neuralgia
    • 2.4Spine
    • 2.5Diseases of the lungs
    • 2.6Malignant tumors
    • 2.7Denial of responsibility
  • 3Back pain in the right or left hypochondrium
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Injury of the costal region
    • 3.3Intercostal neuralgia
    • 3.4Diseases of the lungs
    • 3.5Osteochondrosis and hernia
    • 3.6Diseases of the digestive system
    • 3.7Oncological diseases
    • 3.8Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.9Cancer of the stomach or pancreas
    • 3.10Pancreatitis
    • 3.11Ulcers
    • 3.12Self-diagnosis
    • 3.13Treatment
    • 3.14Medicated
    • 3.15Folk methods
  • 4Why does tibial pain occur under the ribs and in the back?
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Why there is a pain in the back
    • 4.2Why does pain occur under the ribs?
    • 4.3Pain under the ribs on the left
    • 4.4Pain below the ribs on the right
    • 4.5Pain under the ribs in the middle
    • 4.6How to determine the cause yourself
  • 5Pain under the ribs on the right side of the back
    • 5.1The causes of the appearance of pathology
    • 5.2Concomitant symptomatology
    • 5.3Treatment of pathology
    • 5.4Causes of pain in the right side of the back
    • 5.5The pathology of the musculoskeletal system
    • 5.6Osteochondrosis
    • 5.7Spondylosis
    • 5.8Intervertebral hernia
    • 5.9Injuries
    • 5.10Neurological syndrome of infection
    • 5.11Tinea - herpes infection
    • 5.12Osteomyelitis
    • 5.13Diseases of internal organs
    • 5.14Duodenal ulcer
    • 5.15Diseases of the liver
    • 5.16Pancreatitis
    • 5.17Pneumonia and pleurisy
    • 5.18Pyelonephritis
    • 5.19Appendicitis
    • 5.20Gynecological problems

Possible causes of pain on the right under the ribs giving into the back

Osteochondrosis >> Other >> Pain on the right under the ribs giving in the back

If you feel pain, discomfort when turning the body to the side, then this can be evidence of liver, kidney, pancreas.

But most of the pain in the right upper quadrant, giving back suggests that patients develop osteochondrosis or the disease is in a phase of exacerbation.

What hurts, why and how to treat can only tell the doctor after examination, diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the side and back

If you feel a pressing, sharp or dull pain from the back or right side, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Because the symptoms will only worsen, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Acute hepatitis with the appearance of jaundice, high fever and fatigue. Usually inflammation develops due to poisoning with poisons, chemicals and medicines;
  2. Pain giving in the back, right under the ribs speak about the defeat of the gallbladder, the presence of stones. But then there are such signs as pressing pain in the liver, high fever, nausea and discomfort in the shoulder area, hands;
  3. If the pain on the right under the ribs or in the right side, giving spasm to the shoulder, clavicle, then patients can be diagnosed with pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  4. Pain under the right hypochondrium can talk about heart failure;
  5. Kidney disease, the appearance of stones in the genitourinary system;
  6. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, rheumatism or arthritis.


Acute hepatitis Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region Kidney disease Cardiac insufficiencyPancreatitisStones in the gallbladder Many people are interested in the question is whether the liver can give the pain to the right side and to fling the side, and this is also observed if the appendix is ​​near it organ.

Since there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of pain on the right side, it is impossible to determine them and it is necessary to go to the hospital for diagnosis.

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What should I do immediately?

Sincial side pain often indicates the development of inflammatory processes, exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

It is necessary to act on the basis of the main symptoms:

  • Acute pain under the right rib or sideways, which occurs suddenly and gives in the back, usually speaks of appendicitis, pancreatitis, so hurry to call an ambulance;
  • Aching, short-term, receding and spasmolytic sprains of pain on the background of exacerbation osteochondrosis or arthritis should be treated according to the prescribed therapy: taking medications, rubbing and ointments.

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It is important to understand that it is strictly forbidden to take painkillers, to self-medicate and self-diagnosis, which causes complications, does not give a diagnosis and sometimes leads to a lethal outcome.

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To determine the cause of pain under the ribs on the right, when he gives back his arms, you need to go to the hospital and to a number of specialists:

  1. Gastroenterologist;
  2. Surgeon;
  3. Infectious therapist;
  4. Orthopedist.

From standard analyzes, each patient must go through the following:

  • General blood and urine test;
  • Visual inspection;
  • Ultrasound, tomography, radiography;
  • Gastroscopy.

Related photos:

GastroscopyRentgenographyTomographyUniversal examination Delivery of a common blood and urine test

But even then it is worthwhile to focus on common manifestations of pain on the right side under the ribs, in the back:

  1. When there is nausea, redness of the eyes, high temperature, it is better to start with a visit to the infectious disease specialist;
  2. If you have had kidney problems before, urination pains, it becomes frequent, and you suffer from high fever, then go to the surgeon;
  3. In the presence of diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, vomiting or diarrhea, you need to undergo an examination with a gastroenterologist;
  4. Wrong posture during sleep, great physical exertion, hypothermia speaks of a lesion of the right side of the waist with osteochondrosis, which means it is worth going to an orthopedic or manual therapist.

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Pain in the lower back with osteochondrosis: causes

If you feel pain not only under the right side, but also in the ribs, in the hypochondrium or back, the reasons for their appearance are several:

  • Sedentary work, lack of physical activity;
  • Wrong posture and accessories during sleep;
  • Displacement of vertebral discs;
  • Great physical activity;
  • Obesity;
  • Subcooling;
  • Inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • Infectious and autoimmune diseases.

about the symptoms of osteochondrosis:

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Classification of pain in the hypochondrium

Determine the cause of the appearance of discomfort, spasms and pains on the right side, not only focusing on the location of the organ, but also on the nature of pain:

  • Aching manifestations speak of osteomyelitis, the growth of cartilaginous tissue due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar region;
  • Long, repetitive pain occurs due to trauma, physical exertion and colds. Especially it is manifested during movements, turning to the right side, when tilted;
  • Drawing pains and spasms arise due to hepatitis and other infectious processes in the body;
  • When acute pain occurs, you should immediately contact a surgeon to perform an X-ray and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, the likelihood of a lethal outcome, operations to remove the gallbladder, appendix.


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Treatment of pain in the right side and back

It is not recommended to engage in self-medication, but after the diagnosis, you can use the techniques described in the table below:

Disease Therapy
Osteochondrosis, arthritis and rheumatism Admission of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment with warming ointments, visit to massage and reflexotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics.
Kidney pathology, urolithiasis Treatment in the hospital, taking antibiotics, diet, reducing physical activity, taking vitamins.
Heart failure Treatment only under the supervision of a doctor, the development of an individual course.
Appendicitis, hernia and osteomyelitis Immediate visit to the doctor, surgery, taking antibiotics, rehabilitation in the hospital.
Pancreatitis Urgent hospitalization, taking pain medications under the supervision of a doctor, eliminating inflammation and its causes.

Appointment of correct therapy can only be the attending physician

The easiest way to get rid of inflammation, pain in the right side and hypochondrium, which causes osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae or inflammation of the nerve.

Since then the patient is prescribed:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy;
  • Massages;
  • Reflexology or acupuncture;
  • Admission of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Diet, intake of vitamins;
  • Dry heat and hardware procedures.

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Whatever character of pain you are suffering, do not delay treatment or refuse to help doctors.

Since discomfort in the right side, back, or hypochondrium can speak of a serious disruption in the activity of organs, deformation of the vertebrae and muscle tissue.

Then time does not play into the hands of the patient, reducing the recovery rates.

Remember that taking painkillers and anti-inflammatories removes only common symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

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Back pain under the ribs: what to do?

Human bones are provided with nerve fibers, blood vessels, like many organs in the intercostal space. When a person feels pain in the back under the ribs - this is an occasion to think about your health.

These sensations can be symptoms of a certain disease. In the causes of pain can be understood only by a specialist.

Diseases that provoke pain syndrome in costal bones

Painful manifestations indicate the occurrence of a disease of the internal organ or rib cage, the tissues around it:

  1. Contusions of the chest, blows, fractures cause dull pain, deep breathing will strengthen it.
  2. Pathologies of the spine between the vertebrae are manifested by pain in the back, ribs.
  3. causes painful sensations, intensifying with breathing, movements.
  4. Inflammation of the lungs, pleura cause discomfort in different places of the chest.
  5. Tumors.

ultrasound examination can make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

Sometimes a sharp turn, changing the position of the body, lifting a large load can cause pain in the spine, ribs. This is a sign, especially if it gives to the buttock, leg.

Bruises, fractures

With trauma there is a characteristic pain:

  • The bruise causes first a sharp pain, then it becomes aching. In the place of the bruise appears a bruise, to which it is painful to touch.
  • Fracture of the costal bone is accompanied by severe pain in the ribs and back, can be felt throughout the chest.

Fractures are characterized by three varieties:

  • A crack when there is only a broken bone.
  • Fracture, when the periosteum remains intact.
  • A completely broken costal bone is dangerous because the fragments can damage the internal organs, the lung.

Signs of a fracture is discomfort with a deep breath, a conversation, even from a change in the body, not to mention physical stress. The rhythm of the heart can be disturbed, then the person's skin turns blue.

Strong painful sensations in the back, ribs, hemoptysis accompany damage to the lung with bone fragments.

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Intercostal neuralgia

Each muscle passes through the muscles and nerves that come out of the spinal cord. When the nerve is pinched, irritated, there is a piercing, burning pain. Sometimes she worries left or right in the chest, more often she has a backache on both sides.

You can grope two points, with the emerging acute pain when you press them, near the sternum and near the spine. The cause is compression of the nerve or stretching of the muscles: shoulder, scapula.

Seduction can be the result of an injury when the intercostal space is deformed. Unpleasant sensations increase with stretching of the muscles, with tilts, movement of the shoulders.


The most common back disease is osteochondrosis, which arises from inflammatory processes in the spine, degenerative changes in it. There is a pain syndrome in the back under the ribs from behind.

It can increase along the course of the affected nerve. In chronic form - this aching pain, at the stage of exacerbation of the disease there is a lumbago. The patient is difficult to move, bend, turn, have to be in one position.

Vegetative neuralgic disorders in the vascular system cause unexpected pain sensations, it seems to the person that the whole back and costal bones are hurting.

Symptoms include: pressure jumps, respiratory failure, palpitations, angina attacks, irritation, insomnia.

The intervertebral hernia in the thoracic region causes discomfort in the costal bones, at first not very strong.

Over time, it is so intensified that it becomes unbearable when the ribs on the back ache on both sides. Painful sensations can be manifested in the neck, extremities.

- the disease occurs because of the low calcium content in the bones. Most often this occurs with aging of the body, when metabolic processes are violated, vitamin D, calcium from food in the intestine is poorly absorbed.


The process of bone destruction increases, reducing ability decreases. There are painful sensations from the back under the costal bones, resulting from multiple microscopic fractures.


As a result, the appearing sharp edges of the bone irritate the periosteum, rich in nerve endings.

Diseases of the lungs

Pleura covers the lungs from the outside, adhering closely to the rib cage. It is pierced by nerve endings in large quantities, which are irritated in various diseases.

Pneumonia right-sided is characterized by pain, worse with coughing, breathing. Dry pleurisy causes such sensations when the ribs on the back ache on both sides.

Malignant tumors

Tumors can be malignant - it's osteosarcoma. With this disease there are aching pains, can be piercing, pulling character. Sometimes pain sensations appear only at night, at some position of the body.

Often the tumor for a long time does not manifest itself, and the ribs from the back start to hurt after the impact, trauma.

The patient may not suspect the existence of a tumor, and the painful sensations are related to a stroke, although in the place of their appearance one can see the swelling, feel the cone. Diagnose the disease with a biopsy.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Back pain in the right or left hypochondrium

Why does it hurt under the ribs, giving in the back? Such a manifestation can speak about anything, it is impossible to identify the cause by itself.

Painful syndrome can be accompanied by minor injuries in this area, as well as dangerous diseases (sometimes even tumors).

If the pain occurs only with loads or sudden movements - the probability of sciatica is high.


If the back hurts in the rib area from behind, such manifestations can not be ignored. Many extremely dangerous diseases can be accompanied by such a symptom.

It is possible to determine exactly what causes pain, only after special examinations.

Back pain under the ribs may not be as significant, but it's better to make sure of your health once again than to treat a dangerous disease at the peak of its progression.

Injury of the costal region

Pain under the ribs can be the result of bone injuries in this area. Contusions or cracks in the ribs are accompanied by aching pain, creating discomfort. More serious violations - broken ribs.

With a fracture, the ribs and all intercostal spaces are very painful, movement and breathing are difficult, and the back (back) can hurt.Another danger of fractures is possible damage to the lungs or internal organs.

With such damage, a strong cough with blood can occur, blue skin, severe pain under the ribs from the back.

Intercostal neuralgia

Back pain in the right upper quadrant or in the left hypochondrium, or on both sides may be a symptom of intercostal neuralgia.

When the nerves are jammed in the sternum, acute pain occurs, which increases with sharp corners of the body or even sneezing.The disease can occur on the background of stretching nearby muscles or small injuries.

In addition to pain in the sternum, painful sensations may appear in the thoracic region on the back. Dangers do not carry, but causes extremely unpleasant sensations.

Diseases of the lungs

Pain in the right hypochondrium, giving in the back, can be a sign of pneumonia.

In this case, the patient has an increase in body temperature and the area near the nose becomes slightly blue.

With pleurisy, pain under the ribs in the back occurs on both sides. It can be accompanied by suffocation, sharp pain intensification during movements.

Osteochondrosis and hernia

All known osteochondrosis of the thoracic region may be the reason that the back hurts under the ribs. Depending on the stage of neglect of the disease, the pain can change its nature.

With any form of osteochondrosis, pain is present almost constantly, increasing with sudden movements and increased strain on the spine.


With the appearance of intervertebral hernias, not only can pain occur in the hypochondrium, but can also be given to the upper limbs.


With osteoporosis, which occurs against a background of calcium deficiency, there is also a pain syndrome. This is due to microcracks in the bones at which nerve damage occurs.

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain in the hypochondrium can be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas. Here are some examples:

  • Pancreatitis. There is pain on the left under the ribs behind the back. Exacerbations may arise from the intake of fatty foods. Often there is a girdle of pain under the ribs, which does not stop even in a comfortable position of the body.
  • Diseases of the spleen. With any disease of the spleen, it swells and there is pain in the left hypochondrium giving up in the back.
  • Cholecystitis (in any form). With such a disease, pain in the left hypochondrium gives in the back. In addition to pain, there is a sharp loss of appetite, a person is sick, there are vomiting. Frequent increases in body temperature are noted.
  • Diseases of the liver. With hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc. there is a pain on the right under the ribs. The circulatory process is disrupted.
  • Ulcer. Cracks form in the walls of the stomach or duodenum. There may be pain in the back, left under the ribs. Almost constantly there is a nausea.
  • Damage to the digestive system. With mechanical injuries of the abdominal cavity, ruptures or bruises of the internal organs may occur. Back pain under the ribs often accompanies such disorders. The pressure can change drastically.
  • Colic. Kidney disease often causes pain in the left hypochondrium behind, in some cases affecting the right hypochondrium. Localization often changes. Pain can irradiate from the intercostal space to the limbs, the lower back may be affected.
  • Gastritis. Pain sensations can occur from both sides in the hypochondrium, can be localized: back pain left under the ribs or right under the ribs from behind. It is accompanied by nausea and digestive disorders.

Oncological diseases

With cancer of the stomach or pancreatic cancer, there may be both pain in the left hypochondrium, and pain under the right rib.

This is a terrible diagnosis, but at an early stage the likelihood of healing is significantly increased.

That is why it is necessary not to delay with the examinations and under the first pains under the ribs undergo a diagnosis. To detect malignant tumors, a biopsy is performed.

Concomitant symptoms

Pain right under the ribs, pain under the left rib - only one of the manifestations of any disease. For some minimal help to the doctor in diagnosing and own awareness, it is necessary to know other characteristic symptoms of the most dangerous diseases.

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Cancer of the stomach or pancreas

Pain in the hypochondrium behind with cancer is characterized by a very vivid expression. They do not depend on the position of the human body or diet. There may be jaundice. At patients the weight of a body decreases, appetite disappears.

In addition to such manifestations as pain under the ribs on the left, a person often has a fever, he is feverish. There are bouts of nausea and even vomiting.

When a person commits any movement, the pain syndrome worsens.

Diseases of the spleen often cause dermatological diseases that cause itching.


Severe pathology of the digestive system, which is marked by pain under the right rib, sometimes under the left rib.

Pain is accompanied by very frequent nausea, poor appetite, weight loss. Diarrhea is another sign of pancreatitis.

Food is not fully digested and its pieces are sometimes visible in the toilet.


In the presence of an ulcer, a person has severe heartburn, eructation, a feeling of satiety sooner comes.The pain depends on the location of the pathology.

If the right side of the stomach or duodenum - there is pain on the right side of the back.

Digestive processes are violated, the patient is often disturbed by diarrhea and constipation.


To help the attending physician as soon as possible to determine the cause of the pain, it is necessary to conduct self-diagnosis. A person better understands what exactly he hurts and can follow the sensations and describe them as accurately as possible. This description includes:

  • Determination of body parts in which the pain syndrome is most pronounced;
  • Assessing whether the pain gives off some part of the body or is strictly localized;
  • The most accurate characteristic of pain parameters;
  • Determination of the behavior of pain in different circumstances (body position, nutrition, lifestyle);
  • Determination of home methods of pain reduction;
  • Determination of symptoms accompanying pain (temperature, etc.)
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The only correct solution for pain in the right upper quadrant, in the left or in the intercostal space is to consult a doctor. Self-medication can not give any therapeutic effect or even harm the person. First you need to contact the district therapist.

He will conduct his small survey, give direction to a more narrow specialist, which gives directions for hardware diagnostics. The patient needs to undergo: CT, MRI, X-ray, biopsy, etc.

After this, the disease itself, which causes pain and its treatment, is identified.

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The first step in the treatment of a patient is to improve the quality of life by reducing the pain syndrome or eliminating it. For this, preparations of various release forms are used: tablets, ointments, injections, etc.

Previously, the doctor appoints 2 groups of drugs:

  • Analgesics. A vivid example of often prescribed drugs is Apizarthron. Produced in the form of ointment. When the pain in the ribs has a warming up of the desired part of the body.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is possible to allocate such preparation, as Ketoprofen. Produced in the form of ointment. Used to relieve inflammation and irritation when the ribs hurt.

There are quite a lot of different pain killers, which are used only by prescription.

Folk methods

In addition to medication, treatment with folk remedies is also used. A vivid example will be a decoction of the dogrose: the hips should be crushed and poured with boiling water; the infusion period is 5 minutes. Consumption - 3 times a day.

Another means - infusion of honey and cinnamon. Mixing occurs approximately in this proportion: 1 glass of honey per 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (chopped). Consumption - 3 times a day. Such a tool will perfectly help to cope with pain.

Some use a decoction based on potatoes. To do this, you need to take a few fruits, wash and put in a pot of water. Cook the potatoes with the skin, the broth is used three times a day for 2 tablespoons.

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Why does tibial pain occur under the ribs and in the back?

The shrouding pain under the ribs and in the back is especially painful, unlike other types of pain, it is expressed in the form of attacks, it is short-lived and long enough.

Why there is a pain in the back

Tinea in the back can provoke several factors.

Appearance of shingles, or cutaneous herpes, appearing on the skin in the form of symmetrical inflamed areas. The cause is overwork, stress. When there is a foci of inflammation, you need to contact a dermatovenereologist for treatment.

The pathology of the vertebrae, resulting from the deposition of salts, jamming of nerve endings. The patient has an intervertebral hernia. An examination with a neurologist is required.

Lesions, disruption of the internal organs: gall bladder, digestive system, pancreas. In addition to pain in the back with pancreatitis, the temperature rises, nausea, vomiting.

Pain associated with diseases of the internal organs is always dangerous, it can be associated with the heart, kidneys, so you need to visit the surgeon and the therapist and undergo the prescribed examination.It is important to eliminate the cause, which led to the appearance of such pain.

Why does pain occur under the ribs?

Tinea under the ribs may appear due to a variety of internal diseases:

  • diseases associated with breathing;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • gastrointestinal inflammation;
  • osteochondrosis (renal colic);
  • injuries of internal organs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • the pathological condition of the diaphragm;
  • vegetative disorders.

Pain under the ribs on the left

The cause of the pain under the ribs to the left may be pancreatitis, the symptom gives in the back under the left scapula, sometimes it encircles the entire circumference of the back. The reception of sweet or fatty foods can cause sudden pain, intensifying on inspiration, when coughing.

Pancreatitis in the acute stage increases intoxication of the body, skin becomes cyanotic, around the navel can appear pinpoint hemorrhage. Man is sick, vomits.

Myocardial infarction affects the lower part of the left ventricle, pain occurs under the heart, the symptoms are similar to gastritis, as there are disorders of the intestine, vomiting, nausea, hiccough. Often after taking an anesthetic, it becomes paroxysmal, resembles a heart attack, presses behind the sternum, gives to the left in the hand, fingertips, scapula.

Pain under the ribs can occur with an increase in the spleen, with the patient's lymphoma, leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, hemolytic anemia, hepatic hypertension, lupus erythematosus, endocarditis, infectious mononucleosis. There is symptomatology in the form of dull pain in the left hypochondrium, liver failure, expansion of the venous arteries under the skin.

Pain below the ribs on the right

Causes of pain syndrome under the ribs on the right:

  • problems with the liver;
  • tumor;
  • cirrhosis;
  • stagnation of bile.

There is a pulling pain under the ribs on the right, blood circulation is disturbed, signs of jaundice are possible.

With acute cholecystitis, the pain is acute in the right upper quadrant, it gives under the scapula. The temperature rises, the patient vomits, tears. Eye whites, skin turn yellow.

With cholelithiasis, the pain is acute, paroxysmal, and gives into the back. The disease indicates the presence of stones in the bile duct, if the stones start to come out, it immediately subsides.


With chronic cholecystitis, moderate pain appears after consuming fried, spicy, fatty foods.


With pancreatic pancreatitis and cancer, jaundice is observed, dull pain under the ribs on the right.

Pain under the ribs in the middle

With a stomach ulcer, painful sensations are observed after eating, on an empty stomach, after stress. In feces may be present impurities of blood, stool tarry, black. Pains are possible with the initial stage of peritonitis, the person is sick, tears, the temperature rises.

With cancer of the stomach, there are painful sensations in the presence of a tumor, its introduction into the walls of the stomach. The patient loses weight, quickly weakens.

With the pathology of the diaphragm, which occurs after surgery, trauma to the peritoneal organs, there is a sharp pain in the chest in front, it gives into the supraclavicular region, the scapula. The patient strongly vomits, the temperature rises.

The cause of pain under the ribs can be a lot of other internal diseases.

It occurs with right-sided pneumonia, is observed when inhaling, coughing, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen are sometimes similar to appendicitis, the nasolabial triangle acquires a cyanotic color.

When injuries of internal organs, in particular, rupture of the spleen, liver, cirrhosis, leukemia, the structure of internal organs is disrupted, there are severe pains under the ribs on the left, they increase as a result of the accumulation of blood under the capsule, especially in the horizontal position. These injuries are hidden and very dangerous, the condition can worsen suddenly, right up to the death of a person as a result of hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity.


With renal colic pains are painful, paroxysmal, they are given in the groin, abdomen, hips as a result of the progression of the stones along the ureter to the ribs, they also give to the lower lumbar region, the sacrum area. With hydronephrosis of the kidneys, obstruction of the ureter, one must consult a surgeon for examination and examination.


With intercostal neuralgia, the pain appears under the ribs on both the left and right sides, often it is strong and piercing. The cause may be an increase in tonus in the shoulder and shoulder muscles, compression of the nerves between the ribs, osteochondrosis, stress, hypothermia.

In chronic osteochondrosis pains are aching, appear in the hypochondrium, behind the back, spread down to the shins, thighs, buttocks. In the period of exacerbation, they shoot, arise when the body turns, head inclinations.

With vegetative neuralgic disorders, this symptom appears suddenly, there are no objective reasons for the occurrence.

With vegetovascular dystonia pressure rises sharply, oxygen deficiency, angina pectoris, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, irritation of the intestine, insomnia. The pain surrounds the back completely.

How to determine the cause yourself

The cause of pain under the ribs can be chronic, acute diseases of many organs and systems.

Identify the type of pain: dull, sharp, aching, mild or unbearable. Factors under which it is intensified are also very important for medical diagnosis, the syndrome can be manifested by sneezing, attempts, deep inspiration, coughing, change of position, sudden movements, running.

Under what circumstances does the pain subside: in the warmth, with the use of antispasmodics, analgesics or simply when changing the posture. It is important, at what time - in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening - it appears, it can appear on an empty stomach or after a meal. Is it accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever.

All these methods will allow the doctor to place a preliminary diagnosis more accurately, and also you will know to which specialist to apply for severe pain in emergency cases.

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Pain under the ribs on the right side of the back

Pain under the ribs from the back is a sign of a variety of diseases. That's why a person can not ignore them.

If pain occurs, you should contact the medical center for diagnosis, as this a pathological condition may indicate diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases internal organs.

The causes of the appearance of pathology

Pain in the back to the right under the ribs can appear in diseases of various organs and systems of man. Very often, the cause of pain is injury.

Soreness occurs with retroperitoneal hematoma. If the patient exhibits pathological changes in the neuro-endocrine regulation, this leads to the appearance of painful sensations.

Very often pain in the right hypochondrium from the back is observed with osteochondrosis. The pathological condition can become a consequence of the development of diseases of the urinary tract.


On the appearance of pain, patients very often complain with a subdiaphragmatic abscess.


If a liver or spleen is injured in patients, this can lead to the appearance of pathology.

Enough to endure this pain in the joints! Write down the recipe.

Diseases of the digestive system can cause pain under the ribs.

If, as a result of the effects of acute and chronic infections, septic conditions, immune disorders, the spleen increases, it causes the patient painful sensations. They can be and with diseases of the digestive system.

Pain in the lower back in the lower back and ribs can occur for various reasons. That's why when they appear, you need to consult a doctor.

Concomitant symptomatology

In most cases, pain is accompanied by a variety of symptoms, depending on the diseases it caused:

  • In the presence of a cancerous tumor on the pancreas, the pain syndrome in the back under the ribs from the rear is characterized by a strong severity. It appears independent of meals;
  • If the patient develops a myocardial infarction, the patient experiences hiccups, nausea and even upset stomach;
  • In spleen disease, many patients have a back pain right under the ribs. It can be accompanied by infectious monoculosis, leukemia, endocarditis, hypertension, lymphocytic leukemia, lupus erythematosus, hemolytic anemia;
  • If the patient develops kidney disease, then it is accompanied by dull pain. In some cases, the pathological condition is accompanied by jaundice;
  • With acute cholecystitis, the pain in the right upper quadrant behind the back is acute. Many patients complain of the appearance of nausea, vomiting;
  • During the course of chronic cholecystitis, pain is diagnosed, which is of moderate nature. Some patients complain of a bitter taste in the mouth. Also, the disease can be accompanied by eructations and vomiting;
  • The pain on the right under the ribs from the back can accompany pancreatic cancer. The pathological condition in most cases is accompanied by jaundice.
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Due to the presence of additional symptoms, it is possible to determine the course of a certain disease. But, self-medication in this case is not worth it, since the patient can only aggravate the situation.

Treatment of pathology

If the patients have a back pain right behind the ribs, this in most cases binds the person's movements, which causes discomfort and inconvenience.

In order to eliminate the painfulness of the patient, it is necessary to contact the district therapist.

He can put a preliminary diagnosis and send the patient to a highly specialized doctor.

Treatment of pain in the back to the right under the ribs from behind is carried out by the method of eliminating the underlying disease.

To stop the pain syndrome, the patient is prescribed various medications, which are made in the form of injections for injections, ointments, gels, creams, tablets, etc.

The most effective medicines are:

  • Apizarthron, which belongs to the category of analgesics. The production of the drug is carried out in the form of an ointment, which requires its application to the place of dislocation of pain in the back to the right under the ribs from behind. Ointment for pain relief increases the body temperature at the application site, which provides a warming effect;
  • Ketoprofen, which belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Application of the ointment is performed locally. The drug stimulates the nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of a locally irritating effect. Also, the ointment warms up and anesthetizes the place of application. Ketoprofen is used if the pain under the right rib is in the back, which ensures its cupping;
  • Nitroglycerin, the production of which is carried out in the form of tablets. At occurrence of sharp painful sensations it is necessary for the person to resolve one tablet of a medicinal product;
  • But-shpa, which has the highest impact effect. With the help of this medicine pains in various organs and systems of the person, including pains in a back on the right under ribs behind are coped.

Sufficiently effective in eliminating soreness is traditional medicine.

If the cause of the appearance of the pathological condition of the ribs are diseases of the spleen, the patient must use the dog rose, from which the broth is prepared a decoction. To do this, you need to take the berries, chop and pour them with boiling water.

The drug is cooked for five minutes. Reception of broth is carried out inside three times a day.

The medicine is accepted, if the pain on the right under the ribs gives in the back. My patients use a proven means.

thanks to which you can get rid of the pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

If the cause of pain is liver disease, then to eliminate it you can use a folk medicine based on honey and ground cinnamon.


To prepare the medicine, you need to mix a glass of honey from one tablespoon of cinnamon.


Take medication from the pain in the back to the right under the ribs from behind need three times a day.

A single dose of the drug should not be more than a tablespoon. To ensure a high impact effect, the folk remedy should be taken before meals.

Very often, if it hurts on the right under the ribs from the back, causes may be pathological processes that occur in the bladder. To stop the syndrome in this case, you can prepare a decoction of potatoes.

To do this, you need to take the product, wash it and weld it together with the peel. After bringing the product to readiness, it is repulsed together with water.

The drug should be infused for an hour. Reception of a national preparation is carried out three times a day.

A single dose of the medicine is two tablespoons.

Traditional medicine is characterized by a high impact effect in the relief of pain. Difficulties during its application arise in the fact that it is necessary to first determine the disease, which causes pain.

If a person has pain in the right upper quadrant from the back, then he needs to establish the cause of its appearance. In most cases, it is a disease of internal organs.

Enough to endure this pain in the joints! Write down the recipe.

Causes of pain in the right side of the back

Neuralgic syndromes, degenerative-dystrophic changes of the spine, organ diseases Abdominal cavity, diseases of the genitourinary system often lead to the fact that a person has a sore right side with back. Differentiate the pain sensations should the doctor, because the nature and localization of pain can be a consequence of various pathologies. If it hurts on the right, in the lumbar region, the cause may be kidney pathology

If the soreness on the right side rises higher, localizing under the ribs, extending to the scapula and the lumbar region, this indicates the development of pancreatitis.

Sharp pain on the right lower lumbar radiating behind the surface of the buttocks, hips, shins is a sign of the pathology of the spine.

In women, the pulling, aching pain below and just above the waist indicates gynecological problems.

The pathology of the musculoskeletal system

Pain from the lumbar to the right is the cause of degenerative-dystrophic changes. If the damage and displacement of the intervertebral discs occurred in 1-2 vertebrae, the pain syndrome below irradiates above, covers the shoulder girdle.

When lesions 3, 4, 5 of the intervertebral disc localization of pain at the bottom, the symptom spreads behind the surface of the buttocks, thighs, lower leg.


At the initial stage the pain is not expressed strongly, is aggravated with the progression of the disease. Nerve endings are impaired, acute pain radiates to the leg from the side of the lesion (right or left), while moving, sneezing, coughing intensifies.


Constant aching pain periodically receding, receding when inclined.

Intervertebral hernia

The mole syndrome occurs on the right and left (sometimes it is difficult to localize). The symptom spreads from behind, from the side of the affected lumbar vertebrae, covers the lower limbs. Pain is intensified when moving.


Direct falls on the spine provoke discomfort under the ribs, the degree of intensity depends on the nature of the damage.

The list of diseases provoking painful syndrome on the right in the lumbar region is incomplete - do not ignore the syndrome, on time contact for help, diagnosis and treatment, it is the prerogative of the doctor.

Neurological syndrome of infection

If the pain syndrome appeared on the right, under the ribs and spreads higher, covering the chest, this indicates neuralgia.

Damage, inflammation of the nerve endings provoke painful sensations in front and behind.

Pain constant stupid increases (there are lumbago) with tilts, turns, sneezing, coughing.

Tinea - herpes infection

If the rash goes from the side of the back along the intercostal trunks, intense pain arises.


Infection affects the intervertebral discs, leading to persistent, intense soreness in the back.

Myositis and other inflammatory processes in the muscles, accompanied by spasms, provoke discomfort in the back area.

Diseases of internal organs

Diseases of the internal organs provoke a right-sided pain symptom in the lumbar region.

The syndrome can irradiate above, give under the ribs from the side of the affected organ, go to the abdomen.

Duodenal ulcer

Painful sensations intense from the abdomen extend to the back and chest area. Other symptoms include flatulence, nausea, belching, bloating.

Diseases of the liver

The bloody organ is located on the right. Therefore, with the pathology of the liver, the pain syndrome is right-sided.

Sometimes discomfort gives under the scapula, chest area or shoulder. The aggravation of the symptom is noted after drinking alcoholic, fatty and spicy dishes.

Other symptoms - belching, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, lack of appetite, nausea.


With inflammation of the pancreas, intense pain syndrome arises around the back and abdomen. Other symptoms - flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, hyperthermia, loss of strength.

Pneumonia and pleurisy

Soreness occurs under the scapula of the right or left side of the back, depends on the localization of pathology. Of the other signs noted - hyperthermia, cough with hard to spit out, a decline in strength.


The pain syndrome on the left or right side depends on the localization of the inflammation. The pain is constant, aching worse when the area of ​​the affected area is palpated. Other signs - nausea, hyperthermia, frequent urination, swelling.


Inflammation of the vermiform appendage provokes a aching, pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen irradiating under the ribs on the right side of the back. When pressing on the appendix, the pain is sharp, sharp.

Gynecological problems

Pain in the right side of the back from the women testify to gynecological problems - inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. In men, symptomatology indicates the development of prostatitis.

With gynecological diseases, women suffer permanent pain that increases with walking, giving off to the perineum and back area. The syndrome occurs with fibroids, endometriosis, adnexitis acute or chronic.

Cystic, malignant formations of tubes, ovaries provoke intense pain syndrome of extensive localization - the area of ​​the perineum, waist, abdomen is covered, the pain gives in the leg. When the ovary ruptured, the pain syndrome is sharp, giving into the anus. Other symptoms are dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness.


With ectopic pregnancy and tube rupture, women experience sharp intense pains that can not be stopped with analgesics. Pathology develops due to delay of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube.


Developing, the egg leads to stretching and rupture of the uterine tube. After ectopic fertilization (until the moment of rupture), women experience constant discomfort, pulling in the lower abdomen giving back to the waist.

When the uterine tube breaks, sharp, piercing pains occur.

During pregnancy, the lumbar region hurts in women from the right and the left side because of weight gain, and the spinal cord is subjected to intense stress.

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