Congenital form of glaucoma: symptomatology and treatment
Inside the eyeball of a person there is a certain pressure of the fluid, which has norms.Deviation from them may indicate the presence of such a disease as glaucoma, and accompanied by a deterioration of well-being and constant ailments. Glaucoma has an innate form, from which it is possible and necessary to fight from the very childhood. Everyone who is prone to pathology, it is necessary to know how to lead a habitual way of life, having a similar diagnosis.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
Definition of disease
Glaucoma is a complex disease, the main symptom of which is the deviation from the norm of intraocular pressure.The disease is diagnosed when the baby has an abnormality in the development of the drainage system of the eyeball responsible for the outflow of the eye fluid. There may be both increased IOP and low.The danger of the disease is that in the absence of treatment, pathology affects the shape of the eyeball and leads to irreversible negative changes, which, coupled with the infant's underdevelopment of the visual system, lead to blindness.
Currently, it is not common and according to the statistics of diagnosis it is only one tenth of a percent of all diseases. In rare cases, it can lead to loss of vision.Glaucoma affects, as a rule, mostly boys.
The disease can not always be diagnosed immediately after birth, in most cases it begins to show its signs only after a few years.
The main cause of increased fluid pressure inside the eyes is an incorrect formation of the anterior chamber of the eye in the womb.Virtually all causes of the development of glaucoma in newborns are based on deviations in the health of the mother:
Infectious diseases during pregnancy (influenza, rubella, toxoplasmosis, etc.).
Hypo- or hypervitaminosis.
Severe toxicosis.
Reception of radiation.
These factors provoke the development of secondary congenital glaucoma. Another not less significant factor is hereditary predisposition. In this case, the deformation of the development of eye structures is based on the genetic level. This pathology is called the primary hereditary.
Every pregnant woman is obliged by virtue of her position to observe a special regime, to cherish her own health, the life of a future child.
Symptoms of the development of glaucoma, as a rule, are pronounced and clearly visible.The beginning of its flow is accompanied by an increase in the eyeball in size, finding an abnormally large area with the cornea.Often the baby experiences profuse lacrimation, a fear of light. In advanced cases, there may be a rupture of the eye tissues, clouding of the lens, thinning of the sclera. In addition, there is observed:
deepening of the anterior chamber of the eye;
stagnant formations on the optic disc, its dystrophy or swelling;
decreased visual function.
As for the last point, it is almost impossible to determine the visual acuity of the child in the first six months of his life. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the visual system.
Determine the beginning of development can also be based on how the child behaves. Usually, in such cases, he can sleep badly and be capricious, constantly rubbing his eyes.
Possible complications
As a rule, the deterioration of the patient's condition is often accompanied by the persistence of corneal edema, pain (including headaches), discomfort, and visual acuity.In the latter stages, clouding of the lens of both eyes and violation of blood supply to the organs of vision may occur, atrophy of the optic nerve develops.
Timely initiation of therapy can stop and slow the progression of the disease.
Currently, there are two methods of treating congenital glaucoma: drug and surgical. Her choice is always based on the results of the diagnosis, which includes:
biomicroscopy(hardware examination of eye tissues);
ophthalmoscopy(carrying out of the analysis of a condition of an optic nerve);
tonometry(measuring the moisture pressure inside the eye).ophthalmoscopy
In some cases, other studies may be required, including other doctors.
This method of treatment is most often ancillary and is used together with surgical. The main medicines here are:
Miotic preparations;
Preparations that are analogues of prostaglandins, etc.Alphagaine is used in the treatment of glaucoma
Also in therapy include medicines and procedures that have a general strengthening effect on the body and the visual apparatus.
Surgery can be performed immediately after diagnosis. Important here is the choice of the way it is carried out. To date, the most relevant:
Trabeculotomy(in the sclera, an incision is made and trabeculae are cut through it);
Trabeculectomy(a small part of the trabecula is removed through an incision in the scleral region);
Goniotomy(dissection of trabeculae through the cornea of the eye);
Combined methods.
The effectiveness of the operation in most cases depends on the stage at which it is performed. It is best to do it immediately after establishing an accurate diagnosis and analysis of the lesion.
Prevention of congenital glaucoma can consist of proper compliance with the regime of a pregnant woman.She must follow a diet, abandon bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, take preventive measures against various diseases, and avoid traumatic situations. In turn, children with suspicions of pathology, it is necessary to undergo a survey on time and register.Patients are also shown periodic diagnostics, including tracking changes in eyeball volume, studying its tissues and measuring intraocular pressure.
Congenital glaucoma is a dangerous disease of the eye, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and deformities of the eyeball and its components.People suffering from this pathology, you need to know that it is possible to stop its development effectively only at the initial stages, because neglected cases can lead to irreversible consequences. That is why the future parents need to take care of their child's health and put it on time in the hospital at the hospital after birth, if they suspect an anomaly.