Sluggish pneumonia symptoms

Sluggish pneumonia?



Perhaps the antibiotic failed. Usually, they also prescribe antibacterial drugs in the form of a dropper Metrogil, after or in conjunction with antibiotics. Expectorant drug bronholitin or bronchocin with ephedrine and overnight sedatives. You need to take an X-ray once again necessarily. If there is no positive motor skills, insist on hospitalization do not tighten. Sluggish pneumonia can give unpleasant consequences with the respiratory apparatus. You can go to any other doctor while your attending physician is on a sick leave.

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I coughed for several years, until I started taking biseptol. I drank 2 weeks and everything passed

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Symptoms of pneumonia of the lungs

Before discussing the symptoms of pneumonia, it is necessary to understand a little the nature of the disease and clarify the meaning of terms describing the inflammatory processes in the lungs.

The nature of the disease and its causes

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Pneumonia in the 21st centuryUntil the beginning of the 21st century, Soviet medicine extended the expanded interpretation of the term "pneumonia." It was used to describe any acute focal inflammation of the lung tissue regardless of the cause. In the Russian classification of the disease "acute pneumonia" there were isolated such forms as "pneumonia from exposure chemical and physical factors allergic pneumonia infectious-allergic pneumonia "and others options.

Currently, in accordance with international standards, the term "pneumonia" refers to acute infectious diseases of the pulmonary tissue of predominantly bacterial nature. It is characterized by a local (focal) lesion of the respiratory tissue of the lung with the swelling of the inflammatory fluid into the pulmonary vesicles. Symptoms of inflammation in the lung tissue are revealed when the patient is examined by a doctor and an x-ray examination of the chest organs. For inflammation of the lungs are characterized by: acute febrile reaction (fever) and severe intoxication.

Since this disease by definition is an acute infectious disease, the definition of "acute" before the word "pneumonia" in the diagnosis became redundant and out of use.

Is there a chronic pneumonia?

The term "chronic pneumonia" in modern medicine is also not used, as it lost a real clinical basis. "Chronic pneumonia" of the 20th century was divided into several diseases of different nature. Distinguish them was made possible by improving the methods of examination and the progress of medical science. Chronic inflammatory reaction in the pulmonary ways takes place with all these diseases, which have received separate names and special methods of treatment. The most common of these is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - a constant companion of tobacco smokers. Chronic bacterial infection is also characteristic of bronchiectasis.

What external signs does pneumonia have?

Sudden onset of the diseaseThe first symptoms of inflammation of the lungs, which tell patients:
  • sudden onset of the disease;
  • acute fever (body temperature increase 8 8 ° C);
  • tremendous chills;
  • acute chest pain, worse with coughing and breathing;
  • cough dry or unproductive;
  • expectoration of a rusty color in a small amount;
  • dyspnea;
  • pronounced general weakness, fatigue;
  • sweating at night and with minimal physical exertion.

The thought of pneumonia should occur when a combination of body temperature increases with complaints of coughing, sputum separation, dyspnea, chest pain. Also, patients with pneumonia, complain of unmotivated weakness, fatigue, increased sweating at night.

How to recognize the latent form of the disease?

Almost in all age categories - in children, adolescents and adults, inflammation of the lungs has a similar clinical picture. But it is possible and hidden, sluggish form of the disease. Symptoms such as chest pain with coughing, fever and other signs may not be present in weakened adolescents or adults.

The latent symptomatology of pneumonia can be observed in the elderly. In 25% of patients aged> 65 there is no increase in body temperature, and the disease can manifest as fatigue, weakness, nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, impaired consciousness.

Objective signs of inflammation of the lungs

The next stage of diagnosis of the disease after questioning is examination of the patient, revealing the objective symptoms of pneumonia. These are signs of a disease that the doctor finds in the patient when examining, tapping the chest (percussion) and listening to the lungs (auscultation).

Classical objective symptoms are:

  • Stupidity of percussion sound when tapping over inflamed areas of the lungs.
  • Listening to hard breathing over a limited area of ​​the lung tissue at the site of inflammation.
  • Local listening to sonorous small bubbling rales over the inflamed area of ​​the lung.

The main criterion that confirms pneumonia is the asymmetry of the lesion, that is, the presence of objective signs of inflammation of the lungs only on one side of the chest.

In almost 20% of cases, objective signs of pneumonia in patients may differ from the classical ones or absent. In these cases, latent symptoms can lead to diagnostic errors. Fortunately, in the arsenal of doctors there is a way to detect the inflammation of the lungs with the help of X-rays.

X-ray signs of pneumonia

X-ray analysis of pneumoniaThe main x-ray symptom of pneumonia is a local compaction (infiltration) of lung tissue found in a patient with external signs of acute inflammation of the respiratory system.

The consolidation of the pulmonary tissue in pneumonia usually has a one-sided nature. Two-sided infiltration is rare. This symptom is more typical for swelling of the lungs, metastases of malignant tumors, systemic connective tissue diseases with respiratory organs.

An x-ray study with suspicion of pneumonia is conducted in all patients without exception: newborns, adolescents, adults, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people. This rule is associated with the danger of a diagnostic error, high mortality when delayed in prescribing antibiotics for patients with pneumonia.

Symptoms of viral pneumonia

Acute viral respiratory infection and pneumonia itself are various diseases. Viral infection, of course, is a leading risk factor for inflammation of the lungs. However, painful changes in the lung tissue caused by respiratory viruses should be clearly delimited from pneumonia. After all, the treatment of these conditions is fundamentally different. True microbial pneumonia is qualitatively different from that of lungs by viruses, which is characterized by bilateral infiltration along the way of the pulmonary vessels.

Viral infection, especially highly pathogenic influenza ("pork "avian"), can occur in the form of bilateral lung damage with inflammation in the course of the pulmonary vessels. At laboratory confirmation of the presence of highly pathogenic influenza virus in the patient's sputum and the absence of other pathogens in it, the diagnosis of viral pneumonia is justified.

The first significant symptoms of viral influenza pneumonia are rapidly increasing dyspnoea, an increase in temperature bodies to very high figures (9 9 ° C), a painful cough with bloody frothy sputum, a sharp general weakness. Influenza pneumonia is a very dangerous condition requiring treatment in the intensive care unit.

What is croupous pneumonia?

The term "croup pneumonia" is a traditional name for pneumococcal pneumonia, which has all the classic symptoms of lung inflammation in its entirety. Croup pneumonia is practically the only of all forms of this disease, in which a preliminary diagnosis corresponds to an aetiological (pneumococcal infection).

Croupous pneumonia develops sharply, beginning with a tremendous chill and a swift rise in body temperature to 39-40 ° C. An early sign is the appearance of chest pain on the side of the lesion, which is sharply aggravated by deep inhalation or coughing. First, the cough is dry, then on the second or third day of the disease, rusty or brown sputum appears. Characteristic signs are reddening of the face, especially on the side of the lesion, frequent shallow breathing to 30 per minute and more. Croup pneumonia usually affects one lung (usually the right one) and can capture 1, 2 or 3 lobes.

Atypical pneumonia in adolescents

SARSThe term "atypical pneumonia" means the belonging of the causative agent to microbes, called "atypical flora". Atypical flora are intracellular infectious agents - mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella. Inflammation of the lungs, caused by mycoplasmas, most often affects young people in organized collectives - military service personnel, students, children, adolescents (20-30% of all pneumonia). And, on the contrary, at patients of the senior ages atypical pneumonia is diagnosed extremely seldom.

Atypical mycoplasmal or chlamydial infection is accompanied by muscle and headaches, chills, symptoms of ARI. Hemoptysis and chest pain are uncharacteristic of pneumonia caused by atypical flora.

Treat such a disease as atypical pneumonia, special drugs - antibiotics from a group of new macrolides (josamycin, rovamycin, spiramycin, klatsid). These drugs are approved for use in children and adolescents and do not cause intestinal dysbiosis.



Pneumonia(pneumonia) is a disease affecting the lung tissue. There are 3 types of the disease - focal, chronic and croupous pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults vary depending on the species. The duration and course of the disease is also different. The first signs of pneumonia are often similar to signs of acute respiratory viral infection. This negatively affects the timely diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults and children

Symptom of pneumonia in children is not always a fever. If the baby has become listless and restless, eats and sleeps badly, coughs heavily, it is necessary to call a doctor.

Forfocal pneumoniacharacterized by lethargy, lack of appetite, the temperature rises to 38 ° C, headache, a slight chill.

Whencroupous pneumoniasymptoms are suddenness of the disease, a strong chill begins, the temperature rises to 40 ° C, dry prolonged cough, shortness of breath, faster breathing, pain in the side when one lung is injured, pain in the scapular region and in the entire thorax with a bilateral inflammation. Croupous pneumonia is considered the most dangerous for life.

Chronic inflammation can last for years, periodically exacerbating. It occurs after acute inflammation of the lungs, if the disease was not completely cured. It threatens with deformation of the lung tissue and other dangerous for the body disorders. This inflammation of the lungs can occur without a temperature, which rises only when exacerbations occur.

The cause of pneumonia for a long time was considered hypothermia, but, as it turned out, things are different. In addition to respiratory function, the lungs are responsible for filtering the blood. Therefore, signs of pneumonia can be detected not only after colds and hypothermia. At the moment, several factors that lead to pneumonia have been identified - the entry of viruses and bacteria into the lungs, changes in the composition of mucus produced by bronchial tubes, trauma and surgery. Often, pneumonia is a complication of ARVI. Because of this, it is difficult to notice the symptoms of pneumonia in children - most often it develops against the background of a flu or other acute disease. Therefore weakened toddlers need to be kept under the control of a doctor until complete recovery. Complications from pneumonia depend on the timeliness and correctness of the treatment.

Treatment of pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia is determined by the doctor, depending on the age and condition of the patient, the severity of the disease. For this, the tests that determine the causative agent of the disease are submitted. Without such tests, antibiotics can not be prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia. If the antibiotic is not properly prescribed, then the course of the disease may worsen. Treatment of croupous pneumonia is carried out under in-patient conditions, under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment of focal inflammation of the lungs can be carried out at home. Drugs in this case should be prescribed only by a specialist, self-medication with pneumonia should be avoided. Chronic forms of the disease are treated long and difficult, depending on the neglect of the disease.

General recommendations for the treatment of pneumonia are as follows:

  • drink plenty of liquid, herbal decoctions, tea with lime honey, natural juices and fruit drinks;
  • ventilate the room. The temperature in the room should not be more than 20 degrees. Dry and warm air is inadmissible. In winter, you can cover the battery with a wet cloth, you can not use electric heaters in the patient's room;
  • daily wet cleaning of the room, but in no case can not wipe the surface of solutions containing chlorine. Since its evaporation destroys the lung tissue;
  • Do not try to treat pneumonia only with folk remedies. Use them to maintain immunity and as an additional treatment after consulting a specialist;
  • Do not take antibiotics and cough remedies without a doctor's appointment;
  • expectorants should be drunk with plenty of water (not immediately, but for several hours before and after taking), otherwise the cough will be dry and the lungs will not be cleared;Inflammation of the lungs symptoms treatment
  • If you feel worse during treatment, contact your doctor.

Inflammation of the lungs in children and the elderly is particularly difficult, requiring serious treatment. Pneumonia is also dangerous for impaired people and can lead to complications. If you have symptoms of pneumonia, start treatment immediately, even if pneumonia is sluggish. During treatment and immediately after recovery, follow the diet - you need to strengthen the immune system with vitamins and minerals, but do not eat if there is no appetite.

For the prevention of viral and colds, do special respiratory gymnastics, which will help normalize the lungs, provide them with good ventilation. Also, monitor the general condition of the body - all organs and systems are interconnected, and small problems can significantly affect your health.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in infants

Pneumonia in the infant, the symptoms of which are diverse, has mechanisms of development that are very different from a similar ailment in an adult patient. If there are signs of pneumonia in the child, it is necessary to urgently lead him to the hospital, otherwise complications may occur, it will be possible to cope with it with great difficulty.If the disease is neglected in infants, the disease can lead to death.

The problem of pneumonia in a newborn child

The causes of pneumonia in young children

The main lesion occurs with various infections, which can be divided into the following types:

  1. Disease of bacterial character.
  2. Viral infection of the lung.
  3. Penetration of fungi into the body.
  4. Various physical and chemical causes.
  5. Drug poisoning.

In young children, the main damaging factor is pneumococci. The incubation period of this pathogen is 2-3 days. The infection clinic is manifested in a sharp increase in the child's body temperature to 37-41 ° C. At the same time, drowsiness or general malaise may occur. If you seek medical help on time, the disease will be cured within 2 weeks.

Pneumococci - pathogens of pneumoniaFor babies and babies, the most dangerous are the so-called Legionella pneumonia. Their incubation period reaches 4 days. If the disease is not treated in time, then in the lungs focal lesions occur, and respiratory failure develops. Often in such cases, the child dies.

The individual characteristics of each child also play a big role in the course of the disease. If the baby from birth has a narrow cage of the thoracic region, then this can complicate the treatment, since it contributes to the rapid development of the disease. There is a lack of breathing, which leads to a deterioration in the child's condition.

How is the disease in premature babies?

At such kids most often all depends on the assimilation of mother's milk. If there are no complications, together with this product, the right amount of immunoglobulins gets into the body of the child, which forms the first line of protection against viral infections. With the development of pneumonia in this case, all the processes go in the same way as they manifest in children of the normal period of wear. With the timely detection of disease, the course of therapy, such children recover within 2 weeks.

If doctors deal with atypical forms of the disease, then everything is considerably complicated. Most often, the child develops a respiratory failure.

Preterm infants suffer with a general intoxication of all body systems, which leads to various pathological changes and often the death of a small patient.

Symptoms that characterize pneumonia in infants and newborns

Temperature is a symptom of pneumoniaThe main signs of the disease during this period of the child's development:
  1. The body temperature of a small patient rises.
  2. There is a cyanosis on the skin.
  3. There is a sharp increase in the rate of sputum accumulation.
  4. The child is tormented by a persistent cough.
  5. The kid is often irritated and almost always crying.

It is necessary to mark the first signs of the disease in time and begin timely therapy. If this is not done in time, serious complications can arise that will lead to the need to use strong antimicrobials. And this, in turn, can lead to the appearance of a dysbiosis in a child.

The development of pneumonia in a newborn and infants begins with an incubation period that lasts no more than 4 days. During this period, in young children, the disease flows secretly, without any external manifestations. Therefore, at the first suspicion of pneumonia in the infant, the symptoms of which have not yet manifested itself, parents should show the child to the doctor.

This should be done because children of the first period of life do not have a formed system of immunity, and local protection works only at the expense of immunoglobulin, obtained through the mother's milk. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then this measure of protection is absent and, therefore, any infection can cause serious harm to the child.

How to recognize the signs of viral pneumonia in a child?

Cough with pneumoniaIf the baby has congenital pneumonia, then her symptoms usually appear after a few days. The disease begins with a cough and a sudden increase in body temperature, which indicates the respiratory nature of the disease and can lead to medical error. If the treatment is not given in time with antimicrobial agents, the following symptoms will start to appear:
  1. The child refuses to eat.
  2. Constantly capricious.
  3. His rapid and strong breathing is heard.
  4. The baby always cries.

All of the above signs appear due to the high temperature. With the chest X-ray, such a child clearly sees foci of inflammation in the form of segments. If the child is premature, the size of the lesion is much greater.

Such a patient should be hospitalized, and he needs to undergo intensive antimicrobial therapy. But we must be cautious, since the baby can show dysbiosis and other complications.

Parents can determine the illness of the child by themselves. The symptoms that should alert them are the following:

Loss of appetite for pneumonia
  1. It takes breath because of asphyxiation (lack of air), the blueing of the skin begins.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the increased tearfulness of the baby.
  3. The child's temperature can rise to 40 ° C. Therefore, we must take him to a doctor.
  4. The baby has a decrease in the threshold of reflexes, for example, respiratory or sucking.
  5. The patient can suddenly drop weight, and the baby stops eating. There may be attacks of vomiting due to changes in the intestines of the child that occurred under the influence of pneumonia.
  6. The cardiovascular system responds to the disease by worsening blood flow in the so-called small circle. This is due to infiltrates in the tissues of the lungs. Pathology in the baby can be determined by the swelling of the feet and blue skin. The normal operation of the heart muscle may be disrupted.
  7. Pneumonia on the central nervous system of the child acts in such a way that some children begin to overly excited, while others, on the contrary, become sluggish and slow.
  8. The main sign that adults can detect in a child with viral infection of the lungs is a sharp decrease in appetite. In young children, this can manifest as diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, as microbes affect not only the lungs, but also the intestines of the child.

How to recognize the inflammation of the lungs in a small child in time?

This can be done on the basis of the following features:

The doctor's consultation
  1. In infants and babies, the elevated body temperature (about 40 ° C) lasts more than 3 consecutive days.
  2. The child coughs, and moisture is released in large quantities.
  3. The breathing of a small patient is gaining momentum. There may be a so-called groaning.
  4. The skin begins to turn blue on the face and in the area between the nose and lips.
  5. The kid refuses to eat.
  6. There are signs of a cold.

In all of the above cases, you need to call a doctor at home or take the child to the hospital. There experts will check the baby's lungs and, if necessary, hospitalize him. The most accurate way to determine pneumonia is chest x-ray, and it can only be done in a clinic.

In newborns, recognizing pneumonia is a difficult task, but you need to start treatment as early as possible. Often this disease is caused by chlamydia. These are organisms that penetrate cells that are difficult to destroy by antiviral therapy.

Diagnosis of the disease in clinical settings

First, doctors listen to the child's lungs, tap his chest. Then a series of analyzes are carried out:

  1. The blood is being examined.
  2. Biochemical data are taken.
  3. X-ray the chest of the child.

When examining the blood, attention is drawn to the increased number of leukocytes that arise when a child's virus is damaged.

Biochemical parameters of blood are used to determine the effect of pathology on other organs and systems of the organism of a small patient. An increase in the level of uric acid may indicate a variety of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys. Radiography shows areas of damage in the patient's lungs and enables physicians to assess the extent of the disease.

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