Effective eye drops from lacrimation

Lachrymation is a natural physiological process that is necessary in order to create a reliable protection to the eye from dust, sorines, pathogens. If the glands work is increased, they produce a tear secret in an increased amount. This leads to the development of discomfort and may indicate the development of the pathological process. Cope with it can be with the help of drops from tear. The choice of the method for the treatment of eye tearing is carried out taking into account the causes that led to hypersecretion of the lacrimal glands.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Okomistin
    • 3.2Tobrex
    • 3.3Allergodyl
    • 3.4Albucid
    • 3.5Vizin
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Lachrymation is a natural process in which a lacrimal fluid produced by the lacrimal glands is secreted. This process can be physiological or act as a symptom of various pathologies. So for example, the eyes are watered in the cold, from ARVI or viral diseases.

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Drops prescribed during lacrimation can be used both for children and adults, because this pathology affects absolutely everyone.

When physiological lacrimation is observed, its essence is to moisten the conjunctiva and the cornea, to create a strong protection against microbes and to wash off small particles, dust and insects.

Lacrimal fluid has the ability to stand out constantly. As soon as the moisturizing of the conjunctiva has occurred, then the tear fluid is concentrated in the lacrimal lake.From there, through the lacrimal canals, it drains back into the tear sack from which it flows into the nose.

Lachrymation can be of two types - retention and hypersecretory.The first type occurs in the process of disturbing the functioning of tear ducts.But the hypersecretory is accompanied by an excessive function of the lacrimal glands.

Features of preparations

Appoint the drug in the form of drops can only be a specialist. In this case, he is guided by the reason why the eyes are watering and prescribing treatment.

All eye drops can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Corticosteroids. These drops contain hormones of corticosteroids. Prescribe medication with a pronounced allergy and severe inflammation. When using corticosteroids, it is possible to stop symptoms such as itching, lacrimation and swelling. In addition, corticosteroids rarely lead to the development of side effects and have no contraindications.
  2. Antibacterial. The development of these drugs used a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is effective against many microorganisms.
  3. Vasoconstrictive and decongestant. With tearing, which arose against the background of eye strain, medications that help to stop edema and hyperemia of tired eyes help. This effect is achieved due to narrowing of the blood vessels.
  4. Anti-allergic. Such drugs effectively cope with itching, swelling, hyperemia, which arose against the background of an allergic reaction. If the diagnosis became known about the infection, then you will need to use drops with antibacterial effect. These drugs have an instant effect, blocking the immune response to the effect of the allergen.

List of drugs


It is a modern medicine in ophthalmic practice. It is used to treat a variety of pathological conditions that have affected the organs of vision.In the role of the main component is miramistin. It is an antibacterial drug with a wide range of effects.According to the instructions, eye drops Ocomistin effectively act against viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa.

Drops have a growing antimicrobial effect and can overcome gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Sensitivity to the main substance is manifested:

  • anaerobes,
  • aerobes,
  • hospital strains.

Assign drops from tearing eyes Ocomistin is to treat such pathologies:

  • keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis of various origin;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammation of conjunctiva of acute or chronic form;
  • trauma of the visual organ.

Medication can be used as a preventive measure to prevent the development of purulent-inflammatory processes after surgery.Effective medication for adenovirus infection.

Do not use the drug for people who have an individual intolerance of certain components. Still drops are contraindicated for children under 18, for women during lactation and pregnancy.

If you use drops for medicinal purposes, then apply them 6 times a day for 1-2 drops, sending from the conjunctive bag. The duration of therapy is determined taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process.Apply the medicine until the disappearance of lacrimation and other unpleasant symptoms.

The droplets work in combination with antibacterial medicines. So you can get a more pronounced clinical effect.


These eye drops are in great demand when treating various pathologies of the visual organ caused by inflammation or infection.

Use drops can babies since birth

In the role of active substance acts tobramycin. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, suppressing the vital activity of various microorganisms.Drops Tobrex can be used for lacrimation, the development of which has affected such pathologies:

  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • meibomite;
  • iridocyclitis.

For the ailment in question, purulent discharge from the eyes, lacrimation and edema of the eyelids are characteristic. The disease develops against the background of an anomaly of the development of lacrimal passages.It is very easy to treat.

To activate the drop is only if the pathology is influenced by bacteria that are sensitive to tobramycin.

Antibacterial drops should be used 4-5 times a day for 1-2 drops in the conjunctival sac.If there is an acute inflammatory process, then it is necessary to drip the agent every hour.The duration of therapy should not be longer than 10 days, as this is fraught with the development of a fungal infection.

Very often the drug is used in the treatment of dacryocystitis in infants.


These are antihistamines, which allow you to stop the unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction. The composition of the drug is aelastin.It is an auxiliary component. Has a membrane-stabilizing and antihistamine effect, reduces the permeability of capillaries.

Use the drug is only if the cause of lacrimation is allergic. Suitable drops for children from 4 years.


It is a popular antibacterial medication that can be used by both adults and children.To treat lacrimation, it is necessary to use solutions with different concentrations of active ingredients.Albacid can be used in the treatment of various ophthalmic diseases, which are infectious-inflammatory.


This is a symptomatic medication, the main purpose of which is to stop edema and narrow the blood vessels.The positive effect of the drug is achieved within the first minute after instillation. The analogue are the eye drops Systein.

The components of the medicament are not absorbed in the blood, exerting a therapeutic effect on the surface of the conjunctiva.

Recommendations for use

To get the maximum therapeutic effect from the use of drops for the treatment of lacrimation, the following recommendations should be used:

  1. Wash thoroughly with hands.Remove with the help of cotton swab existing allocation.
  2. Lie down and throw back your head.To drip drops is necessary in the conjunctival sac.
  3. After manipulation, you need to wait a few minutes for the drops to leak out.

Eye Drops Potassium Iodide with instructions for use

All about the drug Dorzopt is written in this article.

Symptoms of temporal arteritis http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/visochnyj-arteriit/osobennosti-razvitiya-bolezni-i-osnovnye-sposoby-lecheniya.html




To choose effective drops during lacrimation today it is possible, but before that it is important to understand what led to the development of the pathological process. And here you can not do without the help of a specialist. So you need to visit the hospital immediately after the discovery of the first symptomatology.

Also read about such medications as Okoferon and Quinaks.