Back pain on the left under the ribs from behind


  • 1It hurts left behind from the back under the ribs: signs and causes, types of pain, examination and first aid
    • 1.1Possible causes of pain
    • 1.2Another factor of pain
    • 1.3Types of pain
    • 1.4Examination for possible diseases
    • 1.5First aid in a painful attack
  • 2Pain in the left side from behind: in the lumbar region and above, below, under the ribs, during movement, it lodges in the leg
    • 2.1In the left side, from behind in the lumbar region
    • 2.2At the bottom
    • 2.3Under the ribs
    • 2.4When driving
    • 2.5Gives in the leg
    • 2.6about tingling in the side
  • 3The left side hurts from behind from a back, in a waist, at a waist level, in the left hypochondrium: the reasons, treatment
    • 3.1Is there a pain in the left side from behind: is there a threat to health?
    • 3.2Pain in the left hypochondrium behind: causes and pathologies
    • 3.3Problems of the cardiovascular system
    • 3.4Diseases of the digestive tract
    • 3.5Diseases of the urinary system
    • 3.6Disorders of the respiratory system
    • 3.7When you need urgent help
    • 3.8Back pain left: effective treatment
    • 3.9Conclusion
  • instagram viewer
  • 4The left side hurts from behind - the reasons of blunt, drawing and sharp pains
    • 4.1Possible causes of acute pain in the left side posterior
    • 4.2Severe pain in the lumbar region and kidneys
    • 4.3Above the loin
    • 4.4When inhaling under the ribs
    • 4.5Aching below the waist
    • 4.6When driving
    • 4.7Gives in the leg
    • 4.8Stretching pain from below in pregnant women
    • 4.9about dull, aching and sharp pain in the side
  • 5Causes of back pain under the ribs: causes, treatment
    • 5.1Why does it hurt in the back under the ribs
    • 5.2Back pain left under the ribs
    • 5.3Back pain right under the ribs
    • 5.4Pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle
    • 5.5Pain under the ribs of different locations

It hurts left behind from the back under the ribs: signs and causes, types of pain, examination and first aid

The statistics speak about the extreme danger of pain syndrome under the ribs from the back, on the left side. Because, so show themselves pathologies, localized in the organs and systems of man.

It is important to pay attention to the specificity of pain, whether it is pulling, harsh or dull.

When a person begins to hurt his left side, it first requiresperform a small self-test, listening to the nature of the symptoms.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  • The exact location of the inflamed point.
  • Places of distribution of the disease in the left part of the trunk.
  • With what force sensations occur.
  • The character of the trait (dull, aching, sharp, girdling).
  • Factors that increase discomfort (sudden movements, sneezing, coughing, deep exhalation / inhalation).
  • Conditions that reduce the intensity of painful sensations (painkillers, body posture, cold or heat).
  • It hurts under the ribs on the left side at certain hours of the day, after eating or because of increased loads.
  • The presence of fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting.

By the way the patient accurately describes, as he hurts in his left side, the doctor with a high degree of probability will diagnose.

Possible causes of pain

If there are no diseases in the human body that stimulate discomfort to the left behind from the back under the ribs, the consequences may be due tohypothermia, weight liftingor the use of excessively salty, spicy and fatty foods.

To serious reasons, causing pain in the side, is:

  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Lumbago.
  • Broncho-pulmonary pathology.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Osteocondritis of the spine.
  • Disease of the esophagus.
  • Other reasons.

An acute neurologic property, causing back pain from the left side of the body, possessesintercostal neuralgia, located from the back between the ribs, strengthening at the time of inspiration, movement or running.

Lumbago - pain of the lumbar region of the back, comes as a result of heavy lifting or sharp and unsuccessful corners. This kind of pain informs about radiculitis, because of hypothermia and hard work.

Broncho-pulmonary diseases have anxiety in the side, manifesting in pleurisy, pneumonia and bronchitis. At the same time, a person experiences pain during inhalation, a hoarse cough, fever and shortness of breath. Do not exclude the presence of edema of the lung or neoplasm in it.

Pain on the left side from the back under the ribs can be observed in the event of myocardial infarction in the posterolocal region of the heart. At the same time, the patient is marked by a burning pain with increasing intensity, which does not subside even from the use of analgesic drugs.

This state hasdangerous borderline character, because there may be a failure in the blood circulation of the heart. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist who can detect the development of angina pectoris, arrhythmia or ischemic myocardial disease.

Esophagitis, hernia of the esophagus and diaphragm often gives into the dorsal subcostal compartment from behind on the left side. In cases where there is an ulcer, the pain may become more intense during or after eating, talking about the process of exacerbation.

Pain in the left side may occuras a result of spleen damage, because of:

  • Falls.
  • The shock.
  • Blood leukemia.

With leukemia, the spleen reacts negatively, as it directly participates in the destruction of spoiled blood cells, which in cases of oncohematology leads to its enlargement and extension of the organ.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is observed in the form of aching prolonged discomfort due toprolonged stay in one position, at the moment of awakening from sleep, the pain paralyzing the whole body and not allowing even a few minutes to move.

So, with pain behind, the backs to the left under the ribs can testify to the osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral parts of the spine, intervertebral hernia, intervertebral inflammatory processes, trauma of one or several departments, the presence of a neoplasm near the entire vertebral post.


A common basis for the manifestation of pain on the left under the ribs from the side of the back is chronic left-sided pyelonephritis, an inflammation in the kidney on the left,urolithiasis.


The pain begins to increase, becoming unbearable due to, movement and departure of stones from the kidneys.

There are cases when the cause of such pains in the left part of the body under the ribs are gynecological diseases, such as twisting the legs of the uterine myoma or left-sided cyst. Therefore, women are advised to refer with symptoms to the doctor gynecologist.

Another factor of pain

Discomfort in the left side under the ribscan occur during the movement.

This is due to the development:

  • Urolithiasis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Inflammation of skeletal muscles (myositis).

To determine the presence of myositis, a special study is called electromyography.

Types of pain

The pain on the left under the ribs can be manifested in different ways, for example:

  1. Suddenly.
  2. Shingles.
  3. Chronic little palpable.

The pain that occurs sharply under the left ribs,signals an inflammatory processin the duodenum, with a malfunction of the digestive tract. So, with a stomach ulcer, the force of pain makes you bend, wrapping your arms around your stomach.

Ulcers are characterized by signs, such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, hunger, headaches, irritability.

The shingled nature of the pain indicates the likely presence of stones in the bladder, pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy, or rupture of the spleen.

In such cases, urgent hospitalization is indicated.

The weakly perceptible aching chronic pain in the left side can talk about the oncology of the stomach. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, pain increases, becoming clearly pronounced.

Therefore it is worthpay attention to symptoms.

It includes:

  • Rapid causeless weight loss.
  • Failure in the immune system.
  • Anemia.
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the limbs.
  • Changing food preferences.
  • Aversion to food.
  • Loss of mood.
  • Irritability.

An aching chronic type of pain can also promptabout the increase or rupture of the spleen. This action is accompanied by high fever, nausea and not digestion of consumed food.

Examination for possible diseases

Listening to the signals of your body, such as pain, in the left side, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, with the subsequent appointment of a cure.

First of all, it is required to visit a therapist who, based on an anamnesis with chronic diseases, will give recommendations to which doctor to apply.

As a rule, they are:

  • Cardiologist.
  • Neurologist.
  • Traumatologist.
  • Gastroenterologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Urologist.

Examination begins with palpation, assessing the external state of the skin and mucous membranes.

Then the patient is sent for a general analysis of urine and blood, radiography, ultrasound and MRI.

Based on the results of the survey, the specialist prescribes treatment according to the case of pathology and decides on the desirability of hospitalization of the patient.

First aid in a painful attack

At a time when the stitching in the side under the ribs from behind become intolerable, it is best to call for emergency help. But without waiting for it you can reduce pain with anti-spasm drugs,with the use of light massage.

For this, you should lie on your back, placing a low-sized pillow under it and try to relax. After that, it is necessary to massage the inflamed place from the left side of the body with stroking circular motions.

Do not put pressure on the place massed from the left side, to avoid damage to the organs.

It is necessary to understand that the pain will not go away by itself, and it is hardly possible to manage alone with anesthetics.

Therefore, in order not to be ill, it is vitally important to seek the help of highly qualified doctors who will deliver through the methods of examination, the diagnosis, which worries the left side, and prescribes exactly what is needed treatment.

A source:

Pain in the left side from behind: in the lumbar region and above, below, under the ribs, during movement, it lodges in the leg

The pain in the left flank from behind can be associated with various causes.

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They need to be known in order to carry out targeted correct treatment, as the pain syndrome negatively affects the life of the patient, but also improper treatment can lead to very sad consequences.

This can be like blocking the muscles on the back due to the clenching of any of the vertebrae, and the disease of the internal organs. We will discuss this in more detail below.

In the left side, from behind in the lumbar region

The main groups of reasons for the appearance of pain in the left flank from behind can be:

  • kidney and urinary system diseases;
  • defeat of the spleen;
  • pathological process in the digestive system;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system, etc.

The establishment of an exact source of pain is performed by a doctor using both objective research methods of the patient and when assigning certain additional methods of investigation. We will talk more about this in describing each type of pain.

If discomfort is associated with the back, then we offer for you a special set of exercises.

If the pain appears on the left behind the lower back, then you should think about the following possible ways of its appearance:

  1. pathological process in the pancreas (most often it is its inflammation - pancreatitis);
  2. osteochondrosis of the spine (degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, which is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs);
  3. defeat of the adrenal glands (most often the adrenal glands can be affected by the tumor process, which leads to the appearance of pain).

In order to confirm the defeat of the pancreas, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical analysis blood, which reveals an increase in the activity of pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, trypsin and others). The purpose of appropriate treatment contributes to the relief of the pathological process. For this, the following principles apply:

Confirm osteochondrosis allows a detailed neurological examination, which reveals soreness in the places of exit of the nerve roots. In complex diagnostic cases, computer tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance is recommended.

Tumors of the adrenal gland can be detected either during ultrasound, or radiological examination, or during computed tomography. A "gold" standard for the diagnosis of any oncological process is a histological study.

At the bottom

If the pain arises from the left behind and below, you should think about the following reasons:

  1. defeat of the intestine (most often it is a colitis, that is an inflammatory process in the large intestine);
  2. pathology of the kidneys (either pyelonephritis or urolithiasis);
  3. osteocondritis of the spine;
  4. myositis (especially if the pain is localized along the spinal column)

The most common cause of pain, which have this localization, are diseases of the urinary system. For their detection, it is recommended to conduct a general clinical analysis of urine, as well as ultrasound examination of the kidneys. General clinical analysis of urine can reveal the following types of abnormalities:

  • increased amount of protein (may be associated with an inflammatory process or a violation of filtration / reabsorption in the kidneys);
  • an increased number of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process (most often this pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the calyx-pelvis system);
  • an increased amount of erythrocytes takes place in urolithiasis, when the stone leads to traumatization of the urinary tract.

Under the ribs

The appearance of pain under the ribs is usually associated with pathological processes that affect the spleen. It is the organ that helps to dispose of damaged blood cells.

Therefore, with various oncohematological problems (leukemia), its significant increase occurs, which is accompanied by the dilatation of its capsule. This is the cause of the pain syndrome, which is localized under the ribs to the left.

Trauma to the spleen with a fall or stroke, too, can be the cause of such a pain syndrome.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum can lead to the appearance of pain under the ribs to the left.

The pain can be acute, which indicates various complications (penetration, perforation), or aching.


Fibrogastroduodenoscopy and Helicobacter test (cause of peptic ulcer disease) makes it possible to expose the final diagnosis.


Also, we wrote about the causes of pain in the sternum in the middle - the symptoms, as well as understand what diseases can cause such discomfort.

When driving

The pain that is localized behind the left and intensified during movement is usually associated with the following causes:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

How to carry out differential diagnostics with these pathological processes is indicated above. For the detection of myositis, it is recommended to carry out electromyography in addition to objective research.

Gives in the leg

Usually, pain gives in the foot with a concrement in the urinary system, neuralgia, as well as in the presence of intra-abdominal bleeding, the causes of which may be (peptic ulcer, ovarian apoplexy, abnormal ectopic pregnancy, trauma, etc.) .The principles of diagnosis are the same as those already considered. If the pain is worse when lifting the straightened leg, then this indicates a pathology of the nerve trunk (this is the so-called tension symptom).

Thus, the reasons for the pain appearing behind and left are very diverse. Their precise identification will be the key to successful treatment, which will significantly improve the person's well-being.

about tingling in the side

A source:

The left side hurts from behind from a back, in a waist, at a waist level, in the left hypochondrium: the reasons, treatment

According to statistics, the pain in the left hypochondrium behind the back is a common and dangerous symptom, because so are the gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Lungs, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, spine - all these organs are located close to the area of ​​pain localization and therefore timely and accurate diagnosis is important for the correct diagnosis.

Is there a pain in the left side from behind: is there a threat to health?

Severe back pain is an occasion to visit a doctor.

If the left side hurts, it is important not to ignore the problem, since the pain signals a malfunction in the body that can be very serious.

Pain syndrome in the side can be caused by spasm of muscles, vessels of internal organs, jamming of nerves and even oncological disease, so the patient should understand that the cause of the pain in this area should be established as possible soon.

Taking antispasmodics, you can temporarily forget about the pain, but so from the disease itself can not get rid of, it will progress and aggravate the complications.

After determining the etiology of the pathological process, there is a chance for a full recovery, the final disposal of the anxiety symptomatology. So what's the reason, if the side hurts behind the back?

Pain in the left hypochondrium behind: causes and pathologies

If the patient complains more and more often that he hurts left from behind, then the first thing he should do is to call a surgeon and an orthopedist, suspecting a spinal column disease.

It is possible that the problem is precisely with it, then the determining role is played by x-rays and ultrasound.

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is conservative or operative, but there is an increased risk of disability, and after surgery - a period of many months of rehabilitation.

Problems of the cardiovascular system

When the pains on the left in the side from the back become frequent, it's time to make an appointment with a cardiologist, as there is a suspicion of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Among the potential diagnoses are myocarditis, aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction, an attack of angina pectoris, compression of the thoracic spinal nerves.

For such clinical pictures, pain in the back in the left hypochondrium is burning, paralyzing and riveting to the bed, and it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, move, think.

He is in a state of partial loss of consciousness, it urgently requires immediate resuscitation.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by pain, including in the back.

If you are concerned about the pain in the left side from behind the waist, do not reject the thought of progressive diseases of the digestive system.

In acute cholecystitis, the painful attack lasts several days, it disturbs the right rib, shoulder blade and shoulder, and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, numbness of the extremities.

When pancreatitis worsens, the pain is shinier, spreading over the lower part of the chest.

With severe pain in the left hypochondrium, there is no need to exclude problems with the pancreas, which in the absence of medical involvement can lead the patient to the operating table.

Diseases of the urinary system

If the pain in the left side of the back does not stop for a long period of time, the cause may be hidden in the dysfunction of the urinary system.

Among the common diagnoses with characteristic symptoms, there are thrombosis of the renal artery, retroperitoneal hematoma, renal colic.

Symptomatics is blunt or acute, attacks periodically, with a short-term remission interval.


Also, doctors remind that the pain in the left side behind pushes the thought of progressive urolithiasis, where an additional symptom is the admixture of blood in the urine.


With extensive lesions of the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord, one of the symptoms is unbearable pain in the left side of the back. The attack is inherent in a shooting character, there is an urgent need for urgent hospitalization with subsequent diagnosis and conservative therapy.

Disorders of the respiratory system

If in the morning the pain in the left side behind behind the ribs, which throughout the day only increases, the hearth of the lesion may be the respiratory system.

Doctors do not exclude pleurisy, pneumonia, endobronchitis, pneumothorax and even malignant neoplasms of the lungs and bronchi.

For such clinical pictures pain predominates in the left hypochondrium with inspiration, and after exhalation there comes a short-term relief.

Frequent pain on the left side of the back below pushes anxious thoughts about the formation of cancer cells, which are accompanied by extensive foci of necrosis and metastases to neighboring organs and systems. Determine the focus of pathology will allow a clinical examination, which, if suspected of cancer, should be complex.

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So the pain behind the ribs on the left is an abstract symptom, indicative of the dysfunction of several organic resource systems.

Procrastination of the diagnosis is fraught with a lethal outcome, therefore already at an early stage of the symptomatology should Tell the doctor that the pain in the left side at the level of the waist, hypochondrium or along the spine.

When you need urgent help

A comprehensive examination will help to identify the cause of pain in the back.

The pain in the left hypochondrium or the side of the back is acute, dull, pulling, aching, short-term or prolonged.

Any of them requires diagnostics: it is recommended to perform CT and MRI, X-ray and ultrasound of internal organs, to pass a general and biochemical blood test.


The patient himself must react to the alarming signals of the body, and the acute pain syndrome, which binds the movements and disrupts normal breathing, must be alerted.


If the patient can not move, and the consciousness is partially absent, one can only count on the immediate reaction of the relatives.

The most dangerous acute pain in the left side of the back and pain that do not stop even after the measures taken (massage, taking painkillers), or repeated after the cessation of the action of tablets, as well as accompanied by a violation of other body functions, increased temperature, loss consciousness. In these cases, urgent medical attention is needed, so without calling an ambulance, you can not do it.

Back pain left: effective treatment

Among the compulsory for the examination of doctors should be a cardiologist, nephrologist, urologist, therapist, gastroenterologist, traumatologist, surgeon, pulmonologist and gynecologist.

If the left side is pulled from the back, massage will help ease the condition.

The procedure is performed by a specialist and at home, but massages the lower back first, and then advances to the cervical spine with gentle movements.

But you can do it with the permission of doctors, because there may be contraindications.

Treatment of back pain is carried out depending on the diagnosis by a specialized specialist.

Drawing pain in the left flank from behind in women may be a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, so in additional involvement of the doctor does not need, but to attach to the stomach warm and drink a pill No-shpy is still not will interfere. In a quarter of an hour, the dull pain in the left side behind disappears, and the general condition is normalized.

Stitching in the left side posterior to the back indicates colitis, and the treatment is prescribed by the gastroenterologist after collecting anamnesis data, diagnosing the inflamed process of the large intestine. If you leave the problem without attention, the subsequent intestinal obstruction will require operative measures.

When aching or acute pain in the left hypochondrium intensifies and disturbs breathing, it is possible the course of myocardial infarction and the formation of extensive foci of necrosis.

The faster the resuscitation after hospitalization, the greater the chances of maintaining the patient's viability.

Having started pain in the left hypochondrium, treatment will be ineffective, and the patient can suddenly die.


When suddenly a severe pain in the left flank came from behind, spasmolytics that demonstrate a temporary therapeutic effect will come to the rescue.


But in an hour she will return again, so it is important to immediately contact the therapist for the prompt establishment of the exact cause of the pain.

Treatment entirely depends on which disease progresses.


Whatever the pain in the left hypochondrium - aching, dull, pricking, sharp or pulling, a visit to the therapist should be followed immediately, and then a detailed diagnosis of the whole organism is mandatory. In acute pain, one does not need to rely on analgesics to walk by itself and drink handfuls, it is worth calling an ambulance and follow all the doctor's recommendations. The lost time can have the most negative consequences.

A source:

The left side hurts from behind - the reasons of blunt, drawing and sharp pains

Pain on the left, above the lower back, in the hypochondrium does not happen for no reason. She always makes it clear that there is a failure in the body. Each area of ​​the body is responsible for a specific organ, so when the pain on the left on any part of the trunk, pay attention to the type of spasms.

On them you will be able to determine their source. The main causes are problems with the spleen, intestines and urinary system.

Possible causes of acute pain in the left side posterior

Pain in the left side is a sign of heart disease. It is usually determined by the localization of painful spasms, if it is in the rear left.

Symptom of such pain appears with such deviations as:

  • angina pectoris;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction.

The last point makes itself felt in the form of acute and sharp pain in the chest, while spasm gives into the scapula and the left side of the trunk.

At the same time there are such moments as cold sweat, shortness of breath, nausea and a pre-stupor condition.

If two or more of these signals occur, call the ambulance immediately.

Severe pain in the lumbar region and kidneys

Pain in the lumbar region occurs with inflammation of the left kidney. This condition is treated as a pyelonephritis. It manifests itself in the presence of infections. Painful and dull, but at times it can be strong and sometimes sharp.

The last kind of pain refers to the pathology in the ureter. As a rule, without treatment, urolithic or chronic pyelonephritis develops.

The disease has a number of symptoms that significantly prevent a person from living a full life.

In the beginning, a condition similar to dehydration develops, the temperature rises and does not subside without full treatment. All this is accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.

Pain in the lower back is constant, giving off in the groin, gaining in cold weather. A patient with acute pyelonephritis often visits the toilet, as the kidney and bladder are near.

The infection spreads to all areas in the kidney area.

If there is a painful urination, you can not exclude the fact of inflammation of the bladder. Such pathologies are called urolithiasis.

This is the appearance of stones in the tubes and pelvis of the urinary canals. In general, the symptoms are invisible, but with body loads and shaking, there is acute pain and vomiting. Often there are impurities of blood in the urine.

Spasms are on the left side of both sides of the trunk.

Above the loin

Pain above the lower back occurs not only in older people, but also in young people. This is a common problem.

As a rule, if the body signals this signal about a disease, then you need to visit a doctor. But few people think about it, especially at a young age.

People do not think about the reason for this pain and just take analgesics. In the future, spasms return.

Sources of aching pain above the lumbar region may be different, such as:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • ulcer, appendicitis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and lungs;
  • problems with the digestive system.

Aching spasms from the back and giving off under the shoulder blade, arise and when the fetus is born. At the same time spasms are quite diverse and intense, it is difficult to get used to them.

In general, the pain of this format behind the back occurs with osteochondrosis and after spinal injuries. After the transferred tuberculosis, painful sensations also appear above the lower back.

When inhaling under the ribs

Diseases associated with the esophagus, rupture of the spleen, hernia, heart problems, pneumonia and pathology of muscle tissue are the causes of the pulling pain under the ribs. There are three types of spasms that occur in the hypochondrium:

  • acute and severe pain.Arises spontaneously. In this case, an ambulance is needed, it is dangerous to delay life. Usually this is the manifestation of a rupture of the spleen or renal pelvis. Such pain is formidable and quite dangerous for a person's life, in some cases speaks of organ rupture;
  • dull pain, lasting for a long time.This indicates a disease that is chronic. Most likely, there is an exacerbation due to acquired infection. Probably, at diagnostics it will be a question of a pancreatitis or a gastritis;
  • dull and throbbing painspeaks about the inflammatory process. It is caused by colitis and can manifest itself if the patient has a strong cough. If accompanied by vomiting - there is a risk of developing a peptic ulcer. If pain occurs often, it can signal a pre-infarction state.

Aching below the waist

The pain below the waist can range from blunt to acute and constant.

The most common causes are hard physical labor, uncomfortable postures in a sitting position or standing for a long time.

There are many sources that cause pain below the waist, such as a herniated intervertebral disc, stenosis, spinal arthritis, spondylolisthesis, vertebral fracture, osteomyelitis, and spine tumors.

When driving

When there is pain while moving on the left, you need to determine in a timely manner the source of spasms. There can be many. Correctly and quickly a definite cause of pain will help to prescribe the necessary treatment.

The main causes are kidney and urinary system diseases, inflammation of the spleen, a painful process in the digestive system, problems with the spine and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Basically painful spasms during movement occur with spinal trauma and the pathology of the urinary system (kidney stones). Sometimes the pain can be localized in one place and given to the groin.

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Gives in the leg

Sometimes you can observe people who limp when walking and it is noticeable that it hurts to step on their feet. This condition is caused by pain in the lower back, giving in the leg.

In the medical field, this is called lumboschialgia. The signal of such a plan people do not consider serious and do not go to a consultation with a doctor.

Although it can talk about serious abnormalities in the body.

The cause is considered to be radiculitis, which arose after osteochondrosis. The pain can be different (dull, aching, tearing and shooting). If you get this illness at home, then the pose of the embryo will help get rid of it.


In this position, certain parts of the body relax and become noticeably lighter. However sad it may sound, lumboschialgia has the property of returning as relapses.


Kuznetsov's applicator also helps with back pain.

Stretching pain from below in pregnant women

Pregnant women do not always bear fruit without pain. They have a pain in the back and sometimes spasms in the lower abdomen. It's unpleasant, not scary, but it should alert you.

In any case, for insurance, you need to call a doctor or call an ambulance.

Call doctors need, if the pain does not pass more than half an hour, it builds up and there are bloody discharge.

Pulling pain can also signal a miscarriage, so it's not worth to delay with a doctor's examination. Minor pain in the abdomen of pregnant women is safe. It can be just stretching the uterus. Its increase presses on third-party organs, hence the spasms.

about dull, aching and sharp pain in the side

If it hurts in the side or behind the back, you should determine the source of the pain as quickly as possible. After watching the video, you can find out the cause of spasms and see a doctor in time.

In this video you can learn about useful methods of getting rid of pain in the side. Exercises, advice on proper nutrition and lifestyle - all this you will see in our useful video.

A source:

Causes of back pain under the ribs: causes, treatment

To be ill or sick in a back can everywhere.Pain in the back under the ribs refers to the form of the most difficult in terms of diagnosis of pain.

It would seem that there is nothing easier to look at the anatomical reference book and draw a parallel between the "geographical" position of the organ and the localization of pain.

However, the situation is more difficult than:

  • Some diseases have a similar clinical picture
  • Pain often does not concentrate in one place, but can capture a fairly wide area and even move around the body

Why does it hurt in the back under the ribs

Even with seemingly identical symptoms, each disease has only its own characteristic features that allow it to be diagnosed.

Conditionally these diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
  • Diseases of the respiratory system
  • Myocardial infarction of gastralgic type
  • Injuries of internal organs
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Renal colic
  • Pathologies of the diaphragm
  • Hematomas and retroperitoneal spaces
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Neuralgic autonomic disorders

Back pain left under the ribs


In chronic form - pain under the ribs on the left of a moderate force, irradiating in the back and under the left scapula. Often assumes a shingling character, giving itself to the right, front and back

  • Appears after eating greasy, sweet food
  • In acute form - pain sudden and abrupt, not changing from a change in position, with breathing or coughing
  • It is accompanied by a nausea and not facilitating a status of vomiting
  • In acute pancreatitis there is increased intoxication, cyanosis of the skin, traces of point hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides

Cancer of the pancreas

  • Pain in nature is similar to pain in chronic pancreatitis, but not associated with eating
  • With cancer of the body and tail of the gland, a painful attack occurs on the left in the subcostal area of ​​increased intensity with recoil in the back

Myocardial infarction of the gastralgic form

  • Specific rare form, affecting the lower part of the left ventricle
  • The pain initially backs under the heart and resembles a bout of gastritis with nausea, hiccough, bowel disorder. This greatly complicates the diagnosis
  • Then, after taking analgesics, a painful attack becomes typical of a heart attack:
    the localization of excruciating pressing pain behind the breastbone with the recoil on the left under the scapula, collarbone, neck, arm and fingertips

Spleen disease
Often the spleen increases due to the following diseases:

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Leukemia and lymphatic leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Hypertension with liver diseases
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • Endocarditis, lupus erythematosus, etc.


  • Dull pain under the left rib
  • Esophageal veins and subcutaneous venous arteries widen
  • Paralysis of liver failure

Back pain right under the ribs

Diseases of the liver(cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumor, fatty hepatosis, congestion)

  • Cause a dull drawing pain on the right under the ribs (it hurts not the liver, but its capsule)
  • A blood test shows liver failure
  • There are circulatory disorders
  • There may be jaundice

Cholecystitis acute

  • Sharp pain under the right hypochondrium, giving to the right under the scapula, above the collarbone and in the neck
  • Nausea with vomiting, fever
  • Yellowing of the skin and eye proteins (optional)


  • Attacks of unbearably acute pain on the right under the ribs, with a return to the back
  • Vomiting is absent, in contrast to cholecystitis,
  • When the stone leaves the bile duct, the painful attack immediately subsides

Cholecystitis chronic

  • The pain is moderate, occurs after the intake of fatty, fried spicy food
  • Possible eructations and vomiting, taste of bitterness in the mouth

Pancreatitis head pancreatic and cancer
Have similar symptoms, reminiscent of dyskinesia bile ducts:

  • They give the pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium
  • May be accompanied by jaundice

Pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle

Gastric and duodenal ulcers

  • Give pains of a dagger type in front in the middle part of the subcostal space and on the left, which can be given in the back. The peculiarity of these pains:
    they are worse on an empty stomach, after eating and also after stress
  • The patient is in a forced posture, in which the pain syndrome is somewhat smoothened
  • In the stool, the presence of blood (the feces may be a black tar-like species)
  • Pain during perforation is accompanied by a worsening of the general condition due to the onset of peritonitis: nausea, vomiting, fever

Stomach cancer

  • Gives painful attacks, which usually appear at a late stage, when the tumor sprouts the wall of the stomach and presses on neighboring organs
  • The disease is accompanied by weakness, weight loss
  • Changing taste preferences (for example, there may be disgust for meat)

Pathologies of the diaphragm

  • Subdiaphragmatic abscess most often occurs with trauma to the abdominal organs or after a surgical operation
  • It differs by sharp pain during the inspiration in front under the ribs (in the middle), giving under the scapula and the area located above the clavicle
  • The patient may be in a lying position on his side or half-sitting
  • It starts with fever and severe intoxication

Pain under the ribs of different locations

Right-sided pneumonia

  • Pain under the ribs that occurs when inhaling and coughing without a clear localization and accompanied by fever
  • It is possible to irradiate an attack down the abdomen with an imitation of an appendicitis attack
  • When moving, dyspnea occurs
  • Nasolabial triangle - bluish

Dry Pleurisy

  • Occurs with pulmonary pathologies (tuberculosis, lung cancer)
  • Pain left and right under the ribs, which increases not only with breathing, but also with normal movements, giving back
  • Accompanied by rapid breathing and peripheral cyanosis

Injuries of internal organs
Most often - a rupture of the spleen or liver due to mechanical damage (a catastrophe, a fall from a height) or pathological processes (leukemia, cirrhosis), violating the internal structure of the organs.

  • Severe pain under the ribs on the left (with spleen injury), or on the right (liver), increasing due to the accumulation of blood under the capsule in the horizontal position
  • Because of the strong blood loss, the pulse becomes more frequent, and the blood pressure decreases, the skin pales

Renal colic (renal stone disease)

  • The pain of attacks in the back under the ribs, painful, giving in the groin, in the hips, stomach
  • Because of the progress of the calculus in the ureter, it moves from the costal area of ​​the back to the lower lumbar region, and then to the iliac-sacral region
  • The pain is treated with spasmolytics and warm procedures
  • Surgical treatment is indicated when:
    • Obstruction (blockage) of the ureter
    • Hydronephrosis of the kidney

Hematomas of retroperitoneal space

  • They are formed mainly as a result of injuries of the kidneys, adrenals and retroperitoneal part of the duodenum
  • They are accompanied by pain in the subcostal area behind in the back and large blood loss:
    • the patient may suddenly drop blood pressure
    • in the blood a decrease in hemoglobin
    • growing pallor and weakness

Intercostal neuralgia

  • Burning, piercing (sometimes dull) paroxysmal pain left or right under the ribs, appearing when inhaling
  • In a wide area:
    under the shoulder blades, lower back, heart


  • compression of intercostal nerves
  • increased tonus of extensor and shoulder-shoulder muscles


  • In the chronic form it is manifested in the form of constant aching pains behind in the back under the ribs
  • The peculiarity of pain is its spread along the innervation zone of the affected nerve:
    From the lumbar region on the back of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs
  • In case of exacerbation, the pain syndrome acquires the character of lumbago, arising during movement, tilt or turn of the trunk. The patient is forced to die in one posture

Neuralgic autonomic disorders

  • Pain arises unexpectedly and is not justified by objective reasons. The examination does not reveal serious pathologies, except for vegetative vascular dystonia, with such symptoms:
    • abrupt pressure
    • symptoms of respiratory failure
    • shortness of breath, palpitations, angina
    • irritable bowel syndrome
    • insomnia and irritability
  • It hurts everywhere: then to the left, then to the right, then in the middle part of the hypochondrium

Pain under the ribs in the back can be due to many diseases, even the most unexpected.

: Pain in the right hypochondrium

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