The structure of the pelvis


  • 1Anatomy of the pelvis
    • 1.1Bone pelvis, anatomy
    • 1.2Unnamed: Bones
    • 1.3Sacrum
    • 1.4Differences in the female and male pelvis
    • 1.5Ligaments and nerves
    • 1.6Muscular system of the pelvis
    • 1.7Blood supply. Lymphatic system
    • 1.8Excretory organs and reproductive system
    • 1.9Crotch
  • 2Human pelvic bones: anatomy, structure and function
    • 2.1Anatomy and structure
    • 2.2Functions
    • 2.3Support and movement
    • 2.4Protection
  • 3The importance of the structure of the male and female pelvis
    • 3.1Structure without details
    • 3.2Unnamed: Pelvic bone
    • 3.3Sacrum is sacred bone
    • 3.4Difference of the pelvis
    • 3.5Muscles of the perineum
    • 3.6The organs that are in the pelvis
    • 3.7Blood supply and nerve plexus
  • 4Pelvic bone anatomy and structure in men and women
    • 4.1Anatomical features of the pelvic girdle
    • 4.2Bones of the pelvic department
    • 4.3Pelvic joint
    • 4.4Main functions
    • 4.5How to maintain the strength of the hip
  • 5Anatomy of the pelvis: structure, functions
    • 5.1The pelvic system of the pelvis
    • 5.2Bundles
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Muscular system of the pelvis
    • 5.4Blood supply and lymphatic system
    • 5.5Innervation
    • 5.6Buttocks
    • 5.7Excretory organs
    • 5.8Sexual system
    • 5.9Crotch
  • 6Hip bone
    • 6.1Features
    • 6.2What are the functions of the human pelvis?
    • 6.3Protection
    • 6.4Structure of the pelvis
    • 6.5Hip Joint
    • 6.6Structure of the hip joint

Anatomy of the pelvis

Nature clearly thought out all the constituent parts of the human body. Each performs its function. This applies to the femur and pelvis as a whole.

Anatomy of the pelvis is very complicated, part of the body here is the lower extremity belt, which is fenced on both sides with hip joints. The pelvis performs many tasks in the body.

The peculiarities of its structure should be understood, especially since in women and men the anatomy of this area is very different.

Bone pelvis, anatomy

This section of the skeleton represents two components - two nameless bones (pelvic) and a sacrum. They are joined by inactive joints, which are strengthened by ligaments.

There is an exit and an input, covered with muscles, this feature is most important for women, it significantly affects the course of labor. Through a number of holes in the skeleton of the pelvis, the nerves and blood vessels pass.

Anatomy of the pelvis is such that the nameless bones limit the pelvis from the sides and from the front. Behind the limiter is the coccyx, which is the end of the spine.

Unnamed: Bones

The structure of anonymous pelvic bones is unique, because they are represented by three more bones. Up to the age of 16 these bones have joints, then they are fused in the acetabular region.

In this area there is a hip joint, it is strengthened by ligaments and muscles. Anatomy of the pelvis is represented by three components of the nameless bone: iliac, pubic, ischium.

The iliac bone is represented as a body in the acetabulum, and there is a wing. The inner surface is concave, here are the loops of the intestine. Below is an anonymous line limiting the entrance to the small pelvis, as for women, it serves as a guide for doctors.

On the outer surface there are three lines, which serve to fasten the muscles of the buttocks. At the edge of the wing there is a crest, it ends with the posterior and anterior superior iliac bone. There is an inner and outer edge.

Important anatomical landmarks are the lower, upper, posterior and anterior iliac bones.

The pubic bone also has a body in the acetabulum. There are two branches, a joint is formed - pubic symphysis. During childbirth he diverges, enlarging the pelvic cavity. The pubic symphysis is strengthened by ligaments, they are called lower and upper longitudinal.

The third bone is the ischium. Its body fuses in the acetabulum, from it departs the process (hillock). He is supported by a man sitting.


The sacrum can be characterized as an extension of the spine. He looks like a spine, as if he has grown together. Five of these vertebrae have a smooth surface on the front, called the pelvic surface.

On the surface are traced holes and traces of fusion, through them the nerves pass into the pelvic cavity. Anatomy of the pelvis is such that the posterior surface of the sacrum is uneven, with bulges. Ligaments and muscles are attached to the irregularities.

With nameless bones, the sacrum is joined by ligaments and joints. The coccyx crown ends, it is the spinal column, including 3-5 vertebrae, has points for attachment of the pelvic muscles.

During childbirth, the bone is pushed backward, revealing the birth canal and allowing the child to pass without problems.

Differences in the female and male pelvis

The structure of the pelvis, the anatomy of the internal organs in women has striking differences and features.

The female pelvis was created to reproduce the offspring, he is the main participant in the birth. For a doctor, an important role is played not only by clinical, but also by x-ray anatomy.

The female pelvis is lower and wider, the hip joints are at a wide distance.

In men, the shape of the sacrum is concave and narrow, the lower part of the spine and the cape are protruding forward; in women, on the contrary, the wide sacrum protrudes little.

The pubic angle in men is acute, in women this bone is more direct. Wings are deployed in the female pelvis, in the distance are the ischial hillocks.

In men, the gap between the anterior-upper bones is 22-23 cm, in women, it varies between 23-27 cm.

The exit and entry plane for women from the small pelvis is larger, the hole looks like a transverse oval, in men it is longitudinal.

Ligaments and nerves

Anatomy of the human pelvis is constructed in such a way that the four pelvic bones are fixed by well-developed ligaments.

They are joined by three joints: the frontal fusion, sacroiliac and sacrococcygeal. One pair is located on the pubic bones - from below and from the upper edge.

Third ligaments strengthen the joints of the iliac and sacral bone.

Innervation. Nerves are subdivided here into vegetative (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and somatic.

The somatic system - the sacral plexus is connected with the lumbar plexus.

Sympathetic - sacral part of the border trunks, unpaired coccygeal node.

Muscular system of the pelvis

The muscular system is represented by visceral and parietal musculature. In the large pelvis the muscle consists in turn of three, they are connected in turn to each other. The anatomy of the small pelvis represents the same parietal musculature in the form of a pear-shaped muscle, a constrictive muscle, and a coccygeal muscle.

The visceral musculature plays an important role in the formation of the pelvic diaphragm. This includes the paired muscles that lift the anus, as well as the unpaired sphincter ani extremus.

It is located here and iliac-coccygeal, pubic-coccygeal muscle, a powerful circular muscle of the rectum (distal part).

Blood supply. Lymphatic system

Blood in the pelvis comes from the hypogastric artery. Anatomy of the pelvic organs suggests their direct involvement in this process.

The artery divides into the posterior and anterior, then to other branches.

The small pelvis is provided with the help of four arteries: the lateral sacral, the locking, the lower gluteal and the upper gluteal.

Circular circulation involves vessels of retroperitoneal space, as well as abdominal walls. The main veins of a round venous circle pass between the small and large pelvis.

There are venous anastomoses that are located under the peritoneum of the pelvis, in the thickness of the rectum and next to its walls.

During the blockade of large pelvic veins, the veins of the spine, the anterior abdominal wall and the lower back are roundabout ways.

The main lymphatic basins of the pelvis are distracting lymphatic ileal lymphatic plexuses. Lumbatical vessels under the peritoneum at the level of the middle part of the pelvis.

Excretory organs and reproductive system

The bladder is a muscular unpaired organ. Consists of the bottom and neck, body and apex. One department gradually turns into another. The bottom has a fixed diaphragm. When filling the bladder, the form becomes ovoid, empty urinary - saucer-like.

The blood supply functions from the hypogastric artery. Then the venous outflow is sent to the plexus plexus. It is adjacent to the prostate gland and the lateral surfaces.

Innervation is represented by vegetative and somatic fibers.

The rectum is located in the posterior part of the small pelvis. It is subdivided into three departments - the lower, middle, upper. Outside, musculature is represented by powerful longitudinal fibers. Inside - circular. Innervation here is similar to the bladder.

Sexual system

Anatomy of the pelvic organs necessarily includes the reproductive system. In both sexes this system consists of the sexual gland, canal, wolf body, sinus of genital and urogenital tubercles, Mullerian duct, rollers and folds.

The sexual gland is placed in the lower back, turning into an ovary or testicle. The canal, the wolf body and the mullerian duct are also laid here. Subsequently, the female sex - differentiates the Mullerian canals, the male - the ducts and the volphic body.

The rest of the rudiments are reflected on the external organs.

Male reproductive system:

  • testicle;
  • seminal gland;
  • lymphatic system;
  • appendage of three divisions (body, tail, head);
  • spermatic cord;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • penis of three calving (root, body, head);
  • prostate;
  • urethra.

Female reproductive system:

  1. ovaries;
  2. vagina;
  3. Fallopian tubes - four departments (funnel, dilated part, isthmus, part perforating the wall);
  4. external genitalia (vulva, labia).


The perineum is located from the tip of the coccygeal bone to the hillock. Anatomy is divided into two parts: the front (sham) and the back (anal). In front - urogenital triangle, the back - rectal.

The perineum is formed by a group of striated muscles that cover the pelvic outlet.

Muscles of the pelvic floor:

  • the base of the pelvic diaphragm is the muscle that raises the anus;
  • ischium-cavernous muscle;
  • transverse deep perineal muscle;
  • transverse superficial perineal muscle;
  • compressive muscle (urethra);
  • bulbous-spongy muscle.

A source:

Human pelvic bones: anatomy, structure and function

The pelvis is a part of the skeleton where the lower extremities and the trunk are connected. The pelvic bones form a pelvic girdle.

It is divided into two sections: a large (upper) and a small basin (lower part).

The pelvic bone (os coxae) performs almost all functions of the skeleton, and, above all, the supporting bone, which explains its atypical structure. This is the largest bone in the human body.

The structure of the pelvis is different for men and women. This is related to childbearing

  • Anatomy and structure
  • 2 Functions
    • 2.1 Support and movement
    • 2.2 Protection

Anatomy and structure

The structure of the pelvic girdle is due to its important functions. The human pelvis consists of two nameless pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx. With the help of joints, all these bones are connected in a ring that forms the pelvic cavity.

In the pelvic region is a junction of the lower extremities with the trunk: the femur is articulated with the acetabulum of the pelvic bone, forming a hip joint. The structure of this area has sexual differences, this is due to the woman's genital function.

In women, the pelvis is lower and wider, both in the cross-arm and in the longitudinal direction. The wings of the ilium and the sciatic bumps of the woman are more strongly deployed in the sides. Many important and massive muscles of the body are attached to the pelvic bones.

The shape of the bones that make up the pelvis, and their location can be seen in the photo below.


the function of the pelvic bones is the supporting one, which is why they must be as strong as possible, capable of withstanding a high load.

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The skeleton of the lower limb of a man is divided into a belt, which consists of two pelvic bones, and a free part.

This division appeared in connection with the supporting function of this part of the skeleton as the main one, since these bones are massive, with strong joints.

The belt is represented by the pelvic bone, the free part consists of the following bones: the femur, the knee, the shin and the foot. Anatomy of the pelvic girdle suggests the following basic functions of this part of the skeleton:

  1. Supports and movements: the entire weight of the upper half of the trunk is on the pelvis.
  2. Protection: the pelvic bone protects the internal organs of a person located in the pelvic cavity.

Support and movement

Human anatomy provided for the creation of a high strength of the supporting element, this led to the fusion of individual pelvic bones into a strong and massive bone.

In the center, on its outer surface, there is a depression - the acetabulum, necessary for articulation with the femoral head (see photo).

This is the main point, which involves the transfer of pressure of mass and movement of the upper part of the person.

That is why the strength and area of ​​it should be sufficient: it is extensive in diameter, deep, with a sheer edge. At this point, and fused in adolescence, three pelvic bones - sciatic, podvzoshnaya and pubic.

The pelvic bone in an adult person consists of three fused bones - iliac, ischial, pubic, or lumbar.

Also, the pelvis directly participates in the movement of the body in space. It is his unique structure that determines the uprightness of a person, he keeps the axis of equilibrium and ensures the correct distribution of a high load.

There is no such structure for any animal. The hip joint gives people the opportunity to walk, with its disorders and diseases, this function immediately suffers. Also this part of the skeleton serves as a support for the spine.


The importance of the pelvic girdle in terms of protection is difficult to overestimate.

Human anatomy is such that in the pelvic cavity is a number of vital organs, reliably protected by strong bones: it is a urinary a bladder, almost all reproductive organs and a number of organs of the lower abdominal cavity related to the digestive system organism.

Of particular importance is the protective function for women: the pelvic floor is involved in the process of bearing the fetus during pregnancy. The connection with the sacrum occurs with articular surfaces located on the iliac bones and on the sacral bone itself.

And although this type of joint is referred to joints, but movements in it are very limited, since these two bone structures are securely fastened by a powerfully developed ligamentous apparatus. Such a structure helps women in pregnancy to maintain the uterus in a certain position.

The pelvic region is an important part of the body, the health of which must be closely monitored and consulted with a doctor in case of discomfort and the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

It is important to remember that timely detection of pathology in this area will save a person from serious health problems, including from complete immobility.

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The importance of the structure of the male and female pelvis

In any person, the structure of the pelvis is important. Anatomical features are necessary for the correct diagnosis and examination. The pelvis performs many functions

All the components of the human body are uniquely thought out by nature and clearly perform their functions, be it the structure of the femur or pelvis. This part of the body is a belt of lower limbs, which on both sides has hip joints.

Thethe skeletal site is a kind of continuation of the spine and performs a lot of tasks for a person. With the features of the structure of the pelvis a person is required to understand, because, despite the similarity, its anatomy in women and men is different.

Structure without details

Total components can be called two - a sacrum and two anonymous bones, which are still called pelvic. They are joined by inactive joints, which are strengthened by ligaments.

There is an entrance and an exit, which is covered with the help of muscles, these features are more important in women, because they have an effect on the course of childbirth. There are many holes through which the vessels and nerves pass.

With the help of anonymous pelvic bones, it is confined to the front and sides. Behind the restriction is the coccyx, which is the extension of the spine.

Unnamed: Pelvic bone

The structure of these pelvic bones is unique in its kind, since they represent three more bones, up to 16 years old having joints, and then fused, which confirms the x-ray anatomy.

This joint is bent in the area of ​​the acetabulum, the name of which is translated from Latin, like the vinegar. In the field of this formation there is a hip joint, which is strengthened in a man by ligaments and with the help of muscles.

The components of the nameless bone:

  • iliac;
  • pubic;
  • ischial.

The iliac has a body located in the region of the acetabulum as well as the wing. On the inner surface it has a concavity, the shape is associated with the fact that there are loops of the intestine.

Below is the nameless line that limits the entrance to the small pelvis and serves as a guide for the person for doctors, this applies to women. On the outer surface there are three lines - the place of attachment of the gluteal muscles.

On the edge of the wing is a crest, which ends with the anterior and posterior, the upper iliac bones, it has an outer and an inner edge.

There are upper and lower, anterior and posterior iliac bones, which in humans are important anatomical landmarks.

The second bone, which has a body in the region of the swollen cavity, is pubic. It has two branches and forms one more joint - the pubic symphysis.

This formation is called a semi-joint, because it has some signs of a joint, there are no movements or in the form of a slip, but it diverges during childbirth, increasing the cavity of the small pelvis.

The upper branch runs horizontally, and the lower one - vertically. Connecting with the ischium, they limit the locking hole.

The pubic symphysis is strengthened by ligaments, which are called the upper and lower longitudinal.

Sometimes, during childbirth, their rupture occurs, as indicated by the x-ray anatomy in the resulting image.

The upper branch is the restrictor of the entrance to the cavity of the small pelvis in humans. The lower limits the exit plane.

The third bone is the sciatic, its body, it fuses in the area of ​​the acetabulum of the hip joint. From the body departs one process, which has a hillock, it is on it that the person leans on while sitting.

Sacrum is sacred bone

In ancient times the sacrum was considered a sacred bone and therefore received its name in Latin - the sacrum, which translates as sacral. This bone, no doubt, can be called a continuation of the spine.

Outwardly it resembles a spine, but one that has grown together. A person has five vertebrae, which in front have a smooth surface, in anatomy it is called the pelvic.

On this surface, traces of fusion are visible, and there are also holes through which nerves enter the human pelvic cavity.

The posterior surface is uneven, has bulges, characteristic for this part of the spine. These irregularities serve to attach muscles and ligaments.

The sacrum with nameless bones is connected by means of joints, strengthened with ligaments.

Ahead is the most protruding part, which is a cape and serves as a reference point for a person during a study at a doctor's appointment - a gynecologist.

The sacrum ends, which is the department of the spine, and includes 3 to 5 vertebrae. During childbirth, he is pushed backwards, allowing the child to be born without problems. He also has points of attachment of the pelvic floor muscles.

Difference of the pelvis

A woman's bone component and internal organs have some features. The female pelvis performs important functions - participates in childbirth. In this aspect, not only his clinical and x-ray anatomy matters to the doctor, but also the form.

In women, the pelvis is wider and lower, the hip joints are located at a wider distance, the bones do not differ in thickness. The shape of the sacrum in the male pelvis is narrower and more concave, the cape and lower spine are more prominent.

In the female pelvis, the opposite is true: the sacrum is wide and not so forward.

The shape of the pubic angle in men is acute and ranges from 70 to 75 cm, in women it is more direct and ranges from 90 to 100 cm, the wings in the female pelvis are deployed, and the sciatic tubercles are at a distance. An outline for a person can serve as a bone protrusion. Thus, in women, the distance between the anterior-upper bones ranges from 25 to 27 cm, while in men it is on average 22-23 cm.

The plane of entry and exit from the small pelvis in women is larger, the top opening in women resembles a transverse oval, while in men it is longitudinal.

Yes, and the volume is larger in the female pelvis, which is associated with childbirth. Features are in the angle of inclination.

In the female pelvis it is 55-60 degrees, while in the male basin it is 50-55 degrees.

For pelvic bones of a person, the size of the entrance and exit into the small pelvis is important. The entrance to the gynecology is the distance between the upper edge of the symphysis and the most prominent point of the cape.

The output is determined from the edge of the coccyx and to the lower edge of the symphysis. The transverse dimensions are on top at the most distant points of the nameless line, the lower ones between the ischial tuberosity.

The bones of the skeleton of the skeleton can easily be set to the floor, this circumstance is used in excavations in archeology or during a forensic medical examination, when only the skeleton is tasked to establish who it is belonged to.

Pelvic dimensions are taken into account by obstetricians during labor and during their planning. If the dimensions are distorted or insufficient, the delivery is performed promptly, through a caesarean section.

The size of the pelvis is established and fixed in the card of the pregnant woman at her first reference to the women's consultation. In men, the pelvis does not have this value.

Muscles of the perineum

The way out of the small pelvis is called the perineum and is closed by the muscles, which for the woman matter because they participate in the delivery process.

The male crotch, like the female, is responsible for the act of defecation, urination and the function of the genitals. Consists of the perineum of a man from the muscles of the pelvic floor, the anus lift and the external sphincter.

Also, there are several muscles that affect sexual function, promote erection, narrow the entrance to the vagina, for example, ischial-cavernous.

The organs that are in the pelvis

The structure of this part of the human body can not be imagined without the pelvic organs.

In the cavity of the large pelvis it is the loops of the intestine, during pregnancy there is the uterus and the fruit in it.

Also in the right iliac region to the right of the person there is an appendix, although the variants of its location may be different.

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In women and men in the cavity of the small pelvis there are some features of the genital organs.

The bladder and urethra are present in both sexes, as are the rectum and part of the large intestine. Near the spine are vessels, nerves, part of the muscles of the joints.

Near the pelvic spine are the nerve plexuses and lymph nodes.

In the small pelvis, the man has a prostate that surrounds the urethra, consists of muscles, next to her are seminal vesicles, and also the vas deferens.

Among the pelvic organs, the woman has ovaries consisting of muscles, uterine tubes, uterus, her cervix and vagina.

Moreover, the female genital cavity communicates with the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the spread of infection. The space between the organs is occupied by cellulose.

Near the rectum, this fiber in some cases becomes inflamed, causing paraproctitis.

Blood supply and nerve plexus

The organs of the small pelvis have their own blood supply and innervation, departing from the spine. Nerves are represented in the form of plexuses, and also as separate nerves.

The most important in practice are the sacral and coccygeal nodes.

Some nerves come out of the spinal canal and penetrate into the pelvic cavity, as independent.

Also near the spine are the arteries and veins. The largest are the common iliac arteries that depart from the aorta.

From them on each side branch the outer, it goes to the thigh, and the inner one, which supplies blood to the pelvic organs, the iliac arteries.

The outflow of blood is carried out on the same veins in the upper vena cava.

Anatomy of the pelvis is very complex, in addition to being a container of internal organs, it still carries a load during walking and distributes it.

Any curvature of the pelvic bones in women can affect the success of childbirth, the ability to bear fruit.

In representatives of both sexes, the curvature, for example, after trauma, can cause lameness, pain or disruption of the pelvic organs, to establish the cause helps in such cases anatomy.

Knowledge of each detail of the pelvis structure allows you to diagnose, understand the cause of the development of a disease.

In some cases, the features of the structure are used for examination to determine the sex.

Information on the structure of the pelvis is also required during the examination and reading of X-rays.

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Pelvic bone anatomy and structure in men and women

The largest bone of the human skeleton is the pelvic bone.

It plays a great role in the activity of the musculoskeletal system, combining the body with the lower limbs.

Its uneasy anatomical structure is caused by a variety of functionality and a huge load, and it exerts pressure from both sides.

Anatomical features of the pelvic girdle

The hip department consists of a pair of hip bones, which belong to a group of flat bones. They contribute to the stability of the lower extremities, evenly distributing the load, which depends on the body weight.

The pelvic bones of a man are united in the pubic symphysis, and together with the sacral section and coccyx form the pelvis. At the birth of a human, both pelvic bones are represented as three separate parts, separated by cartilaginous formations.

Over time, they fuse, forming one whole bone, and their articulation is called a deep hemispherical or swivel cavity that connects to the hip joint.

Due to the origin of the pelvic bone, it is used to consider it as a bone consisting of three parts.

Bones of the pelvic department

The pelvic bones of a person are the most massive part of the musculoskeletal system, and the structure of the pelvic bone is determined by the supporting function. It consists of three different departments: iliac, sciatic, and pubic.

The growth of these sites begins during puberty. This happens just in those areas where the pressure on the pelvis is maximum. One such area is the swollen cavity in which the femoral head is localized.

So after the articulation of these parts a hip joint is formed.

The iliac part of the pelvis, consisting of the wing and body, is located above the swivel cavity. One edge of the wing is represented in the form of a scallop, to which the musculature of the abdomen is attached. From the back part of the iliac stone its plane is combined with a sacroiliac joint

The pubic bone is localized under the swivel cavity from the front side. It is represented in the form of two branches, which are connected at an angle. Between them is a cartilaginous layer. All these elements form a pubic symphysis.

It plays a very important role in childbirth in women: when the fetus leaves the womb of the mother, the cartilage tissues are deformed, so that the pelvic bones part. This contributes to the normal birth of the child.

This fact explains why the pelvic bone in men is much narrower than in women.

The ischium is localized from the back of the pelvis, at the same level as the pubic, only on the opposite side.

The bone structure of this department has a hilly surface, due to which a person can take a sitting position. This area is closed by the muscles and the fat layer, which softens the position.

In addition, the hip section consists of the coccyx and the sacrum, creating an annular cavity of the pelvis.

Pelvic joint

The hip joint produces very important actions, thanks to which people have the opportunity to walk, run, jump or perform other manipulations related to this department.

Its development begins in the period of gestation, when a tiny organism is only being formed.

After birth, the hip joint is presented in the form of cartilages, which begin to harden gradually, and then bulge, forming a stronger bone structure.

This process continues until the adult human body is fully formed. After that, bone growth stops, but other processes - changing shape, localization and structure - are still ongoing.

The head of the femoral joint is covered with cartilaginous flesh, and the neck of the femur is connected directly to the bone itself in the swivel cavity.

Outside, the plane of the articulation is covered with a strong cloth, and inside it is reinforced with several ligaments that perform protective functions, contributing to the depreciation of the bones of the hip joint during movement, and also protects the blood vessels inside the joint.

The strongest ligament of the human body is considered to be iliac-femoral, whose diameter can be up to 10 mm.

They perform very meaningful actions: braking, with rotary or extensor movements.

The pubic-femoral ligaments act similarly, but only in the unfolded position.

Main functions

Anatomy of the human pelvic bone is endowed with a complex structure and performs the following functions.

  1. Support - to maintain the spine.
  2. Protective - warns the internal organs of the hip belt from external physical effects and damage: urea, intestines and reproductive organs. It is considered the most important function, as it protects the vital organs of the human body.
  3. The hip part serves as the center of gravity of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Hemopoietic - promotes the production of blood, due to the large number of red bone marrow.

Since the main function of the pelvis is to protect, then if it is damaged there are risks of complications associated with the defeat of the internal organs of the pelvic girdle. Therefore, the trauma of the hip section most often entails severe consequences.

How to maintain the strength of the hip

The main method of preventing the hip is to control body weight. The more it is, the stronger the load on the pelvis. Experts calculated the load, based on the weight category of a person.

For one extra kilogram there is a load of 2 kg more than normal when walking, 5 kg on the rise, and when running or jumping - 10 kg. Thus, obesity contributes to the rapid wear of joints and the risk of osteoarthritis.

Therefore, playing sports prolong the period of wear of the joints of the pelvic region.

In pathological joint diseases or overweight, doctors recommend performing simple exercises, walking more or cycling. Swimming also has a beneficial effect on joints.

Moreover, with such sports, there is no pressure on the pelvic joints. In fractures, after the bones are overgrown, doctors advise gradually to increase the load.

This is done so that the joints get stronger and take their previous values.

In people of retirement age, bones no longer have such strength and are more often injured. Therefore, to increase their strength, you must eat foods rich in calcium.

A large amount of this element contains dairy products, cereals and legumes, walnuts, green vegetables, fish, fruits.

In addition, patients may be prescribed medications that contain a sufficient amount of calcium.

Based on the above information, it can be noted that a healthy lifestyle, including the right nutrition, exercise or easy gymnastics, contribute to the long-term work of pelvic joints belt. In addition, a sufficient amount of calcium in the body, required to strengthen bone tissue, will reduce the risks of injury.

A source:

Anatomy of the pelvis: structure, functions

The pelvic region includes pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx, pubic symphysis, as well as ligaments, joints and membranes. Some experts refer to it and the buttock area.

The article deals with pelvic anatomy: bone system, musculature, genital and excretory organs.

The pelvic system of the pelvis

The skeleton of the pelvis consists of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccygeal bone. Each of them is firmly fixed. The iliac bone, as well as the coccygeal joint, is articulated with the sacrum.

The pelvis is divided into a large and a small department.

The first consists of sides with wings of the iliac bones. On the inner surface is the iliac pit, and outside - gluteal pits.

The small pelvis consists of a cylindrical cavity with upper and lower apertures (i.e., inlet and outlet).

The coccygeal bone is slightly mobile, which helps women during childbirth. The pelvic anatomy of the pelvis has the following differences in men and women:

  • the male pelvis is long and narrow, in women it is shorter and wider;
  • the male cavity of the pelvis is conical, female - cylindrical;
  • wings of the ilium in men are more upright, in women - more horizontally;
  • the branches of pubic bones in men make an angle of 70-75 degrees, in women 90-100 degrees;
  • in men, the shape of the entrance reminds the heart (as on the cards), in women it is round, although it happens that women also have an entrance as a "card heart".


Well developed ligaments fix four pelvic bones, the anatomy of which is discussed above. They are assisted by the combination of three joints: lobed fusion (two unpaired), sacroiliac (pair) and sacrococcygeal fusion.

One is located on the pubic bones from the upper edge, the other on the bottom. The third joints strengthen the joints of the sacral and iliac bones.

Muscular system of the pelvis

In this section, the anatomy of the pelvis is represented by parietal and visceral musculature.

In the first part, there is a muscle in the large pelvis consisting of three m.iliacus, m.psoas major and m.psoas minor interconnected.

In the small pelvis, the same parietal musculature is represented by pear-shaped muscle, internal blocking and coccygeal musculature.

Visceral musculature is involved in the formation of the pelvic diaphragm. It includes paired muscles that lift the anus and the unpaired m.sphincter ani extremus.

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Here there are pubic-coccygeal muscle, ilio-coccygeal, as well as a powerfully developed circular muscle of the distal part of the rectum.

Blood supply and lymphatic system

Blood enters the pelvis (anatomy here involves the involvement of the pelvic wall and internal organs) from the hypogastric artery. It is divided first into the front and back, and then to the other branches.

In the soft tissues of the large pelvis, blood flows through a single vessel of a.iliolumbalis, which branches into two terminal branches.

The walls of the pelvis provide four arteries:

  1. lateral sacral;
  2. blocking;
  3. upper gluteal;
  4. lower gluteal.

The vessels of the abdominal walls and retroperitoneal space are involved in the circulatory circulation. In the round venous circle, the main veins pass between the large and small pelvis.

There are abundant venous anastomoses located near the rectum wall and in its thickness, as well as under the peritoneum of the pelvis.

When blocking large pelvic veins, the veins of the spine, waist, anterior abdominal wall and retroperitoneal tissue serve as roundabout ways.

Anatomy of the pelvis, like other systems, suggests the variability of the morphology of the vessels in the lymph.

The main lymphatic collectors from the pelvic organs are the ileal lymphatic plexus, which diverts lymph.

Lymphatic vessels under the peritoneum mostly pass at the level of the middle floor of the pelvis.


Nerves of this area are divided into:

  • somatic;
  • vegetative (parasympathetic and sympathetic).

The somatic system of nerves is represented by the sacral plexus associated with the lumbar plexus. Sympathetic - sacral part of the border trunks and unpaired coccygeal node. Parasympathetic nerves are nn.pelvici s.splanchnici sacrales.


Often the anatomy of the gluteal region is not included in the pelvis. However, topographically, it should be referred here, and not to the lower extremities. Therefore, we will briefly touch upon it.

Above the gluteal region is limited by the scab of the ilium, and from below - by the gluteal fold, under which is the gluteal groove. From the lateral side, you can represent a vertical line from a row of bones, and from the medial - both areas are separated by an interannual gap.

Consider the anatomy here layer by layer:

  1. the skin of this area is thick and dense;
  2. subcutaneous tissue with superficial, middle and lower nerves is well developed;
  3. then follows the surface plate of the gluteus fascia;
  4. Gluteus gluteus maximus;
  5. gluteus fascia fascia;
  6. fatty tissue between the large muscle and the middle layer of muscles;
  7. middle layer of muscles;
  8. deep layer of muscles;
  9. bones.

Excretory organs

The anatomy of the small pelvis includes an unpaired muscular organ - the bladder. It consists of the top, body, bottom and neck. One department here goes into another.

Bottom fixed with urogenital diaphragm. When the bladder begins to fill, its shape becomes ovoid. With an empty bubble, the shape is close to saucer-like.

The blood supply comes from the system of the hypogastric artery, and the venous outflow is directed into the dense plexus plexus, which adjoins the lateral surfaces and the prostate gland.

Innervation is carried out by somatic and vegetative fibers.

The rectum begins to develop from embryonic rudiments. The upper part is derived from the endoderm, and the lower one appears by screwing from the surface of the ectodermal layer.

The rectum is at the level of the posterior part of the small pelvis. It is divided into three departments: upper, middle and lower.

The musculature outside is represented by powerful longitudinal fibers, and inside - by circular ones. Mucous consists of numerous folds. Innervation here is similar to what happens in the bladder.

Sexual system

Without the reproductive system, it is impossible to consider the pelvis (structure). The anatomy of this region in both sexes consists of the sex gland, the wolf body, the canal, the Mullerian duct, the sinus of the genitourinary and genital tubercles, folds and ridges.

The sex gland is laid in the lower back and turns into an egg or ovary, respectively. The Wolffian body, channel and duct of the muller are also laid here. However, further on, the Müller channels are differentiated in the female, and the male body has the wolf body and ducts.

The remaining rudiments are reflected on the external organs.

Ovary and ovary grow behind the peritoneum.

The male reproductive system is represented by:

  • a cover of the testicle, consisting of skin, fleshy shell, Cooper's fascia, cremaster, common and proprietary vaginal membrane, belly coat;
  • the seminal gland;
  • lymphatic system;
  • an appendage consisting of three divisions (head, body and tail);
  • spermatic cord;
  • seminal vesicles (hollow tubes with bayonet protrusions);
  • prostate gland (glandular-muscular organ between the diaphragm and the bottom of the bladder);
  • a sexual member consisting of three sections (root, body and head);
  • the urethra.

Anatomy of the female pelvis includes the reproductive system of:

  1. uterus (derivative of Muller channels);
  2. ovaries located in a special ovarian fossa;
  3. Fallopian tubes consisting of four sections (funnel, dilated part, isthmus and part perforating the wall);
  4. the vagina;
  5. external genitalia, consisting of large labia and vulva.


This area is located from the slide to the top of the coccygeal bone of the pelvis.

Anatomy of the perineum in both men and women is divided into 2 areas: sham (front) and anal (back). An urogenital triangle corresponds to the front of the region, and the rectum from the back.


This is the structure of the pelvis as a whole. The anatomy of this area is certainly a complex system. The article gives only a brief overview of what it consists of and how it works.

A source: http://.ru/article/250449/anatomiya-taza-stroenie-funktsii

Hip bone

The anatomy of the pelvis is quite complex. This is facilitated by high load and a wide range of functions. The human's pelvis connects the trunk and lower extremities, respectively, the pressure appears, both from above and from below.

Hip bone


It is interesting that from the whole variety of mammals of the planet, it is in humans that the pelvic dimensions are larger in cross section than in the anterior-posterior. Moreover, in prenatal development the shape of the pelvis of the fetus is the same as in the four-legged mammals, but changes with time.

In connection with the nature of sex differences and features of the body, the pelvic bone of women is wider and lower located.

Its wings and hillocks of the sciatic part are more divorced in the sides to facilitate the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Differences in the structure of the pelvis begin to form immediately after the start of the first menstruation (under the influence of female sex hormones).

It is interesting that with a lack of female sex hormones, against the background of a decreased function of the ovaries, the anatomy of the female pelvis changes (becomes narrow) due to the slowing down of the formation of female characteristics.

What are the functions of the human pelvis?

In the anatomical structure of the human body, the pelvis is of great importance, since it performs important functions for the body:

  • support - it is attached to the vertebral column;
  • protective - inside the pelvic cavity are placed human organs (bladder, large intestine, female and male sexual organs);
  • The pelvis functions as the center of mass of the human skeleton;
  • hematopoietic - due to the large content of red bone marrow.

Right pelvic bone


Protective functions of the pelvis

One of the most important functions of the pelvis is considered protective. The anatomy of the human body is such that almost all reproductive organs, the bladder and some organs of the abdominal cavity are located in the pelvic region.

All these organs are protected from mechanical damage and displacement by the bone tissues of the pelvic cavity.

This is especially important for women when carrying a child. The pelvic floor, in the form of a joint between the sacrum and the iliac bones, is connected by ligaments and supports the uterus in the required position.

Pelvic bones and pregnancy

Structure of the pelvis

The pelvic bone is one of the most massive bone structures of the human body, and its structure and geometric shape are due to the basic function - the supporting one.

It is formed by three sections: sciatic, pubic and iliac.

And before puberty, the departments are separated by a cartilaginous tissue, and at the age of 14-17 years, the divisions coalesce and become one single pelvic bone.

Splices of the division occur in areas with the greatest load - in the area of ​​the acetabulum. In the acetabulum is located the head of the femur and thus forms the hip joint.

The ileus of the pelvis is located above the acetabulum, and consists of a wing and body.

The wing in the end has a peculiar crest, to which the muscle fibers of the abdominal cavity are attached.

On the back side of the iliac region, the bone surface is connected to the joint of the sacrum (sacroiliac joint).

The pubic region is located below the acetabulum in the front. It consists of two branches connected at an angle. At the junction of the branches is a cartilaginous tissue.

All together is a pubic symphysis.

During the restructuring of the female body for childbirth, the cartilaginous tissue softens and the bones move apart to prevent the child from leaving the birth canal.

The sciatic section is located symmetrically with the pubic posterior. Like the pubic, it is located below the acetabulum. Bony tissues of the sciatic part have powerful knobs, which are covered with muscle and fat tissues. It is the hillocks that are the support of a person when they are in a sitting position.

The human pelvis is formed by pelvic structures, sacrum and coccyx. All together they form an annular cavity of the pelvis.

Hip Joint

One of the most important human joints, which allow walking, running or moving objects, is the hip joint.

The formation of the joint begins in the womb of the mother. After birth, it partially consists of a cartilaginous hyaline layer, and in 4-5 months the cartilage ossifies.

At the same time there is an intensive growth of the femurs. In the process of growing, there is complete ossification of the hyaline cartilage and growth stops.

In the future, the shape, relative location and structure of human bones is constantly undergoing a change.

Structure of the hip joint

The hip joints consist of two acetabulum cavities of the hip bone and a pair of femur head.

The shape of the joint corresponds to a spherical shape, since the acetabulum has the appearance of a half-sphere, which is filled with fatty tissues, and there is a cartilaginous rim around the edges.

The structure of the hip joint is determined by the nature of the functions performed.

Structure of the hip joint

The spherical head of the femur with a cartilage covering the neck of the thigh is connected to the bone itself (acetabulum). The outer surface of the joint is covered with a strong capsule.

Inside the joint there are several ligaments. For example, a bundle of the femoral head damages the load on the hip bone during motor activity, and also protects the feeding vessels inside it.

The ileum-femoral ligaments are the most durable in the entire human body, and their thickness is about 8-10 mm. Their function is to inhibit the extension and rotation of the thigh inward. The pubic-femoral pair of ligaments on the contrary inhibits the extraction of the hip in the extended position.

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