Is it possible to eat melon with pancreatitis

Contents of
  • Is melon allowed for exacerbation of pancreatitis
  • Is melon allowed during remission
  • Which fruit does not harm
  • How correctly is it?
  • Related videos

Digestive system diseases require compliance with the diet, because the use of certain foods and foods can trigger an exacerbation of the disease or cause dyspeptic disorders.

In the acute phase of inflammation, a strict therapeutic diet is indicated, suggesting the chemical, mechanical or thermal sparing of the digestive organs. During the remission, the diet is less strict, although it imposes a restriction on many products.

In pancreatitis, the pancreas is inflamed and the intrasecretory and exocrine function is impaired, that is, the enzymes necessary for complete digestion of food do not enter the duodenum. With hypersecretory pancreatitis, substances that are secreted by the gland during ingestion of food into the stomach can not leave the organ and further aggravate the inflammatory process.

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That's why after using some products, patients feel pain in the left hypochondrium or at the top of the abdomen, which is paroxysmal or permanent. Often after a diet violation, the pain radiates to the heart area, often dyspepsia symptoms( vomiting, not bringing relief, nausea, flatulence, heartburn).

In order not to suffer from an attack of pancreatitis and not aggravate the course of the disease, it is recommended to check with your doctor which products are banned. As a rule, patients are interested in whether it is possible to eat certain fruits and vegetables, because it is not always clear how they affect the digestive organs( whether the acidity is increased, whether there are undesirable substances in their composition).One of the frequently asked questions, is it possible to eat melon in pancreatitis.

Is melon allowed for exacerbation of pancreatitis

Melon in pancreatitis, despite the fact that it does not have a sour or sharp taste, is still capable of harm. It is forbidden to use it in the acute period of the disease or during a relapse. The diet involves chemical and mechanical shaking of the digestive organs, which means that one can not eat foods that contain a large amount of dietary fiber or stimulate the separation of gastric juice.

In 100 g melon 0.9 grams of fiber and although this figure is small( in bananas it is 1.7 grams, and in apples - 1.8 g), but still sufficient to injure the inflamed mucosa. In addition, like any product containing fiber and simple sugars, melon in pancreatitis can provoke abdominal tenderness, bloating, increased gas production, stool disruption, which will only exacerbate the patient's condition.

Vegetable stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which triggers the production of pancreatic enzymes that adversely affect the iron and bile ducts. In the first days of the disease, doctors recommend to refrain from any food, and in the following week to limit the consumption of any raw fruit because of the acids contained in them and pectin.

Undesirable effects on the gland are also provided by simple carbohydrates contained in tyqquin. They create an unnecessary burden on the endocrine cells, causing them to produce enzymes, and this worsens the condition of the gland, which requires functional rest.

When pancreatitis is exacerbated by banning melon in any form: fresh, dried, dried

Is melon allowed during remission

When the clinical symptoms of pancreatitis subsided and the disease passes into the stage of remission, the patient's diet expands and melons and watermelons can enter it. Often pancreatitis is formed on the background of cholecystitis( in this case, the melon is resolved in the remission stage) and can provoke diabetes mellitus( melon is used in minimal amounts), therefore, before including melons in the diet, it is necessary to find out whether other pathologies have developed against the background of the disease and whethernormal metabolism of sugars in the body.

It is recommended to add a melon to the ration first in the form of mousse or jelly. Useful and juice from the vegetable, because it does not contain fiber and stores all the useful substances. If unpleasant symptoms do not appear after eating melon, then you can eat it fresh, but in small amounts.

Melon has many useful properties, so its use has a positive effect not only on the digestive system, but also on other body systems. There are sugars, fiber, vitamins A, C, P, fats, salts of potassium, sodium, iron in the wine.

Due to its composition it has the following action:

Table 5 with pancreatitis
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the body's immune defenses;
  • improves the structure of the hair;
  • is a source of antioxidants that slow down aging, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, reduce the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • removes toxins from the intestines due to the contained fiber;
  • promotes the excretion of small stones from the urinary organs;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • restores water-salt balance;
  • has some anthelmintic effect;
  • improves digestion, because it contains enzymes.

Thus, melon is one of the few allowed for chronic pancreatitis products, because it is not only delicious and replenishes the lack of vitamins, but also has beneficial properties for the whole body.

Which fruit does not hurt

It's important to choose the "right" melon. Tykvina must be ripe, but not over-ripe, because of the immature melon, there is often increased gas formation, and in the long-lying multiplies the pathogenic microflora. In a mature vegetable, the peel is thin without green spots, the tail is dry, and the aroma is bright and strongly pronounced.

Before buying, you need to make sure that the fruit is not damaged, because pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the dents and cracks.

It is not allowed to store the cut melon for a long time, as it quickly deteriorates, without changing its organoleptic characteristics. Before cutting, the fruit should be thoroughly washed with household soap, because it can contain bacteria or chemicals used to store or stimulate growth, which come from the peel on the edible part.

Compliance with these rules is especially important for people with pancreatitis. In a healthy person, a poor-quality melon will provoke a short-term indigestion, and if the pancreas is inflamed, the germ-seeded or immature tykvina can cause an exacerbation of the disease and lead to the development of its complications.

How to eat?

It is recommended to use melon as an independent dish and not to combine it with other products. Tykvina, like all vegetables and fruits, does not stay in the stomach, but almost immediately enters the small intestine. If the stomach is full, then the melon begins to wander in it, because of which gases are released that provoke bloating, belching, nausea, lead to disruption of the stool and unpleasant odor from the mouth.

To avoid fermentation, the fruit is advised to eat two hours after eating.

It is also not recommended to consume melon on an empty stomach, since cellulose irritates the walls of the empty intestine, and the isolated gastric juice is aggressive to the gastric mucosa. But if the motor skills and acidity of the gastric juice are lowered, the doctor may advise you to eat the pumpkin half an hour before a meal to stimulate the release of hydrochloric acid and increase peristalsis.

Nutritionists are not advised to combine melon with other foods. So, melon, eaten after milk or sour-milk products, gives a pronounced laxative effect. If squash occurs in the stomach with alcohol, then diarrhea or constipation occurs, and gastric lavage may be required. Do not drink melon water, as this will speed up fermentation, cause colic and diarrhea.

It is not worth eating a pulp close to the skin, as it may not be mature enough.

When pancreatitis is in remission, melon is gradually introduced and the digestive system reacts to the vegetable. First you should eat a small piece of pulp and, in the absence of dyspeptic symptoms, the portion can be gradually increased. In the day you can eat 450 grams of melon, some patients tolerate the vegetable well and can eat up to 1.5 kg of melon pulp.

Thus, a melon in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis is forbidden to use, as it stimulates digestion, and this can aggravate the course of the pathological process. During the remission period melon can be added to the diet, as it has beneficial properties and contains many vitamins.

But it's worth remembering that only a mature and naturally grown melon renders benefits( it ripens in August-September), and it needs to be separated from other foods in the interval between meals. If, in addition to pancreatitis, there are other chronic diseases, you can find out whether you can eat a melon or not, you need a doctor.

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