Pain with flat feet: what to do?


  • 1What to do if feet hurt due to flat feet
    • 1.1Symptoms of the disease
    • 1.2Longitudinal flat feet
    • 1.3Transverse Platypodia
    • 1.4Causes of the disease
    • 1.5Treatment
    • 1.6Medication Therapy
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
    • 1.8Application of paraffin and ozocerite
    • 1.9Phonophoresis ultrasound with corticosteroids
    • 1.10Electrophoresis with analgesics
    • 1.11Magnetotherapy
    • 1.12Exercise therapy
    • 1.13Massage
    • 1.14ethnoscience
    • 1.15Wormwood Compresses
    • 1.16Iodine and lemon
    • 1.17Soda
    • 1.18Contrast baths
    • 1.19Oak bark
    • 1.20Fir
    • 1.21Surgical treatment
    • 1.22Insole with flat feet
    • 1.23Prevention of disease
  • 2How to cure flat feet folk remedies at home
    • 2.1Folk remedies for the treatment of flat feet
    • 2.2Lotions and compresses against flat feet
    • 2.3Foot baths against flat feet
    • 2.4Treatment of flat feet with special exercises
  • 3Transverse Platypodia: Relieve pain
    • 3.1Doctors of the causes of transverse flatfoot
    • 3.2Pain is the main symptom of transverse flatfoot
    • 3.3Methods of correction of transverse flatfoot. Exercises for the muscles of the foot
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4We strengthen the arch of foot
    • 3.5Exercises for the muscles of the feet
    • 3.6Corrective devices
    • 3.7Medicinal treatment
    • 3.8Physiotherapeutic treatment
    • 3.9Surgery for the treatment of transverse flatfoot
  • 4Flat-footedness
    • 4.1The causes of flatfoot formation
    • 4.2Symptoms of flat feet
    • 4.3Diagnostic measures for flat feet
    • 4.4Flat feet in children
    • 4.5Treatment of flat feet
    • 4.6Complications of flatfoot
    • 4.7Prevention of flat feet
  • 5Transverse platypodia: degrees of illness and methods of treatment, insole correction
    • 5.1What is the transverse flatfoot
    • 5.2Causes
    • 5.3Degrees
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Treatment
    • 5.6Corrective therapy
    • 5.7Insole with transverse flatfoot
    • 5.8Gymnastics
    • 5.9Operative intervention
    • 5.10Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.11Prevention
    • 5.12Photo of transverse flatfoot

What to do if feet hurt due to flat feet

Flat feet (flat foot) is a pathology of the foot shape, in which its arches (arches, transverse and longitudinal) are lowered, their cushioning is lost (softening impacts when walking) function.

Pain in the foot with flat feet provokes curvature of the spine, leads to a change in posture, abnormalities in the circulatory system, the normal functioning of the joints and other organs.

The malaise will begin to deform the bones of the limb, because of what the foot will get the wrong shape, stretch out in length or in width.

Symptoms of the disease

Pathology develops gradually and imperceptibly at first. Its first manifestations are:

  • starts to discomfort shoes;
  • there are pain in the back;
  • because of flat feet there are pains in the knees, hips, feet, ingrown nail, it is difficult to stand and sit for a long time;
  • it becomes difficult to squat and keep balance;
  • there is a heaviness in the gait, clubfoot;
  • with flatfoot there is deformation of the foot (it changes in size, stretches out in length or in width);
  • the muscles of the legs and lower leg develop unevenly;
  • swelling of the ankles;
  • formed natoptyshi, bone (the bone of the metatarsus is protruded to the side).

Longitudinal flat feet

Characteristic for the age of 16-25 years.


  • I (corners of the arch from 131 to 140 degrees, height 35-25 mm.);
  • II (parameters respectively 141-155, 24-17);
  • III (a degree of one hundred and fifty-five, in height less than seventeen), external changes in the limb become noticeable. In this case, the operation is recommended.

Characteristic features:

  • with flat feet sore feet, there is fatigue after the load, there is swelling;
  • worries about the lower back;
  • obstruct the movement of the knee, ankle joints;
  • the arch will be deformed (it is less noticeable), the heel of the heel is formed.

Transverse Platypodia

There are also three stages:

  • the first is the deviation of the thumb at 20 degrees (and more);
  • the second - up to 30, corns are formed;
  • the third - from 35.

The development of the disease is accompanied by pain, at the last stage the outlines of the foot are modified. People develop more often in 35-50 years.

Causes of the disease

Factors affecting the development of flat feet, are:

  • wearing a discomfortable (tight or too narrow, high-heeled shoes and platforms) shoes;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • pregnancy (increased burden on the legs);
  • weak muscular-ligamentous apparatus (can be congenital, genetically predisposed);
  • injuries of the lower limbs;
  • rickets (weakness and softness of the bone apparatus)
  • consequences of the transferred poliomyelitis (dysfunction of the leg muscles, soles);
  • lack of physical activity, inactive work.
  • excessive load on the limbs (long standing, long running sports jumping, jumping).

Additionally, they carry out planotography (allows to make a footprint on paper), electromyography (determines the state of the muscles), computer-hardware complexes (specify the shape, width, length, others options).


Therapeutic recovery from an ailment is possible only in the first two stages of development. The third shows surgical intervention.

The therapeutic treatment of flat feet includes:

  • taking medicines;
  • the passage of physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy (LFK);
  • massage.

Medication Therapy

To this end, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken. Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Voltaren, etc. help relieve pain with flatfoot. They can be taken in the form of creams, ointments, and in tablet form.


For the treatment of flat feet of the second degree, a set of special procedures are carried out.

Application of paraffin and ozocerite

It is meant to superimpose components on a sore spot. Ways (the first one can be used independently at home, the other two are practiced only in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor):

  • "Cake" (melted wax poured into the form, and then applied to the problem area);
  • use of gauze (the fabric is wetted with a liquid mixture, a compress is done);
  • applying the mixture with a brush.


  • tumors;
  • kidney disease;
  • neuroses;
  • infection;
  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • atherosclerosis (vessels of the brain or heart);
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • cystic formations;
  • epilepsy;
  • open wounds;
  • suppuration;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of temperature sensitivity.

Phonophoresis ultrasound with corticosteroids

Of the drugs used hydrocortisone, caripain, lidase, hyaluronic acid.

Do not prescribe to patients with skin problems, oncology, severe endocrine dysfunctions, arterial hypertension (the third stage), exacerbation of inflammation, pregnant (from the second half of gestation).

Electrophoresis with analgesics

It is a constant effect of electric current on certain parts of the body in combination with the introduction of drugs. Soothes, activates the immune system, normalizes muscle tone, improves fluid circulation, etc.

You can not recommend when:

  • tumors;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • allergies to the medicine.


The effect of the magnetic field on the problem area. Contraindications are similar to previous procedures.

Exercise therapy

The main purpose of physiotherapy exercises in the treatment of flatfoot is the strengthening of weakened ligaments and muscles.To achieve the result, the lessons should be performed daily (about 15 minutes).

Exercises that are made by feet, sitting:

  • mixing and breeding of heels (socks do not come off the floor);
  • bending and unbending, catching the ball, lifting it;
  • sliding with the fingers (forward and back);
  • compression of the rubber ball;
  • picking up a rug or towel with your fingers;
  • rolling stick.

In the standing position:

  • turning the torso;
  • rolling from the toe to the heel section, in the opposite direction;
  • squats (on toes);
  • climbing rope ladders;
  • walking on a gymnastic stick (a bar with inclined planes, a ribbed board, a massage mat).


Massage well relieves pain, swelling, normalizes blood circulation and lymph flow, has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the lower extremities. The full course includes 12 (with mild disease) or 20 (with severe) sessions. Contraindication to the procedure - varicose veins.

Massage effect with flat feet appears in a clear sequence on the muscles:

  • calf;
  • Achilles tendon;
  • outer side of lower leg;
  • the back of the foot;
  • soles.

During the session, the following receptions are performed:

  • stroking (rectilinear, alternating);
  • squeezing (beak-shaped, transverse);
  • kneading (ordinary, double annular, combined, circular)


Wormwood Compresses

Wormwood leaves are washed, applied to the foot, fixed. The compress allows you to quickly remove the pain.

Iodine and lemon

Iodine (3%) is mixed with lemon juice (in the same volume) and aspirin (several tablets).Make a compress on the foot (no more than 3 days). After a week, the procedure can be repeated.


From the solution (a liter of water dissolves a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate) make the bath (duration - 20 minutes). It helps to relax, reduce spasms, strengthens bone tissue, restores sleep.

Contrast baths

Alternating baths with cold and hot water (you need to keep your feet no more than 15 seconds each). Not performed during menstruation. A ten-day course is recommended, followed by a one-month break.

Oak bark

Make a bath: the bark of oak (one kilogram) is brewed in water (volume - 5 liters), boiled, an hour.


Fir oil (half a teaspoon) is added to warm water. Keep your feet in the bath for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days (10 to 12).

Surgical treatment

The operation on flat feet is low-traumatic, the rehabilitation period is quite fast and ranges from three weeks to two months, depending on the degree of the disease and the complexity of the case.

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • third degree of flatfoot;
  • inefficiency of therapy.

Isolate operations on soft and hard tissues, combined.

Insole with flat feet

When the disease is used, the orthopedic treatment is used - the use of special insoles, which have thickenings on the inner side of the foot. They soften strokes during walking, reduce pain symptoms. Supinators for all types of pathology are applicable.

In the most severe cases, they can be manufactured and purchased to order, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Prevention of disease

To prevent flat feet, the following measures are recommended:

  • choose comfortable and comfortable shoes (a wide enough, optimal heel or platform height, without a narrow spout);
  • more sitting resting (if the main work involves a long standing);
  • self-rubbing and massage of the lower limbs (this will help improve blood circulation, prevent the stagnation of lymph in the vessels, provide full nutrition of tissues with useful substances);
  • Walking barefoot on uneven surfaces (sand, gravel, grass);
  • To perform physical exercises aimed at strengthening and developing the muscular tissue of the legs;
  • The child's variant of preventing the disease is the prevention of rickets, as well as the use of special gymnastics (running, jumping, climbing rope ladder, alternating walking on heels and socks), swimming;
  • preventive measures, a set of physical exercises should be carried out regularly and constantly.

Flat foot disease leads to serious consequences:

  • pathology of joints and the spinal column (intervertebral hernia, arthrosis, arthritis);
  • severe pain in the feet, inability to walk freely;
  • develops scoliosis (spine is bent);
  • the appearance and development of flat feet in children leads to the appearance of shuffling gait.

Flat feet - an insidious disease, the ignoring of which can lead to serious health problems. By the way legs hurt due to flat feet, one can judge the degree of its development. The earlier to begin to treat it, the less likely it is that all sorts of complications will develop.

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How to cure flat feet folk remedies at home

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Flattening occurs due to the omission of the transverse or longitudinal arch of the foot, which leads to a change in its shape. When treating any type of flatfoot, special techniques are used that help to train muscles and support the arch of the foot.

To properly form the foot, you need to regularly stimulate the muscles and ligaments of the legs. It is especially useful for flat feet to walk barefoot on stones, earth, hard grass or sand, whereas Any hard surfaces, such as parquet or laminate, on the contrary have a negative effect on stop. = P50Ma_OA7pQ

But there are other methods of treating flatfoot folk remedies that are used at home.

Folk remedies for the treatment of flat feet

Treatment of flat feet is a long and laborious work, because it is impossible to overcome this disease easily and quickly. With the help of folk remedies, it is possible only to stop the development of this disease, the operation can be completely removed from flat feet.

Lotions and compresses against flat feet

Gadgets and compresses are more likely to eliminate the pain that occurs with flatfoot than to fight the disease itself. But as one of the methods of complex treatment to apply them will not hurt.

An excellent remedy for pain relief is bitter wormwood. Leaves are washed, then applied to the feet and wrapped in the feet with a soft cloth. This remedy is also used to remove pain from injuries, dislocations or stretching of the tendons.

If flat feet are troubled by severe pain in the legs, which interferes with the normal way of life, you can prepare another mixture that is applied to the legs.

In equal proportions, you need to connect a 3% solution of iodine and lemon juice, then add the same crushed aspirin tablets (2 pieces). Mix everything. The container with the gruel is covered with a film and wrapped in something warm. With this mixture you need to make a compress.

The procedure is carried out three days in a row, after which a break for a week. In no case should iodine not be 3%, otherwise you can get skin burns.

Foot baths against flat feet

In folk medicine for the treatment of flat feet recommend the use of special foot baths, which adds sea salt.

They relax the muscles of the legs, strengthen the bones and relieve pain. The procedure is very simple. In not too hot water, you need to dissolve the table or sea salt (for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp.

spoon of salt) and hold in a foot bath for 15 minutes. After this, it is recommended to wipe your feet dry and lubricate them with any nourishing cream, gently massaging the foot.


The procedure not only helps relieve pain, but also normalizes blood circulation and improves sleep.


Contrasting baths will also be useful. Fill two pelvis with water: hot and cold.

First, the legs are well steam out (1-2 minutes), then cool in cold water (about 15 seconds).

Contrast baths are done for 10 days, followed by a month-long break. During menstruation, it is contraindicated for women to perform this procedure.

In the water can be added and herbal decoctions or infusions - they only contribute to the treatment of flat feet. You can brew oak bark (1 kg of bark for 5 liters of water). Boil the broth for 30 minutes, then add to the bath.

Often with flat feet, a folk remedy with sage infusion is used. For the preparation of the infusion it is necessary to insist 100 g of sage in 2 liters of boiling water.

Also used and infusion peppermint - in boiling water brew 100 g of plant (wait about 30 minutes). Infusions are added to the foot baths, the legs are lowered into water and held for at least 20 minutes.

The same principle is used to prepare the infusion of lime and peppermint (components should be taken in equal parts).


With flatfoot use and alcohol tincture immortelle, which lubricate the feet.


The inflorescence is first dried in the oven, then poured with alcohol and set aside for a couple of days to insist.

This tool can be used not only to treat flat feet, but also with problems such as sciatica and joint pain.

Treatment of flat feet with special exercises

At home, experts advise using, along with baths and lotions, physical exercises that very well develop the foot, prevent and stop flat feet.

Exercise # 1

A good effect is walking on the sea pebbles, but you need to do this every day. You can bring stones from the sea, put them in a tissue bag, sew and walk on it.

Exercise 2

Stand on your toes and jump from this position 30-40 times. Observe the average pace of jumping. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 3

To perform this exercise, you need the appropriate inventory. On a piece of fabric with a minimum size of 1 x 1 meter, sew buttons and beads of different sizes.

Also on the fabric you need to paste small pebbles, peaches from peaches, etc. On this carpet you need to walk twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 10-15 minutes.

Exercise 4

Stand upright, lower your arms and bend the outer side of the foot inside (start specially to clump). Make 40 steps in this position, then rest a little and repeat all over again.

Exercise 5

Sit in a comfortable position and raise both legs, stretching your feet. To make them such movements, which resemble the process of controlling the "foot" sewing machine. Each position of the foot should be fixed for 2-3 seconds.

Exercise number 6


For this exercise, you will need accounting accounts. They need to be put on the floor, sit next to them and try to roll with their knuckles. Perform a minimum of 10 minutes.


Exercise number 7

In an ordinary bottle, draw water and roll it on the floor with bare feet while watching TV or while reading a book.

For the prevention of flatfoot, as already mentioned, it is very useful to walk on the ground without shoes.

It is especially useful to walk barefoot, for example, on fir cones or small pebbles.

Using the maximum number of methods for treating flatfoot, it is possible to stop the development of the disease and eliminate the discomfort and pain caused by this disease.

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Transverse Platypodia: Relieve pain

Transverse flatfoot is a very common pathology diagnosed in patients of different age and sex.

With this disease, the normal shape of the foot changes: its transverse arch is lowered, instead of being arcuate.

This deformation is accompanied by a fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones and the deviation of the first toe from the outside, which in turn causes a slight decrease in the length of the sole.

Pathological changes cause discomfort and pain, and in the absence of adequate therapy can trigger the occurrence of various complications.

Doctors of the causes of transverse flatfoot

Physicians are sure that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the transverse flatfoot is due to the weakness of the muscles, which are located in the shin and foot.

A little less often, the disease occurs because of the traumas (fractures) of the ossicles in the foot or against the background of their weakening caused by various pathologies (rickets, etc.).

With insufficient development of muscles or ligaments, the weight of the patient is not correctly distributed on the feet, because of this the bones and phalanges located in them are subjected to excessive loading. The foot therefore moves apart, becoming oblate.

There are a number of factors contributing to the appearance of transverse flat feet:

  • individual predisposition to weakening muscles and ligaments (inherited);
  • gross pathologies of the nervous system (including infantile cerebral palsy);
  • insufficiently correct metabolism, because of which the musculoskeletal system lacks nutritional elements;
  • premature rickets;
  • the presence in the anamnesis of serious injuries of the lower limbs (especially the area below the knees), which leads to forced step violation and incorrect weight distribution;
  • The habit of wearing model shoes, especially with high heels;
  • systematic load on the area of ​​the lower limbs (overweight, frequent weight lifting, frequent pregnancies).

Another transverse flatfoot is congenital, in this case, its causes are the developmental defects of the feet at the stage of intrauterine development.

Pain is the main symptom of transverse flatfoot

At the initial stage of development, the transverse flatfoot may not disturb the patient's life in any way. But in the absence of adequate therapy, pathological processes cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Initially, the patient is faced with a sense of heaviness in the foot, it appears after a long standing or walking, and it provokes physical activity. Over time, this discomfort becomes more pronounced.

Sometimes patients indicate the exact place where pain is localized - the area where the first and second finger connects.

With the progression of the disease, discomfort begins to appear constantly, regardless of the loads and the time of the day. There is noticeable swelling of the fingers and feet, sometimes it goes to the ankles.

The severity of such a symptom may be different, sometimes the swelling is almost not noticeable. Compaction of the arch of the foot causes severe pain in the gastrocnemius muscles, they become, as it were, stone.

On the foot of the patient are formed napotypes - hard and dry calluses. They are localized in areas that are subjected to maximum loads.


Basically, the burrs occur on the heels, the external surfaces of the feet, on the fingers, and also on their pads.


Progressive flat feet lead to an increase in the width of the foot, for this reason the patient stops wearing habitual shoes - it becomes simply uncomfortable and too narrow for him. Attempts to walk in model shoes cause extreme discomfort and pain.

A classic manifestation of transverse flatfoot is the occurrence of valgus deformity of the large toe. This condition is also called a "bone" or "bump" on the leg.

Methods of correction of transverse flatfoot. Exercises for the muscles of the foot

Today, transverse platypodia is diagnosed in patients of a fairly young age. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, it is possible to cope with it using the methods of conservative therapy.

The doctor recommends that patients take measures to correct the arch of the foot, perform daily exercises for the muscles and use devices to correct the deformation. A good effect is given by the methods of physiotherapy treatment. In the absence of the desired result, or with a pronounced violation, one can not do without carrying out the operation.

We strengthen the arch of foot

For prevention and correction of transverse flatfoot, it is extremely important to walk barefoot as often as possible, best on different types of surfaces - on land, grass, pebbles and sand. Such walks contribute to strengthening the muscles.

Exercises for the muscles of the feet

To get rid of not started transverse platypodia, you can systematically perform special exercises for muscles:

  • sitting on a chair you need to slowly bend and unbend fingers on the feet;
  • should lift from the floor of small items, for example, a pen or battery;
  • you need to spread a small piece of fabric around the floor and crumble it using only your toes, then you should also carefully spread the fabric with your fingers;
  • you need to climb on tiptoe and walk like this, then you need to walk on the outside of the foot, bending your fingers;
  • it is necessary to perform flexion and subsequent extension of the feet;
  • an excellent effect gives the squeezing of the feet of the rubber ball;
  • It is also worthwhile to slip feet on the surface of the floor in different directions;
  • It is necessary to roll on a floor surface a stick or a rolling pin, straining the muscles of the feet.
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Exercises for the muscles must be performed every day, best of all several times a day. Each of these exercises should be repeated several times.

Corrective devices

Therapy of transverse flatfoot often involves the use of special medical devices. So, to restore the natural (correct) bending of the feet, special orthopedic insoles are used.

They are put in shoes and used daily, which allows you to reduce the burden on the ankle joint. Wearing insoles also positively affects the condition of the spine.

This simple adaptation is very convenient and actually prevents the progression of the disease.

In addition, the physician can choose other orthopedic devices for the patient: stabilizers, corrective bandages, bursoprotectors, etc. They are usually used daily or even throughout the day (including during night rest).

Medicinal treatment

Medications with transverse flat feet are used to eliminate inflammation and neutralize painful sensations. In this case, doctors usually prescribe to their patients drugs related to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They can be based on diclofenac, indomethacin, or other components with a similar effect. Such drugs can be used in gel form, they can also be purchased in the form of tablets or dragees.

Expressed pains and severe inflammation are stopped with the help of injections.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment are used as a supplement to the main therapy. They can be used in the initial stages of transverse flatfoot, or for a full recovery after a previous surgery.

So, the inflammation is usually stopped by mud baths, UHF (ultrahigh-frequency therapy) and electrophoresis. The expediency of performing such procedures is determined exclusively by the attending physician.

Surgery for the treatment of transverse flatfoot

To date, there are several methods for rapid correction of transverse flatfoot. They differ in their traumatism and are selected depending on the clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient.

Surgeons are able to cope with orthopedic disease and normalize the position of the big toe. During surgery, doctors can dissect tendons, shifting their position, redistribute muscle traction and even remove fragments of bones.

Modern methods of surgery provide a rapid recovery after such interventions.

Thus, the transverse flatfoot is a very common problem that can be successfully corrected with the timely application of a doctor's help.

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Flattening is the most common deformation of feet. Directly the foot performs the function of human support, movement and depreciation due to a complex structure.

In a normal physiological structure, the foot has two arches - a transverse (between the bases of the fingers) and a longitudinal (along the inner edge of the foot). Vaults carry the function of shock absorbers and soften shaking when walking.

The bone-ligamentous apparatus of the foot works well when the load that falls on the foot is completely balanced. With the weakening of the muscles and ligaments that connect the 26 bones of the foot, subsidence of the arches and flattening occur, which leads to loss of the spring function.

With flatfoot this function goes to the spine, knee, ankle and hip joint. These joints are not designed to perform this function and cope badly with it, and they quickly fail.

The causes of flatfoot formation

There are quite a few states that lead to flat feet, here are some of them.

  • Congenital flat foot is a rare enough pathology found in 1% of the total number of foot diseases. The cause may be various pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus, due to ionizing radiation, harmful habits of the mother.
  • In children with rickets develops a rickety foot, as a result of reducing the production of vitamin D, the strength of bones decreases with mechanical loading, the musculoskeletal apparatus is weakened.
  • Paralytic flat feet develop after the transferred poliomyelitis, and the degree of flatfoot is directly dependent on the degree of paralysis.
  • Traumatic platypodia develops with fractures of the foot bones or with improperly fused fractures.
  • Static flatfoot is one of the most common types of flatfoot. The main reasons for it are reduced muscle tone, excessive fatigue due to prolonged stay on the legs.

Symptoms of flat feet

Usually a person who spends a lot of time on his feet does not notice the development of flat feet, and the appearance of pains and unpleasant sensations in the legs and feet is associated with fatigue. There are several basic signs on which you can suspect the development of this terrible disease in yourself.

• The legs begin to swell by the end of the day, marks from socks appear, there may be a feeling of heaviness and convulsions, which may not be long and pass after the massage.

• You begin to notice that the length of the working day remains the same, and the legs get tired much faster.

• Shoes start to wear out much faster than before, mostly on the inside.

• Periodically creates the feeling that the leg has increased in length, and because of this, you have to buy shoes for a size larger.

There are several stages of foot deformation, the passage of which leads to complete clinical flat feet. The prodromal stage, the stage of alternating flat foot, the stage of development of the flat foot, the stage of flat-footed foot and the contractual flatfoot are distinguished.

The first stage of flatfootis manifested by pain in the foot and calf muscle after a long load on the foot, a statistical character, a pronounced feeling of fatigue appears.

ATstage of intermittent flatfootcharacterized by increased pain by the end of the day, the pain occurs due to overexertion of the ligamentous foot apparatus which maintains the optimal position of the foot.

Increased fatigue often appears in the middle of the day, and people with flat feet have to change their activities or more often rest.


The longitudinal arch of the foot at the end of the working day visually flattened, but after rest, especially in the mornings, the height of the vault is restored.


Stage of flat foot developmentoccurs when, due to further overfatigue of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, the longitudinal arch of the foot is not restored to rest after rest. The patient quickly develops fatigue due to fatigue of the muscles.

The pain becomes permanent and aching due to overstretching of the ligamentous apparatus. The height of the longitudinal arch decreases due to the elongation of the foot and the expansion of its longitudinal part. The gait changes, the amount of movement in the foot joint is limited.

In this stage of the disease there are three degrees.

Diagnostic measures for flat feet

In addition to clinical signs, there are several ways that can determine the severity of this pathology. These include planktonography, the analysis of the face line, the dodging and clinical and radiographic methods of diagnosis.

Plantography- a method allowing the determination of the expression of flat feet with the help of prints. The feet are smeared with methylene blue solution, then the footprints are made on a blank sheet of paper, working on the feet evenly with all the weight.


Friedland's method of posemetryIs the determination of the percentage ratio of the height of the foot and its length.

Clinical methodmeasurement consists in the construction of a triangle with a base equal to the distance from the head I metatarsal bone to the calcaneus.

The top of the triangle is at the top of the inner ankle, one leg extends to the apex of the calcaneal angle, the other to the head I of metatarsal bone.

Normally, the height of the arch is 55 - 60 cm.

X-ray methodbased on the construction of a triangle on the lateral radiograph of the foot, connect the apex of the heel hill with the head I metatarsal bones, and the vertex of the triangle is on the lower edge of the scaphoid bone, the angle at the apex should normally be 120-130 degrees.

Determination of the degree of flatfoot by X-ray.

Flat-footedness is one of those diseases with which young people are not called to military service (service in the army). II and III degrees of the disease are an absolute contraindication for service in the armed forces.

This is due to the large power loads that a man with a flatfoot can not bear. Otherwise, the pain syndrome may increase, and in the future, with the preservation of this load, go to one of many complications.

Flat feet in children

For newborns, well-defined arches of feet are characteristic, however, the children's foot is filled with fatty tissue, and when viewed it appears flat.

Since 3 years, there has been a significant strengthening and development of the ligamentous apparatus, there is a significant increase in the height of the arch and the foot begins to acquire the appearance of the foot of an adult.

The older the child, the more pronounced the vaulted structure. Thus, the external flat feet of a child can not be taken as a true disease.

The development of flat feet in children is promoted by congenital disorders of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle weakness, obesity, endocrine diseases, improperly selected footwear. Due to its anatomical features, the definition of flat feet in children by the fingerprint method is not always informative and can give a false result.

Very often, children can not complain about leg pain or discomfort, so periodic examination by an orthopedic doctor is an integral part of the annual medical check-up.

Treatment of flat feet in children is reduced to rest, temporary prohibition of exercise, massage of the plantar part and walking barefoot on uneven surfaces, it is possible to design orthopedic insoles.

Treatment of flat feet

To treat flat feet is difficult, and it will not be possible to say with certainty after a period of time that this is a disease in the past.

Completely get rid of this pathology can only be in childhood, because the ligamentous apparatus and the bone system is pliable enough.

In adult patients, this disease can only be stopped with the help of special rehabilitation measures.


Parents need to remember - "the earlier the symptoms of flatfoot, the more favorable conditions for stopping the progression."


Treatment should be combined and include the removal of the pain syndrome, strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus and the muscles of the foot. To relieve the pain, you need to use anesthetic ointments with a relaxing effect and physiotherapy.

Begin the treatment with a gym, which can be performed daily at home.

The therapeutic form of gymnastics is used to achieve correction of the arch of the foot, strengthens the muscles, trains the ligament apparatus, forms the correct type of gait.

There is a large number of exercises that are selected individually and depend on age, complaints, position of the foot and its shape. All exercises and their intensity to you will be picked up by an orthopedist.

Treatment in the stage of flat deformation of the foot should be strictly differentiated, along with the physical exercises and massage it is necessary to wear insole insoles, which help relieve painful areas and correct deficiencies in the initial stage of the disease and orthopedic footwear at grade II, and with grade III it is often shown operative treatment.

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In congenital planovalgus deformity of foot of easy degree, children are treated with foot and shin massage, therapeutic physical training.

When a child begins to walk, it is necessary to make orthopedic shoes for him.

With insufficiently effective treatment and late treatment, surgical treatment is indicated.


Properly selected shoes are of great importance in the treatment of flatfoot. Beautiful shoes with high heels, of course, decorate the legs of any fashionista, but do not wear them all the time.


Otherwise, after a short time you will only need to wear orthopedic shoes.

When choosing shoes, pay special attention to the flexibility and comfort of the sole, the height of the heel (not more than 3-4 cm), it is better to avoid shoes on the platform and excessively wide or narrow.

Complications of flatfoot

• Moccasin on walking, curvature of the spine, unnatural posture • Pain in the knees, hips, back and feet • Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the legs and back.

• Disease of the feet themselves (deformation, curvature of fingers, calluses, spurs, neuritis) • Diseases of the spine (herniated discs, osteochondrosis), hip and knee joint diseases.

• Growth of nails.

Prevention of flat feet

To prevent the development of flat feet, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures every week.

The priority that needs to be done is to choose the right footwear, exclude the wearing of shoes with high heels, the optimal height is 3 - 4 cm. Periodically conduct an examination at the doctor orthopedist, at least once a year.

People who have any problems with their legs should be examined more often. It is also necessary to do gymnastics and do physical exercises for the feet.

Foot baths and massage will help relax the muscles and relieve tension after a hard day. It is necessary to get rid of excess weight, as it contributes to an additional burden on the spine and legs.

Doctor therapist Zhumagaziev E.N.

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Transverse platypodia: degrees of illness and methods of treatment, insole correction

Such a disease, as a transverse flatfoot, affects the development of pathological changes in the foot and toes. The ailment is much more common among women, since the weak half of humanity is particularly affected by fashion.

However, the condition of the feet is also very important for the fair sex, since the bulging bone or too wide a foot does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, with the first symptoms of flat feet, women are ready to give up wearing high heels and other uncomfortable shoes for the benefit of the beauty and health of their own feet.

What is the transverse flatfoot

The human foot is a complex system that consists of bones and the elements that connect them: tendons, ligaments and joints.

In a healthy person, metatarsal bones are parallel to each other, which makes the phalanges of the toes look familiar.

But, if there is a flatfoot, the bones take the form of a fan, which may result in the progression of anatomical flattening of the plantar arches of the foot.

This disease is rarely found in an independent form, much more often in medical practice, note the combined forms of flatfoot.

Patients suffering from ailments of the musculoskeletal system will exhibit pathological changes in the shape of the foot, which are accompanied by pain and fatigue of the feet.

As the disease develops, the person becomes heavier and heavier to walk, discomfort in the area of ​​the feet and lower leg increases.In the absence of proper treatment, flat feet can develop into arthrosis.


The most common symptoms, characteristic for flat-footed transverse appearance at the initial stage, are: pain in the feet, swelling, convulsions, burning in the muscles of the lower extremities.


The development of disturbances is easily noticeable in the appearance of the foot, since the anterior section greatly increases in size.

The disease often becomes the cause of the appearance of valgus deformity of the thumb, which results from an incorrect load distribution on the foot.

Without timely therapy, the ailment of the musculoskeletal system will progress, which will lead to the transition to the next stage of development. The second degree of flatfoot is determined by the angle of the deviation of the big toe.

If the indicator is more than forty degrees, then the patient should be given appropriate therapy.

The third stage of flat feet is characterized by the presence of severe external symptoms, which can be manifested in the form of "bumps calluses and corns.


If flat feet appear on one leg or two at once, then it is necessary to understand the causes that caused this problem. Doctors agree that in most cases the disease is hereditary.

Very rarely, the pathological process in the field of feet develops due to any external factors.

Genetic predisposition will look like a violation in the work of the ligament apparatus, because of which the condition of the lower limbs will deteriorate every year.

Predisposing factors that can influence the development of the disease can be: overweight, standing work, paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities, wearing uncomfortable or unsuitable for the size of shoes.


The above reasons create an additional burden on the feet, which, with age, makes itself felt.


Such people will have a heaviness in their legs after minor physical exertion, in the run-up stages of flatfoot pain does not stop even in a lying position.


Three degrees of transverse flat feet are known, which can occur both among children and adults. At an early stage, patients have a deviation of the big toe by twenty degrees from the norm, which is accompanied by a thickening of the skin in the anterior part of the foot.

Further development of the disease is characterized by an even greater deformation of metatarsal bones, constant fatigue of the feet during long walking and the appearance of calluses on the soles of the feet. If nothing is done, the third stage will bring to the patient a severe pain caused by squeezing the nerve fibers.


To determine the condition of the foot, it is necessary to visit the orthopedist.

Initially, an external examination of the patient is carried out and his complaints are listened to, after which the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the information collected.

It may turn out that the obtained data is not enough to make a complete clinical picture, so doctors prescribe an additional examination:

  • electromyography;
  • planotography;
  • X-ray examination;
  • computer hardware complexes.


Treatment of transverse flat feet in adults and children is of two types - conservative and operative.

At the first stages, medicinal products, procedures, physical exercises and many other methods are used that can help to achieve a quick recovery of the patient.

If the therapy does not bring the desired result or the case is too neglected, then specialists are forced to resort to an operative method of treating flatfoot.

Forced limitation of mobility of feet due to flatfoot is considered one of the compelling reasons for seeking medical help.

In the first stages, medications can stop the development of flat feet, however, therapy should be comprehensive.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate pain and relieve muscle spasms, the most effective medicines are:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin.

Corrective therapy

This type of treatment only helps in the early stages of flatfoot development. Doctors recommend using medical devices to return the correct anatomical location of the foot.

For these purposes, special rollers are used, which can be purchased at the hospital.

In case of severe complications or after surgery, the patient is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles to restore the physiological flexure of the foot.

Insole with transverse flatfoot

Most patients suffering from flat feet, were in the orthopedic office because of wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Once the negative symptoms began to manifest, the patient should replace the habitual heels or high sole with comfortable orthopedic shoes with insole.

If it is a child, it is better to trust the doctor in this matter, however, there are general recommendations for selecting insoles for flat feet.


The most important thing is the presence of two or three points of support, which will correct the position of the foot in space.


Pay attention also to the arch support, because of the fact that it is filled with material, your comfort will depend.

On sale there are two types of arch supports from flatfoot - a dense, filled and hollow spring part. In order to make the right choice, you need to try on both options.


Physiotherapy is an indispensable part of flatfoot therapy. Active use of physiotherapy is considered expedient only in the first two stages of the development of the disease.

However, do not underestimate the benefits of ancillary exercises, because gymnastics with flat feet helps to strengthen and improve feet. To appoint a course of lessons should be the attending physician, who will explain in detail how to properly perform the exercises.

LFK is suitable for any person, provided there are no contraindications.

Operative intervention

If conservative therapy has proved ineffective, then the only way out of this situation is the operation.

To conduct treatment with this method is necessary only on the recommendation of a doctor, since any surgical intervention carries a risk to the health of the patient.

The operation is prescribed at the third stage of the disease, the process occurs under general anesthesia and takes about an hour.

During the procedure, various medical devices can be used, for example, stretched ligaments are fixed with a special wire, and bones - with plates or screws.

Thanks to these actions it is possible to normalize the functionality of soft tissues, however, the operation does not guarantee the final recovery.

There is always a chance of repeat relapse, however, sometimes patients have to go to extreme measures for the chance of recovery.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is impossible to completely recover from flat feet with the help of folk methods, but it is quite possible to suspend the course of the disease. Therapy at home will take much longer, however, the result is worth any effort.

Compresses and trays based on plants and other useful components help to remove pain and remove swelling from the feet.Compress is made from leaves of bitter wormwood, the agent is applied to the feet and wraps the feet with a terry towel.

This compress perfectly removes redness and promotes cell regeneration.


To prevent flatfoot doctors appoint a special set of procedures, the best preventive measures work with unopened cases.

Orthopedists advise as often as possible to walk barefoot, because this method of movement improves blood circulation in the feet. With flatfoot massage is very effective, regular visits to procedures relieve fatigue and swelling of the feet.

Orthopedic shoes and insoles are an integral part of the treatment, so patients should wear this type of footwear constantly.

Photo of transverse flatfoot

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