How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle: folk advice

Many women want to get pregnant with an irregular cycle. Is it possible to do this? It all depends on what causes the problem. We will talk about all the ways how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle. So, what is an irregular cycle?

  • The probability of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle
  • When the uterus is bent
  • Determine the onset of ovulation
  • If you are more than 35
  • How to Get Pregnant with Dufastone
  • How to get pregnant with folk methods
  • Broth on the basis of a shepherd's bag
  • Lime tea
  • Decoction from the leaves of the spray
  • Leaves of fragrant rue
  • Decoction based on oregano
  • Infusion on the basis of a cuff
  • Parsley seeds
  • Juice of St. John's Wort
  • Decoction based on anise seeds
  • Bovine uterus tincture
  • Decoction with a short menstrual cycle
  • Additional recommendations
  • Relaxation
  • Proper nutrition and daily routine
  • Recommendations for men
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A normal menstrual cycle usually lasts from 21 to 35 days, if your menstrual periods go beyond this - this is the first signal about the problem. Another sign of irregular cycle - a different number of days between monthly. T. e. if you had one cycle of 28, the second 21, and the third 30, then your menstruation is not regular. Ideally, the duration of the cycles should be the same or with a minimum deviation of 1-3 days.

Causes of menstrual cycle disorders:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathology (for example, bending the uterus);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sudden changes in weight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • strong physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • change of time zones and climatic conditions.

As you can see, the reasons can be completely different, some of them you can eliminate yourself, and others require the help of a qualified specialist. Most diseases of the reproductive system are now being delivered to successful treatment in gynecology.

Important!At the first sign of changes in the cycle, you should contact a gynecologist, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it.

The probability of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle

Can I get pregnant with an irregular cycle? According to statistics from 15-20% at the first planning cycle to 90% on the twelfth. The great role in the conception of a child with irregular menstruation is played by the age of a woman: the younger she is, the easier and faster the conception will be.

When the uterus is bent

Bending of the uterus - one of the most common pathologies of the uterus in women, according to statistics, this diagnosis is made for every fifth girl. What are the characteristics of this disease and how does it affect the conception of a child? Bending of the uterus is its abnormal position in the small pelvis, in which the passage of sperm to the egg is severely hampered.

The first thing to do is go to a doctor to determine if you have a congenital or acquired pathology. If the pathology is acquired, the gynecologist prescribes treatment. This may be a course of antibiotics, physiotherapy or laparoscopy. All women with a uterine bend are advised to do gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and Kegel exercises.

Also, many doctors give recommendations regarding the conception posture. Recommend knee-elbow, like a pose in animals or when a woman lies on her stomach, putting a pillow under her thighs.

Determine the onset of ovulation

This can be done in two ways. The first is going to the doctor. In the office at the gynecologist you will have an ultrasound on which the process of transition of the egg into the uterus will be seen. After the procedure, an experienced specialist will tell you what time for the conception of the child will be the most favorable for you.

The second method - an independent definition of the beginning of ovulation at home. All that is required for the procedure - to regularly measure body temperature. The measurements are made by a thermometer with a decimal scale. During monthly periods, the temperature of the female body changes to create the necessary conditions for all processes. The first signal is a decrease in temperature first to 35.8 ° C, and then to 34.7 ° C. The second signal - a sharp temperature jump of about 37 ° C, means that ovulation has begun.

In addition, by observing the temperature of the body, you can determine whether the conception was successful. If the monthly does not come, and the temperature is raised, then conception was successful.

If you are more than 35

Doctors consider the optimal age for the birth of the first child 19-25 years, so that pregnancy after 35 is considered late. Why is that? First, with age in the human body, chronic diseases, various consequences and complications of diseases accumulate. All this affects the health of the body as a whole, the hormonal and sexual systems in particular, and in fact they are directly involved in the process of conception. Secondly, all girls are born with a certain limited number of eggs, which decreases with each cycle of menstruation.

It is for these reasons that the probability of getting pregnant after 35 is significantly reduced. However, many women after 35 successfully become pregnant, give birth to healthy children, and the modern level of medicine only contributes to this.

How to increase the chances of conceiving a child and quickly become pregnant:

  1. To go on reception to the doctor for complex survey, to hand over the analysis on hormones.
  2. Eliminate all identified problems, if any.
  3. Make yourself a daily schedule, schedule meals and observe them.
  4. Workout.
  5. Avoid stress.
  6. Have sex regularly.
  7. To refuse from bad habits.

In general, the success of conception directly depends on the characteristics of the organism of a particular woman. All that is required is to regularly visit a doctor who will promptly appoint you all the necessary procedures and give recommendations.

How to Get Pregnant with Dufastone

Duphaston is a medicinal product that replaces progesterone. This medicine is very suitable for women, whose hormone production is broken for some reason. Duphaston artificially created in the laboratory, an analog of progesterone is almost identical to him in terms of molecular structure. It performs all the functions of a natural hormone without producing side effects such as: increased hair growth, changes in the tone of the voice, metabolic disorders.

To understand how the drug works on a woman's body, let's look at how hormone progesterone works. With the onset of ovulation, the content of the hormone in the blood increases, and it begins to affect the mucous membrane of the uterus. Under the influence of progesterone, the inner walls of the uterus become very loose, on it protrudes a multitude of blood vessels.

Such modifications are necessary so that the egg can attach itself to the uterus and receive the necessary nutrients from it. As you already understood, when the hormone production is disrupted, the inner layer of the uterus remains smooth, the egg cell either does not fix at all, or an early termination of pregnancy occurs.

Important!Before taking the drug, always consult a doctor!

Before prescribing dufastone, the gynecologist prescribes a hormonal test in the middle of the second phase of menstruation (between ovulation and the onset of menstruation). If the results of the analysis show that the level of the hormone in your body is reduced, you are prescribed a drug.You can not prescribe yourself a medicine!The doctor, based on the characteristics of your body, selects you an individual scheme for taking the drug. If you start taking dufastone yourself, focusing on the scheme of taking other women, it may not have any effect and even harm your health. The average period of taking the tablets to achieve the result is six months. In most cases, with irregular menstruation appoint 10 mg of the drug 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days after the onset of menstruation.

How to get pregnant with folk methods

With the problem of an irregular cycle, of course, our ancestors also collided, so that in their arsenal many effective means accumulated. For the most part, they are decoctions based on various herbs, plant seeds, juices, etc. Let's look at some recipes in more detail.

Important!More folk ways, if you can not get pregnant, can be found in our article.

Broth on the basis of a shepherd's bag

Two tablespoons of herbs pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew in a dark place. Take 100 grams of broth 3 times a day. This recipe is good for strong menstrual bleeding.

Lime tea

Lipa is excellent for treating menstrual disorders, normalizes it, reduces pain. For cooking, grind 20 g of lime flowers, pour them a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Tea should be drunk warm 2 times a day, not less than 100 g at a time.

Decoction from the leaves of the spray

20 g of dry leaves of the spray are filled with a liter of hot water and leave for an hour. The broth should be taken on a tablespoon 1 time per day.

Leaves of fragrant rue

Decoction on the basis of leaves of fragrant rue is widely used in non-traditional medicine for the treatment of irregular menstruation. To cook it, place in a hundred grams of boiling water a teaspoon of dried leaves and simmer for about 15-20 minutes, not bringing to a boil. After the time has elapsed, remove from heat and strain. The next day in the morning, drink the resulting broth on an empty stomach, and do not eat anything for 6 hours.

Caution!The plant rue fragrant in large quantities is poisonous to humans! Do not exceed the dosage!

Decoction based on oregano

Oregano is a good tool for delaying menstruation, to prepare the preparation, pour 20 grams of dry grass 500 g of boiling water, let it brew in a warm place. Drink 200 g three times a day.

Infusion on the basis of a cuff

The recipe helps with irregular and copious periods. To prepare 5 g of dried cuff, pour 200 g of boiling water and leave overnight in a dark place. Drink 50 grams 4 times before eating.

Parsley seeds

If you took a long causeless delay menstruation, it is recommended to eat a half a teaspoon of dry seeds of parsley 3-4 times a day and drink plenty of water.

Juice of St. John's Wort

From fresh St. John's wort leaves squeeze juice, take a tablespoon once a day. This tool very well helps to normalize the cycle and cope with stress and overexertion.

Decoction based on anise seeds

If the monthly does not come for a long time, a decoction of anise seeds will help. To prepare a decoction of 35 g of seeds, fill it in a bowl and pour 200 g of hot water, put on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, simmer it on low heat, for 10 minutes, and then cool and strain through gauze.

Bovine uterus tincture

It is a good way to normalize the endocrine system. To make 2 teaspoons of dried herbs fill with a liter of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. Ready mixture take a teaspoon 3 times daily before meals. It is recommended to dilute the tincture in 100 g of filtered water.

Decoction with a short menstrual cycle

To extend the menstrual cycle will perfectly help grass grind and shepherd's bag. For cooking, take a tablespoon of each herb and pour 1.5 glasses of hot water. Cooled broth must be filtered through gaulet. Take the entire amount of tincture throughout the day 4-5 servings for 7-4 days before the onset of menstruation.

Additional recommendations

Regular sex life significantly increases the chances of becoming pregnant, especially when the cycle is irregular. The more often you have sex, the higher the probability of successful conception. Of course, this does not mean that now you need to make love without ceasing, the optimal and healthy number of sexual acts is usually within 19-25 times a month. Why so? According to experts, frequent sex work reduces the activity of spermatozoa.


Often stresses cause the failure of the whole body and the sex system is no exception. If you have hard work or an intense rhythm of life, try to arrange yourself a full rest at least once in 2 weeks. Take a nature, listen to nice relaxing music, sign up for yoga, do some things you love, simply put, disconnect from all the problems and worries and relax mentally and psychologically.

Proper nutrition and daily routine

In order for the whole organism to function properly and work by the clock, it is necessary to accustom it to it, observing the regime of the day. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time, do not lie in bed for the weekend. At first you may think that this is difficult, but it is much easier for the body to wake up at the same time than every Monday to start all over again.

Of course, you should give proper attention and nutrition. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day, according to your daily routine. Try not to abuse fast food, fatty, fried, spicy food. Make your diet balanced, regularly eat fruits and vegetables, replace pasta and potatoes with cereals. Cereals and fiber, contained in buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, bulgur, etc. perfectly stimulates metabolism, improves the functioning of the body. It is very important to eat protein foods, nuts, beans and greens.

It is mandatory to give up harmful habits: alcohol and tobacco smoking. Also, you should exclude caffeine, sugar from the diet and minimize the consumption of flour products.

Important!Do not sit down on a diet for weight loss! They reduce the probability of successful conception.

Recommendations for men

To increase the chances of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle, a man can, if he follows several rules:

  1. Give up beer. Beer contains female hormones, which adversely affect the quality and viability of sperm.
  2. Ensure that the testicles are not squashed or overheated. To do this, you need to wear loose pants and pants, do not take a hot bath or shower before sex.
  3. To abstain from sex 2-4 days before the onset of ovulation in a woman.

Important!Read in our article how to prepare a man for the conception of a child.

So, as you see it is possible to conceive a child with an irregular cycle. The main thing is to monitor the health of your body and to treat all diseases in time. Good luck to you and healthy offspring!

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