Cough with tracheitis than cure

Treatment of tracheitis


As a rule, uncomplicated tracheitis is treated at home, hospital treatment of tracheitis is used extremely rarely, in cases when Symptoms become menacing - attacks of suffocation, asthma, high fever and other complications associated more with inflammation of the bronchi and lungs.

Tracheitis is not a serious, dangerous disease, but it's worth taking seriously, as it can be fraught with complications - tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia. In addition, the disease can be very protracted, especially when it acquires a chronic, recurrent form. That is why the question of how to treat a tracheitis worries many who have this disease. It is treated according to the form and severity of the symptoms.

The viral form of the disease is treated without the use of antibiotics, if the disease is caused by bacteria, antibiotic therapy can not be dispensed with. The appointment of amoxicillin, clarithromycin, azithromycin - the choice of the drug, the dose and mode of administration depends on the type of pathogen, the form and severity of the course of the inflammatory process. In the treatment of tracheitis includes many activities, rules, compliance with which is not difficult. Among the main recommendations can be mentioned the following:

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  1. The whole process of treatment should be accompanied by a plentiful drink. As beverages, warm herbal decoctions, vitamin drinks and teas, mineral water without gas at room temperature are suitable.
  2. The room, where the patient is, should be often ventilated and wetted in it. Humidity is important, especially when coughing is of a dry nature.
  3. Dry cough is treated with antitussive drugs - sinecode, lazolvan, libexin and other drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  4. If the cough is unproductive, sputum is difficult to withdraw, the use of drugs that are able to thin, reduce the viscosity of secretions is indicated. It can be ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​and other drugs.
  5. If the disease is accompanied by high fever (above 3, degrees), the treatment of tracheitis involves the intake of antipyretic agents - paracetamol, ibuprofen.
  6. Alkaline inhalation should be performed throughout the treatment process.

Drug treatment of tracheitis

Drug treatment of tracheitis is indicated only in cases when the disease is provoked by a bacterial infection. Eliminating the root cause of the disease, use a broad spectrum of antibiotics, usually in aerosol form, less often in tablet form. As a rule, doctors try to prescribe antibacterial drugs from the category of natural penicillins, If the disease is complicated by bronchitis, it is possible to administer semisynthetic antibiotics of the latter generation.

The acute form of the disease, which occurs without complications, provoked by the virus, is treated with antitussive agents, antiviral and immunomodulating medications, and, more rarely, with antihistamines.

Effective drug treatment of tracheitis includes the use of aerosols, since it is this form of the drug that can penetrate all areas of the trachea and bronchial tree. Also, inhalation with ultrasound and antiseptic agents is effective. The most commonly prescribed drugs that have shown efficacy in the treatment of tracheitis are:

  • Bioparox in aerosol form.
  • Sinekod, which has a pronounced antitussive effect.
  • Lazolvan, both in tablet form and in the form of syrup.
  • Erespal, which has a wide spectrum of action - anti-inflammatory, antitussive and antihistamine.
  • Berodual is an effective solution for inhalation through a nebulizer.
  • Sumamed is a preparation of the macrolide group, which acts on all types of pathogens of respiratory infections.

Drug treatment is used according to indications excluding the use of other more gentle means, including recipes of traditional medicine, as well as with complicated forms of the disease.

Medicines for tracheitis

Drugs for tracheitis are prescribed after a thorough medical examination, so self-medication, especially in the case of a child's disease, is unacceptable. If the disease develops because of a bacterial infection, drugs of the penicillin group are prescribed. They are most often prescribed intramuscularly in the form of injections, 4-6 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. Preference is given to the means of the latest generation, the so-called protected penicillins, which have a wide spectrum of action. The most popular in this sense is Augmentin, which is also available in tablet form.

If the patient shows intolerance to penicillin drugs, then the drugs for tracheitis are a group of cephalosporins or preparations from the macrolide group. These drugs can be administered both in tablet form and in injectable form. Both cephalosporins and macrolides are convenient because they often need to be taken once, that is, once a day. Macrolides are especially effective in mycoplasmal etiology. If the disease is accompanied by a viral complication, which occurs quite often, the appointment of azithromycin is indicated, which is also taken once for 3-5 days. Azithromycin is considered an effective antiviral agent, which is suitable for both children and for the treatment of pregnant women.

Medications are prescribed with the utmost care, deliberately, taking into account all the features of the disease course and the patient's condition.


Bioparox with tracheitis is considered to be one of the most effective aerosol preparations containing the component - fusafungin. Fusafungin has a pronounced antibacterial effect, it also removes inflammation and is active against staphylococcal infection. In addition, fusafungin, being a substance of fungal origin, effectively fights with intracellular parasites - legionella and mycoplasmas. Such a wide spectrum of action, which has bioparox with tracheitis, allows to stop almost all inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system.

Aerosol spraying with bioprox is indicated for 7-10 days, applying it every four hours for 4 breaths. There is a variant of treatment for adult patients, when bioparox is injected only nasally - two inhalations into each nostril four times a day. Children inhalation injections alternate - from two to four breaths in the mouth and from two to four breaths nasally (1/2 in each nasal opening).

Bioparox is used strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Even if on the second or third day there is relief, cough becomes less intense, treatment should continue until the appointed time.


Sinekod is an effective antitussive drug that affects the cough center, suppressing it. In addition, a sinecode with tracheitis is prescribed when the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi, as the drug has a bronchodilator effect. The patient's breathing is much easier, the blood is saturated with oxygen, the general condition is improving.

The main active ingredient of the drug is butamate, which is effective for non-productive cough. Sinecod is prescribed even to babies in the form of syrup or special drops, but the remedy can be used only from the third month of the child's life. Synecod try not to appoint pregnant women and those who breastfeed.

A sinecode can cause some side effects, such as diarrhea, hives, dizziness or vomiting. Of course, this can only be in exceptional cases - such are the consequences of drug overdose or self-medication.

The doses that are usually prescribed for sinecode treatment are as follows:

  • Children from six months to a year (body weight up to 8 kg) - 8-10 drops four times a day.
  • Children under three years of age (body weight up to 15 kg) - 12-15 drops four times a day.
  • Children from three years - 20 drops four times a day.
  • Children from six to nine years - 10 ml of syrup three times a day.
  • Children from 9 to 15 years - 15 ml of syrup three times a day.
  • Adult patients - 15 ml of syrup three times or four times a day.
  • The tablet form for adults is 10 mg three times a day.

The sinecode with tracheitis is suitable for the treatment of diabetics, since sorbitol is present in drops and in syrup instead of sugar. Those who have lactose intolerance, sinecode not appointed, as well as those patients who perform work that requires concentration of attention.


Lazolvan is appointed as a stimulant of the motor properties of the respiratory system and as a secretolytic.

Lazolvan is effective both in the treatment of tracheitis, and in the therapy of pharyngitis, acute laryngitis, as well as in the treatment of acute bronchitis and pneumonia with an unspecified etiology. The active ingredient of lamnavan is ambroxol.

Lazolvan with tracheitis is prescribed for children, and we grow up in the following dosage:

  • Capsules - only adults and children over 12 years, once, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but as a rule, lazolvan take at least five days.
  • Tablet form. Adults - thrice a day for one tablet in the first three days of the disease, then the prima regimen decreases - two tablets (one twice) for three days and half three times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years are prescribed half the tablet three times a day.
  • Lazolvan is effective as a syrup. Adults should take a syrup a10 ml three times a day, three days later, 10 ml twice a day. Children up to two years of syrup is prescribed to, ml twice a day, from two to five years ml thrice a day, children from 5 to 12 years - five milliliters three times a day.

Lazolvan should not be combined with other drugs against cough, and it is contraindicated in the first trimester pregnancy, in the event that a woman nurses a baby, and with peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer guts.


Erespal with tracheitis is prescribed when it is necessary not only to cough up the cough symptom, but also to remove the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheal wall. Erespal is considered a multicomponent drug, since it has antihistamine action, it prevents bronchospasm and is also an anti-inflammatory agent. Erespal is successfully used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases in both adults and children. The drug blocks H1 receptors of histamine, as well as adrenoreceptors, thereby relaxing the muscles of the bronchial tree, reducing the release of inflammatory mediators and reducing the amount of sputum. The drug is produced in a convenient form for administration - in tablets and in syrup.

Erespal with tracheitis is used in such dosages:

  • Mature patients - one tablet twice or thrice a day, depending on the symptomatology
  • Children under 14 years - syrup, calculation - 4 milligrams per kilogram of weight once a day before meals.

Erespal is usually prescribed by the course of 10 to 15 days, less often longer with a recurrent chronic disease. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to fenspiridu - the main active ingredient, the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.


Sumamed is prescribed for an acute form of the disease caused by a bacterial infection, or when chronic, recurrent disease, accompanied by complications in the form of bronchitis, otitis and other inflammations.

Sumamed (azithromycin) belongs to the group of macrolides of a wide spectrum of action, which are effective against all the main pathogens of infectious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is believed that treatment with sumamed is effective against a fairly common hemophilic rod, in addition the drug has a long period of excretion, which means that it can be taken once (once in day). Literally for three days sumamed with tracheitis of infectious nature, as well as with other bacterial infections, gives a tangible therapeutic result.

The drug is available in the form of suspension, tablets and capsules. Sumamed in the treatment of tracheitis is most often prescribed in the form of powder for syrups or suspensions, which is very convenient in treating the disease in young children.


Berodual is a combined preparation with a pronounced bronchodilator effect, which consists of ipratropium bromide and fenoterol hydrobromide.

Berodual is primarily an effective tool for inhalation, which prevents attacks of suffocation, expand bronchi, relieve spasms, normalize the formation of mucous secretions. The drug is made in the form of a special can or in the form of a solution for inhalation. The effect comes in 10-15 minutes and lasts until the hour.

Berodual is used in the form of inhalations through a nebulizer in such dosages:

  • Children under six years - 10 drops per procedure, no more than three times a day.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years - 20 drops per procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Adult patients - 40 drops per procedure no more than 4 times a day.

To avoid complications (tachycardia and overactive bronchial expansion) the drug is used, starting with the lowest therapeutic dose. This amount of berodual is diluted in saline and inhaled using a special nebulizer.

Berodual with tracheitis is not prescribed if the patient has cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, with the first and the third trimester of pregnancy, with intolerance drugs atropine group and children under six years.

Antibiotics for tracheitis

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed for tracheitis, however, if the disease recurs and has an infectious, bacterial etiology, no serious treatment is indispensable. In infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  1. Group of penicillins - Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav and other drugs of this category.
  2. The group of fluoroquinolones - Moximac, Avelox, Levofloxacin, which are prescribed in case of ineffective treatment with a penicillin group of drugs.
  3. Group cephalosporins - Zinatsef, Zinnat, Aksetin, Cefixim and other funds of this category. Drugs are prescribed in cases of bronchitis or pneumonia complicated with severe symptoms in the form of high temperature, unproductive cough, general weakness.
  4. A group of macrolides, most often prescribed in the infectious form of the disease. Usually, Sumamed (Azithromycin) is prescribed, which has a resultant effect in relation to the majority of pathogens of inflammation and is taken once a day.

Antibiotics for tracheitis are not used for children, elderly patients and pregnant women in the first and third trimester.

Massage with tracheitis

In addition to medical methods of treatment, there are additional methods that are very effective for suppressing cough, and for activating the immune system. Such methods include acupressure with tracheitis. Acupuncture points should be known, since they are the main zones that activate the protective properties of the body for any other diseases. Massage is performed by pressing or by vibrating non-stop movements. Like any other massage procedures, the activation of biologically active points can not be carried out at elevated body temperature, blood diseases and with complicated pregnancy.

Massage is performed in the following active areas of the body:

  1. A point that is called a point of 100 diseases or a hedgehog. It is located in the fleshy area between the index finger and the base of the thumb. It must be periodically massaged with rotational movements, it is quite painful, but the massage will be effective.
  2. The point under the seventh vertebra on the neck is the dazhui. Massage is indicated by pressing, 10-15 times, with interruptions.
  3. Point above the middle of the jugular cavity, right in the center of the depression is the point of the tilt. Massage is carried out with cautious rotational movements for a minute with interruptions.
  4. The point in the middle between the knee and the transverse line of the ankle is the phanlong. It can be measured with three fingers of the hand away from the tip (edge) of the tibia. Massage is carried out with the help of rhythmic pressure, and with the help of rotational movements.
  5. The point that is in the center of the sixth intercostal space, vertically through the right or left nipple. Massage is performed by rhythmic pressure.

Massage with tracheitis is also carried out with simple stroking movements directed from the middle of the chest upwards, when rubbed with warming ointments. Especially effective is a massage in the treatment of young children. Movements should be soft, cautious, in the form of circular spiral movements from the center of the chest up to the neck.

Treatment of tracheitis at home

Tracheitis is not considered a life-threatening disease, as a rule, treatment is done out-patient, at home. Viral form of the disease involves strict bed rest and maximum limitation of contacts with others. This regime dictates the high contagiousness of viral diseases, first, the patient can get an additional infection, and secondly, it can be a source of infection for relatives and friends.

Treatment of tracheitis at home involves the following rules and recommendations:

  • Bed rest for 5-7 days, perhaps more, it all depends on the severity of the disease.
  • Abundant, frequent drinking - teas, decoctions, fruit drinks. The more a patient drinks and the more active the urinary system, the faster the virus or bacterial infection is eliminated from the body.
  • It is necessary that those who care for the patient conduct regular wet cleaning in the room. Humidity directly affects the nature of the cough, which is usually dry and frequent.
  • As attacks of a debilitating coughing most often persecute a patient at night, before going to bed should take a dose of antitussive drug (syrup, tablet). It can be Lazolvan, Sinecod, or other drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  • Regular inhalations, which need to be done at least two, and preferably three times a day.
  • If the patient does not have a temperature, you can spend daily rubbing with warming ointments, put mustard plasters an hour before sleep.

Treating tracheitis at home is compliance with all medical recommendations, even if the cough or temperature disappears a few days after the onset of the disease. Interruption of the therapeutic course is fraught with complications and relapse of the disease.

Inhalation with tracheitis

Inhalation with tracheitis is one of the most important means, relieving from exhausting cough and improving the general condition of the patient. All plants, pharmaceutical preparations containing phytoncides or volatile essential anti-inflammatory oils function effectively both on the cough center and on the bronchi. The list of medicinal plants for inhalation includes eucalyptus, fir, juniper, pine and ginger. Inhalations can be carried out with the help of special devices, and you can use traditional home methods - inhaling vapors over a saucepan with healing decoction. Inhalations for children under three years old conducts this way: heat the pan with water and ether-containing plant, tightly close the windows and door in this room and together with the baby breathe fumes of at least 10 minutes. It can also be used as a mini-inhalation, more similar to aromatherapy, aroma lamps. There is another rather popular and simple way to provide the necessary useful evaporation: on a wet cloth, drip the aroma oil (eucalyptus, fir, pine, spruce) and hang the cloth in a warm battery. From the heat, the ether will evaporate and saturate the room with useful bactericidal components.

Inhalation with a steam inhaler is also effective. Mixture for it can be prepared in this way: essential oil (3-5 drops) add to hot water, there also pour a teaspoon of soda and 2-3 drops of iodine (contraindicated to allergic people). Should be bent over the container with evaporating water, cover with a towel and deeply inhale evaporation for at least 5 minutes.

Of course, inhalations are easier to do with the help of industrial inhalers, which are now produced a great many. The most simple to use nebulizer, which will ensure a reliable penetration of phytoncides into the respiratory tract.

Folk treatment of tracheitis

Folk treatment of tracheitis is really effective provided that the disease occurs in a relatively mild form and does not have complications requiring antibacterial therapy. Phytopreparations for bacterial or allergic variant of the disease are not able to replace the basic therapy, it must be understood and taken into account.

Here are some recipes that offer folk treatment of tracheitis:

  • The form of the disease, which is not accompanied by high fever, can be treated with mustard foot baths. A handful of dry mustard is poured into the rather hot water, stir it and soar the feet for 10-15 minutes, until the water becomes warm.
  • Dry mustard can be poured into cotton socks, which are worn for the night.
  • Regular reception of green tea with raspberries and honey will help to cope with a cough more quickly. For a glass of hot green tea - half a teaspoon of crushed raspberries and honey.
  • Dried berries of viburnum (50 grams) pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink hot.
  • Compression on the chest of hot boiled (in the peel) potatoes. Boiled potatoes are hot mashed directly with the skin, put in a tissue napkin and put on the middle of the chest until cooling.
  • Rasiranie breasts mixture of honey and propolis in a ratio of 1/1 effectively with a dry cough.

Folk treatment should be reasonable, do not use unproven recipes, that many herbal substances can cause allergies, in addition, not all herbs are shown in dry coughing.

Treatment of tracheitis with nebulizer

Nebula - a Latin word for the cloud, a cluster of fumes, fog. That's exactly the name of the special device used to conduct the inhalation. Treatment of tracheitis with nebulizer is modern inhalations, convenient and really effective, which strikingly different from the so-called home methods, when a person leans on a steaming saucepan.

The nebulizer was created so that no evaporating curative droplet passed the respiratory tract of a sick person. Modern treatment of tracheitis with nebulizer is one of the main methods of treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Mixtures for inhalations can be different, including effectively and effectively stopping attacks of suffocation cholerae. In addition, the wide choice that exists today, allows you to choose the device that most closely matches your needs - ultrasonic or electron-mesh, they all help to carry out inhalation quickly and effectively.

Gorchichniki with tracheitis

Gorchichniki with tracheitis is a traditional, so-called distraction method, which helps irritate skin receptors to reduce the frequency of coughing attacks. In the mustard contains essential oil, phytoncides, which cause redness of the skin, dilate blood vessels, activate blood flow to the area where mustard plasters are applied. Increases reflex tone, stimulates the release of noradrenaline and adrenaline, thereby "awakening" the protective function of the body.

Mustards are placed on the chest and back simultaneously, closer to the center of the sternum (near the jugular cavity). You can also put mustard plasters on the calves of the legs, they can not be placed on the heart and the middle of the back in the spine. The maximum exposure time is 20 minutes for adults, 5-10 minutes for children.

Tracheitis syrup

Before choosing syrup from tracheitis, you need to determine the nature of the cough with the help of such an algorithm:

  • The manifestations of cough, its character: intensity, productivity, how much the cough is frequent and painful.
  • The cause of the cough and the structure of the sputum are determined: how thick is it, whether there is pus, color, mobility and how often it is excreted. The presence or absence of spasms (bronchospasm) is determined.
  • The compliance of antitussive syrup with symptomatology, its pharmacological properties, indications and contraindications is assessed.

The syrup should match the character of the cough:

  • With a dry, non-productive cough, syrups are shown that suppress the cough center - Stoptussin, Sinekod, Falimint.
  • Syrups that help to dilute sputum are the coughing drugs - Gedelix, Doctor MOM, Folipil.

The syrup is also used in this sequence: in the daytime, syrups are prescribed to help sputum discharge, increasing the productivity of cough, and at night such syrups that will block the cough reflex and ease night attacks.

Compresses with tracheitis

The compresses are designed for warming up and expanding the vessels in order to speed up the passage of sputum and reduce the intensity of cough. It should be remembered that too dry cough is a direct contraindication to the application of compresses, since warming can provoke a sudden swelling of the inflamed mucosa. Compresses are placed three to four days after the start of basic therapy, when the character of the cough changes toward productivity.

Compresses for tracheitis are a mixture of camphor alcohol and honey. It is possible to put compresses from hot boiled potatoes and honey, also it is effective with its local irritating effect grated table horseradish mixed with honey. Compresses with essential oils have a double action - warming and inhalation. For such a mixture, you need to add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to the tablespoon of honey, mix and apply to the breast with a gauze pad. On top of the compress should be covered with a warm cloth, scarf or towel. Another recipe that will help speed up the spitting of the sputum: 2 tablespoons of mustard stir with a tablespoon of honey, 50 ml of vegetable oil and 5 drops of fir essential oil. The mixture can be divided into several parts. One should be used as a warming up, the rest should be stored in a cool place in a closed container, before use, the mixture must be heated.

Compresses should be placed an hour before bedtime to relieve night coughing attacks.

Treatment of cough with tracheitis

Treatment involves solving the main problem: eliminate the characteristic symptom of the disease - a dry, regular and painful cough. Attacks are not just uncomfortable, they literally exhaust people, because cough is not accompanied by the escape of mucus, sputum. Sometimes such paroxysmal seizures lead a person to vomiting and even to loss of consciousness. Especially painful coughing attacks happen at night, when a person takes a horizontal position. If the treatment of tracheitis does not begin in time, neurologic symptoms appear - irritability, general weakness, headaches, tremor of the extremities. Quite often, dry cough is provoked and in the daytime by eating allergic products - lemons, oranges (citrus fruits), honey and products containing honey, chocolate or nuts. To cause an attack can and a stream of hot or too cold air, as well as cigarette smoke or inhaling some essential oils.

Cough treatment is the main task of therapeutic actions, since it is cough that is the main symptom causing discomfort and worsening the condition of a sick person.

Treatment for a cough should be adequate to the nature of the cough symptom and the structure of sputum secreted:

  1. Mitigating or enveloping agents are indicated with a dry, debilitating cough. These are syrups with marshmallow, mulberry plants, angelica, blue cyanosis, and also all preparations and plants of mucous structure, for example, decoction of flax.
  2. Coughing attacks of cough are preparations of central action that act on the cough center, suppressing it. This is Sinecode and all preparations containing codeine.

Treatment for coughing with tracheitis is inhalation and rubbing, compresses and a copiously hot drink. If the cough is treated in a complex way, then it changes its character and productivity within 5-7 days, completely cough recovery is possible in 10 days, but it all depends on the attendant complications and etiology of the disease.

Treating tracheitis with homeopathy

Treating tracheitis with homeopathy is the therapy of residual disease phenomena or aid in the treatment of a slow chronic process.

The following drugs are most effective:

  • Pulsatilla - tincture from a plant that can eliminate venous stasis, activate mucus.
  • Nuks vomica is a combined remedy, mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
  • Aconite - a microdose of a poisonous plant, which removes inflammation and bronchospasm.
  • Bryonia is an anti-inflammatory homeopathic remedy effective for dry cough.
  • Drosera is a herbal homeopathic preparation, shown with spasms of the respiratory system.

Treating tracheitis with homeopathy is long-term and does not presume self-treatment, since all homeopathic remedies are quite dangerous for uncontrolled use.

Treatment of tracheitis with herbs

Treating tracheitis with herbs is one of the main tools in the treatment of uncomplicated disease. Especially effective is treatment for children, elderly people and pregnant women.

The following plants and components are used in phytotherapy:

  • The root of the althea is in the form of broths, syrups, infusions.
  • Radish juice mixed with honey.
  • Decoction of flowers of nettle.
  • Decoction of oregano in combination with mint.
  • Leaves of plantain - as in broth, and in syrup.
  • Decoction of the leaves of mother and stepmother.
  • Liquorice root.
  • Sage leaves - broth, infusion, inhalation.
  • The kidneys are pine.
  • Leaves of black currant tea, decoctions.
  • Dried fruits of raspberries, raspberries grated without sugar.
  • Lime flowers.
  • Buds of birch - infusion.
  • Elder flowers - a decoction or infusion.
  • Decoction of flax seeds.
  • Calendula flowers - broth, infusion.
  • Eucalyptus - essential oil, broth, syrup, inhalation.
  • Chamomile flowers are a decoction.
  • The root of elecampane is infusion or decoction.

Treating tracheitis with herbs is best done under the supervision of a doctor, since not all herbs are safe, in addition they have a different effect on cough, which, as a rule, is the main task in the treatment of the disease.

How to treat a tracheitis in an acute form?

In acute disease, therapy is aimed at neutralizing the causes (infection, both viral and and bacterial) and on the relief of severe symptoms, mainly manifested as a painful cough. In the bacterial nature of the disease, sulfonamides are indicated, usually in aerosol form, antitussive drugs, copious drinking and distracting procedures - mustard plasters, warming up, inhalation.

In the case of a viral variant of the disease, antiviral drugs - rimantadine, arbidol, amyzon, interferon are prescribed. Especially effective are these drugs in the first two to three days of the disease. As an antiviral agent designed to neutralize influenza A and B viruses, drugs - remantadine (flumadine) - in the first three days, isoprinosine as an active immunomodulating agent, altevir. According to the latest information from clinical ENT practice in fighting viruses Tamiflu is effective, which blocks the penetration of the virus into the cellular structure. If the type of the virus is not determined for some reason, interferon is prescribed, with the help of which an extensive irrigation of the nasopharynx is carried out with the purpose of introducing the drug into the trachea.

As symptomatic measures are shown local procedures - mustard plasters (in the absence of elevated temperature) on the sternum zone, and inhalations are prescribed. For inhalations it is recommended to use antiviral aroma oils - eucalyptus oil, pine, fir.

The leaves of eucalyptus contain a small amount of ethereal compounds (up to 3%), which activate sputum and mucus escape, the same properties are inherent in the essential oils of pine or spruce. Also effective are inhalations with mint oil, which works as a local antispasmodic.

As mucolytics medications are prescribed - ATSTS, ambroben, ambroghexal, lazolvan. If the cough is accompanied by the spitting out of the sputum containing pus, the reception of antibacterial cefalosporin group - cefazolin, cefamizin, suprax (granules for suspension or pills). The most effective antimicrobial agents, produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of aerosols for ENT-irrigation - Givalex, Bioparox, Yoks. Treatment of tracheitis in acute form also includes the use of vitamin complexes in tablet form or as intramuscular injections.

Warm drinking also helps to reduce the manifestation of the viral form of the disease, especially if it is a booster that strengthens the immune system.

How to treat a tracheitis in a chronic form?

The principles of therapy are identical to the treatment of tracheitis in acute form, however, in contrast to acute chronic form is often accompanied by sputum from pus, which indicates the need to carry out, first of all, antibacterial treatment of tracheitis. The use of cephalosporin group - cephalexin, cefazolin (first-generation drugs) is shown. Antibacterial drugs are also effective in the form of aerosols and nasopharyngeal irrigation with chlorophyllipt.

If purulent sputum is allocated, the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics, inhalations with drugs or products containing phytoncides - novocaine is mixed with onion or garlic juice in a proportion 3/1. An excellent phytoncide is also chlorophyllipt. Effective expectorant preparations and herbal tea, abundant and frequent drinking.

Preparations of reflex action are appointed as expectorants in order to activate the departure of mucus and pus. It is shown frequent and copious drink, preferably in the form of broths of herbs - chamomile, althea root, mother and stepmother, oregano. Decoctions should be applied rather long until the onset of a stable remission. As a raw material for phyto-products it is recommended to use the following plants:

  • flowers nettle - 1 tablespoon poured a glass of boiling water, insists 20 minutes, drink half a glass twice a day;
  • oregano - 1 teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water, insists no more than 15 minutes, take a quarter cup three times a day;
  • licorice root - 1 teaspoon of a dry mixture is infused in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, to drink on a tablespoon 5-6 times a day;
  • leaves of plantain - 1 teaspoon is poured a glass of boiled water and insists for 20 minutes, is taken on a tablespoon 4-5 times a day;
  • a mixture of elderberry, sage, licorice and pine buds, taken in 1 teaspoon, is poured with a liter of boiling water, it takes 30 minutes, it takes a quarter of a glass every two hours;
  • mixture of leaves of eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, linden flowers, calendula flowers, taken 1 teaspoon, poured a liter of boiling water, infused for 10-15 minutes, taken on a tablespoon every hour in a warm form (store in thermos).

Treatment of tracheitis in chronic form is characterized by a long period, sometimes taking several months, since the process affects not only the trachea, but more often the tip of the bronchial tree.

Treatment of tracheitis in pregnancy

Treatment of tracheitis in pregnancy is not an easy task, because many drugs, including herbal remedies, as well as warming procedures, are contraindicated to a future mother. In addition, the disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics can not be avoided.

The first stage, which involves the treatment of tracheitis in pregnant women, is the definition of the cause of the disease. If the disease is caused by a virus, then it will be enough to have sparing immunomodulatory therapy, plenty of alkaline drink, bed rest and metered-dose inhalations. Warm legs and even mustard plasters for pregnant women pose a considerable threat. Trimming the sternum should also be done as carefully as possible, mainly by heating the upper part of the sternum.

Treatment of tracheitis during pregnancy in the case of bacterial infection involves the reception of relatively safe macrolides. Among the drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the condition of the pregnant and fetus, you can name Sumamed or preparations of the cephalosporin group. Any antibiotic is desirable to be administered after the first trimester of pregnancy, when the mother's body has already adapted to a new condition, and many protective functions of the fetus are also strong. In the first trimester, the use of antibiotics can have an embryotoxic effect on the developing organs and systems of the baby.

Tracheitis treatment during pregnancy is possible only under the supervision of a doctor, even with a disease in mild form, self-medication is unacceptable.

Treatment of tracheitis in children

Treatment of tracheitis in children should be as gentle and at the same time complex, as the very fact of the illness speaks of the weakened immunity of the child. Disease in children is most often caused by viral infections, respectively, therapy should be antiviral. The main task, which is solved by the treatment of tracheitis in children, is to quench the debilitating attacks of a night cough. Then the question is solved with the activation of the protective properties of the body and detoxification, since the faster the virus is released, the faster the effect of treatment will come.

Tracheitis in a child

  1. Cough. Children are shown the use of antitussive syrups, which the pharmaceutical industry now offers in sufficient quantities. Of course, it is better if the appointment is made by a doctor, since the cough can be of a different nature - dry, with a partial discharge of phlegm.
  2. Antiviral drugs for children, such as interferon, are indicated only if the viral pho becomes lingering.
  3. Antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases with bacterial infection. Effective Sumamed, which has no contraindications, for children it is available in a convenient form - in the form of a suspension.
  4. Effective inhalation - two or three times a day.
  5. To stop inflammation in the larynx, trachea and bronchi, irrigation with Bioparox is prescribed.
  6. Treatment of tracheitis in children is impossible without copious warm drinking. It may be a decoction of expectorant herbs (it is more convenient to purchase a ready-made breast-feed), warm teas and vitamin fruit drinks.
  7. Effective grinding of the upper part of the breast - ointment "Doctor MOM mustard, provided that the child does not have temperature.

Treatment of tracheitis in children usually lasts no more than two weeks, if the disease is diagnosed in time and treated under medical supervision.

Effective treatment of tracheitis

Effective treatment of tracheitis is in the following areas:

  1. The general anxiety symptomatology is removed, as a rule, it is a cough. Appointed drugs that during the day provide a transformation of unproductive dry cough in productive, for the night shows the means, oppressing the cough reflex and reducing the frequency of cough attacks.
  2. Neutralization of toxins and their removal from the body with the help of abundant drinking.
  3. Anti-inflammatory therapy (antiviral).
  4. Antibacterial therapy.
  5. Antihistamine therapy for allergic etiology.
  6. Cupping of bronchospasm with complications.
  7. Therapy, restoring the structure of the mucosa of the trachea.
  8. Immunomodulatory therapy, which activates the protective properties of the body.
  9. Prevention

Effective treatment of tracheitis is always a complex of measures, including physiotherapy, and inhalation, and warming up, and bed rest, and wet cleaning.

What can be cured for tracheitis?

What is the cure for tracheitis? The disease itself often occurs in conjunction with rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. The etiology of tracheitis is of an infectious nature and begins to appear after ingestion of viral, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. If you miss the incubation period, the inflammation reaches the trachea. In the absence of taking measures, the ailment is in the habit of moving into a chronic form.

The problem of tracheitis

This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, untreated tracheitis is always characterized by the appearance of a cough, and an infected person can to infect a considerable number of people in the event that they are in constant contact with them or in a public aired. Despite the fact that the disease can cause a general weakness, many, unaware of the presence of a serious illness, carry it on its feet. For example, using three times a day acetylsalicylic acid, you can improve the general condition of the body, but the disease itself is not treated and gradually pushed into the depths.

Features of coughing with tracheitis

It should be noted that the tracheitis does not appear immediately, or rather, its obvious signs indicate most often of an ingrained disease.

High temperature with tracheitis

Runny nose and dry cough will be spoken about both acute and chronic form of the disease.Coughing attacks are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower part of the chest.The inflammatory process provokes the release of viscous mucus, and in the case when the tracheitis is not in a single form, pus is mixed with its contents. The spitting out of the sputum formations can be different, both meager and abundant. However, the collected mucus is easily separated, and the process of its expectoration does not cause any problems.

Depending on the disease, to which the tracheitis has joined, in medical terminology there are such concepts as rhinopharyngotracheitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis.

In the case when the disease is accompanied by coughing attacks, the temperature increases, the head often hurts, weakness and fatigue appear. Cough is very uncomfortable for a person. These signs can not be ignored, so you need to seek medical help at least in order to alleviate the condition, and then cure the existing disease.

How to relieve cough with tracheitis

The most unpleasant manifestation in tracheitis is a paroxysmal cough, accompanied by a somewhat dulled, severe, burning pain in the lower part of the thorax. To get rid of the patient for a while from coughing with tracheitis can such a drug as Bronchipret. It is based on medicinal plants, and its effectiveness and safety are repeatedly tested in practice. The license for the production of the medicinal product belongs to the German company Bionorica.

Headache with tracheitis

As shown by clinical studies, the drug can be prescribed to people of all age categories without exception. The products are produced in tablet form and as a syrup for children. When using a combination with other medicines, Bronchipret does not give side effects and reactions, which makes the most appropriate determination of the desired dosage of the drug in each individual the case.

Tablets and syrup contain two main components: thyme extract and ivy leaves. These two components enhance the effect, interacting with each other, which allows you to get rid of coughing attacks for long periods of time. Bronchitis has a strong inhibitory effect and actively fights with inflammation, bacteria, has a pronounced secretolitic and bronchodilator effect. It is prescribed for other diseases associated with inflammation and disturbances in the work of the organs of the upper respiratory tract. The third component, which is part of the drug, is the root extract of the primrose, which stimulates the sputum expectoration process.

Improvements in the condition come almost immediately after the first tricks. The course of treatment usually varies in terms of 10 to 14 days, and, according to the prescription of the doctor, it is possible to prolong the use of this drug.

Treatment and prevention of tracheitis

Tracheitis itself can not pass, it must be treated. After conducting the diagnosis by examination to determine the condition of the trachea by a laryngoscope, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

The doctor's consultation

The very process of arresting the disease is directed at suppressing provoking factors and eliminating the causes that cause the disease. First of all, mustard, antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations are prescribed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the organism and its susceptibility to combining sulfanilamides with antibiotics. For some patients, the simultaneous use of these drugs is strictly contraindicated, since the reaction of the body can be unpredictable and lead to coma. If the patient is aware of this fact, then the doctor must know about it.

Drugs can be used in a wide variety of forms: in the form of sprays, aerosols, tinctures from the root of the althaea, licorice, anti-inflammatory broths and teas. As physiotherapeutic procedures, inhalations with the addition of medicinal herbs and alkaline components can be prescribed.

Conduction of inhalation can be done with a special ultrasonic inhaler or allocate for this purpose any enameled pan a small size, which is filled with a few glasses of boiling water and added herbs that help to remove inflammatory processes. In the inhaler, several drops of iodine, eucalyptus or anise oil are allowed.

When using a pot of cardboard, a funnel is made with a hole in the narrow end through which this structure allows breathing with the mouth. You can, of course, use the grandfather's method and cover a hot steam with a thick terry towel, while the face should be kept at a distance of 25 centimeters from the pan, so as not to burn yourself.


The inhalation procedure is recommended for tracheitis three times a day for 10-15 minutes during the week.

Completely cure tracheitis is possible only with a complete course, based on antibiotics and sulfonamides.

To facilitate the debilitating cough, it is advisable to take such drugs as codeine, pectusin, lysobact, libexin and glaucin.

In case of difficulty in withdrawing sputum, an expectorant medicine or other effective remedy is prescribed. But if there are pus in the secretions, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics are being prescribed. In addition, the complex treatment of tracheitis includes vitamin therapy, provided that the patient does not have allergic reactions. In general, the intake of vitamins A and C with individually selected dosage is prescribed.


Preventive measures include procedures for strengthening the body, such as hardening, vitaminization, correction of the immune system and compliance with the correct and rational diet.

Causes and features of treatment of tracheid cough

TracheitisWeakened immunity in the autumn-winter period is fraught with the emergence of various acute respiratory diseases. Especially dangerous is the inflammation of the trachea, which is accompanied by a strong cough and general malaise. Most often, the inflammation of the trachea passes in a latent form: a cough appears, but passes quickly enough. But, unfortunately, after a while he again appears.

A tracheal cough can torture a patient for a long time, of course, it is necessary to cure such a cough, but you should not expect quick results.

Inflammation of the trachea can occur as a result of getting a virus of streptococci and staphylococci on the mucosa of the trachea. A common cause of inflammation is the prolonged inhalation of too cold, dry air or chemical vapors, gases and other air pollutants. Chilled or polluted air causes a strong irritation of the trachea, which causes it to become inflamed. Tracheitis is often accompanied by laryngitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis.

Symptoms of tracheoid cough

Increased body temperatureThe difficulty in detecting tracheitis is due to the fact that its symptoms largely coincide with the symptoms of ARVI and ARI. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to know what kind of symptoms it is possible to recognize the tracheitis, in order to distinguish the usual cough from the trachea. After untimely cured disease can go into a chronic form. Among the symptoms of tracheitis are:
  • dry cough;
  • Pershing and sore throat;
  • pain in the chest;
  • severe pain during coughing in the pharynx;
  • sputum production;
  • unstable cough in the form of periodic attacks;
  • fever.

If the inflammation reaches the bronchi, then there is a tracheobronchitis. He is more dangerous than tracheitis, as the general well-being of the patient sharply worsens, cough becomes more intense and constant, the body temperature rises, and headaches appear.

How is the disease treated?

PillsTracheal cough cure is not so simple, it will take time, patience and proper care for the patient. Effective is considered to affect the inflamed trachea both from the inside and outside. Drug treatment, in the case when it is prescribed by the attending physician, may include taking the following medicines: antihistamines, antitussives and expectorants, aimed at liquefaction, withdrawal of phlegm and elimination cough.

With mild forms of tracheitis, antibiotics are usually not prescribed. In the case where the cough does not pass, antibiotics may be prescribed so that the virus does not spread in the lower respiratory tract. Also, antibiotics can not be avoided with purulent discharge.

If the cough is dry and suffocating, then the treatment should be aimed at the formation and spitting out of the respiratory tract. Often used for this are antitussive syrups, breastfeeding and antitussive pills such as ATSTS, Ambrobene and many others.

InhalationA good therapeutic effect with tracheitis is inhalation. In the form of inhalation, you can take even antibiotics, which in this way will quickly reach the focus of inflammation. Usual steam inhalations can be regularly carried out on the basis of medicinal herbs: leaves of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, calendula. Herbs can be replaced with ordinary boiled water with a teaspoon of soda or steam from boiled potatoes. Inhalations nebulizer allow you to take drugs in the form of an aerosol, and besides them also useful essential oils.

Considering the fact that tracheitis is accompanied by pain behind the sternum, all sorts of rubbing and warming up of the breast are considered useful. For example, the use of mustard plasters, rubbing the chest with turpentine ointment or goose fat.

Tea with raspberriesWe should not forget about the abundant drink: tea with raspberries, broths of thyme, mint, plantain and other herbs. It is also useful to drink milk with goat fat - although the smell is not the most pleasant, but the dry cough recedes quickly, and the pain in the throat when coughing passes.

In the case when the tracheitis affects the baby, the parents must take urgent measures, of course under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment of trachea cough in children should include the intake of syrups, the use of inhalations with essential oils and herbs, as well as rubbing in the region of the chest.

As a prophylaxis of tracheitis, hardening, general strengthening of immunity and, of course, clean air in the room will help. If the tracheitis occurs often enough, at least once a year you should try to spend time in the mountainous terrain or near the sea, where the air is clean and useful for the lungs. Knowing how to cure tracheal cough, you can avoid the occurrence of many unpleasant consequences.

Tracheitis in children: symptoms, treatment, causes

Respiratory diseases in children rarely occur in isolation. Usually they combine the damage of several anatomical zones. The inflammation of the trachea is a tracheitis. Most often it accompanies laryngitis, can occur in conjunction with rhinitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis.

Tracheitis in children is quite common, because coughing is one of the most frequent complaints with which parents turn to a pediatrician.

The disease occurs more often in October-April, in the season of respiratory infections. Infectious tracheitis is susceptible to children of all ages. Especially from 6 months to 3 years. The reason for this is weak local immunity and the absence of previous contacts with pathogens.

The causes of tracheitis

Children become ill with tracheitis for several reasons:


In 90% of cases, the trachea becomes inflamed due to a virus attack. Here are the most common pathogens that are capable of adhesion (adhesion) to the mucosa of the trachea:

width =
  • flu;
  • paragripp;
  • adenovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • coronavirus.


  • Pneumococcus;
  • haemophilus influenzae;
  • streptococcus;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

Also, the symptomatology of tracheitis can occur with the initial manifestations of such diseases as whooping cough, paracottis, ornithosis.

Various non-infectious stimuli

which are in the air, affect the mucous membrane, causing it to swell and reflex cough.

  • inhalation of cigarette smoke (passive smoking);
  • living near industrial areas that pollute the air;
  • a large concentration of exhaust fumes, accommodation near major highways;
  • cool and dry air.

The incidence of tracheitis may increase with reduced local immunity, the presence of chronic lung diseases, allergic diseases.

Symptoms of tracheitis in children

Most often, the inflammation of the trachea in children occurs in an acute form. Chronic for them a rarity.

The acute form occurs after a short period of malaise, the appearance of a cold, and soreness when swallowed. Probably raising the temperature of the body. The clinical manifestations of tracheitis are more dependent on the causative agent of the disease. So when influenza tracheitis signs come to the fore. Disturbs the grimy dry cough, severe intoxication, high fever, aches in the body.

With trachitis caused by parainfluenza, it does not dispense with the symptoms of laryngitis:

  • hoarseness of voice,
  • dysphonia,
  • barking cough.

Bacterial tracheitis tend to be delayed, may be a consequence of untreated ARVI.

  • Initially, cough with tracheitis is dry, unproductive. Sputum is either small, or it is poorly separated. Viral sputum is always light, transparent. Bacterial sputum purulent, yellow or yellow-green. With the flu, it can appear blood veins.
  • Children can cough up with attacks, especially if they inhale cold air, laugh, cry, get scared. Coughing lasts at night when the baby lies. In the morning, the accumulated sputum gives him a wet character.
  • Older children may complain of a sore throat, a feeling of sadness behind the sternum.
  • The temperature at children can keep on a low-grade level (no more than 38 ° С), and to rise to high figures. The children of an early age react sharper and brighter to infection.

Features of tracheitis in children of different ages

  • Newborns and children up to 5-6 months are distinguished by the incompleteness of the cough reflex due to the immaturity of some brain structures. Therefore, they have symptoms of coughing absent or can be combined with regurgitation or vomiting. At the same time such crumbs can give high temperature, be listless and whimsical due to intoxication.
  • Preschool children cough unproductively. Their musculature is not yet developed enough to fully cough up phlegm. Therefore, they get sick with frequent attacks of dry cough, especially at night.
  • In schoolchildren, on the contrary, hypersecretion predominates, so the cough quickly becomes wet, with more sputum.
  • Older children - the temperature may not be high, most often subfebrile.

How will the tracheitis be determined?

The diagnosis is made after the clarification of complaints and examination. When listening to the respiratory system, the doctor notes a hard breathing, the appearance of dry wheezes. After a cough they can disappear or change their localization. Changes in blood tests (leukocytosis, increased ESR, shift of formula to the left, predominance of lymphocytes or neutrophils) will tell you about the presence of inflammation, as well as about the viral or bacterial nature disease. X-ray examination is usually not required.

Distinctive features of tracheitis

The fact that the disease is localized in the trachea, will help determine some features of this disease. Since the main sign is cough, differentiate the inflammation of the trachea with laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Difference from laryngitis

The voice with tracheitis is normal, does not vanish, does not wheeze. Cough is dry, but not barking. Gradually turns into a damp one. Laryngitis does not change in auscultation. Maximum hard breathing. But laryngitis can turn into a laryngotracheitis.

Difference from pharyngitis

When the throat is inflamed, the child suffers from a sore throat and dry cough. Cough does not turn to wet, if there is no concomitant rhinitis. There is no sputum. Cough can be mitigated by gargling or lozenges.

Difference from bronchitis

Bronchitis is more severe, with intoxication, dry and wet rales. Cough agonizing, with expectoration. In small children it can be complicated by bronchospasm, which does not happen with tracheitis. At a bronchitis changes on a roentgenogram are observed.

Difference from pneumonia

The classic course of pneumonia is easily distinguishable by a doctor from tracheitis. But there is an asymptomatic pneumonia, with a low temperature, for example, mycoplasmal pneumonia, when it should be differentiated from a protracted cough with tracheitis.

Another acute nonspecific tracheitis, it should be differentiated from:


Cough for a long time does not pass. Coughing attacks are accompanied by a whistling inhalation (reprises) and separation of vitreous sputum in the end. Severe intoxication.


Prolonged dry cough, coughing. The child is pale, losing weight. For a long time, the subfebrile temperature worries.

Foreign body

Cough arises abruptly, after playing with small details. The child is restless, there is a cyanosis of the lips, breathing is difficult, especially inhalation. Possible asphyxiation.

Treatment of tracheitis in children

Treatment of acute viral tracheitis, not complicated by attachment of infection and proceeding classically can be fully cured themselves, referring to the doctor only so that he listened to the child, appointed tests and checked if there was a threat complications.

Urgent to see a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • The child has heavy breathing, with shortness of breath. He prefers to sit, not lie, so it's easier for him to breathe. This is respiratory failure.
  • The high temperature, knocked down by the antipyretic, rises more quickly than after 3 hours. After several such episodes of hyperthermia, a pediatrician is needed.
  • During the cough, the child "whistles". This is a sign that the infection has fallen to the level of bronchi, which responded spasm.
  • If the child is weak, weak, very unwell.
  • If you unsuccessfully treat a tracheitis within 2-3 weeks.

What will the doctor appoint?

From cough

Mucolytics, if on the 3-4 day after the onset of the disease cough did not become productive. The child is difficult to cough up phlegm because of its increased viscosity. Assign Fluimitsil, Mukobene, ACTS, Fljuditik, Ambroxol and Bromhexine. Due to the fact that the muscles of the chest in the child are still undeveloped and the baby can not cough up phlegm, and the drugs make it liquid, mucolytics are not recommended for children under 2 years.

  • Antitussives

are rarely prescribed, only in the first days of the disease, when the cough is severe, debilitating. Children are treated with non-narcotic means Sinekod, Glavent, Libeksin, Bronholitin, Tussin Plus (see Fig. antitussives).

  • Covering agents

reduce the reflex challenge of coughing. They create a protective layer on the oropharynx, they are often used in small amounts. These are lollipops and syrups, collections containing extracts of eucalyptus, licorice, wild cherry, white acacia.

  • Expectorants

mainly vegetable, are used for the fastest evacuation of sputum. Assign them in cases when the cough is rare, unproductive and low-intensive. These are syrups, drops and tablets from coughs with extracts of althaea, anise, elecampane, ipecacuanas, plantain, licorice, thyme. They are sold under the trade names of Gerbion, Linkas, Mukaltin, Dr Mom, Pertussin, Gedelix, Bronchipret (cf. expectorants). However, they are cautiously prescribed to young children due to possible sputum increase, vomiting and potential asphyxia. This refers to the preparations of ipecacuanas. Anise, oregano and licorice have a weak laxative effect. It is better to choose means based on the root of the althaea, anise drops.


Antipyretics for children are shown at a temperature above 38, 5 ° C, children under 3 months, as well as with lung and heart pathology.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

To reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, inflammation, the severity of cough, Erespal, Sirep is prescribed. It is prescribed for prolonged cough in syrup, and after 14 years in tablets.

Antiviral drugs

Some doctors like to prescribe drugs that stimulate interferon production, which affect the immune system. This is Viferon, Cycloferon, Influcid, Oksilokoktsinum. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, only antiviral drugs against influenza, Tamiflu, Oseltamivir are effective. If the cause of tracheitis is influenza, then they will help. Otherwise, it is a waste of money and risks of developing autoimmune processes in the body.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for tracheitis are prescribed only in the case of its bacterial etiology. When a virus disease, they are not needed. If the child has purulent sputum, you can send it to the planting and find out the sensitivity to antibiotics. Sometimes they are prescribed empirically, based on the clinic of the disease. Prescribe protected amoxicillin (Augmentin, Amoxiclav), cephalosporins (Zinnat, Cefotakim, Ceftriaacon). With chlamydial or mycoplasmal tracheitis macrolides are effective (Macropen, Fromilid, Sumamed).

How to treat a tracheitis in a child at home?

  • Provide moist air, plenty of drink. If there is no heat, let calmly play. Care for the baby also includes feeding light foods rich in vitamins. Dairy products are useful.
  • Children who are difficult to clear their throat, can be helped by the method of postural massage. The child lies on a pillow or on his knees with an adult stomach. After stroking, the palm in the form of a boat makes tapping from the bottom up, without touching the area of ​​the spine. After the children it becomes easier to cough up phlegm. You can drink an expectorant before the procedure (for 30 minutes).
  • In the absence of temperature, you can get your feet in the water (no higher than 45 ° C) or put the mustard on your back.
  • You can make a baby inhalation. But this should not be scalding steam, so you can provoke a burn or laryngospasm. Apply herbal pickings with licorice, sage, breast picks. The main thing is to moisten the mucous and withdraw the phlegm.

How long does the tracheitis last for a child?

From the moment of the onset of malaise to the appearance of classical symptoms, 2-3 days pass. On average, the acute course of the disease lasts at least 2 weeks. Another week can last a residual cough.

The child in the clinic is often diagnosed with tracheitis. What could be its causes?

To begin with, we determine that frequent cases of acute respiratory viral infections are more than 6 episodes per year in children under 3 years old, and more than 5 times a year in children after 3 years. Frequent tracheitis may occur due to an increased number of contacts with potential carriers of infection, with a decrease in the immune response due to its immaturity. Also, often sick children should exclude immunodeficiency, anomalies in the development of ENT organs and bronchopulmonary system, cystic fibrosis.

Tracheitis and bronchitis: symptoms and folk methods of treatment

/If sinusitis, SARS, sinusitis, influenza or other viral diseases are not cured, bronchitis and tracheitis may develop. These inflammatory diseases occur with severe symptoms, and in neglected cases are fraught with atrophic changes in the bronchi and trachea. Folk remedies for bronchitis and tracheitis can help alleviate the condition of the sick person and will serve as a good prophylaxis for other inflammatory ailments.

Symptoms of acute and chronic tracheitis and bronchitis

If you do not know how to distinguish tracheitis from bronchitis, compare the main signs of these diseases, and you will be able to establish a preliminary diagnosis yourself. But this does not mean that you just need to start self-treatment without consulting a doctor. Symptoms of bronchitis and tracheitis are similar in many respects, and only a specialist can advise correct therapy.

Tracheitis- an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the trachea.

Tracheitis can be acute and chronic, as well as allergic.

Symptoms of acute tracheitis:dry, agonizing, suffocating cough, breathing is difficult, coughing attacks are aggravated at night and by morning, a small amount of viscous sputum, sadness and pain behind the breastbone, in case of laryngitis, the voice becomes hoarse, the body temperature rises to 3, FROM. Most often, acute tracheitis is accompanied by acute laryngitis, rhinitis (runny nose) or bronchitis.

The cause of tracheitis may be untreated rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, influenza, SARS, bacterial infections, the inhalation of some fumes chemical reagents, irritating the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, exposure to cold and dry air, a cold.

In the absence of treatment, the inflammatory process from the trachea passes to the bronchi and lungs.

When the inflammatory process passes to the bronchi, tracheobronchitis develops:high body temperature, painful and persistent cough.

Without proper treatment, the acute tracheitis passes into a chronic form.

Symptoms of chronic tracheitis:often there are bouts of excruciating coughing, intensifying at night and in the morning; cough dry or with separation mucous or purulent sputum; often associated with rhinitis, there are atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the trachea.

Still there is an allergic tracheitis, which occurs in response to the allergen (pollen of plants, vapors of some chemicals, etc.).

BronchitisIs an inflammatory disease of the bronchi. Bronchitis can be acute and chronic.

Acute bronchitis appears, as a rule, in the damp season (autumn or spring).The onset of the disease is acute:there is general malaise, cough, sadness behind the sternum, a slight increase in temperature, often a runny nose; in the first days of sputum it leaves with difficulty, then the cough becomes less painful and sputum leaves easier, purulent spitting.

With frequent acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis can develop. It is characteristic of him that even outside the exacerbation of the disease there is a small cough, especially in the morning, and often there are exacerbations (several times a year).

Treatment of bronchitis at home: diet and regimen

/When treating tracheitis and bronchitis at home in the diet of patients necessarily include products that favorably affect the respiratory system. In this case spices (cinnamon, pepper, rosemary, bay leaf, cloves, ginger, cardamom, etc.), spicy aromatic herbs (dill, mint, lemon balm, anise, fennel, garlic, onion, hyssop) will help. Also, patients need to eat cabbage, horseradish, potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, apples. Irreplaceable will be the fruits of dog rose and viburnum, lemon, raspberry, cowberry, black currant, cranberry, figs, honey and sea buckthorn oil. It is useful to take a multivitamin.

During treatment of tracheitis and bronchitis, folk remedies must be followed by bed rest and as much sleep as possible. With a wet cough, you need to exclude dairy products and move more.

If you discover symptoms of any of these diseases, immediately consult a doctor who will put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

In addition to the appointments of the attending physician, you can use folk recipes to treat tracheitis and bronchitis, which you can read on this page. If the prescription does not indicate the duration of the course of therapy, then it is necessary to be treated before recovery.

How to treat bronchitis and tracheitis with folk remedies: the best recipes

/Here you will learn the best recipes, how to treat tracheitis and bronchitis with folk remedies at home.
  • As an expectorant for bronchitis and tracheitis, the juice from the leaves of plantain is good: take 1 h. l. juice of plantain, add 1 h. l. honey, mix and drink. Take 3 - 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
  • When treating tracheitis and bronchitis with folk remedies, if the disease occurs in the spring, it is useful to drink a mixture of birch juice and milk several times a day (:).
  • At the first signs of bronchitis or tracheitis, you need to take vodka tincture of garlic. A few drops of tincture to drip under the tongue and smear it all over the mouth. To cure bronchitis and tracheitis with this folk remedy, the procedure should be performed 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 3 days.
  • Means for treatment of bronchitis:take a glass of oats, pour 2 liters of milk, put in the oven, burn at a not very high temperature - 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime.
  • With a strong cough, bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia, the following remedy helps: take 2 tbsp. l. grains of oats and raisins, pour in cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook on low heat until half of the liquid is evaporated, then cool, strain and wring out, add 1 tbsp. l. honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture every hour. You can give children from 1 hour. l. up to 1 tbsp. l. mixture (depending on age). When using this folk method of treatment of bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to store the remedy in the refrigerator.

Treatment of tracheitis and bronchitis by folk methods

  • Cure a cold, bronchitis and pneumonia is helped by the following remedy: take 3 lemons, wash well and, together with the skin (but without seeds), through meat grinder, add 20 crushed walnut kernels, 300 ml of aloe vera juice and "Kagor" type wine, 500 g unsalted butter and honey, mix. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Means for treating bronchitis and colds:take 50 ml of juice grated horseradish root, add juice 3 lemons, mix. Take 1 hour. l. mixture every hour, without washing down with anything.
  • Another popular way to treat tracheitis and bronchitis: take 1 lemon, pour water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then cut it in half, squeeze juice, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and glycerin, mix. Take 1 hour. l. mixture every hour. Shake before use. Keep the remedy in the refrigerator.
  • With chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, the following remedy helps: take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried herb alfalfa, add 1 h. l. seeds of carrots, pour 1 glass of water, put on a boiling water bath, cook for 10 minutes, drain. Take a glass of broth 3 - 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
  • As an expectorant it is useful to take cowberry syrup with honey (:). Drink 1 to 2 tablespoons. l. syrup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

How can you cure bronchitis and tracheitis with folk remedies?

/If you do not know how to cure bronchitis folk remedies, try the following recipes.
  • Means for treatment of bronchitis:take 5 lemons, wash well and pass through the meat grinder along with the peel (without seeds), add 4 heads shredded garlic, mix, pour 1 liter of boiled water, close tightly and insist in a dark cool place 1 week, regularly shaking. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. This tool is used to prevent influenza during epidemics. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Tincture of eucalyptus is successfully used to treat bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pleurisy and pneumonia. Take 10-15 drops of tincture per 50 ml of water 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. This tincture can be added a few drops in the water for inhalation.
  • For the treatment of chronic bronchitis and tracheobronchitis it is useful to take tincture from herbs with aloe. Drink 1 tbsp. l. tincture 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
  • As an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is useful to take tincture from plantain large for 1-2 hours. l. 2 - 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
  • An effective tool for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia is a tincture from royal jelly bees with flower pollen and aloe, Take 1 to 2 hours. l. tincture 2 times a day for 15 - 20 minutes before meals for 2 - 3 weeks. This tincture is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases and adrenal diseases.
  • With bronchitis, tincture from the red root helps well. Take 1 hour. l. tincture on 50 ml of water 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

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