Harmful tips: how to spoil the sight

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Each person perceives the surrounding world is multilateral. He sees, hears, smells and can touch various objects. The sense organs fulfill their individual function and they are all necessary for the full formation of the picture of the surrounding reality. But there is no complete equality between the senses, since their informativeness is not the same. Studies have shown that from 70 to 85% of the information a person receives through the organs of vision. Therefore, human eyes can be considered the most important organ. The human eye is a sensitive device having a complex construction, so it is very easy to spoil it.


  • 1Bad advice
    • 1.1Bad habits
    • 1.2Visual load
    • 1.3Wearing glasses and lenses
    • 1.4Lack of preventive examinations
    • 1.5Bad light
    • 1.6Lack of sleep
  • 2And how to restore the vision
    • 2.1Diagnostics
    • 2.2Treatment
  • 3Video
  • 4conclusions

Bad advice

A person is given a lot from birth, and if this is treated with care, then you can live a long time and not have any health problems. But many for some reason do not like this situation. People put a lot of effort to harm themselves. It has long been known that the worst enemy of man is himself. Based on this, you can easily solve the problem of how to spoil your eyesight. To do this, there are proven methods.

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Bad habits

What is bad habits has long been known. The most common are:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • malnutrition.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, in combination with poor environmental conditions, has a strong negative impact on the organs of vision. At the heart of any alcoholic beverage is ethyl alcohol. When ingesting even a small amount of this component, the pressure inside the skull increases. In this case, in the blood supply system of the eye, capillary ruptures occur and small hemorrhages are formed.

Prolonged and regular abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to the fact that on the proteins of the eyes a pronounced vascular network is formed. In this case, a person can feel itching and itching in the eyes. The blood supply to the eye muscles is impaired, and visual acuity is reduced.In addition, alcohol destroys the nerve cells of the fundus, and their atrophy reduces the conductivity of the optic nerve.

As a result of prolonged abuse of alcohol, one can not only ruin the eyesight, but completely lose it.

Nicotine is a strong drug that causes a variety of diseases, including cancer. In the process of smoking there is a strong spasm of blood vessels, while the tissues of the organs of vision suffer from a lack of oxygen, which is carried by normal blood flow. There is a whole list of eye diseases that are caused by smoking:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • nicotine amblyopia;
  • cataract;
  • uveitis.

The resinous substances contained in tobacco smoke are the strongest allergens. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye with tobacco smoke, sooner or later lead to conjunctivitis.Spasm of the vessels of the eyes often ends with a blockage, from which the blood supply to the retina is broken or stopped, and this is the direct way to blindness.

With tobacco amblyopia, a yellow spot in the central part of the retina is damaged. One of the important functions of the central zone is the recognition of the smallest elements of the field of view. As a result of prolonged exposure to nicotine, visual acuity is markedly reduced.

Especially dangerous is exposure to tobacco for the elderly, since the system of recovery from the negative factors does not work.

Lacrimation of the lens, or cataract, occurs in smokers four times more often than those who do not smoke. Uveitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, which can result in complete blindness. Very harmful to the organs of vision is in the same room as the smokers.Passive smoking, in some cases, may be more dangerous than self-smoking.

Improper diet, and especially hobby for fast food will certainly cause visual impairment. Fast food in the form of hamburgers and cheeseburgers is completely devoid of vitamins, which are so necessary for the eyes.

To quickly spoil the vision should completely abandon the vegetables and fruits, drink alcohol and smoke no less than a pack of cigarettes a day.

Visual load

The organs of vision, like any other elements of the body, have their own resource for the load. Overload them in no case it is impossible, and if this happened, then a relaxation period is needed. The visual load, most often occurs when looking at closely located objects, with the tension of the eye muscles.An important factor in eye strain is the distance on which the object under consideration is located.Long and multiple studies have shown that the optimal distance for eye muscles is a value of 33 cm. It is recommended to read and write at this distance.

In educational institutions, especially in the lower grades, children are taught to read and write on the right distance, but at home, when there is no constant monitoring of the child, he can easily spoil himself vision.

A separate item is the work at the computer. And this is not only writing texts, but also browsing sites, computer games and correspondence in social networks. The computer visual syndrome is developing - the officially registered pathology of vision by the world ophthalmologists.

There is a large number of works, which are called precision.Those who are engaged in this kind of activity, use auxiliary optical devices and work according to a certain schedule, alternating work and rest. Overloading your eyes and not giving them a proper rest, you can so "plant" the vision that you will need the intervention of an ophthalmologist.

Wearing glasses and lenses

Glasses and contact lenses are designed to correct vision defects, but in some cases they can spoil it, although this opinion is disputed by a number of scientists. In order for eyeglasses to provide real help in visual pathologies, they should be carefully selected. And the ophthalmologist checks each eye separately, as it rarely happens that the diopters of both eyes coincide.

If the glasses are picked up incorrectly, the brain forms a fuzzy picture, while the muscles of the eye are in constant tension.Accurate evidence that badly selected glasses or contact lenses can worsen visual acuity is not given in ophthalmic practice.But Bates, an American scientist of the last century, proved that when getting rid of glasses on the basis of constant wearing, the eyesight of the patients improved slightly.

Lack of preventive examinations

If you never visit an ophthalmologist, you can give a guarantee that by a certain age your eyesight will be spoiled. The fact is that most eye diseases do not develop instantly and preventive examination will reveal pathology at an early stage and take appropriate measures. Often a person does not even suspect that he has a dangerous disease of the eye.Early diagnosis will allow for the establishment of pathology dispense with gentle methods.Otherwise, serious treatment or surgery may be required.

Bad light

A rather controversial issue is the effect of poor lighting on the onset and development of eye pathologies. In principle, reading or any work in low light causes an increased strain on the eye muscles, but in fact it trains them and should not cause any negative consequences. On the other hand, the increased workload does not benefit the organs of vision, and for the training of eye muscles developed and successfully used complexes of special exercises.Therefore, it is better to use comfortable lighting for reading, so as not to overload your eyes too much.

Qualitatively spoil the eyesight will often help advertised energy-saving fluorescent lamps. Unlike conventional incandescent lamps, they operate in a pulsed mode. Although their flicker is very fast, and it is impossible to notice, it has a negative effect on the eyes.

Lack of sleep

Do not underestimate the impact of sleep on visual impairment. Often after a short and poor-quality sleep in the eyes, dryness and concomitant pain are felt, and after a sleepless night, complete discomfort. Regular lack of sleep leads to a stable change in intraocular pressure. This, in turn, can cause damage to the optic nerve, up to its total atrophy. Prolonged exposure to sleep deprivation often leads to glaucoma.

And how to restore the vision

All of the above recommendations will help to spoil your eyesight.You can restore it, but only if the process does not go too far.With most eye pathologies, there is a so-called "point of no return after which the restoration of vision is no longer possible and it can only go about preserving what is left. There are many ways to restore vision and most of them are opposed to the harmful advice that was given above. For possible restoration of vision it is necessary:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Do not overload your eyes;
  • Use only correctly selected glasses and lenses;
  • visit the ophthalmologist on a regular basis;
  • read and work in good light;
  • to observe a normal mode of sleep.

Those who managed to stop smoking and actively consume alcohol should not forget about a full and balanced diet.The use of fruits and vegetables will help to maintain good eyesight for many years.In addition, you should study and use exercises of eye gymnastics.

Some complexes should be performed in the absence of eye pathologies, since they perform preventive function. At the slightest visual impairment, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. In the eye cabinet, you can go through the necessary procedures.


To identify diseases at an early stage, a whole range of diagnostic procedures is used:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • visometry;
  • tonometry;
  • ultrasound examination of the eye;
  • keratometry;
  • ophthalmometry.

This is far from a complete list of diagnostic tools that allow you to accurately determine the level of development of the disease and determine the most effective ways of treatment.Procedures, except for tonometry - it is unpleasant, completely painless and most of them can be used regardless of the age of the patient.


After conducting diagnostic procedures, the ophthalmologist determines and chooses a method of treating the eye disease. For small disorders, medications, in particular eye drops, can be used. In inflammatory processes, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. To increase the effect of drugs, vitamin therapy and eye gymnastics are mandatory. It is an integrated approach that is considered the most effective in the treatment of eye diseases.

If the disease has gone too far, the only way to restore vision is surgery. Such radical methods of treatment are used only in the case when all other methods have exhausted themselves and can not stop the development of the disease. Surgical intervention, in many cases, is carried out bloodlessly, using a laser.


A video about whether the above theories are true about how to spoil the eyesight.


Good eyesight for many years is a private matter for everyone. It is not difficult to spoil the eyesight, but when it turns out that neither reading nor watching TV can or can be done, but with difficulty, then it becomes clear how important it is to have good eyesight. Unfortunately, spoiled eyesight is completely difficult to reconstruct, it is often almost impossible.

Vision tests are described here.

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