Baby Eye Drops: Features of Use When Needed

Inflammation of the eye is a frequent pathology in infants and in older children. A similar problem can arise due to an allergic reaction, have a viral or infectious nature. In addition, the inflammatory process of sensitive eye tissues is often provoked by the ingestion of a foreign body. The most simple and affordable tool for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases is a drop, which to date has developed a huge amount.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3Popular tools
    • 3.1Antibacterial drugs
    • 3.2Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 3.3Antihistamines
    • 3.4Moisturizing drops
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

The choice of effective eye drops depends on many factors. First of all, it is necessary to understand the cause that caused inflammation of the conjunctiva, and only then take additional measures.As a rule, all modern drugs help to remove puffiness and inflammation, restore the normal functioning of lacrimal ducts, remove sensation of "sand in the eyes but each group of drops is necessary for the solution of a specific task, that is why when choosing a remedy, consultation is necessary specialist.

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To make the drug act faster, you need to take into account the age of the child, as some drugs have limitations. Eye drops are usually classified according to when they are used:

  • Mechanical irritation. The most common cause of redness of the eyes. It can be associated with the ingress of an alien body - grains of sand, eyelashes, dust and others, or be caused by the typical for babies rubbing eyes with their hands;
  • Allergy. Puffiness and inflammation of the eyes are one of the typical signs of an allergic reaction. It can be caused by various causes: food, pollen of plants, dust, saliva of the animal;
  • Bacterial infection. Most often occurs after getting an infected foreign body on the surface of the eye, rubbing the mucous with dirty hands or when infected from a sick person. It can develop bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, blepharitis, with decreased immunity of demodicosis of the eyelids. The peculiarity of antibacterial drops is the presence of antibiotics directed at the elimination of infection;
  • Moisturizing. Are directed on normalization of functioning of lacrimal ducts. Their composition always contains karatoprotectors, saline and artificial moisturizers;
  • Virus. It is especially common in children attending kindergarten. The virus usually enters the body when interacting with another person and can be the cause of severe inflammation of the eyes. When treating this problem, it is strictly forbidden to use antibiotic drops, which can cause side effects;
  • Fungus. It differs with characteristic symptoms in the form of a bust and plaques on the nearby epidermis. Fungal infection of the eye is rare.

It is not recommended to choose children's eye drops. The choice of the drug should be carried out only by a specialist, based on the cause that caused the problem.

Features of preparations

Most often, eye drops have a complex effect, directed not only at eliminating the pathogenic factor, but also helping to solve a number of problems:

  • Removal of inflammation and swelling;
  • Reduction of unpleasant sensations, discomfort in case of blinking;
  • Additional moisturizing, restoration of the production of tears;
  • Prevention of ophthalmic problems and degenerative processes in tissues.

Some parents independently choose children's eye drops as a source of vitamins and prevention of vision loss. This can lead to the most serious consequences.For example, common drops of Albucida can not be used without a doctor's prescription because of the content of sulfanilamide in its composition.This substance often causes side effects in the form of a strong puffiness and swelling of the eyelids. Even with the appointment of drops the doctor should carefully read the composition, in case there is an individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug.

Many eye drops are available for children and adults. Only special children's products should be purchased that have a lower dosage of the drug, thereby achieving a gentle effect.

Popular tools

Today we offer a huge range of children's eye drops aimed at solving various problems. Here are the most common ones.

Antibacterial drugs

They are necessary to eliminate the pathogen of bacterial infection. A distinctive feature of this pathology is that always only one eye is infected at first, in which purulent discharge actively accumulates.

  • Albucid. One of the most powerful and effective eye care. Helps eliminate most known pathogens (pathogenic cocci, Escherichia coli and others). Drops are prescribed even to infants. The active substance is sulfonamide;
  • Floxal. The drug is actively used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis in children, starting with infancy. As a rule, it does not cause side effects. The active ingredient is ofloxacin;
  • Levomycetin. Antibacterial eye drops of wide action. Lack of funds is a frequent manifestation of allergic reactions, therefore it is not recommended to use it without the appointment of an ophthalmologist;
  • Tobrex. The drug has a bactericidal effect on most pathogens. In some cases, it may cause an allergy to the active substance - antibiotic tobramycin.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Preparations of this group are necessary in the event that the problem with the eyes was caused by a virus or adenovirus. According to statistics, most often viral conjunctivitis affects children under 7 years.

  • Interferon. One of the most effective modern tools. The drug is sold in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water in the dosage indicated by the attending physician. Ready drops should be stored in a cool place for no more than two days;
  • Tebrofen. The best drug for the treatment of conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus. For children, only a low dosage is prescribed because of the high efficacy of the active ingredient. After application, burning may occur;
  • Florenal. Strong antiviral drops for the eyes, which need to be used only when prescribed by a doctor. Caution is recommended in use, as allergic reactions often occur.


According to statistics, in recent years, cases of allergic reactions in young children have increased. Signs of allergic inflammation of the eyes - a small puffiness, abundant tear, redness and itching.

  • Cortisone. This drug should be used very carefully, since besides the antihistamine action, the drops are hormonal. In addition, many children experience an individual intolerance to the active ingredient;
  • Cromgexal. Drops have a lasting effect due to the stylist of mast cells. Well suited for the treatment of chronic allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Allergodyl. One of the best drugs for rapid removal of allergic manifestations. A few minutes later, there is a positive effect, which makes it possible to use the drug in the period of exacerbations. Suitable for children from 6 years;
  • Opatanol. The drug is suitable for children who are regularly suffering from allergy attacks. The active substance blocks histamine H1 receptors and normalizes the membranes of mast cells. Can not be used for children under 5 years.

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Moisturizing drops

Pediatricians do not recommend the use of drops to prevent diseases and moisturize children under 10 years due to the permanent harmful effects of active substances.In the event that a child wears a lens or has vision problems, drops are simply necessary. The list of such substances is extensive, as a rule, apply Reticulin, Viziomax, Oculist and others.They help relieve fatigue and eye strain, reduce irritation and remove redness. It should be carefully read the dosage and composition of the drug in order to avoid side effects.

Do not use Vizin as a child's moisturizing drops. They quickly become addictive, in addition, with prolonged use, they lose their effectiveness.

Recommendations for use

Proper use of drops for the eyes - an important component to achieve greater effect. In addition, for young children the procedure causes a lot of unpleasant emotions. To properly inject the product and not cause concern to the child, there are a number of useful recommendations:

  • Before use, you should thoroughly wash your hands with an antibacterial agent. When a virus infection is best to use rubber gloves;
  • Use a cotton pad or swab to thoroughly clean the child's sore eyes;
  • Well shake the bottle with drops, if it was stored in the refrigerator, pre-heat the drug with the palms to avoid unpleasant sensations;
  • Place the child in a comfortable position so that the head is slightly thrown back;
  • Gently pull the lower eyelid and drip the medicine;
  • The child should blink a few times for better distribution of the remedy;
  • Remainder of the drug with a clean cloth.

When dropping drops to a child up to a year, the procedure should be turned into a game to reduce discomfort and not cause unpleasant emotions next time.



Modern drops have great effectiveness and complex action, which makes them the best tool for dealing with various eye problems. The choice of the remedy should be made only by the attending physician, one should not engage in self-medication. Remember that not all drops can be used by young children, so carefully read the instructions or choose the appropriate analogue.
Also, read about children's drops from conjunctivitis, and why there is strabismus in children.