Heartburn in pregnant women in the second trimester

  • Main causes of
  • Recommendations for the elimination of heartburn
  • Unloading days for pregnant women
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Burning sensation in the chest, sour taste in the mouth, belching - these unpleasant occurrences are familiar to almost every future mother. And in most cases, they begin to show up in the second trimester of pregnancy, when it seems that the early toxicoses end and the woman should feel better. But it is 4-6 months( 2 trimester) characterized by the formation of heartburn, intermittent or persistent, sometimes greatly exhausting the pregnant woman.

The main causes of

During the gestation of a child, the female body is completely reconstructed so that this process proceeds safely. In the enlarged uterus, the blood network branches, the heart begins to "distill" more and more blood, the liver clears the body of toxins, the kidneys in time remove all harmful substances so that they do not affect the fetus. But the biggest changes are hormonal balance. It shifts in a certain direction, with the predominance of a number of hormones that regulate the safe passage of pregnancy.

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One such hormonal substance is progesterone. Its main function is to normalize and even relax the tone of the uterus, thereby ensuring that there is no natural threat of interruption of gestation and miscarriage. In the second trimester, the level of the hormone is highest, then its amount in the blood gradually decreases and in the third trimester it practically reduces to zero.

But the relaxing effect of progesterone is not strictly selective. It acts not only on the musculature of the uterus, but also on all other organs where there are smooth muscle fibers. In particular, on the stomach, intestines, esophagus. Due to progesterone, motor and intestinal motility slows down, food masses can stagnate in these organs and are poorly digested, women often form constipation. Frequent is the phenomenon of heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester, which is explained by a change in the state of the gastroesophageal( cardiac) sphincter.

With severe heartburn, it is better to consult with doctor

. In a normal state, this structure, which is circular muscles, relaxes and opens only in order to "skip" a portion of food from the esophagus into the stomach. There is no reverse course for it, except for some cases when, for example, with excessive physical exertion, intra-abdominal pressure begins to exceed the strength of the physiological tone of the cardiac sphincter.

In pregnancy, when progesterone significantly reduces this tone, the possibilities for re-casting gastric contents into the esophagus become much greater. And the food masses, having been in the stomach, mix with gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid, and acquire an acid reaction. The mucous membrane of the esophagus does not have physiological protection from acid, so such "acid" food masses affect it very aggressively.

In addition to the appearance of a woman feeling of severe heartburn, sometimes throughout the esophagus, there may be nausea, soreness, sour taste, sour eructation. If the mass transfer from the stomach into the esophagus is provoked by many factors and occurs frequently, the irritated mucosa does not have time to recover, and its damaged areas begin to become inflamed, with subsequent adverse events.

Gastro-esophageal reflux, namely the so-called casting of food masses into the esophagus from the stomach, becomes the main mechanism for the formation of a sensation of heartburn.

In the second third of pregnancy, an increase in the level of progesterone leads to it, this factor is the leading one. But there are other reasons, which, rather, provoke a reflux in a pregnant woman. They are as follows:

  • increase in the size of the uterus, which gradually begins to push the stomach up to the diaphragm and push aside the intestinal loops, which inevitably affects the peristalsis;
  • increased appetite and, as a result, frequent overeating. Excessive amounts of food in the stomach, even light dairy or vegetable dishes, will necessarily cause gastroesophageal reflux and a feeling of severe heartburn;
  • preference for a woman of heavy, fatty, sharp, smoked dishes that stay in the stomach for a long time, provoking reflux;
  • increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which occurs even with little physical exertion;
  • frequent inclinations, propensity to lie down right after eating, which, with reduced tone of the cardiac sphincter, leads to a natural "leakage" of gastric masses into the esophagus;
  • too tight clothes and underwear, the habit of pulling the belly with a bandage, which increases intra-abdominal pressure.

The habit of lying down right after eating should be eliminated

All of the above causes and the triggers of heartburn can be called physiological, or natural. Many of them can be quickly eliminated, refusing, for example, the habit of overeating or lying down after eating. But there are other causes of heartburn, which are pathological in nature. These are various diseases, which, unfortunately, often occur in pregnant women. Gastritis, ulcerous lesions of the stomach and intestines, cholecystitis, hepatitis, endocrine and neurological pathologies - all of them have developed clinical symptoms, heartburn will be only one of many signs of the disease.

In cases where heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester is really strong and exhausts a woman, disturbing sleep and appetite, you should not try to get rid of it yourself. Medical consultation will be the best solution in this situation.

Recommendations for the elimination of heartburn

Seeking qualified help follows every pregnant woman if she has severe heartburn, which, moreover, is combined with other pathological symptoms( frequent nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, stools, impurities in stoolsmasses).Perhaps, in the second trimester of gestation, some pathology has been manifested, requiring timely diagnosis, or the already existing chronic disease has become aggravated.

In such situations, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive therapy that is effective and sparing for the baby's future. But, in addition to the mandatory medical measures of a medicamentous nature, the patient will be given a list of recommendations for reducing the manifestations of dyspeptic symptoms. They are also relevant for all pregnant women, regardless of their health status.

Incorrect food provokes heartburn

As a rule, the leading recommendations concern the regime of the day and nutrition, the elimination of certain habits, the normalization of motor activity. For the majority of future mothers who are in the second trimester, they are:

Why the pregnant stomach hurts
  • it is necessary to completely revise its eating habits: to refuse from fatty, fried and spicy food, from marinades, pickles, smoked foods, not to eat directly before bed, notovereat, and it is better to organize a split meal in small volumes;eat in a relaxed atmosphere, not on the run;
  • does not take the horizontal position immediately after eating;
  • drinks consumed in about half an hour after meals, the total daily amount of liquid is 2 liters, you can drink between meals;
  • completely abandon carbonated drinks;
  • preference to give products with fiber( vegetables, fruits, non-acid berries), which accelerate the movement of food through the stomach and intestines;
  • to refuse sweets, chocolate, buttery flour products;
  • daily perform a complex of simple gymnastic exercises, which normalizes the peristalsis of the digestive tract;
  • to avoid heavy physical exertion, resulting in increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and gastro-esophagic reflux;
  • not to wear tight clothes and tight clothes;
  • sleep on a higher cushion, which will reduce the likelihood of reflux;
  • daily walk in the fresh air.

These recommendations are highly effective. However, sometimes a woman needs medication. With medical approval, she can use antacid drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach( Almagel, Rennie, Fosfalugel), sorbents( Smecta, activated charcoal), hydrochloric acid blockers( Ranitidine).

Unloading days for pregnant women

Many doctors recommend at least once a week to arrange unloading days, while ensuring that on all other days the food is adequate and full. No diets during pregnancy are allowed, the diet should be varied, with a normal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. But rare unloading days do not harm the condition of women and children, they, on the contrary, normalize the state of the stomach, intestines and other internal organs, and also serve to prevent the appearance of extra pounds.

Green apples

are suitable for unloading. Naturally, only the specialist is engaged in the assignment of unloading days. Especially he will insist on this if the woman is already overweight, or she is not able to give up carbohydrates or restrict them( pasta, potatoes, buns, sweets).

A fractional approach to power supply remains relevant even on unloading days. The liquid is consumed half an hour after eating, as well as small portions between meals. As a rule, the main food product on such a day becomes kefir or apples, if the state of health of a woman does not have to this contraindication.

For kefir fasting day 1.5 liters of kefir is required for a low percentage of fat content. This amount is divided into 5-7 one-time use, between which you can drink half a cup of ordinary water. However, not all pregnant women can drink only kefir all day long. In such cases, it remains the leading food product, but you can also eat 150-200 grams of boiled chicken or veal, 2-3 fruits, and 100 grams of cottage cheese per day.

For apple fasting day you need 1.5 kg of apples, better than green ones. You also need to drink water and freshly squeezed juices, and between apples - to use 100 grams.cottage cheese and 2-3 pieces of fresh or boiled vegetables.

Ways to eliminate heartburn during pregnancy are many. It is important to be able to use them, and then the waiting time for the baby will be easy and not burdensome.

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