Uvch therapy: indications and contraindications


  • 1Uvch therapy: what is it, indications and contraindications, decoding, mechanism of action
    • 1.1Principle of operation of the apparatus
    • 1.2When are UHF procedures shown?
    • 1.3Mechanism of action in various diseases
    • 1.4How is the procedure performed?
    • 1.5Explanation of results
    • 1.6Side effects
    • 1.7Contraindications
  • 2Treatment with ultraviolet therapy - UHF
    • 2.1What is UHF
    • 2.2Mechanism of treatment
    • 2.3Equipment for the procedure
    • 2.4How is the procedure performed
    • 2.5How often can I do
    • 2.6Indications for UHF therapy
    • 2.7Contraindications
    • 2.8Side effects of UHF apparatus
    • 2.9Safety rules and special instructions
    • 2.10Can I do at a temperature
  • 3UHF procedure: what is it, indications and contraindications to the procedure, the use of UHF apparatus
    • 3.1What is the UHF device?
    • 3.2Indications and contraindications
    • 3.3Application in ENT practice
    • 3.4Adverse effects of therapy with the device
  • 4Uvch - what is it? Recommendations, contraindications
    • 4.1What it is
    • 4.2How is the procedure performed
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Therapeutic effect of the procedure
    • 4.4When UHF is applied
    • 4.5Contraindications for use
    • 4.6Features of UHF application
  • 5What are the characteristics of UHF therapy and do they have contraindications?
    • 5.1The essence of therapy and the specifics of equipment
    • 5.2Features of the procedure
    • 5.3Who is shown, and who is contraindicated for UHF sessions?

Uvch therapy: what is it, indications and contraindications, decoding, mechanism of action

UHF-therapy (or ultra-high-frequency) is a kind of influence on the body, in which electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency is used.

The effect of UHF is the so-called heat treatment, which penetrates tissues and organs.

It is necessary to consider his testimony and prohibitions, the main ways of conducting.

Principle of operation of the apparatus

The electromagnetic apparatus emits rays having such an effect on the human body as:

  1. change in the cellular structure at the physical and biochemical level;
  2. heating tissues, since the rays of high frequency are gradually converted into thermal radiation.

The device for UHF has the following components:

  • a generator that generates high frequency radiation, active against most body tissues;
  • electrodes (they have special plates and play the role of conductor);
  • Inductors (these devices are responsible for the production of a specially tuned magnetic field);
  • emitters of electromagnetic waves.

For stationary exposure, these types of apparatus are used:

  1. "UHF-300
  2. "Screen-2
  3. Impulse-2;
  4. "Impulse-3".

UHF therapy can also be performed using portable devices. The most commonly used are:

  • "UHF-30
  • "UHF-66
  • "UHF-80-04".

Apparatus for ultra-high-frequency therapy differ in power. So, small indicators (up to 30 W) have UHF-5 and their analogs, UHF-30 and similar.

The average power (up to 80 watts) is developed by such devices as the UHF-66 or 50 type device "Ustye" and "Undaterm". High power, that is, more than 80 watts, are equipped with the Ekran-2, UHF-300 and other devices.

Today, and use a variety of devices that can work in pulse mode. The mechanism of action of all such devices is similar.

When are UHF procedures shown?

Before the appointment of such treatment, various factors are taken into account:

  1. age (as a rule, the duration of warming is proportionally reduced for children);
  2. course of pathology;
  3. general health of the patient;
  4. presence of concomitant diseases (during some of them there may be contraindications).

UHF is often prescribed for inflammatory processes in the body. This is especially true for acute lesions.

During such ailments, blood cells and infiltration accumulate in a sore spot.

Under the influence of high-frequency inflammation, it dissolves more quickly, causing inflammation to pass faster.

It is possible to use the device UHF-66 or another and with purulent processes.

However, in this case, the use of UHF is justified and permissible only when there is a channel for the flow of infiltration.

So this indication does not mean that the patient will necessarily carry out similar therapy. The general indications for physiological treatment are the following:

  • pathology of the upper respiratory tract;
  • ENT diseases;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • digestive pathologies;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive system;
  • dermatological pathological processes;
  • various disorders of the central nervous system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • eye diseases, especially of infectious and inflammatory genesis;
  • dental diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Mechanism of action in various diseases

Depending on when the physiotherapy of UHF is prescribed, its effect on the human body is different:

  1. In the pathology of the respiratory system, high-frequency radiation leads to a rapid inhibition of the activity of pathogenic bacteria. UHF-therapy apparatus has an immuno-reducing effect on the human body, it kills a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, good conditions are created for the healing of diseased parts of these organs.
  2. With hypertension and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, this device improves the central and peripheral blood circulation. Significantly increases the contractile activity of the heart muscle. Improvement of the vascular tone, in turn, helps to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. The choice of UHF therapy in the treatment of the digestive system is explained by the fact that it promotes the strengthening of immunity and tissue activity. Physiotherapy has a pronounced analgesic effect. That is why it is often prescribed for acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the small or large intestine. Under the influence of high-frequency radiation healing of ulcers and other pathologically altered sites occurs. Accordingly, all inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are easier, and recovery occurs much faster.
  4. UHF treatment is also used for inflammatory conditions in the genitourinary system. Improves the blood supply to the affected organs of the body, reduces swelling and inflammation.
  5. UHF prevents the development of processes of purulent damage to the skin and mucous membranes. This is especially true in cases where the inflammatory process is in an acute purulent phase. Because of the pronounced bactericidal effect, the effectiveness of the negative phenomenon decreases. Stimulated and protective function of the skin, because of which the inflammatory process passes very quickly.
  6. Ultra-high background of electromagnetic radiation is also used for the therapy of basic nervous pathologies. UHF inhibits the processes in the central nervous system, leading to the emergence of pain syndromes. Due to a significant improvement in the circulatory processes, the nerve tissue is more quickly restored and the recovery period is thus greatly accelerated. Because of this, in some clinics the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other similar pathologies with the help of UHF devices is the main one.
  7. It is proved that high frequency of UHF improves metabolic processes in the shells of the eye. Thus, it is possible to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the membranes of the organs of vision and significantly improve their functionality. Some patients note that after UHF their eyesight improves. This can be explained by the fact that the intensity of metabolic processes in the shells of the eye increases, blood circulation improves.

To clarify the need for UHF, a doctor may need to decipher some of the examinations (for example, ultrasound, MRI, etc.).

How is the procedure performed?

To conduct the procedure, use wooden furniture. Usually the patient sits or lies, depending on where the affected area of ​​the body is located.

Some patients think that such a survey is associated with the removal of clothing. This is not true: a person does not need to undress at all.

UHF radiation can penetrate even through bandages.

The doctor chooses the most convenient and necessary electrodes for the patient (their size is different, depending on the size of the diseased part of the body).

Plates are fixed in the holder and wiped with a solution of ethanol. After that, they can be brought to the affected area.

Electrodes can be installed in a transverse and longitudinal arrangement.

With a transverse installation method, they are located opposite each other. One plate is on the sick site, and the second is on the opposite side.

The device for UHF propagates electromagnetic radiation throughout the body.

It is necessary to maintain a minimum distance between the electrode and the human body (no more than 2 cm).

With the longitudinal method of installation, the elements are placed only on the affected area. Such use is preferably provided that a small part of the body is damaged.

With the longitudinal installation scheme, electromagnetic waves penetrate to insignificant depths. And the closer the electrode plate is to the skin, the stronger the thermal effect.

Directly on the skin can not install the electrode, because in this case, you can provoke a severe burn.

The doctor must adjust the device, supplying the required amount of electromagnetic radiation. For this there is a scale that puts out power in watts. There are 3 types of UHF dosage:

  • athermic (less than 40 W) - has mainly anti-inflammatory effect;
  • oligothermic (less than 100 W) - improves cellular metabolism, nutrition of organs and tissues with blood;
  • thermal (over 100 W) - is rarely used, because it has some contraindications.

Explanation of results

Depending on the dosage chosen, in the human body such changes can occur:

  1. increases the phagocytic activity of white blood cells, they begin to fight the pathogens of dangerous diseases;
  2. the degree of activity of exudation decreases, that is, the penetration of effusion into tissues due to a decrease in the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  3. fibroblasts are activated (they are responsible for the formation of connective tissue in the body);
  4. the permeability of the capillary walls increases;
  5. metabolic processes in all tissues and organs are stimulated.

The scheme of using UHF-treatment, in most cases, is standard. The duration of the procedures does not exceed 15 minutes (and sometimes less).

Warm-up will be effective if it is done every day (or every other day). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Term of therapy will be individual in each case.

Side effects

In some cases, UHF treatment may be associated with certain side effects in the body. These include the following:

  • Skin burns are caused mainly by the fact that the doctor used moist pads during the procedure. The same happens if the electrodes are in contact with the skin.
  • If EHF is used before surgery, the risk of bleeding increases substantially. Increased bleeding may occur in tissues directly irradiated with high-frequency waves.
  • Scars appear from the fact that high-frequency rays stimulate the development of connective tissue. In some cases, such as after cavitary operations, such treatment is not recommended.
  • In rare cases, tissue damage can occur with electric current. Often this happens if the patient does not follow the safety rules and comes into contact with the bare wires of the apparatus.


In some cases for the treatment with UHF there are contraindications, in particular such as:

  1. Severe coagulation disorders.
  2. Hypertension of the 3rd stage.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. The state of fever.
  5. Built-in pacemaker. In this case, the presence of high-frequency irradiation can contribute to its failure and the death of the patient.
  6. Acute stage of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, persistent or decompensated form of angina pectoris.
  7. Occlusion of veins.
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The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy.

Relative prohibitions on the conduct of UHF are:

  • presence of benign neoplasms in the body;
  • increased thyroid activity;
  • the presence of removable metal prosthetic teeth.

Sex, age of the patient with this value do not have. Children can decrease the intensity of irradiation and the time of the procedure.

So, the therapy with high-frequency irradiation is shown with a considerable number of diseases. In most cases, such treatment brings good results.

However, when passing through all procedures, it is necessary to observe safety rules, since high-frequency radiation can be harmful.

Sometimes it is completely contraindicated because of the presence of acute and chronic pathological conditions in the body.

A source: http://pneumonija.ru/treatment/physiotherapy/uvch-terapiya.html

Treatment with ultraviolet therapy - UHF

For a full and most effective treatment of various pathological processes affecting the human body, a comprehensive approach is needed. One of the ways to fight diseases is physiotherapy, which includes several separate techniques.

One of the most common and effective methods in physiotherapy is UHF therapy. Many doctors are resorting to this method of fighting diseases.

What is UHF

The abbreviation UHF stands for ultrahigh-frequency therapy. This is one of the methods of physiotherapeutic influence on the human in order to fight diseases.

Physiotherapy involves the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields, which freely penetrate solid matter, affecting the tissues of the body.

If we reject complex terminology, the methodology is based on thermal action.

Due to the influence of the electromagnetic field, which emits the equipment, not only tissues, but even internal organs are affected.

The main advantage of UHF procedure is complete painlessness. At the same time, the use of electromagnetic waves is appropriate in any part of the body and even with such pathologies as fresh fractures or active inflammations, no matter how deep they are.

Mechanism of treatment

To understand the full effectiveness of UHF treatment, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the effect of this type of physiotherapy on the body.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that physicians distinguish two main effects of the mechanism of action:

  1. Thermal - in this case, due to the high frequency of electromagnetic oscillations, heat is produced. There is a warming up of internal tissues of various types (soft, cartilaginous and bony, mucous membranes, etc.), organs, even vessels are affected. The therapeutic effect consists in the transformation of particles of the electromagnetic field into thermal energy.
  2. Oscillatory - the mechanism of physiotherapy involves a physico-chemical, as well as a molecular change. All formations are of a biological nature, the effect occurs at the cellular level.

The human body is capable of transmitting and even generating an electric current, and there are two other types of influence of UHF on the body. As soon as the electromagnetic field generated by the apparatus affects the body, two more effects are observed:

  • Ohmic losses - the process occurs in tissues and biological substances of the body with a high current conductivity. This is urine, blood, lymph and other tissues provided by increased blood circulation. Due to high fluctuations of the electromagnetic field particles, a conductivity current appears in the mentioned biological structures. At the same time, these molecular vibrations occur in a viscous medium, where, because of the increased resistance, the surplus produced energy is absorbed. It is the absorption process that is called ohmic losses, while heat is generated in the structures.
  • Dielectric losses - now the effect is on other types of tissue structures, fat, connective, nerve and bone (they are called dielectrics). Under the influence of the electromagnetic field in these tissues dipoles are formed. They have the property of changing their polarity depending on the frequency of oscillations created by the UHF apparatus. Due to the oscillation of the dipoles in these fabric structures, a bias current is generated. In this case, the action also occurs in a viscous medium, but now the absorption is called dielectric.

The described mechanism of complex impact seems complicated. In fact, you need to understand that all the fluctuations have an effect on the molecular level. Thanks to this, there is an improvement in blood circulation and healing of the affected tissues, metabolic processes are activated, etc.

Equipment for the procedure

Apparatus for UHF therapy is a special mechanism, consisting of several parts. The device is as follows:

  1. A generator that generates electromagnetic waves of high frequency.
  2. Electrodes - they act as an electronic conductor.
  3. Inductor - creates a stream of magnetic particles.
  4. Emitter.

It is important to know that all devices are divided into stationary and portable. Usually the first type can produce much more power, flesh up to 350 watts.

A vivid example of a portable sample device is "UHF 66".

Portable devices are becoming more and more popular due to their versatility, for example, a doctor can conduct the procedure at home.

A feature of modern devices is the ability to work in two modes:

  • Continuous impact.
  • Pulse action - the duration of each pulse varies from 2 to 8 seconds.

In addition, depending on what part of the body UHF-therapy is used, a certain power is set on the device. For example, if you need to work on the neck, throat or face area, the power does not exceed 40 watts, the minimum threshold is 20 watts.

If the pelvic organs are treated, the power is set in the range of 70 to 100 watts.

If you purchase a UHF device for your home for self-use, about the methods of using it and the required power, consult your doctor.

And also specify where the electrode plates are fixed depending on the nature of the pathological process.

How is the procedure performed

Despite the possibility of conducting UHF procedures at home, it is still recommended to undergo treatment with a doctor.

As for the procedure for the UHF procedure, the course of treatment is conducted in the department of therapy. During the session, the patient lays down or sits down on the couch, while undressing is not necessary.

The procedure for the procedure depends on the localization of the pathology and extent of the lesion. Electrode plates are made of metal covered with insulating material, or soft, their area can reach 600 centimeters.

The principle of procedures is divided into 2 types:

  1. Transverse installation - the first electrode is placed in the area of ​​the affected area, the second is placed in the opposite direction. For example, if you need treatment in the chest area, 1 electrode is placed on the chest, 2 on the back. This method allows to achieve maximum effect, since the electromagnetic field permeates the body completely.
  2. Longitudinal installation - the electrodes are applied only to the area of ​​the affected area. For the treatment of external otitis, the plate is placed in the ear so that the distance to the skin does not exceed 1 centimeter. Longitudinal method is better used for the treatment of superficial diseases, since in this case the waves penetrate shallowly.

Once the electrodes are installed, the apparatus is set to the desired power, the procedure is carried out in this range for 10-15 minutes.

The treatment time (duration of the course) depends on the type and nature of the disease, the degree of its progression, as well as some individual factors.

How often can I do

Strict restrictions in terms of how often you can do the procedure, no. Usually they are carried out every day or every other day.

Indications for UHF therapy

The method of treatment with ultra-high-frequency therapy is widely used and applies for a huge number of diverse pathologies.

The need for UHF, the particular settings of the device and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. It all depends on the type, nature, degree of development of the disease, age, general condition of the patient, etc.

The crucial role is played by diagnostic methods and symptoms when diagnosed.

UHF therapy readings are as follows:

  • At fractures of bones and joints, bruises, stretches of burns, traumas and other physical injuries. This includes diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation in the muscles, joint diseases, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and others.
  • Pathological processes of ENT organs, sinus sinuses, sinusitis, UHF are used for sinusitis and other similar diseases. In such cases, the electrodes are placed in the region of the nose, using the longitudinal method of installation.
  • The method of treatment with UHF therapy should be used for diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc. The same method is used to treat severe forms of viral and bacterial infections, including in children.
  • Diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Among the pathological processes of this type are vascular insufficiency, varicose veins, circulatory problems in the brain area.
  • With the help of UHF, the chance of successful treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is much higher. In consideration take defeat of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and secretory glands. If we talk about specific diseases, these are ulcer states, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis and the like.
  • Ultrafrequency therapy is an excellent way to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. This method is included in the complex of therapeutic procedures for prostatitis, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis.
  • UHF is widely used in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Thanks to the electromagnetic field, nerve impulses are restored, various forms of neuralgia, headaches, migraines, and so on are treated.
  • Doctors achieve good results in the therapy of skin pathologies. Through the influence of electromagnetic fields everything is treated - from ordinary burns, to abscesses and trophic ulcers.

This list can be continued, because UHF is also used in dentistry, eye treatment, as a recovery therapy after surgical interventions. The electromagnetic field helps to reduce inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes throughout the body, and so on.


Despite the benefits of this method of physiotherapy, there are situations when UHF can not be used. Let's consider, at what pathologies contra-indications come into force:

  1. Cardiovascular failure, myocardial infarction and ischemic heart disease.
  2. Hypertension of the third degree.
  3. Oncology, especially malignant tumors.
  4. Clotting problems, thrombosis.
  5. Metal components in the body larger than 2 cm (prosthesis, implants).
  6. A strong rise in body temperature, flesh to fever.
  7. You can not use UHF during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Side effects of UHF apparatus

Apparatus UHF therapy, despite the high level of safety for the human body can still leave some side effects:

  • A burn on the skin is a rare case, permissible only with negligence. It can occur if the electrode plate about the time of the procedure was wet or if the integrity of the insulation material was violated.
  • Scar - the effect of ultra-high-frequency rays stimulates the growth of connective tissue, the presence of which in the body is due to the inflammatory process. This means that if there is a risk of scarring, which is detected through a diagnosis, UHF is not prescribed.
  • Bleeding - only the factor of applying UHF to the operation is taken into account. Physiotherapy before surgical intervention leads to the fact that the blood on the surgical table will stop more difficult.
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Of course, the harm of UHF also affects cases when this method of treatment is used in the presence of previously described contraindications.

Safety rules and special instructions

Responsibility for the observance of safety rules rests with the physician who is engaged in treatment. But just in case the patient will also be useful to know these rules:

  1. Procedures are always conducted in specially equipped offices, where screened barriers are created.
  2. The patient should be at a safe distance from the device. This means that for the time being it is important to exclude a person from contacting any metal objects and electrical wires of the device.
  3. Before using the UHF product, the physician must check the integrity of all wires (power, electrodes, etc.). If faults are found, damage to the insulation layer on wires or electrodes, the procedure is impossible.
  4. Particular caution is required in the treatment of pneumonia and other severe inflammatory processes, since they are accompanied by connective tissue formations. The duration of the procedure in such cases is reduced.
  5. In those cases when metal implants are smaller than 2 centimeters in the human body, UHF is applied only for 5-10 minutes.

Can I do at a temperature

High temperature is a contraindication for the use of ultra-high-frequency therapy. However, at subfebrile body temperature, you can do the procedure, but first, tell the doctor about it.

A source: https://MoiPozvonochnik.ru/otdely-pozvonochnika/pozvonochnik/uvch-terapiya

UHF procedure: what is it, indications and contraindications to the procedure, the use of UHF apparatus

Complex therapy of various diseases of ENT organs includes the carrying out of physiotherapeutic procedures.

One such method isUHF treatment with ultrahigh-frequency waves, which has been used for several decades by doctors to strengthen the effect of medicines and accelerate the recovery of the patient.

The procedure is indicated for many diseases and is performed in a special roomas prescribed by the doctor.

Theoretically, it can be carried out at home with the appropriate apparatus, but in practice this can be dangerous, so doctors do not recommend doing it yourself.

Thanks to UHF therapyblood circulation improvesanddecreases the inflammatory process in the diseased organwithout the administration of drugs and heating.

What is the UHF device?

Thanks to stationary devices and specialist's help, UHF therapy is considered safer than at home.

But not all patients imagine how this procedure is carried out.

What is UHF? By deciphering this abbreviation, one can understand that this is the effect of the ultrahigh-frequency current.

Incorrect application of the device makes the procedure dangerous, because it uses a high current generator frequency, from which two capacitor plates flow through which the organs and tissues are affected patient. Under the influence of current in these plates, the ions oscillate, creating a thermal effect. That is why many patients such a procedure is called warming up.

How is UHF therapy performed? The patient takes a comfortable sitting or lying position. Plates of the apparatus are placed from his body1-2 centimeters. To do this, use a dry cotton cloth.

This clearance is necessary to prevent the occurrence of burns. Insulating material is used to cover the plates.

Their position may be longitudinal or transverse, depending on the location of the procedure or disease.

In places like limbs, the plates are placed opposite each other, between which is the patient's body.

This makes the effect of frequencies more effective, which is important if the foci of inflammation are located quite deep.

If you need to work on areas that are located close to the surface of the body, then put the plate lengthwise.

The current must also be selected correctly.

In inflammatory processes, it should be low, and to accelerate the regeneration of tissues, on the contrary, more pronounced heat formation is required.

UHF-therapy lasts from 5 to 15 minutes and it depends on the age of the patient and the disease. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor and can range from 10 to 15.

Indications and contraindications

UHF-therapyactivates the body's immune forcesand restores damaged tissue at the cellular level. Electromagnetic waves are effective in the inflammatory process of any localization. This procedure is prescribed both at the onset of the disease and at its final stage.

Most Frequentindications for UHF therapy:

  • myalgia, neuralgia, arthritis, myositis, sciatica, osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of female genital organs, climacteric syndrome;
  • gastritis, intestinal spasms, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation, varicose veins, vasospasms, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases: trophic ulcers, suppuration of wounds, furunculosis, panaricium;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • suppurative inflammatory processes;
  • with the complex therapy of tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore throat, viral and catarrhal diseases;
  • conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media;
  • bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

Indications for such a procedure are also fractures, sprains, dislocations.

But UHF-therapy can have contraindications. They include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. heart failure and acute myocardial infarction;
  4. low blood pressure;
  5. thyrotoxicosis;
  6. blood diseases, tendency to bleeding;
  7. myoma, mastopathy, oncological neoplasms.

In addition, if the patient has metal implants in the body, for example, pacemakers or crowns, this should be warned by doctors, because this can be a contraindication to procedures.

Application in ENT practice

Such diseases as frontal and sinusitis often require the appointment of UHF therapy. This procedure is carried out in a complex manner with drug treatment.

Apparatus for UHF therapy providesthe following actions:

  • expands capillaries, improves lymph flow and circulation;
  • reduces the release of fluid in the focus of inflammation;
  • improves the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, which increases the absorption of drugs;
  • the phagocytic activity increases, and the defensive apparatus begins to fight infection more effectively.

Before the procedure, the nasal passages are cleaned of mucus. If there is evidence, then instill vasoconstrictors. Treatment with UHF apparatus is performed only in case of a good outflow of pus and mucus from the sinuses.

For carrying out the procedure, a stationary device of imported or domestic production (such as "Impulse" or "Screen") is used. For bed patients use a portable device UHF-30 or UHF-66.

The classical apparatus consists of a generator, radiators, inductors, condenser plates.

Adverse effects of therapy with the device

Unwanted reactions from the procedure can be avoided if the doctor takes into account all indications and contraindications, and also correctly selects and adjusts the device for a particular patient. Otherwise, the following side effects may occur:

  1. burns- if accidentally touch the metal plate during the procedure;
  2. bleeding- arises from the expansion of blood vessels or the heating of tissues, therefore, contraindications are necessarily taken into account;
  3. scar formation- occurs as a result of the development of connective tissue, which begins to limit the focus of inflammation and prevents the spread of infection;
  4. electric shock- as a result of non-compliance with security measures.

Thus, UHF-therapy helps to cope with various diseases in a short time, but, that the procedure will be used correctly taking into account indications and contraindications for each specific patient. The effect of the procedure comes fairly quickly.

A source: https://lor.guru/procedury/chto-takoe-procedura-uvch-ee-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya.html

Uvch - what is it? Recommendations, contraindications

One of the most effective therapies for many diseases is physiotherapy. Especially often, such procedures are required for inflammation and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And for several decades doctors have been using in the treatment of UHF.

What is it? - interested in patients who are assigned this fizioprotsedura. Its meaning is that the tissues and organs of the patient are affected by high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. As a result, blood circulation is improved and inflammatory processes are reduced.

Therefore, for many diseases, UHF is prescribed.

What it is

At home, it is now possible to conduct such a procedure. But stationary devices and specialist help make it safer. After all, not all patients imagine the technique of conducting procedures with UHF.

What it is? The interpretation of this abbreviation helps to understand what is the effect of the ultrahigh-frequency current. And with incorrect application, the procedure can be dangerous. It is carried out with the help of a high-frequency current generator.

It leaves two condenser plates through which the effect is transferred to the tissues and organs of the patient. In them under the influence of current there is a vibration of ions and a thermal effect is created. Therefore, many patients call this procedure simply a warm-up.

But before going to the physiotherapy room, it is worthwhile to find out: UHF - what is it? The photo will help to imagine what awaits the patient.

How is the procedure performed

The patient should sit or lie in a comfortable position. Plates of the device are located at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from his body. This is achieved with the help of cotton fabrics, which must necessarily be dry.

The gap is needed to prevent burns. In addition, the plates are covered with insulating material. Depending on the disease or the location of the procedure, their position may be transverse or longitudinal.

In some places, for example, on the limbs, the plates are opposite each other, and between them is the patient's body. So the impact of ultra-high frequencies will be more effective. This is necessary for a deep location of the inflammation focus.

If the effect is required on the areas located close to the surface of the body, the plates are placed longitudinally. In this case, the distance between them should not be less than their diameter. Choose the current you need.

For example, inflammation should be low so that heat is not felt, and to accelerate tissue regeneration, conversely, heat generation should be more pronounced.

UHF procedures last usually from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the disease and age of the patient. And the number of them determines the doctor, usually enough 10-15.

Therapeutic effect of the procedure

For several decades, many chronic diseases and diseases at the stage of recovery are treated with UHF.

What is it, is known not only by those who often have otitis, bronchitis or suffers from sinusitis.

This procedure is applied in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Under the influence of ultrahigh frequencies in the body there are such processes:

- the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases;

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- the number of leukocytes increases and their effect is increased;

- blood circulation improves;

- the immunity is activated and the protective functions of the organism are increased;

- the capillaries widen and the tone of the vessels decreases;

- improves metabolism and stimulates motor function of the intestine;

- cramps of smooth muscles are removed;

- the outflow of mucus is improved at a genyantritis or a bronchitis;

- swellings and inflammation decrease;

- Pain decreases;

- the person relaxes, calms down.

When UHF is applied

What is it, many patients have known since childhood. This effect is effective for such diseases:

- bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

Otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis;

- with complex treatment of cold and viral diseases, sore throat, laryngitis or tonsillitis;

- various purulent inflammatory processes;

- vegetative vascular dystonia;

- Skin diseases: panaritium, furunculosis, suppuration of wounds and trophic ulcers;

- with thrombophlebitis, spasms of vessels, varicose veins and cerebral circulation;

- cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal spasms, gastritis and even viral hepatitis;

- with diseases of female genital organs, climacteric syndrome;

- osteochondrosis, radiculitis, myositis, arthritis, neuralgia and myalgia;

- most patients of trauma departments know what UHF is. With a fracture, stretching or dislocation, the procedure helps to quickly repair tissues and prevent complications.

Contraindications for use

Not everyone can use UHF. Like any other physiotherapeutic procedures, they are contraindicated in certain diseases:

- Oncological neoplasms, mastopathy or myome;

- propensity to bleeding, blood diseases;

- thyrotoxicosis;

- lowered arterial pressure;

Acute infarction and heart failure;

- elevated temperature;

- during pregnancy.

In addition, if there are metal implants in the patient's body, for example, crowns or pacemakers, you need to alert the medical staff, perhaps this will also become a contraindication to conducting UHF. Therefore, this, like all other physiotherapeutic procedures, should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

Features of UHF application

- The patient during the procedure should be away from the metal objects and do not touch the instrument.

- It is necessary to properly adjust the device and make sure that the wires do not touch each other or the patient. After all, in this case, the resonance is broken.

- When treating children, you need to use the lowest current and correctly dose the procedure.

- It is necessary to accurately dose the force of impact. For example, with purulent inflammatory diseases, only light heat should be felt.

- It is necessary to carefully study the rules of using the UHF apparatus at home. What it is, not all buyers represent, and the consequences of such use may be burns or electric shock.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/209467/undefined

What are the characteristics of UHF therapy and do they have contraindications?

Description: UHF-therapy - treatment of heat generated by ultrahigh electromagnetic frequencies.

This method is especially effective in inflammation, since it helps to limit its focus.

The procedure is performed by means of a stationary or portable UHF apparatus, using a longitudinal or transverse method of attaching electrodes.

The method of UHF (ultrahigh-frequency therapy) is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment, in which an ultrahigh electromagnetic pulse is used.

Such physiotherapy is in some way a treatment of heat, which by means of special equipment penetrates into the tissues, organs of man.

The essence of therapy and the specifics of equipment

By the way, such physiotherapy began to be applied in 1929 in Germany. The discovery of this method was preceded by people's complaints that they worked on radio stations and vowed that they felt some influence of radio waves. It should be noted that the ultrahigh frequency of the electromagnetic field of UHF helps:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • reduction of soreness;
  • rapid healing of wounds, fractures;
  • stimulation of central, peripheral blood flow.

In addition, UHF-therapy has a pronounced oscillatory effect, which has changes in the structure of cells on the physicochemical, molecular level, and also by the thermal effect. The latter is reduced to heating the body tissues by converting the ultrahigh frequencies of the electromagnetic field into heat energy (but this is not a lamp).

The UHF apparatus has such components as a high-frequency generator (producing ultrahigh-frequency energy), electrodes, represented by capacitor plates, inductors, whose task is the creation of a magnetic flux, and emitters. This device is 2 types - stationary (installed on the floor on a permanent basis) and portable. As a rule, those and other models are produced by domestic as well as foreign manufacturers.

They can use such ranges of electromagnetic oscillations - 4, 8 MHz (they are based on domestic devices, as well as models produced in the CIS) and 2, 2 MHz (used in Western countries). In addition, such oscillation is continuous, when a permanent effect on the pathological zone is carried out, and pulsed, assuming a series of pulses with a duration of 2-8 milliseconds.

Features of the procedure

In the process of UHF therapy, furniture made of wood is used. During the session, a person often stays in a sitting or lying position, which is largely due to the location of the affected area, as well as from its general condition.

To begin the session, you do not need to take off your clothes, since the radiation produced by UHF is able to pass not only through clothing, but even through gypsum.

Once a person has occupied a position convenient for him, they begin to prepare the condenser plates.

First, the selection of suitable plates (taking into account the size of the affected area), then they are installed in the fasteners, and then after alcohol treatment is directed to the problem area.

It is worth noting: there are 2 ways of imposing electrodes - transverse and longitudinal.

In the first case, they are placed opposite: 1 the plate is directed to the pathological area, and 2 is attached to the other side.

Such their position contributes to the fact that the fields cover the entire human body, thereby guaranteeing a common action. However, the space from the body to the electrode must necessarily be at least 2 cm.

The longitudinal method is distinguished by the fact that the electrodes are located exclusively at the affected area. This technique is acceptable for the treatment of superficial diseases, since in this case the fields do not penetrate so deeply.

Applying this method, the electrodes are placed at a distance of at least 1 cm. It should be emphasized that electrodes with this type of physiotherapy are located at some distance from the body.

The closer the plate is to the affected area, the more intense the radiation of heat (an error in the location of the electrodes can trigger the appearance of burns).

With the installation of plates, the health worker sets the required power of electricity, which provides a certain dosage of UHF. Its installation takes place thanks to a separate regulator located on the management panel.

Based on the diagnosis, prescription of the doctor, different doses of heat are used. It is worth noting: a different dosage of heat from UHF will be associated with certain changes in the body.

So, sometimes there may be an increase in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, an improvement in the patency of the vessels of the vessels, acceleration metabolism, a decrease in the secretion of fluid in the tissues, characteristic of inflammation, and also marked by increased activity fibroblasts.

The peculiarity of UHF is that the technique is used for acute inflammation, recent fractures. Often, such pathologies serve as a contraindication for other physiotherapy procedures.

The duration of the UHF therapy session often fluctuates within 10-15 minutes.

The usual therapeutic course is 5-15 procedures, which are performed every day or every other day.

Who is shown, and who is contraindicated for UHF sessions?

Each doctor who appoints UHF must take into account factors such as the age of the person, his state, course, stage of the disease, background diseases, as well as possible contraindications to procedure.

As already mentioned, UHF is the method, the use of which is possible in the acute phase of the inflammatory process.

With inflammation in the affected area due to the accumulation of blood cells and lymph cells, an inflammatory infiltrate is formed, which, under the action of the apparatus, can resolve.

In the course of the session, the enrichment with calcium ions increases in the zone of action, and this process contributes to the appearance of connective tissue, the surrounding inflammation, and this keeps the infection from further distribution. But it is important to emphasize: this technique of therapy is used only in cases when the ways of flowing pus from the affected area are implicit. Often, UHF is used to treat the following pathologies:

  1. eye diseases;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. Gastrointestinal problems;
  4. diseases of the NS;
  5. dental diseases;
  6. postoperative period;
  7. ailments of the genitourinary system;
  8. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  9. pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  10. diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

However, it is important to remember: the effectiveness of UHF therapy is directly associated with factors such as impact zone, duration of the session, severity, stage of the disease, range of fluctuations, use of other treatment methods, sensitivity to current. One should not forget that this technique also has contraindications. They are relative and absolute. In the first case, the use of therapy is undesirable, in the second case it is strictly forbidden. Relative contraindications relate to patients suffering from hyperthyroidism, benign formations, and also if there are metal objects in the human body not larger than 2 cm.

Absolute contraindications exist for persons suffering from such pathologies:

  • venous thrombosis;
  • conditions of fever;
  • hypotonic disease;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • malignant formations;
  • problems of blood coagulability;
  • Stage III hypertension;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • myocardial infarction, ischemia, persistent angina pectoris.

In addition, UHF therapy is prohibited for pregnant women. In addition to all this, it should be said that this technique is associated with some side effects, which can not be ignored. First, with UHF, the appearance of burns.

Such a trauma is likely due to contact of the skin with the electrodes or if a wet cloth pad was used during the session. Secondly, bleeding is possible. It is possible if UHF-therapy was performed before the operation.

Thirdly, probably the appearance of a scar.

As already mentioned, the effect of UHF is aimed at forming connective tissue for restriction inflammatory process, but in some circumstances there is a risk of scars.

Fourthly, do not forget about the possibility of electric shock. Although this occurs infrequently, however, by violating safety techniques, it is possible to come into contact with exposed parts of the device that are under voltage.

Therefore, it is very important to follow all the prescriptions of the doctor or health care provider in order to come into contact only with the positive moments of UHF therapy.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/illic/physiotherapy/kakovy-osobennosti-uvch-terapii-i-est-li-u-neyo-protivopokazaniya.html