Is it possible to make a child vaccinated against influenza

Each year for the treatment and imaginary prevention of acute viral infectious diseases( ARVI), any of us spend a lot of money. And there is a suggestion that the FLUE does not react to all the spectrum of drugs against the flu offered by pharmacists in pharmacies. The effective recipes against the influenza virus, the hardening procedures at home, are not very effective either, especially when a person is socially active and can not wait out the epidemic at home or in a relatively small population.

Problem with children, because the flu virus often not only causes a serious condition in the child's body, but also leads to the development of complications. Probably the only thing that can help people during the period of influenza activity is active strengthening of immunity. Yes, even against the most common type of virus. Just inoculation from influenza to children gives the most effective specific immunity and 100% protects against viral damage to the body.

Today, we will examine all the reasons for the anti-influenza vaccine and against it, let's see, to whom it helps, whether it needs to be done.

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Than the flu is dangerous: possible complications

What helps to prevent the vaccine for children from the flu?

The influenza virus affects many thousands of people every year. Acute viral infection( ARVI), caused by such a microorganism, not only weakens the immune system, but also causes typical manifestations of viral damage to the body. Especially dangerous is the disease with its complications:

  1. The most frequent and severe complication is pneumonia( pneumonia), which develops due to active bacterial multiplication in a weakened organism affected by the influenza virus.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs( ear, throat and nose).You all know what is inflammation of the nasal sinuses( sinusitis, sinusitis), frontal( frontal), as well as diseases of the middle ear - otitis.
  3. Internal organs often suffer: heart( infectious myocarditis), kidneys( pyelonephritis).
  4. It happens that the cerebral membranes are affected and there is an encephalopathy, arachnoiditis.
  5. With weakened body and malignant course of the disease, lethal outcomes are sometimes observed.

Of course, a greater risk of developing such complications can occur in a child's immature baby in the body due to only emerging immunity.

Do I need a flu shot from a child?

It is vaccination that can enable not only to fully protect yourself from the virus, but also to prevent the development of complications.

Although it is unreasonable to impose an inoculation against influenza, there may be other effective ways to protect against infections, bacteria and viruses. Yes, that's the problem: can you wait out seasonal flu epidemics for a child away from kindergarten, school? If not, the baby can probably catch an infection from his peers.

Which children must be vaccinated against the flu

Indications for the active immunization of the child is the state of his health and the history of illness.

  1. According to the modern calendar in pediatrics it is recommended to vaccinate every baby after six months of age.
  2. In the first place, we vaccinate weakened and often ill children with ORZ.
  3. Children with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and with immunodeficiency( HIV infection) must be vaccinated.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys, endocrine and cardiovascular system, defeat of the hematopoietic organs - if there is the presence of any of their ailments the child is subject to active immunization against the influenza virus.

Do children get a flu shot?

It's not easy to answer, because along with a positive effect on health, of course, there is a likelihood of possible complications. We believe that pediatricians are well aware of their business and will explain to you all the possible pros and cons of vaccination.

Things to know before vaccination

Often people have heard from their friends or friends about negative information about the vaccination procedure. It, certainly, also forms at parents a negative opinion about inoculations.

The response to influenza vaccination in children may be different, very rarely after vaccination is not easy. Few people know that mistakes are not only in a low-quality vaccine, but also in the wrong attitude of parents to immunization.

Unwanted moments can always be discussed with the doctor in advance and hedge.

Often, children who get vaccinated for the first time and children under 3 years of age, are vaccinated in 2 stages at intervals of three to four weeks.

Vaccination should be carried out in the autumn period starting in September. The period of production of specific antibodies against influenza strains may be a month( from 8-12 days to 4 weeks, depending on the type of vaccine).Since with the late introduction of the drug during an active outbreak of the disease( from December to February) caused by the influenza virus, immunity against the pathogen is not yet formed.

Do you need to vaccinate against a child in a kindergarten?

A large collective is a hotbed of infections. Vaccination will be effective if parents instill all children. Thus, the likelihood that a person with a flu who is not vaccinated will infect others about a week after vaccination, when antibodies against the virus have not yet been developed in others, has already decreased severalfold.

Do I get the flu vaccine for children in school?

If the child is examined by a doctor and there are no contraindications - an inoculation can be done. At this age, vaccination is easier and the consequences are minimal.

Vaccination applies to all close relatives surrounding the baby. There is no point in stabbing a child at any age, if the infection at this time "comes" with daddy or grandmother's work.

The norm for any vaccination - for three days there should not be active contacts with others( these are going on a visit, on a picnic surrounded by all acquaintances, in a hypermarket or another store).Do not load the body of the child during the period of immunosuppression.

Can a child get sick after a flu shot? Yes, this happens and often, because my mother left the clinic and drove the baby to the shops and beauty salons with people who were sick there. Or he can get another type of virus or carry a similar infection.

Vaccination methods

The vaccine against the influenza virus is a homogeneous, transparent colorless or yellowish tinged liquid. Shelf life of the drug is several months, so the substance is not stored for a long time. Each year, new vaccines are being developed, the antigenic composition of which depends on the type of virus expected this year.

Babies from 6 to 35 months of the drug is injected twice in a dose of 0.25 ml in the anterolateral hip surface. For children over 3 years of age, a single injection of influenza vaccine in a dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously into the deltoid muscle is recommended.

Types of influenza vaccines

There are several safe vaccines in the medical market.

  1. "Grippol plus" of the Russian production. This vaccine protects children and against swine influenza A( H1N1), because it contains such antigens.
  2. French "Vaxigrip".
  3. "Fluariks", production of Belgium.
  4. German "Begrivac".
  5. "Influvak", the Netherlands.
  6. Grippovak, Russia.

For the prevention of influenza, live and inactivated( killed) vaccines are used.

Contraindications to vaccination for children

When does the doctor prohibit the introduction of a flu vaccine?

  1. With the development of allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug.
  2. With the development of acute respiratory infection with and without fever. Contraindication for vaccination against influenza in children is exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. If the child is allergic to chicken protein. Some of the preparations contain antigens grown on chick embryos.
  4. Vaccination against swine flu for children has the same contraindications. Vaccines from different kinds of influenza are often combined.

Possible consequences of flu vaccination

Contrary to popular belief about substandard or allergenic drugs, many of them are well tolerated. Clinical manifestations for the administration of the vaccine are not available. It is important to observe the health worker not only before the vaccination, but also at least 30 minutes after it. Sometimes there are side effects after vaccination against influenza in children.

What are the possible consequences of such immunoprophylaxis?

  1. Live vaccine may give a slight increase in temperature within 2-3 days after vaccination.
  2. Possible catarrhal phenomena - reddening of the throat and looseness of the tonsils.
  3. Very rarely in children with chronic illnesses, a general reaction is possible in the form of malaise, sore throat and a slight rhinitis.
  4. Sometimes the temperature rises after vaccination against influenza in a child when using inactivated vaccines, and at the injection site, perhaps redness and swelling.
  5. Allergic reactions, minor pains in the muscles area, neuralgia were rarely observed.

Such symptoms pass in a short period of time independently. Many consequences of vaccination against influenza can be avoided or reduced in children. If the temperature rises more than 2 degrees - this is an indication for the use of antipyretic drugs. In the case of a pronounced allergic reaction, antihistamines can be used.

Severe complications after vaccination against influenza in children have not been reported.

We sum up.

Is it necessary to vaccinate a child, is this another vaccine dangerous?

Vaccination is mandatory for the category of children who have severe chronic ailments. Such children take pill for a long time from the main disease, treatment also for influenza is a blow to the liver, it is much easier to instill a baby.

In itself, an inoculation against influenza is tolerated without serious complications. It is not meaningful to prevent the influenza virus if people from a close environment do not get vaccinated either.

In other cases, the question of the advisability of introducing such a drug should be resolved by the parents after consulting a specialist. It is important to weigh the pros and cons correctly.

Related Videos: Dr. Komarovsky EO O.

Do I need to get a flu shot?

Doctor Komarovsky informs all parents about why it is necessary to get a flu shot, tells about its advantages.

Is it harmful to get a flu shot?

Doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky will explain to adults - parents, why it is not harmful to get a flu shot.

Who should not be vaccinated?

Doctor EO Komarovsky and pediatrician infectiologist Ekaterina Bulavinova during the course of the meeting will find out who and why they can not inoculate, at the same time and list the far-fetched taps from vaccination.

Source: Editorial from the site http: // privivka-ot-grippa-detyam.html