Effective drops from eye pressure

In the treatment of glaucoma and various ophthalmic diseases, the therapy is based on funds designed to reduce pressure inside the eye. As a rule, apply drugs in the form of drops. Thanks to them, it is possible to prevent damage and preserve the function of the optic nerve. To use such drops costs on a constant basis, strictly adhering to the doctor's recommendations.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Combined
    • 3.2Drugs that reduce the production of intraocular fluid
      • 3.2.1Timolol
      • 3.2.2Betoptik
    • 3.3Drugs for stimulation of fluid outflow
      • 3.3.1Xalatan
      • 3.3.2Travatan
    • 3.4Beta-blockers
    • 3.5Prostaglandins
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

For the correct choice of the drug, you need to understand what caused the increased pressure inside the eye.This includes:

  • overwork of the organ of vision of chronic form;
  • increased blood pressure, hypertension;
  • thyroid disease;
  • Ivashchenko-Kushig syndrome;
  • inferior work of the kidneys and the heart;
  • instagram viewer
  • neurological diseases;
  • psychopathic disorders;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • consequences of trauma to the organ of vision;
  • SARS and other pathologies of an infectious nature;
  • long-term use of steroid drugs;
  • inflammation, concentrated in the eyeball, in the membranes of the optic organ or on the eyelids.
    Measurement of intraocular pressure

Knowing the exact cause of increased intraocular pressure, you can act on the problem in a complex manner.

Features of preparations

Today, there is a wide selection of eye drops that quickly and effectively lower the pressure inside the eye. All of them can be classified into these types:

  1. According to the type of active ingredienton: prostaglandins, beta-blockers, cholinomimetics.
  2. By the mechanism of pressure reduction inside the eye: drugs that reduce the production of intraocular fluid, improve the outflow of intraocular fluid and medicines of a combined type of action.

What medications are prescribed specifically for the treatment of glaucoma is described here.



The peculiarity of this group of medicines is that the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the combined effect on the focus of the pathological process.This is achieved through the influence of two high-quality components, instead of one.

The most popular and high-quality combination drugs are:

  • Xalacom- The main components are xalatan and timolol;
  • Fotile- pilocarpine and timolol;
  • Kosopt- timolol and trusopt.
    Kosopt drops are a combined preparation

The cost of these drugs is quite higher than that of traditional eye drops, but they do not need to be repeatedly buried in the eyes.

Drugs that reduce the production of intraocular fluid


This drug should be attributed to non-selective beta-blockers.Their therapeutic effect on the focus of the pathological process is achieved due to the activity of the main component called timolol. This is an artificial substance, due to which it is possible to reduce the volume of watery moisture, the increased amount of which leads to the development of intraocular pressure.

Timolol - vasodilator eye drops

Use this drug is necessary only with increased pressure inside the eye. Otherwise, there is a risk of a decrease in pressure, which will have a detrimental effect on the general condition of the patient.


This is a full analogue of the previous medicine. With a properly selected dosage, it perfectly reduces intraocular pressure as quickly as possible. The difference of this medicine from the previous one is that it does not reduce the volume of the liquid, but creates an obstacle for its enhanced separation. LThe therapeutic effect is achieved through the activity of a component such as betaxolol. He also controls the flow of water moisture.

Betoptik reduces intraocular pressure

Drugs for stimulation of fluid outflow

Due to a wide choice of medications, it is possible to select an effective agent for reducing eye pressure so that it is possible to eliminate directly the cause of the pathology, rather than its symptoms.


This is an artificial medical preparation, in which the main component contains latanoprostoa.It guarantees a positive dynamics in the treatment of ophthalmotonus and open-angle glaucoma.The drug has a gentle effect, so that side effects and contraindications are minimized.

Xalthal lowers intraocular pressure


This drug has a powerful therapeutic effect in ophthalmic hypertension.Its task is reduced to the fact that it is possible to slow down the process of glaucoma, to increase the outflow of fluid between the cornea and the lens, and to prevent further exacerbation. Droplets such effect such component, as травоспрост are obliged. It belongs to the analogues of prostaglandin F2-alpha.

Travan - drops with glaucoma

Since the active components penetrate the systemic bloodstream of a person, the therapy may suggest the occurrence of various side effects. They disappear themselves without the use of an additional correction of the treatment regimen.


These medicines differ in high therapeutic effect.Thus, you will be able to feel positive dynamics after the first procedure.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, the doctor enters prostaglandins into the treatment regimen. They need to be used 2 times a day.

The most effective drops for reducing the pressure of this pharmacological group are:

  • Arutimol;
  • Cumene;
  • Okumed;
  • Acquisition.
    Drops of arutimol lower intraocular pressure

In general, these drugs can probyesti at a price of 200-600 rubles. Their active components directly affect the focus of the pathology gently and painlessly. But there are a number of side symptoms, including bronchospasm or disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

In order not to aggravate the patient's condition, it is not necessary to deal with surface therapy, and to choose the treatment scheme with the attending physician.


These drops are designed to quickly arrest the pressure inside the eye.Positive dynamics can be traced a few hours after application, but it remains for 12 hours. The most effective drugs of this pharmacological group are:

  • Travatane;
  • Xalatan;
  • Tafluprost.
    Taflotan - a drug for rapid management of intraocular pressure

Their main goal is to save the eye from excess fluid through an additional path of outflow. When using these drugs, a side effect may occur in the form of redness of the eye.

Recommendations for use

Applying drops to normalize eye pressure is very simple. But to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is worth observing a number of simple rules:

  1. The first thing you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Take the sitting position and throw your head back.
  3. Gently grab the lower eyelid with your fingers, pull it 1-3 mm.
  4. On the inner part of the eyelid, apply eye drops from the bottle, equipped with a dispenser or pipette.
  5. Do not touch the tip of the eyeball.
  6. After instillation, close your eyes for 5-10 minutes.



Increased intraocular pressure is not only a symptom of glaucoma. So it is necessary to treat it only after an accurate determination of the cause. And although today there is a wide range of effective eye drops, even the best of them should be used only after consulting a doctor.