Onyeroid - what is it, why it arises and how it manifests itself

Oneiroid( onyroid syndrome) refers to qualitative disorders of consciousness. It is also called a dream or a dreamlike disorder. This syndrome can develop with mental, neurological and somatic diseases. Therefore, the identification of the true cause of onyeroid is necessary for the selection of adequate therapy. We will answer in this article to the question that this is an onyeroid, why it arises and how it manifests itself.

Contents of

  • 1 When
  • 2 can develop Oniroid
  • 3
  • 4 oniroid deployment stages

patient management tactics When

can develop, the oniroid can develop against the background of taking alcohol or psychoactive substances.

The oniroid is not specific to a particular disease syndrome. It can be exogenous and endogenous in nature. The endogeneity of the disease is said in the absence of signs of intoxication and any clinically significant disorders in the work of internal organs. This is possible with a number of mental illnesses: schizophrenia( especially with its onyroid-catatonic form) and bipolar affective disorder, if it occurs with psychotic disorders.

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The causes of the exogenous form of the syndrome can be

  • acute intoxication with psychoactive substances or other compounds that are used for narcotic purposes( glue, gasoline, acetone);
  • action of some drugs used for general anesthesia( anesthesia);
  • alcohol and metal intoxication;
  • various infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature, occurring with severe intoxication and hyperthermia;
  • encephalitis, meningoencephalitis of various etiologies;
  • epilepsy with the development of epileptic psychoses or mental equivalents of convulsive seizures;
  • non-infectious diseases of internal organs with pronounced changes in metabolism or gross vascular disorders( myocardial infarction with acute heart failure, renal and hepatic damage with the development of deficiency of their function, other diseases);
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • a heavily flowing pellagra;
  • endocrine pathology( diabetes mellitus, Itenko-Cushing's disease, adrenogenital syndrome, thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease);
  • is a malignant tumor of any location, if it leads to cancerous cachexia and intoxication.

The onyeroid is often a manifestation of somatogenic psychoses. This is due to the development of acute encephalopathy of the vascular or intoxicating genesis in many cases of severe somatic diseases. In the case of infection, the cause of qualitative disorders of consciousness can be direct diffuse damage to neurons, the development of toxic swelling of the nervous tissue, or a violation of microcirculation in the brain.

How the oniroid

manifests Patients have complex scene-like hallucinations.

The picture of the unfolded onyroid syndrome consists of misalignment and level of self-awareness, the presence of abundant complex illusory-hallucinatory perception disorders most often of fantastic content. Characteristic of deep immersion in experiences with a decrease in the degree of contact with the surrounding world, which often allows you to diagnose the concomitant catatonic syndrome.

The psychopathological basis of the unfolded oneyroid state is pseudo-hallucinations of the visual, auditory and tactile nature. The person "sees" the bright scene-like plot images before his inner eye and participates in these events, feeling himself in a different world and even in a different capacity. Total pseudo-hallucinosis deeply disorients the patient, he is unable to realize the painfulness of his experiences and does not pay attention to real events.

Pseudohallucinations capture the subject's mental space inside the patient, unfolding as if inside his consciousness. They are the basis for the development of systematized fantastic sensual delusions. An anonymous person can consider himself somebody else( a mythical character, a hero of the novel, an alien creature, the embodiment of divine powers, etc.), and this conviction persists for some time after exiting from the onyroid state.

Experienced experiences and sensations are whole, connected, colorful and affectively saturated. In them the objects and events of the surrounding world, people, illusions and hallucinations are fantastically intertwined, all this is formed in a bright dreamlike or dreamlike disorder of consciousness. There is also a daily content of hallucinatory-delusional experiences, while they often have a negative emotional coloring and even have a threatening character.

There is a pronounced dissociation between the bright, often polar emotions that he experiences and the external manifestations that he has. A person in an onyroid is immersed in his experiences. He looks inhibited and even numb, often lies with his eyes open, sometimes makes separate movements of limbs in accordance with the content of his dreams. The effect of strong external stimuli in some cases is able to attract the patient's attention for a short time. At the same time, he can answer some questions and briefly report the essence of the experience, but looks confused and disoriented. When examining a person in onyroid, the doctor observes a sub-stuporous or stuporous condition, manifestations of catatonic syndrome are possible.

For an onyroid, there is a disruption of orientation in time, space and partly in self. During the period of the changed state of consciousness, people seem to live quite long episodes, during which they "manage" to visit other planets, participate in battles and sea battles, visit paradise( or hell), survive the end of the world. After leaving the onyroid, the memory of these experiences remains, at first the patient is uncritical and convinced of the truth of these visions. But the real events taking place in this period are not remembered. As the overall condition improves, the emotional richness of memories decreases, and partial anterograde amnesia develops.

The stages of deployment of the syndrome of the

Oneiroid often has several stages of development. Their duration depends primarily on the cause of the disturbance of consciousness. The use of psychoactive substances, the inhalation of vapors of glue and oil products leads to a very rapid onset of the unfolded onyroid, with practically no previous phases. But with vascular diseases and endogenous intoxications, preliminary stages can have a wave-like course and different duration.

The classic picture of the step-by-step deployment of the syndrome includes:

  • initial( initial) period, during which affective disorders are noted with an increase or decrease in mood, sleep disturbances, deviations in the somato vegetative sphere;
  • delusional mood, with certain diseases it can be combined with true hallucinations and illusions;
  • the stage of affective-delusional disorder with the formation of unfolding delusions of special significance, dramatization, intermetamorphosis, a double, accompanied by delirious-conditioned derealization and depersonalization without gross violation of self-awareness;
  • acute fantastic paraphrenia or the stage of oriented onyroid, when crazy ideas acquire a fantastic or megalomanical content;
  • is the stage of a true deployed onyroid;
  • is a stage of fragmentation of symptoms, with psychopathological dynamics undergoing reverse development, and the patient begins to paint and even paint his past experiences.

Rapid deployment of oniroid with the abortive course of the preceding stages requires the elimination of primarily exogenous intoxication. Wave flow is characteristic for vascular diseases and metabolic disturbances. Rapid systematization of delirium and the presence of pseudo-hallucinations before the full deployment of onyeroid are most often signs of an endogenous mental disorder.

Patient management strategy

Treatment of oniroid is first of all correction and, if possible, elimination of its cause. For infectious diseases, antimicrobial and detoxification therapy should be used. Somatogenic( symptomatic) psychoses require correction of endocrine, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Treatment is usually performed in a psychiatric hospital.

For relief of the main symptoms, neuroleptic and electroconvulsive therapy is used. The doctor can also decide on the appointment of nootropics. After leaving the onyroid, correction of all available abnormalities, especially sleep disorders and mood, is required. The scheme of neuroleptic therapy depends on the underlying disease.

The development of the syndrome is an indication for the obligatory consultation of a psychiatrist and an early comprehensive examination of the patient. Adequate therapy allows you to quickly stop this condition, after which it may be necessary to carefully select a treatment regimen for the underlying disease involving specialists of different profiles.

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