One of the most common eye diseases is barley. It can spontaneously occur in people of any gender and age. This pathology, as a rule, does not cause any complications and even without treatment passes in a few days. In very rare cases, barley can lead to an infectious lesion of the face.
1Definition of disease
3Symptoms of barley
4Possible complications
5Preventive measures
6Treatment of Local Inflammation
Definition of disease
Barley is an infectious disease of the century caused by staphylococcus bacteria.On the eyelids, in the region of the eyelashes, there are sebaceous and sweat glands. Staphylococci clog the output channel of the gland, and in this place, first redness is formed, then a small furuncle with a yellowish purulent head is formed.Microorganisms that cause the appearance of barley may be present on the skin of any person, but the body's immune system blocks their active growth.
Therefore, weakened immunity or some diseases contribute to the appearance of barley.
Pustular formations can have both single and multiple character.At the same time touching the first affected and then healthy eyes can easily transfer the infection. Barley is manifested in two forms:
Outer barley.
Inner barley.
Outer barleyappears at the very edge of the century and it is well marked,but internal, is formed in the zone of contact of the eyelid with the eyeball. This barley is very painful, because with each blink, irritated inflammation of the head of the tumor.On average, barley ripens 2-3 days, then the head of the furuncle bursts and pus out of it.After 3 days, the tumor completely resolves and does not even leave redness.
It is believed that women are more prone to this disease, because they are constantly in contact with the eyes, applying make-up, correcting it or removing it. At the same time, these procedures are not always performed with clean hands. For the same reason, barley often occurs in children.
Observance of the rules of personal hygiene is a reliable way to protect yourself from barley.
The main cause of this unpleasant pathology is the infection of the eye with pathogenic bacteria.But many people have the prerequisites for this disease. More often than others, people with some provoking factors suffer from barley. These include:
Reduced immunity;
Respiratory diseases;
Acute avitaminosis;
The general decline of forces;
Often barley appears in people with unhealthy skin with acne and pustular eruptions.The appearance of barley can lead to poor-quality food, especially cooked in fast food establishments, constant stress, work in dirty conditions and improper care for contact lenses.
Symptoms of barley
A person at the earliest stage can feel that he has a point inflammation of the eyelid or barley.At the very beginning of the appearance of external barley, at the edge of the century there is a red spot of a small size. A day later, a seal appears on this area, which is very itchy.The seal increases in size, forming a small boil not exceeding the size of a barley grain. In the process of maturation, a yellowish head is formed in it, filled with pus.
It is strictly forbidden to open the head by itself and squeeze out pus. This can lead to the most serious consequences.
With internal barley, after its ripening, the eyes are constantly forming purulent discharge. There is a foreign body sensation on the mucous membrane of the eye and pain when blinking. The nodes of the lymphatic system become inflamed, and the sick person feels a complete breakdown.The diagnosis of barley is carried out by external signs and, as a rule, does not require additional analyzes.In some cases, the level of sugar in the blood is checked and an analysis is made for the eggs of the worm.
Possible complications
Barley, not healed to the end, can give relapses and cause the following serious complications:
Phlegmon of the eye;
Limitation of mobility of the eyeball;
Deterioration of vision.
Heavy phlegmon can cause the appearance of pus inside the skull, which can lead to death.The most frequent complication, which barley can cause, is haljazion.This is a large enough seal on the eyelid for the removal of which, a laser or a surgical procedure is used.
Preventive measures
Barley is a rather unpleasant disease and in order to prevent the appearance of this pathology, it is necessary to follow some simple rules:
Observe personal hygiene.
Avoid getting dirt in the eye area.
In winter and spring, take vitamins.
Avoid hypothermia.
Keep clean in the apartment.
If possible, avoid stressful situations.
Rationally eat.
Do not use counterfeit cosmetics.
Observe the mode of work and rest.
Observance of personal hygiene and maintenance of cleanliness in a place of residing promotes destruction of colonies of microorganisms. This eliminates the main cause of the appearance of barley.
Treatment of Local Inflammation
In the treatment of barley, both medicament preparations and traditional medicine can be used.Antimicrobial eye drops are used to treat barley:
A positive result is also given with ointments with antibiotics, such as:
Erythromycin.Tetracycline is used to treat barley
With multiple barley, a doctor can prescribe antibiotics inside.In order to remove purulent discharge after the abscess has ripened and burst, Albucid or Furacillin is used.They should wash their sore eyes regularly.
All medicines can be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-administration of antibiotics can lead to negative consequences.
In the early stages of barley development, a physician can prescribe physiotherapy procedures.Usually, when barley appears, you rarely consult a doctor, since barley can and should be treated at home.There are many folk remedies, which allow to relieve pain and inflammation.
The most popular method in the people is applying to a sore spot, a cooked and peeled egg.This contributes to the rapid maturation of barley, the withdrawal of pus and resorption of inflammation.
Good results are applied to the affected area of garlic juice.This is done neatly with a cotton swab. If you have burning eyes, do not wash it, but you need to wait a little.
Compression of the leaves of plantain well relieves suppuration and pain.Leaves of the plant must be poured with boiling water, slightly cooled and applied to the affected eyelid.
There are still at least a dozen different folk remedies with varying degrees of effectiveness.
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The most important thing for independent treatment of barley is to start the process right away with the appearance of redness on the eyelid. If you do not delay treatment, you can prevent the appearance of an abscess and barley will quickly resolve. In case of multiple lesions of the eyelid or in case of severe inflammation of the lymph nodes, consult a doctor.
Read also about what drops are used to treat barley, and this article is completely devoted to ointments to eliminate the above problem.