How to get rid of a dry cough

How to get rid of coughing attacks at night

Attacks of night coughs cause a lot of inconvenience. The person, being in a horizontal position, can not cough well. The reason lies in the slowing down of all processes, as a result of which sputum accumulates in the lungs.

You will need

  1. - warm milk or a decoction;
  2. - antitussives;
  3. - inhalation.


  1. Various factors can become the reasons for this phenomenon. For example, excessively dry or cold air in the room. But also nocturnal seizures appear in certain diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, asthma, infection, whooping cough, tonsillitis, allergic reaction, gastroesophageal reflux and others. As a rule, treatment of the underlying disease leads to the disappearance of coughing attacks at night.
  2. To calmly spend the night without coughing, you should take antitussive drugs. But it is worth remembering that they are appointed only by a doctor after examining and studying the anamnesis. If cough is a symptom of an allergy, you need to drink a course of antihistamines that improve a person's condition.
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  4. To relieve an attack, it is recommended to drink warm milk with honey or a decoction of herbs before going to bed. These drinks soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and easily remove phlegm from the body. Helps to soothe mucous gruel from 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. butter. Dissolve the product, and then drink a small amount of warm milk.
  5. For rapid soothing of night cough, steam inhalations are effective. You can use special inhalers or breathe over the hot decoction of medicinal plants.
  6. Children of the first year are contraindicated with medications, since they can cause serious complications. When there are nocturnal coughing attacks, it is recommended to change the position of the body more often so that the sputum does not accumulate in the lungs. Under the head, you can put a pillow, which helps to get out of sputum.
  7. Effective infusion of nettle: pour 2 tablespoons. dry leaves with a glass of vodka and infuse for 10 days. Take the drug for every attack of 1 tbsp. Of course, this remedy is not suitable for cough treatment in children. A similar action is possessed by sage, but it is necessary to pour it with hot milk for 30-40 minutes.
  8. If you do not have any drugs at your fingertips, you can try the folk method: stand up straight and stretch your right arm for the maximum distance. After a short time, a fit of coughing should stop.

Attacks of dry cough in adults

Against the background of various diseases of the respiratory tract develops a dry cough. You can treat it with folk medicine or with what the pharmaceutical industry offers. Everyone chooses what is best for him. When irritating certain receptors, which are located in the airways, there is a dry cough.

Severe dry coughing attacks

Infections of fungal, bacterial and viral origin can cause a strong cough. In order to know how to treat, it is necessary to give phlegm for analysis.

With pharyngitis, cough is dry, burning and scratching are felt in the throat. Usually this disease has a fungal origin. A dry dry barking cough is with laryngitis. If you do not give the person timely help, the larynx may swell, which will lead to suffocation. Scratching pains behind the sternum, and dry cough are with pneumonia and bronchitis. Lung cancer causes severe dry coughing attacks. Many diseases can have similar symptoms, so self-medication is best not to deal with, but well monitored and treated.

Causes of bouts of dry cough

When coughing, the respiratory system gets rid of phlegm, so coughing is not terrible in itself. With inflammation the mucous membrane swells and thickens, the cilia of the epithelium begin to work poorly, as a result of which the sputum stagnates, and the microorganisms actively multiply.

Causes of dry cough: smoking, work in harmful production, laryngitis, asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, swelling, or foreign body entry into the respiratory tract.

In order to soften the cough, you need to drink syrups. During an attack, you need to relax and try not to be nervous. Well soften mucous throat candy. You can also drink warm tea or milk with honey. If the cough is especially bad at night and does not allow you to sleep, you can lift the pillow and sleep reclining. With a cold and cough, and also high temperature, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm liquid.

Cough is dry and wet. A wet cough saves a person from pathogens. If the problem is in the throat, the cough will be dry. With pharyngitis, the back wall of the larynx inflames. With laryngitis, the inflammatory process is localized throughout the larynx.

In order to cure a throat, you need to suck lollipops, rinse your throat with salt and soda solutions, and drink plenty of warm liquid. Rinse can also be a decoction of sage, chamomile or marigold.

Attacks of dry cough at night

Quite often cough deprives sleep, does not allow to study and work normally, exhausts the body. Attacks of dry cough at night can appear due to catarrhal diseases, asthma, gastrointestinal reflux, allergies or helminths.

At night the cough intensifies, because in the horizontal position blood supply in the whole body is slowed down.

Dry cough with suffocation

A dry cough prevents not only the sick person, but also his environment. It is impossible to get rid of a cough quickly, if a virus or bacterium has got into the respiratory tract, it will take a long way. With any cough you need to drink a lot of warm liquid, and it does not matter what it will be. You can drink milk, tea, compote, mors, water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Dry cough with attacks of suffocation is dangerous because a person can stop breathing. If the cough does not stop and the person starts to suffocate, you need to call an ambulance, and before it bring the patient to fresh air or bring them to the bathroom and turn on the hot water through the shower.

Attacks of acute dry cough

If a cough is caused by an allergy, you should take an antihistamine. Even from allergies get rid by drinking abundantly. A large amount of fluid together with antihistamine drugs removes toxins and allergens.

Attacks of acute dry cough often appear at night, after awakening and physical activity. If a person does not feel well, it is better to keep bed rest. Sometimes it's enough to lie down for a couple of days and everything will go away by itself. If the disease does not let go, you need to go to the doctor and undergo a checkup.

A fit of dry cough, what should I do?

If the cough started suddenly, you need to try to calm down and drink some water. After that, you can soften the throat with a spray or candy. When a cough comes from the common cold or sore throat, you need to do inhalations with mineral water or gargle, and also do not damage the rinsing of the nasal cavity. If the cough is due to inflammation, which is located in the lungs or bronchi, you need to start inhalation with "Berodual" or "Lazolvanom." Also, syrups that help to bring out phlegm faster do not interfere.

A fit of dry cough, what if there was nothing on hand? First, you need to calm down and try to breathe evenly. Secondly, take the vertical position, the body is better to tilt slightly forward and try to clear the throat.

How to remove a fit of dry cough?

In order to get rid of cough, you need to seek help from folk medicine. Well relieves a fit of coughing nettle. To make it, you need a handful of dry nettles and a glass of vodka or a vodka. Nettle sticks for ten days. How to remove an attack of dry cough with nettle tincture? You just need to drink a tablespoon of tincture.

Few people have heard of the miraculous properties of sugar candy. To prepare the medicine, you must melt in a mug a tablespoon of granulated sugar, do this over low heat, and pour it with half a glass of water. If there is no allergy, you can add a little aloe juice.

Treatment of night coughing attacks: step by step instruction

Attacks of night cough very often become for the person and his family a real catastrophe. They prevent full rest for all family members, cause irritation and delivers many painful moments.

Treatment of a night cough is a very real and feasible process. However, in order to implement it, several steps must be taken:

  • Visit the doctor.
  • Determine the nature of sharp spastic exhalations.
  • To pass necessary inspections.
  • Find the factor that causes an unpleasant symptom.
  • Determine: how to cure night cough (methods, methods, techniques, drugs).
  • Strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.

These steps are mandatory. The dominant of them (which determines the nature of the struggle with the spastic reflex thrusts of the diaphragm) is the identification of a provocateur that causes an unpleasant symptom.

How to cure a night cough: step one - visit a doctor

The most dangerous in the behavior of people suffering from attacks of convulsive reflex exhalations is the ignoring of the symptom, the tightening with hospital visits or uncontrolled intake of various drugs and inadequate use of other ways to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon. All these actions are erroneous and dangerous.

If you have a night cough for several days, you should always consult a therapist. Without the doctor's advice, treatment can not be done. The only thing that is allowed to do before visiting a specialist is to drink more liquid that is very effective in promoting liquefaction accumulating in the respiratory organs of sputum, and moisten the air in the room before bedtime (it is recommended to facilitate a dry cough and even its full termination).

How to stop from a night cough: step two - determine the nature of the symptom

When the patient is examined, the physician makes a clinical picture of the disease necessary for successful treatment. The patient is offered to accurately describe his state of health and the nature of the sharp reflex exhalations that disturb him at night. They may be:

  • Dry.
  • Wet.
  • With rattles.
  • Heavy.
  • Painful.
  • Creepy.
  • Asphyxiating and other.

The doctor will help to correctly describe an unpleasant phenomenon, asking leading questions.

How to get rid of a cough at night: step three - examinations

It often happens that in order to make the right diagnosis and start treatment, the therapist is not enough just to examine the patient and his descriptions. In such cases, the patient is sent:

  • To hand over analyzes (blood, urine, sputum).
  • To pass examinations on various devices (a roentgen, US, CT, MRT).
  • Consult with other specialists (lor, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, allergist, cardiologist, neuropathologist).

Of course, not all listed specialists and examinations pass through the patient suffering from a night cough. If necessary, only that which will help to establish the diagnosis is chosen.

How to stop bouts of night cough: step four - search for the cause of an unpleasant symptom

After drawing up the entire clinical picture of the manifestation of sharp spastic exhalations, necessary for proper treatment, receiving these analyzes and consulting with other specialists, the doctor determines the factor causing an unpleasant night symptom. The most frequent reasons for it are:

  • Cold.
  • ARVI.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Parasites.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergy.
  • Asthma.

It often happens that there is no cough during the day, but at night it begins in adults. This is because during the day the mucus that forms is self-absorbed or removed. At night, the process slows down. Slime partially covers the nasopharynx and begins to irritate the receptors. In response to this, a reflex occurrence of a nocturnal convulsive attack begins. The same process occurs in the lungs of an adult.

Symptom can be triggered by gastro-food reflux. With an involuntary thrown into the esophagus of the contents of the stomach, cough receptors become irritated and the person at night chokes from barking sounds.

Step five - than to cure cough, manifested at night?

After identifying the factor that causes an unpleasant symptom, and getting information from the patient about his individual characteristics (intolerance, condition, general well-being), the physician moves on to the next stage. He determines how to relieve night cough and improve the patient's condition. For treatment, the most effective methods, methods and preparations are chosen in each particular case.

Medications are prescribed very accurately and accurately. After all, various types of convulsive reflex spasms of respiratory organs are treated with completely polar medications: stimulant or suppressive. That is why independent use of pharmaceuticals in the manifestation of ailments is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of a strong night cough should be started not when the attack begins, but in the evening - in advance, then you can remove the attack. To do this, there are many fairly effective ways:

  • The liquefaction of sputum during wet spastic reflex exhalations is favorably facilitated by steam inhalations, compresses, massage, hot foot baths with mustard, rubbing with interior fat.
  • If the night cough is dry allergic or caused by constant smoking, being in a stuffy room, then it is necessary to clean the room of all stimuli.
  • Excluded is the use of cold fluid that provokes spasms of the throat.
  • It is necessary to dress warmly, drink hot milk, herbal medicinal herbs (sage, turns, chamomile, thyme, viburnum).
  • It is recommended to eat a small amount of honey before bed or put a mint candy under the tongue.

If you follow all the doctor's instructions correctly, take regular medications and do the prescribed procedures, then the results of cough treatment at night will not take long. The patient will cease to suffer from exhausting attacks, and native will breathe a sigh of relief.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child?

Often paroxysmal cough is characteristic for small children, it appears because the larynx of a child with vocal cords is different from that of adults. If the cough is acute at once, it speaks of laryngitis, because of it the mucous membrane swells. Most often seizures disturb the child at night, during this period the disease can worsen. Please note that paroxysmal cough is most common in allergic children, so it is important to identify the allergen in time and make sure that the child does not come into contact with it.

Causes of coughing attacks in a child

1. Cough accompanied by influenza, viral infection.

2. Because of laryngitis.

3. Serious allergic reaction.

4. Attacks occur with the bronchial system.

5. When dust enters the respiratory tract, inhale pollen.

A paroxysmal cough may appear due to the fact that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract of the child. The cough is sharp, breathing becomes difficult, the face turns blue. In cases where a child has swallowed a small foreign body, he can easily cough it out without problems. When the object makes breathing difficult, the child suffocates, it is necessary to take the child, put his head on the knees down, gently knock between the shoulder blades, so the foreign body will come out. When this procedure does not help, you need to urgently consult your doctor, because the child may suffocate.

Methods for relieving coughing attacks in a child

May be inhalation, mineral alkaline water, butter, syrup, which help to get rid of the child from cough.

When an attack disturbs a child at night, you must raise the child, help him cough, give a warm drink - milk, mineral water "Borjomi" with the addition of a small amount of soda, chamomile broth. With the help of medicines, one can not only improve the condition of the mucous membrane, but also get rid of severe perspiration, coughing. If all the above methods do not help, the child needs to get up and move.

To remove an attack of cough in a child can be with a mixture of butter and honey, it must be rinsed like a candy. If the child has an allergic reaction to beekeeping products, in no case can the child be given honey, so it will only get worse.

Inhalation from coughing attacks

When a child is very ill, he begins to suffocate, do inhalation with medications, it is best to use a nebulizer. In cases when you see that the child suffocation, which is often characteristic of laryngitis, you need to take it to the bathroom, open the water, it must be hot, the child should breathe in pairs. Thus, you increase the humidity, it has a favorable effect on the respiratory system, a fit of coughing passes.

It is recommended to use cedar oil for inhalation, hot water is taken, a small amount of oil is added, the child should breathe in pairs.

Syrups from an attack of cough

Often doctors attribute cough syrups to a child, they contain a large number of essential oils and other substances that alleviate the condition of the patient. This is an effective way to cure cough. Pay attention, if in addition to coughing, strongly pershit in the throat, it is necessary to additionally examine the child, maybe he has tonsillitis, tonsillitis, then antibacterial drugs are needed.

Remember with coughing attacks you can not joke, they can be dangerous for the life of the child, it is best to call emergency care and hospitalize. In some children, laryngitis passes into pneumonia, in others it narrows the laryngeal lumen, because of this the disease becomes even more acute, the child can suffocate, it is not saved. In the hospital they can help, cope with this symptom, for this the intravenous hormone is prednisolone, with the help of it one can get rid of a strong edema. In stationary conditions, the child will undergo a full course of treatment, which includes - medical therapy, respiratory gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures. The main thing is that your child is under the supervision of a doctor.

To syrups should be treated with extreme caution, especially if the child is allergic, has diabetes.

The best syrup is the one containing the licorice root. With the help of it you can not only get rid of phlegm, and withdraw it from the pulmonary system, but heal ulcers, irritations, which are the consequence of a strong cough.

Dilute the syrup must be boiled and warm water. It is forbidden to dilute syrups with tea, sweet water, milk. When using a licorice syrup, you need to give the child as much water as possible, because of this plant, the mucus becomes thick and heavily goes out, can interfere with the baby, breathe fully.

If the disease is not serious, a viral infection is accompanied, it is necessary that the cough from the unproductive become wet, for this use mucolytics, with which you can dilute sputum. After the child needs to give drugs, with the help of which you can soon withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, lungs. Thus it is necessary constantly that the child drank, to do to him special massage, if there is no temperature, it is necessary, that he as much as possible moved.

Treatment of coughing attacks in a child with folk remedies

1. Decoction based on sage, it requires 250 ml of milk, a tablespoon of sage, all insist 30 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to drink a child of 150 ml at night, so it will be easier for a child to fall asleep.

2. From coughing attacks, rubbing helps to get rid of, for it you will need to squeeze juice from a black radish.

3. Tea helps with chamomile.

4. When coughing attacks, help the child, for this you need to knock easily at the top of the back and chest. Then give a drink something warm.

Thus, the treatment will depend on the cause of the disease, if the attack is caused by an allergy it is necessary to give an antihistamine drug when the cough appears due to dry air, it is necessary to ventilate the room, if other diseases are attributed to the appropriate medication for cough treatment.

How to get rid of dry cough for children

What is a cough? Coughing is a reaction of the body, for cleaning the respiratory tract from a foreign body, from this it is clear that the reasons for which a cough may appear can be completely different. How to get rid of dry cough for children? To answer this question, we will determine the causes of the disease.

Causes of dry cough in children

1. First, the cause of coughing can be various infections that cause inflammation of the upper and lower divisions of the respiratory tract (SARS, whooping cough, etc.) )

2. Secondly, cough can be caused by irritants, such as tobacco smoke, dust, the smell of household chemicals.

To get rid of dry cough, breathe deeper:

With dry cough in children, steam inhalations are very useful. When inhaled, the medications are taken directly into the respiratory tract, hence the effect of such procedures is much higher. Take inhalation only for children older than 3 years.

Immediately before the procedure itself, explain to the child its meaning and show how to breathe properly (deeply and not often). You can breathe with your nose and through your mouth. To get rid of dry cough, it is better to inhale the baby for 5-10 minutes.

An inhaler can make a teapot, on the spout of which you can attach a funnel made of thick paper. For the solution you can use drinking soda, for half a liter of water 1 teaspoon. You can use eucalyptus oil-30-40 drops per half-liter of water.

Gymnastics for the lungs with dry cough in children:

Breathing exercises for coughing are very useful. However, you can do it after attending physiotherapy exercises. There is a simple exercise that you can do with the child yourself. The child should spread his legs on the width of his shoulders, raise his hands up and take a deep breath, then slowly lowering his hands to exhale, the longer the exhalation lasts, the more useful.

Give the child more fluid, you can have a vegetable broth, a warm herbal decoction or tea. The liquid will facilitate and speed up the sputum discharge.

Nutrition can help get rid of a child's cough

If a cough with phlegm, then the body loses proteins, so the food of the child during illness must contain meat, fish and dairy products, and necessarily fiber, contained in vegetables and fruits. Limit the consumption of sweets and carbohydrates.

General recommendations for coughing in a child:

Often ventilate the room and moisten the air in the room where the child is. On the battery, hang a wet towel, and near it put jars of water.

If the above recommendations do not answer the question of how to get rid of children cough, do not hesitate and consult a doctor.

Abundant drink with dry cough:

One of the proven methods for the treatment of dry cough is hot milk with honey or butter, you need to drink it before going to bed in small, but frequent sips and immediately go to a well-heated bed. Good help is a plentiful drink of plain warm water, a warm keyword, and also a hot tea with raspberries, honey, or with a snack with honey.

How to get rid of dry cough for children by folk methods?

1. An effective remedy for the treatment of dry cough can be prepared independently at home. To do this, take a large lemon and cook it whole on a slow fire, for 10 minutes. Wait until the lemon cools down and cut it into pieces, squeeze out the juice from it, and dissolve in it 2 teaspoons of glycerin, a tablespoon of honey and add with water, that would make the syrup volume 200 grams. Use this syrup 2-3 times a day for 2 tablespoons, preferably half an hour after a meal or half an hour before.

2. One more popular remedy for dry cough is a mixture of honey, cocoa and butter. A teaspoon of cocoa powder mixed with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter. This mixture is taken 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for one teaspoon.


Another safe remedy for dry cough is finely chopped baked onions, it is better to take sutra and on an empty stomach. And at night you can rub your neck and chest, grated on a grater with a raw onion.

In the treatment of dry cough, doctors often prescribe anesthetics that have softening effects on the irritated mucosa of the airways. You can buy medicine from a cough in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but to get rid of the problem that is tormenting you how to get rid of a dry cough, consult a doctor.

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