Pain in the calf muscle: the reasons why the calf hurts?


  • 1Why there are pains in the calf muscles and what to do about it?
    • 1.1Physiological causes
    • 1.2Pathological causes
    • 1.3Diseases of the veins of the lower extremities
    • 1.4Diseases of the lower leg arteries
    • 1.5Pathology of the spine
    • 1.6Defeat of muscles
    • 1.7Neurological causes
    • 1.8Cramps in the calves
    • 1.9First aid with convulsions
  • 2Pain in gastrocnemius muscle
    • 2.1Physiology
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3First aid
    • 2.4Prevention
    • 2.5Gymnastics
  • 3Causes of pain in the calf muscles
    • 3.1Why does pain arise?
    • 3.2Natural causes of pain
    • 3.3Muscle injuries
    • 3.4Pain Management
    • 3.5Prevention of pain in calves
  • 4Pain in the calf muscles: causes, treatment and preventive measures
  • 5Pain in the calf muscle: reasons for treatment at home
    • 5.1Causes of pathology development
    • 5.2Causes of a physiological type
    • 5.3Causes of pathological type
    • 5.4Violation of the veins
    • 5.5Pathology of the arteries
    • 5.6Pathological processes in the spine
    • 5.7The defeat of the muscular apparatus
    • 5.8Causes of neurological plan
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.9Convulsive phenomena
    • 5.10Treatment of pain in calf muscles
    • 5.11Preventive actions

Why there are pains in the calf muscles and what to do about it?

Very often people do not pay attention to pain in the calf muscles - some write off this for long walking, heavy physical labor, women - to wear shoes with heels.

In most cases, this corresponds to reality and does not pose any threat to health.

But if the painful sensations in the calves are repeated cyclically or constantly disturb the person, there is a sharp pain in the muscles and their cramps, it is worthwhile to be alerted and undergo a medical examination. Perhaps the reason here is much more serious than simple fatigue.

Physiological causes

First, it is necessary to exclude the physiological causes of soreness in the gastrocnemius muscles - those that are considered normal and do not require medical intervention.

In order for this toxic muscle product to be removed from the body, rest is necessary. After a few hours of rest such pain passes and the person again feels normal.

Speeding up this process can be a simple exercise - to give the feet an elevated position. This will improve the outflow of blood from the legs and enrich the arterial blood supply, which will facilitate rapid processing of lactic acid.

Also, painful symptoms will pass faster if you take a cool foot bath.

Physiological pain can be considered in cases where the gastrocnemius muscle is slightly stretched. Treatment in such cases, except rest and rest, is also not required.

This situation occurs during sudden movements, when the muscle fibers have not yet relax from the previous reduction, there is a sharp over-stretching (jumping, fast walking, running, etc.). As a rule, athletes complain of this pain.

To avoid this, you need to perform an adequate warm-up of the muscles of the lower extremities before each session.

Doing sports without warming up the muscles can cause pain in the calves of the legs

Pathological causes

There are many reasons why the calf hurts. Among the most frequent are the following diseases:

  • varicose veins of lower extremities;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the lower leg and their inflammation;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the legs;
  • diseases of gastrocnemius muscles (myositis, myopathy, etc.);
  • infectious pathology;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine;
  • damage to the nerve fibers of the legs;
  • the side effect of certain medications.

Diseases of the veins of the lower extremities

Constant pain in the calf muscles that occur in the afternoon, swelling of the ankles are the first symptoms of varicose veins.

Disease by such signs can be suspected even before the appearance of visible varicose veins. There is fatigue and pain due to stagnation of blood in the venous leg system. Overcrowded veins and swollen tissue squeeze pain receptors, which causes pain.

If you start treatment of varicose at an early stage, you can completely avoid severe consequences in the future.

Thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis (inflammation and thrombosis of the tibia) cause severe pulsating pain in the calf muscles. In addition, there are many symptoms by which these diseases can be recognized.

With phlebitis, the skin along the course of the affected vein becomes hot and red, the body temperature rises, symptoms of general malaise appear.

In thrombosis, the affected leg is strongly swollen (sometimes twice as long as the contour exceeds the healthy limb), becomes dark red with a bluish tinge. The pain is pronounced.

Treatment of such pathology should be performed by a phlebologist in a hospital setting, since there is a risk of serious complications, up to moist gangrene and limb amputation.

Diseases of the lower leg arteries

Very often the cause of pain in the gastrocnemius muscle is atherosclerosis. When plaques form in the arteries of the legs, blood flow to the tissues is disturbed, their ischemia develops.

A characteristic sign of atherosclerosis of the legs is a symptom of intermittent claudication (with prolonged walking there is a sharp pain in the legs, which causes the patient to stop and rest).

You can suspect the disease and the following symptoms:

  • The skin of the shins becomes dry, trophic changes develop;
  • muscles of the calves are atrophied due to a constant lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • loss of hair shins, fungal nail lesions of the legs;
  • with severe vascular damage, the development of gangrene of the leg is possible.

Atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the feet often cause pain in the calf muscles

Pathology of the spine

The cause of soreness of the calf muscles may be diseases of the spinal column - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, pathological bends. Such pain is often lumbago. As a rule, occurs in one leg after a sharp movement, accompanied by a sharp pain in the lower back.

Defeat of muscles

Pain in calves may indicate the defeat of the most muscle tissue of various etiologies:

  • myositis - inflammation of the gastrocnemius muscle;
  • rheumatic fibromyalgia (autoimmune disease, which is accompanied by pain in different muscle groups);
  • parasitic diseases (trichinosis);
  • myopathies - idiopathic pain in muscles.

Neurological causes

Sometimes soreness in the legs is not associated with the pathology of muscles or blood vessels. The cause of its appearance is the defeat of nerve fibers.

As a rule, neuropathic pain is not permanent, it arises abruptly and passes just as quickly, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of numbness or fever in the aching leg.

Cramps in the calves

Often the pain in the calf muscles is simply unbearable, appears suddenly and quickly passes. This phenomenon is called spasms of calves. Causes of seizures can be several:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium);
  • sharp climate change;
  • prolonged and excessive strain of the leg muscles;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
  • cramps can cause all of the above reasons for chronic pain in calves.

As a rule, convulsions occur at night, with supercooling, with muscle overstrain or excessive amplitude of motion in the legs. During an attack, muscles become hard and deformed, there is a feeling that they are now ruptured.

Last attack from a few seconds to minutes. After the cramps, the pain in the calves will bother you for a few more days, because during the attack the muscles are greatly stretched.

Sometimes, in order to speed up the recovery, it is necessary to fix the shin with an elastic bandage.

Anatomy of the calf muscle:

First aid with convulsions

Treatment for seizures should begin with first aid in case of an attack. The first thing that needs to be done is to get together with the spirit and not panic.

If trouble happened during sleep, then put your feet together on the cold floor, this will help restore blood circulation in your legs and stop the cramps.

You can also pinch several times for a painful place, start doing a light massage of calf muscles (patting and rubbing).

Sometimes they use a pin or a needle to spasmodic place. This is an effective but dangerous method of first aid, since it can damage the vessels or nerves.

Tingling and massage of the calves are the first help in cramping

After giving yourself first aid, do not forget about this incident, especially if the cramps continue regularly. It is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnostic process to determine the cause of seizures and eliminate it.

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Pain in gastrocnemius muscle

The ability to walk is one of the first skills that a person acquires at the beginning of his life's journey.

Thanks to the movement, a person learns the world, studies himself, brings with him something new, interesting and important.

The movement of the human body is a complex process, conditioned by the work of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Thanks to the calf muscle, located on the back of the leg, a person can move - walk and run. However, sometimes it happens that people feel pain in the area of ​​this muscle. in order to understand how to get rid of it, you should know the causes of this condition.


With a strong strain of muscle, it can cause pain and tingling. Thus, acute pain in the gastrocnemius muscle begins to appear due to the formation of lactic acid in the muscles.

Based on the nature and frequency of pain, the time of manifestation and the location of the localization, it is possible to identify the reason why the gastrocnemius muscle starts to ache. Pain in the calf muscles is a fairly common phenomenon, and therefore the causes of unpleasant pain are the most banal.

The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the calves may be due to severe fatigue. If the muscles are overloaded, they signal with pain. With long and long transitions, unprepared calf muscles begin to ache. The nature of the pain is sudden, passes after a light massage, rest.

Since the cause of pain is physiological and is caused by the impact of lactic acid on the gastrocnemius muscles, then, while resting tired legs and using cool baths, painful sensations quickly will pass.


What to do when the pain does not last a long time and starts to cause discomfort, the answer is simple: you need to analyze your lifestyle, diet and working conditions.

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Diagnosis and consultation of a specialist will help prevent the onset of a disease associated with the nervous, vascular and muscular system. We dare to assure you that the pain in the gastrocnemius muscle will pass, if you eliminate the causes that cause it.

Let's consider the main factors provoking the development of such a state.

Impact, bruise, stretching calf muscle. Due to overexertion and heavy load, muscle damage can occur. In this case, pain is added to acute pain during palpation, edema.

Varicose veins, as a consequence of circulatory disorders. Varicose veins begin to appear when the blood stasis, and it happens because of a violation of venous circulation.

Determine this pathology can be due to the pain of a dull character in the calf muscles and the feeling of heaviness when walking.

In areas where there was a stagnation of blood, there is irritation of nerve endings and unpleasant painful sensations.


Because of the prolonged strain on the legs during a stationary operation, taking place in one position - sitting or standing, in muscles of the lower extremities are processes associated with impaired blood circulation and, as a result, accumulation toxins. In this case, there is a stitching pain accompanied by cramps. To remove fatigue enough to change the position of the body - sit or lie down, apply a cool compress to the calves and rub your legs.

Seizures can occur because of:

  • deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • a sharp change in climate, hypothermia.

Cramps last no more than a minute. Thus muscles become very hard, there is an unpleasant sensation from a strain. To stop the cramps you need to put your bare feet on the cold floor. A painful place needs to be slightly nibbled, stroked, rubbed.

Thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis is characterized by aching, burning pain, which continues in the gastrocnemius muscle for a long period. As a rule, at the site of inflammation of the venous walls, edema may appear, and characteristic veins of thrombophlebitis.

Atherosclerosis of the artery. Because of the thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the flow of blood is hampered. During rapid movements, there may be severe pain in the shin area.

The nature of pain is pulsating, compressive. The main symptom for atherosclerosis is cold feet, thinning of muscles, dryness of cutaneous integuments of the shin.

Violation of the spine, sciatic and peripheral nerve. The pain is sharp, resembling a chamber with a transition to the lower back or leg.

Osteomyelitis. Since in the bone tissue with osteomyelitis is inflammation, pain in the muscles of the lower limbs is a long and constant.

Myositis. If the pain of the gastrocnemius muscle hurts the entire leg, it can be assumed that it has become inflamed.

The cause of inflammation is the "flu" on the legs, excessive physical stress, trauma, infectious diseases, drug overdose. Painful character.

When probing in the calf muscle area, dense nodules are found.

Lack of vitamins and minerals can also cause pain.

First aid

When a person feels that he has not had a pain in calves for a long time, he needs to know how to render effective first aid himself:

  • Ensure maximum peace of the foot.
  • Tighten the leg with elastic bandage.
  • After two hours, put the cold on the inflamed place for half an hour. A few days later, dry cold can be replaced by warm moist compresses.
  • Well-proven decoction for a moist warm compress of herbs. For cooking, take a teaspoon of seeds of immortelle, carrots, birch leaves. Add a bearberry, St. John's wort, a string, cherry stems to the mixture on a tablespoon of grass. Stir the mixture. To prepare the broth, you need to combine two tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of hot years. Infuse the herbs need 12 hours. Winding the foot with a moist compress to three times a day.
  • Use anti-inflammatory sprays: Finalgon, Bengay.


When the factors affecting the pain in the calf muscles have been identified, you should create your own algorithm to fight for healthy legs. We suggest that you read some of the recommendations on this issue:

  • Choose suitable footwear for wearing. A good solution is to give up shoes with high heels. Heel height should not exceed 4 cm. Shoe insole is required.
  • The use of vitamins - potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.
  • Refusal from bad habits - the use of a large amount of sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods.
  • Enrich the diet with fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Periodically drink a course of vitamins. Water for drinking should be enriched with minerals and clean, preferably not tap water.
  • After a hard day, make a pleasant foot bath and give your legs an elevated position. These simple actions will improve blood circulation in the legs, which will make it easier to remove lactic acid from the body.
  • Performing daily gymnastics for the feet, a contrasting hygienic shower.


The goal of gymnastics is to strengthen and stretch the calf muscles. The time of charging is evening, before going to bed, after a hot shower. It is very important to go for exercise with warmed muscles.

The starting position - facing the wall, put your hands on the wall. Put one leg a little forward, and the second will rest on the heel of the other. While in this position, bend the front leg in the knee and stand for 30 seconds. Change your foot.

If the pain in the gastrocnemius muscles is not caused by physiological causes, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will prescribe anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory treatment.

And after a comprehensive examination using X-rays, tomography, blood and urine tests, a decision will be made about the therapy of the syndrome, which causes soreness.

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Causes of pain in the calf muscles

Pain in the calf muscle can occur after excessive loading on this department, but this is not always so, because in some cases, such a symptom indicates dangerous diseases, including pathology of blood vessels, peripheral nerves, arteries and otherWe will discuss in more detail all the causes of pain in the calf muscles and how to eliminate it at home.

Why does pain arise?

If the muscles are ache in this area, the blame is:

  1. Vascular diseases. Diseases of this area occur with a broken blood outflow in the veins, increased vascular pressure because of this. Due to the formed venous stasis, nerve endings are irritated, pain syndrome is observed. The soreness in the calf muscles is dull, while being accompanied by heaviness in the legs. As a result, the development of varicose veins.
  2. Another vascular disease is thrombophlebitis, which is accompanied by pain in this part of the limb, which has a pulsating character. With the course of the development of the disease, the pain syndrome passes into a burning sensation, which is present on an ongoing basis.
  3. Dull, aching, stitching pain, as well as numbness of the muscles, is the result of a stagnant or sedentary lifestyle. In this case, stagnant venous blood, which disrupts normal blood circulation in the veins and arteries. As a consequence, the veins do not receive enough oxygen, and harmful toxins also begin to accumulate.
  4. Pain that occurs in the morning, indicates the overstrain of the limbs on the eve.
  5. Another cause, which causes such a symptom as a sharp pain in the calves, is atherosclerosis. The disease is accompanied by a tightening of the walls of the vessel, which is the cause of the syndrome in the caviar. The muscles of the lower leg ache most often, and the increase in the symptom is observed at the moment of walking. Symptom of such a disease is also cold in the feet, regardless of what time of the year.
  6. Another group of diseases in which a symptom is observed is the pathology of the spine. If the functioning of the vertebral part is impaired, for example, if it is observed in the intervertebral disc, irradiating pain occurs, which can give to the lower limbs. Pain in the spine in such cases may not be noted. In this group of causes can be attributed the process of inflammation in the sciatic nerve, which is called sciatica. The inflammatory process is accompanied by pain, which begins with the spine and ends in the limbs.
  7. If peripheral nerves "get sick the pain in the calf muscles is the main symptom. In this case, the muscles ache is paroxysmal. In the inter-attack period, the syndrome is not observed. Attacks last no more than a few minutes.
  8. The calf muscles are very sore, if they are inflamed. In this case, there is muscle myositis - a disease that requires the control of doctors. The causes of this condition can be considered flu, in which myositis is its complication, as well as too much muscle tension, which is observed with unusual loads or injuries. Myositis is accompanied by pain, which is aggravated by movement.

Natural causes of pain

Symptoms of calf muscles can be for physiological reasons, which experts consider normal and do not force to treat.

Thus, discomfort in calves arises with prolonged muscle work, which is considered a protective reaction of the body. This is a signal from the body about the need for rest.

Increased work of muscles is the cause of accumulation in the tissues of lactic acid, which contributes to the emergence of the pain syndrome.

To remove lactic acid from the body, it is recommended to provide the limbs with rest.

Acceleration of the excretion process is observed in the case of giving them an elevated position, which will help improve blood flow in the extremities, especially the arterial.

As a result, acid processing will be performed much faster. Another method of eliminating pain in calves is the adoption of a cool bath for the limbs.

The physiological pain syndrome is also observed when the muscle is stretched, which occurs when the movement is rapid, when the fiber does not have time to relax from previous contractions. As a result, the fiber quickly overstrains and thereby begins to ache. Treatment for such pains consists in rest and rest of extremities.

Muscle injuries

Most often there is an incision or rupture of the gastrocnemius ligaments and tendons, as well as a full muscle rupture.

Rupture of ligaments occurs with the slightest overstrain of muscles, as a side effect with a strong injury, dislocation or fracture.

Symptoms are quite pronounced: a strong pain syndrome, swelling, bruising, a limitation of mobility (a person can walk, and even more can not run), immobility of the joint.

In some cases, bleeding occurs in the joint, which greatly aggravates the situation and treatment. The presence of blood in the joint leads to its puffiness, severe soreness.

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When the tendons are ruptured, pain is also observed, but its intensity is lower than when the ligaments are ruptured. Painful syndrome tolerable, has a pulling character, quickly subsides. Where there is a rupture of tendons, there is swelling. Although the pain is not strong enough, the limb's mobility is limited.

Less often there is a full muscle rupture, when the department has a significant load. Basically, the muscle break occurs in conjunction with a fracture of the bones or a bruise, especially in athletes who are engaged in grueling training.

Symptoms of complete muscle rupture are the following: severe pain, worse at the time of movement of the limb, swelling, bruising, limiting the mobility of the gastrocnemius.

Pain Management

Let us consider in more detail how one can get rid of pain in one or another situation:

  1. If the symptom is caused by an overstrain on a duty of a trade, it is recommended to have a rest as much as possible, even after the working day. Every hour is shown making cold compresses on the area with pain. You can tighten the leg with an elastic bandage, giving it an elevated position. After three days after the beginning of such treatment, heat compresses should be carried out, for example, using a heating pad.
  2. After elimination of puffiness, rubbing with an anesthetic ointment is performed, for example, using Finalgon. After rubbing it is necessary to wrap the limb with a plastic bag to warm the affected area. Over the package it is recommended to wrap the leg with an elastic bandage.
  3. It is possible to carry out treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, but only at the doctor's prescription so as not to cause irreversible consequences from their administration. Everyone knows that such drugs have many contraindications.

Prevention of pain in calves

A good method of prevention is wearing comfortable shoes that will help prevent discomfort in this part of the limb, but only when it is not caused by any disease.

Together with comfortable shoes they wear heel pads, which are necessary for the prevention of injuries. Pidiopyatelniki reduce the load on the heel, tendons, the entire muscular apparatus of the extremities. Such a device for the legs can be made by hand.

So, you need a piece of the usual cork, which must be put in the shoes. At work or walking is to shoe sneakers.

High pins are the main enemy of the limbs. It is recommended to limit the wearing of shoes with such heels. Remember that the heel in the shoes should be no more than 4 cm.

When a woman is already accustomed to such shoes, a sudden shift to other models' shoes can cause pain syndrome throughout the limb, including the feet, as well as the calf muscles.

After wear, shoes are recommended to be thrown out and bought a new one.

The most important rule of pain prevention is the timely detection of the cause of pain and its elimination.

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Pain in the calf muscles: causes, treatment and preventive measures

Often people do not pay attention to periodically arising pains in the muscles of the legs.

Writing off them on the result of long walking or wearing heels, they postpone the treatment for many months until the symptoms begin to cause a lot of inconvenience.

Pain in the gastrocnemius muscle, the causes of which may have different causes, often becomes a harbinger of vascular disease, myositis (inflammation of the muscles), as well as problems with the spine.

To prevent serious consequences, it is important to consult a doctor in time. If the cause of pain when walking is not just fatigue, it must be removed by special methods. How are the pains in the gastrocnemius: are there any reasons for how to treat, can it be prevented?

Pain in the muscles when walking can appear suddenly, hold for several hours and even days. They are accompanied by cramps, redness of the skin, sometimes - fever and general malaise.

Often there is pain in the lower back. Such symptoms indicate the need to see a doctor.

The causes of the appearance of pain are associated with the physiological and pathological processes occurring in the body.

Depending on the group of diseases, special treatment is prescribed. Often the calf muscle on one leg strongly hurts.

This is due to both overstraining of the limb and serious illnesses.

If the calf muscles hurt, the reasons can be covered in banal overwork. In such cases, doctors are not required to intervene. Pain is caused by natural processes.

Swelling of the ankles, muscle pain while walking, as well as fatigue signal that you need to rest. During intensive loads, lactic acid accumulates in the musculature, which is excreted only after the physical work ceases.

A few hours of rest can restore the performance of muscles and relieve a person of pain.

To speed up the process of getting rid of discomfort, it is worth lying on the bed, throwing your legs higher. This improves blood flow and enriches arterial blood supply. The outflow of lactic acid is faster.

Another physiological reason, according to which the gastrocnemius hurts is its stretching. In this case, rest and peace are also necessary.

The muscle can stretch if there is a sharp movement against the background of the previous load. Pain appears both in sportsmen and amateurs to engage in physically active activities.

Before each training it is necessary to conduct an easy warm-up.

There are a number of reasons, caused by serious diseases of blood vessels, spine and nervous system. The main ones are:

  • varicosity;
  • inflammation of the lower leg, formation of thrombi;
  • pathology of an infectious nature;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs;
  • pathology of the spine;
  • pathology of nerve fibers.

Such diseases manifest themselves long before the appearance of pain in the calves. Unpleasant symptoms that appear in the evening are often accompanied by an ankle edema and serve as the first signs of varicose veins.

Blood stagnates in the lower limbs, which causes painful sensations - swollen tissues press on the nerve endings. Avoid complications with timely treatment.

What if the calf hurts for several days? It is necessary to immediately call a specialist.

The appearance of thrombi and inflammation of the calf muscles can cause painful symptoms in the calves. The pain is often strong, pulsating. There are other symptoms.

With inflammation along the path of the affected vein, the skin temperature rises, the covers acquire a reddish shade. There is malaise, the temperature rises. The main sign of thrombosis is marked swelling of the foot.

There is a dark red and bluish color of the skin.

Treatment of such diseases is carried out by a doctor-phlebologist in a hospital. Independently to eliminate symptoms is not recommended - it threatens the development of gangrene.

A common cause of pain is the development of atherosclerosis. Plaques appear in the arteries of the legs, which prevent normal blood flow. Sometimes the pain in the calf muscles is a symptom of a disease that should be treated immediately.

Diseases of the arteries have the following symptoms:

  • due to oxygen starvation of the muscles, the calves of one leg can atrophy;
  • the skin on the ankle becomes dry;
  • hair falls from the lower leg;
  • nails are affected by fungus;
  • severe vascular injury causes gangrene of the extremity.

Such diseases of the arteries are treated only with the participation of a doctor.

A common cause, which causes pain in the gastrocnemius muscle, is osteochondrosis.

Often the symptoms appear and with various curvatures, intervertebral hernia.

This kind of pain is characterized by a special character - it sharply "shoots" the muscle after the movement begins. It is accompanied by sharp pain symptoms in the lumbar region.

Pain in the lower leg area can also indicate direct muscle damage. It can be:

  • myositis - inflammatory processes;
  • rheumatic fibromyalgia - is an autoimmune disease (associated with impaired immunity);
  • parasitic disease.
  • Myopathy is idiopathic pain, the cause of which can not be established;

Often the pain in the calf muscles is not related to the damage to the muscles and blood vessels. In this case, possible damage to the nervous system.

Often the pain arises suddenly and also abruptly passes. This is called a cramp. Causes:

  • dehydration;
  • change of climatic zone;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • thyroid disease;
  • prolonged tension of the calf muscles;

There are convulsions after hypothermia, a sharp increase in the amplitude of motion of the legs. The attack lasts for a few seconds or minutes. When the gastrocnemius hurts after a spasm, you need to massage it.

To get rid of pain, you should first consult a specialist, since only he is able to establish the true cause of the ailment.

If the pain occurs when walking, the treatment may well be only symptomatic, because often the reason lies in flatfoot or osteochondrosis.

In cases where pain causes problems with the veins, you should always seek advice from a phlebologist.

In accordance with the stage and type of the disease, he will prescribe the necessary ointments (for example, heparin, ichthyol ointment, Troxevasin), gels (Lyoton, Fastum-gel), preparations for ingestion (Flebodia 600, Detralex, Venarus) or will recommend surgery (usually such operations are easy and without serious consequences).

Also it is worth wearing the right shoes. It should be convenient and practical. Women should not wear high heels and studs.

Special bandages are often prescribed for treatment. Treatment of pain in the gastrocnemius muscle that occurs when walking, is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a professional.

For prevention, several recommendations should be followed:

  • reduce sugar and coffee consumption to a minimum;
  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • daily use of vitamins and minerals;
  • to eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium;
  • carry out hardening.

Such recommendations will help prevent pain in the calf muscles, will contribute to an early recovery.

Pain in the calves is the result of overexertion, musculature, nerve fibers and vessels of the lower limbs.

Determining the cause and treatment of pain in calf muscles should be entrusted to a professional. The relief of pain lies in the treatment of diseases that have caused an unpleasant symptom.

Prevention includes wearing comfortable shoes, making the right diet, hardening.

If you follow the recommendations of a doctor and do not engage in unreasonable self-treatment, the pain will quickly go away, and the muscle capacity will recover.

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Pain in the calf muscle: reasons for treatment at home

A complex system of bones, muscles and nerves responds for movement.

In particular, for the ability to run and walk meets calf muscle, located on the back of the shin.

From time to time many people complain of pain in the gastrocnemius muscle. We will tell you why this condition arises, what are the methods of treatment and what is important to know.

Causes of pathology development

The pain syndrome in the gastrocnemius muscle develops not only because of fatigue, as most people believe. In general, the causes of pathology by specialists are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Causes of a physiological type

The physiological causes of unpleasant, painful sensations in the lower extremities do not require medical intervention. They are considered a sign of the norm, but their presence should necessarily be diagnosed in order to rule out more serious problems.

The reasons for the fact that the calf muscles are aching, swelling, and legs are feeling fatigued are covered in a natural protective mechanism. Thus, the body signals the need for rest.

The increased work of the muscular apparatus leads to the accumulation of lactic acid. This substance is a product of energy metabolism in muscle cells, the oxidation of which is not finished.

It is a toxin for muscles.

To remove lactic acid, the body needs rest. A few hours of total rest is enough to restore well-being. Effectively put your feet on a slight rise - so the outflow of lactic acid from the muscles will occur much faster.

In addition, the arterial blood flow will be enriched with oxygen, which is necessary for normal operation of the muscular apparatus and surrounding tissues. Positively, the foot bath with the use of water at room temperature influences the process of reducing the intensity of muscle pain.

An example of a condition in which a physiological variant of the pain syndrome develops is an insignificant stretching of the gastrocnemius muscle.

This is observed as a result of sudden movements - jumping, fast walking and others.

This situation is often noted in athletes who ignored the requirement to warm up or warm up muscles.

It is often enough to see pain in calves in women who are pregnant.

This condition is observed with increased stress, lack of important trace elements and vitamin.

Pain syndrome is eliminated by taking specialized multivitamin complexes, as well as changing the regime of the day.

Causes of pathological type

Strong cramps of the calf muscles

The pain in the gastrocnemius muscle develops and for reasons that require compulsory medical control. Traditionally they are called pathological. These include the following violations:

  • varicose veins;
  • process of inflammation and thrombosis of veins;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries;
  • pathology of the muscular apparatus;
  • infectious disease;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • violation of the integrity and functionality of nerve fibers;
  • side effects of taking medications.

Violation of the veins

You can talk about varicose if the patient complains of painful sensations in the calves that arise in the second half of the day, puffiness of the ankles.

In general, these signs can be recognized pathology long before it becomes visible visually. Fatigue and pain syndrome is a response to stagnation of the blood, which is observed in the veins.

The early initiation of treatment avoids serious and dangerous consequences for health.

A strong, often throbbing pain in the muscles of the calves is a sure sign of the onset of thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

In addition, phlebitis is accompanied by a change in the pigmentation of the skin zone along the affected vein, and even tactile it becomes hot. The thrombosis is accompanied by a strong puffiness, which is visually conspicuous.

Skin covers with this pathology acquire a dark red color with a transition to a bluish tint. Pain syndrome is pronounced.

Pathology of the arteries

Often an explanation of why calf muscles with different intensity of pain are atherosclerosis.

Due to the fact that cholesterol plaques form in the arteries, blood flows badly to the tissues, which in turn leads to ischemia. Recognize pathology easily by intermittent claudication.

Long walking leads to the development of pain syndrome, which causes a person to make frequent stops.

Among other causes of atherosclerosis:

  • dryness of the skin of the lower leg, active development of trophic changes;
  • due to oxygen starvation, the muscles gradually atrophy;
  • on the nails show signs of fungal attack;
  • gangrene (in case of severe injury).

Pathological processes in the spine

Spine Curvature

Hernia, formed in the interdisk space, osteochondrosis, curvature can also cause a pain syndrome in the calf muscles. The pain is not constant, it arises as a result of a sharp movement, it can give back.

The development of osteochondrosis and hernia in the intervertebral space is facilitated by such phenomena:

  • curvature of the spinal column to a significant extent;
  • lack of essential for the full functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus of trace elements;
  • a violation of the hormonal background and, as a consequence, a decrease in the concentration of calcium;
  • suffered injuries.

The defeat of the muscular apparatus

Pain in the muscles of the calves may manifest myositis or inflammation of the musculature of a person. This pathology affects the gastrocnemius directly.

At rest, the pain is dull, aching. However, it increases with pressure on the inflamed area or attempts to move with the foot.

Often there is spasmodic muscle - a protective reaction in order to limit mobility. The skin covers turn red, the venous pattern is pronounced.

If myositis is not treated, the patient has a complete atrophy of the muscular apparatus.

To treat the pathological process, drugs are prescribed that effectively eliminate pain and inflammation. In the acute phase, an additional course of therapeutic physical training, massage - all this contributes to restoring the ability of the muscle to reduce.

In addition to myositis, the causes of unpleasant sensations in calves may be a type of autoimmune disease, such as rheumatic fibromyalgia. And also - myopathies.

Causes of neurological plan

In medical practice, there are many cases when the pain syndrome in the muscles of the calves is not associated with either the pathology of the apparatus itself or the disturbances in the functioning of the vessels. The defeat of nerve fibers can also cause pain. You can diagnose it by such signs:

  • non-permanent character of the syndrome;
  • feeling of numbness, heat.

Convulsive phenomena

Severe pain in the muscles while walking

In medical practice, it is not uncommon for a situation where the pain syndrome in calves develops against a background of convulsions. This condition is characterized by suddenness, high amplitude of pain. Experts explain the reasons for the development of the convulsive phenomenon:

  • lack of moisture in the body;
  • lack of vitamin, minerals;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • muscle tension of the legs for a long period of time;
  • dysfunctional states of the thyroid gland;
  • exacerbation of conditions that can cause chronic pain syndrome.

Seizures are most often observed at night, against a background of hypothermia, muscle strain. An attack can be learned by hardening the muscles, their deformation.

Continue this can from 2 seconds to several minutes.

The negative consequence of cramps is muscle strain, which, in turn, will be reflected in the preservation of the pain syndrome for several days.

Cope with cramps is not difficult. If the attack happened at night, it's enough to lower your legs to the floor and apply something cool to help restore the blood circulation that has broken.

Another effective tool is easy massage action. Often, the Internet meets a recommendation to prick the spasmed place with a hairpin or a pin.

This method is highly effective, but it is a threat because of the risk of damage to nerves, vessels.

Treatment of pain in calf muscles

Anti-inflammatory ointment

The causes of pain in the gastrocnemius muscles are determined by a specialist, however, treatment can be started at home, if there is no possibility to immediately contact a medical institution. Eliminate the unpleasant sensations in the limbs, muscle spasm will help such actions:

  • taking painkillers both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments;
  • application of anti-inflammatory ointments.

Effective compresses with diluted alcohol (in the ratio 1 to 1).

Important:the listed actions are permissible, if the nature of the pain is not acute and as an emergency. When you visit a doctor, you should specify which drugs were taken.

In general, the therapeutic tactics to eliminate the pain syndrome in the calf muscles is determined by the cause that led to the development of pathology.

In cases of blood flow disorders in veins and arteries, in addition to analgesic agents, preparations aimed at restoring blood stasis and eliminating the inflammatory process are prescribed.

Preventive actions

Massage of gastrocnemius muscles with cramps

The thesis that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure is known to many.

His fidelity has been proved by numerous studies and many years of practice.

Prophylactic measures are not difficult to perform, they can be started after clarification of the causes of pain in the calf muscles and the main course of treatment of gastrocnemius muscles.

The preventive course is presented by such recommendations:

  1. To reconsider the wardrobe and leave shoes of the appropriate size in it, not too tight. It is advisable to refrain from wearing high-heeled models. The recommended height is not more than four centimeters. However, it is difficult for women to completely eliminate sandals and shoes on the hairpin, especially for special occasions. In this case, orthopedists and surgeons are advised to take a spare pair and immediately after the end of the celebration change their shoes. Ideally, any model had an orthopedic footbed.
  2. Maintaining a sufficient level of magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin D.
  3. A complete refusal to drink large quantities of coffee, tea, sugar, fatty foods, alcohol. Tobacco smoking is strictly prohibited.
  4. Diet should be saturated with dairy products, vegetables and fruits. For drinking it is recommended to use mineral table water.

If during the day on the lower extremities there was a significant load, the foot bath will help to cope with the arisen muscle tension, and also stay in a horizontal position.

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