Gymnastics Kegel with urinary incontinence - the rules of implementation

Urinary incontinence can occur for various reasons, but in most cases this condition is complicated by the weakness of the pelvic muscles, which causes seizures of the disease. To quickly, easier to cope with this problem, Kegel gymnastics was developed for incontinence, which helps in most cases and facilitates the process of treatment.

  • Description of exercises
  • Rules of implementation
  • Gymnastics Kegel for urinary incontinence for women and men
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Contrary to common misconceptions, incontinence or enuresis is not exclusively a female or child problem. There are many reasons that can provoke its appearance in men at any age. Weakness of the pelvic muscles is a common phenomenon that can seriously prolong the process of recovery with incontinence.

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Gymnastics Kegel significantly alleviates the condition in men after prostatectomy and other serious medical surgical interventions that can lead to the onset of involuntary urination. Despite the fact that initially this method was developed exclusively for women, it was later established its benefits for men.

In people of any gender, age, this set of exercises for stress incontinence, other disorders is often included in the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor. Cases of stress urinary incontinence are common in children, this gymnastics is suitable for children as well.

Exercises on the Kegel system can be used as a prophylaxis for problems with the organs of the genitourinary system in the future. Strong pelvic muscles will help to avoid various disorders in the functioning of the urethra, bladder and reproductive organs in women.

Important!Before starting the exercises on this complex of exercises, it is necessary to make sure there are no contraindications.

Before the beginning of the gymnast you need to make sure of the emptiness of the bladder, otherwise the muscles will not be properly controlled, there may be strong urge to urinate. During exercise, you need to ensure that after each exercise the muscles are completely relaxed, otherwise they will not be ready for a new contraction.

Description of exercises

Before the very beginning of the exercises, you need to determine the correct location of the right muscles, the strengthening of which you need to do. In men and women, this is determined in different ways, you can do this as follows:

  1. In women, during urination, try to stop the flow of urine, without straining the muscles of the abdomen or thighs. Muscles, with the help of which the process was stopped, are the ones that will need to be trained in the future.
  2. In men, you can also determine the right muscles in the process of urination, you need to strain and stop this process. He stops at the expense of those muscles that should be trained.

After correctly determining the right muscles, you can start a set of exercises. The duration of the entire course can take up to two to three months, depending on the tone of the muscles at the beginning of the session. You can stop exercising when the process of controlling the pelvic muscles is quite simple.

Important!After the basic course of exercises, experts recommend still sometimes resort to gymnastics in order to maintain its long-term effect.

Rules of implementation

In order for the classes to be most effective, it is worth knowing about the basic rules of Kegel's gymnastics for urinary incontinence for men and women. Be sure to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. The beginning should be gradual, should not be rushed, the time of training should be sufficient, not lead to painful sensations or strengthening of problems with urination. Begin with five repetitions of each exercise, each week should be increased by another five. In time it is desirable to come to thirty repetitions at a time.
  2. Approaches in the performance of exercises should be suitable for a particular system: it should begin with contraction, then there are contractions and expulsions.
  3. Perform exercises should be every day, after reaching the main result of charging Kegel, the number of repetitions and approaches can be slightly reduced.

Also, during training, you need to watch to cut only the right muscles. It is necessary to watch, that muscles of a stomach and hips did not strain, differently exercises will be as a matter of fact useless.

Gymnastics Kegel for urinary incontinence for women and men

There are several basic exercises in this complex: compression, reduction and ejection, this is the order in which they should be performed. These exercises are performed as follows:

  1. Compression. Take the position lying on a solid surface, you need to gradually, as much as the muscles allow, stretch them and slowly count to three, then relax. Again count to three, then strain. In general, the full cycle can be gradually increased to twenty seconds. You can also use the technique of floors: with each approach, strain your muscles more and more.
  2. Reduction. In this case, you need to quickly compress, cause a contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. In the beginning, you should perform this exercise for 5 - 10 seconds, with the course of training time can be extended.
  3. Pushing out. This exercise, its proper execution, can cause most of the difficulties at the very beginning of the class. In this case, the same mechanism is used, that with attempts at stool or urination accompanied by effort. When pushing out, you should push, time should be gradually increased.

These are the basic exercises that go to the complex of Kegel gymnastics. Perform them better when lying down, especially for the first few weeks. Over time, you can get used to doing them during the classroom by doing some household chores. The main thing is to understand how, what muscles need to be involved during this process.

If there are other indications, the Kegel gymnastics complex can be combined with other exercise exercises. In this case, the muscle tone of the lower abdomen, thighs will also be maintained. It is worth remembering that such exercises are also a good prevention of various disorders.

Also do not forget that Kegel exercises are an auxiliary treatment, usually incontinence is caused by a complex of various causes. To maximize the benefits of exercise, you should get rid of the main factors that cause incontinence.

The main thing is to do the exercises constantly. Breaks in classes can trigger a relapse of incontinence. The effect of constant gymnastics should be visible within a few weeks after the start, but if it does not, consult a doctor and determine if the exercises are being conducted correctly.

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