Erespal from cough: indications for use when coughing in children and adults
- Pills for cough
- With other diseases
The drug Erespal has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, prevents bronchial diseases.
The drug anti-bronchoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect, such a multifunctionality of the drug allows its use in the treatment of colds, viral and infectious diseases.
Esper from a cough comes in two forms: pills and syrup.
Contraindications to the use of drugs in tablets is children's age (under 18 years), as well as individual intolerance to the components.
When overdose is recommended to consult a doctor, symptoms of an overdose: drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, agitation. With a mild overdose, the stomach can be washed, in more severe cases, emergency medical care is provided, the vital functions of the body and internal organs are maintained.
Indications for the use of the drug are:
- bronchitis;
- tracheobronchitis;
- laryngitis;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- bronchial asthma (used in complex therapy);
- various diseases of the respiratory tract;
- sinusitis and otitis.
With pediatric therapy, children under 18 years of age, only Erespal syrup from cough is used.
The adult patient can take medication in the form of tablets or syrup, the therapy can be complex with antibiotics and expectorants. Pregnancy is a contraindication to taking the drug, as well as the lactation period.
Tablets for cough Erespal with a dry and moist cough
Tablets from cough Erespal are taken to reduce infectious and inflammatory and infectious diseases, allergic reactions respiratory ways, help effectively cope with spasms in the bronchi, are effective if the patient has dry or wet cough. The tablet shell is standard, allows you to quickly swallow the medicine.Tablets for cough Erespal are used to treat dry cough: 1 tablet or 1 tsp. syrup in front of eating, if the case is very neglected, then it is recommended to double the dose to 2 tablets or 320 mg of syrup per day. If the patient has a wet cough, then the medicine is used in complex therapy, together with antibiotics and effective expectorants.
Dosage of tablets against cough Erespal:
- Children over 14 years and adults - 1 tablet in the morning and evening. If a syrup is prescribed - 3 tablespoons each. per day. The daily dose of syrup can be increased to an allowable maximum of 320 mg, which is divided into two or three doses.
- Children under the age of 18 are given only syrup, and the dose of the medicine is calculated based on body weight. If a child has a mass of up to 10 kg, 1 to 2 tsp is prescribed. syrup per day, more than 10 kg - 2 tablespoons each. twice a day.
All forms of the drug are taken before meals, the course of treatment can last from several weeks, up to three months, if there is an acute disease. With chronic forms of bronchitis and lung diseases, the doctor may prescribe a longer treatment.
Regarding the prescription for therapy with the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, Esperal is not prescribed, because in the process of clinical studies, its safe properties.
Erespal tablets also have effective counterparts from cough:
- Eladon.
- Inspiron.
- Bronchomax.
- Fosidal.
- Amyspiron IC.
The cost of the medicine is available in any pharmacy, and you can buy a drug in the price of 210 to 280 rubles. Judging by the opinions of doctors, Erespal is quite an effective tool that helps to suppress the biologically active viral, infectious and allergic pathogens. As a result of the components of the drug, the shortness of breath decreases, the number of coughing attacks decreases, the painful sensations developing against the background of diseases disappear.
Erespal in allergic rhinitis and other diseases
Erespal is actively used to treat allergic reactions in children aged 18 and adults.When Erespal is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, the drug prevents the formation of edema of the mucous membranes and simultaneously inhibits the development of the cause of the disease.
And also prevents the formation of bronchial spasms, reduces the viscosity of the mucous secretions.
Erespalum at otitis is appointed or nominated:
- For treatment of children, the dose is calculated depending on the body weight - 4 mg per 1 kg of body, twice a day.
- Adults - 1 - 2 tablets twice a day.
Erespal with genyantritis:
- Children 1 tsp. syrup twice a day.
- Adults - 1 tablet three times a day.
Erespal with a cold:
- Children 2 times a day for 4 mg per 1 kg of syrup weight.
- Adults - from 2 to 3 meals per day for 1 tablet.
Erespal has become one of the best and most effective drugs used to treat colds, allergies, viral and infectious diseases, he quickly copes with such diseases as sinusitis, acute sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis etc.
Its advantages can be called:
- Accelerates and improves healing processes.
- It reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane, coughing, runny nose, sore throat.
- The drug acts directly on the foci of infection, moreover, not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates the causes of the disease.
- Effectively clears the nasal sinuses from congestion of mucus.
- If you use Erespal therapy, there is no need to use extensive concomitant therapy.
- Among the side effects there is no risk of developing allergic reactions due to the components of the drug.
- You can safely use complex therapy together with other medicines, of course, only as directed by the doctor.
- The form of the medicine in the form of a syrup can be prescribed even to infants, but here one should be very careful, since the flavoring (orange) can cause an allergic reaction.
Thus, Erespal is effective for allergic rhinitis, otitis, antritis, viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, treats otitis, whooping cough, influenza, rhinotraheobronchitis.
However, if you contact LOR in time, you can avoid punctures and effectively cure the disease. Erespal appoints only a doctor, he also regulates the course of treatment and its duration.
At what cough to take Erespal
Dry and moist, barking, lingering and even allergic - in all cases this unique preparation will help. At what cough to take Erespal? At any rate! A powerful drug is often used, effective in fighting most colds and infectious diseases of ENT organs. Successfully designate a popular medicine for adults and very young children.
From what cough Erespal helps
Any inflammatory process in the nasopharynx causes a rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. As a result - bronchospasm, glandular hypersecretion. In these situations, Erespal helps. If there is no sputum, this medicine will stop the attack, and if it is wet, it reduces the secretion of the glands. Often, doctors are asked about the cough Erespal gives. This drug is effective for respiratory symptoms of any etiology.
The medicine relieves of a protracted exhausting and barking attack. It is used for allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. Indications for use are wide:
- pharyngitis;
- acute and chronic bronchitis;
- tracheitis;
- measles;
- laryngitis;
- whooping cough.
Instruction for admission
When using a medicine, it is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations accurately, take into account compatibility with other prescriptions. As a rule, adults are prescribed 80 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. Children and adolescents under the age of 14 are recommended to take the drug at a rate of 4 mg / kg of the child's weight per day. For children younger than 2 years of age, doses are prescribed individually by a medical professional.
Cough syrup
To whom, at what cough to take syrup and in what dosages, the doctor decides. It also helps adults. Drug Erespal with a dry cough in a child is prescribed only in syrup! Nuances:
- The "sweet variant" contains sucrose, so it should be taken with caution to patients with diabetes mellitus.
- Syrup is prescribed even to newborns, although manufacturers do not recommend the use of the drug to 2 years.
- For crumbs that have not reached this age, the decision can only be made by a doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the state of health of the baby.
At what cough do you take Erespal tablets? The indications are the same, only one clarification - the pills are prescribed to patients over 18 years of age. The method of application and the amount of the drug is determined by the therapist. The medicine is taken before meals. Single dose - no more than 2 tablets. In severe cases, a doctor can recommend a single treatment of the disease once. In this case, the daily dose should not be above 240 mg.
Feedback on the results of the application
Maria, 25 years old: For several weeks I could not overcome a barking cough. I tried a wide variety of syrups. On the recommendation of a doctor, she bought this drug - almost immediately it was a relief. Since then, I always keep this medicine at home. Before, I did not know about Erespal when I took it, but after the illness, I can safely recommend it when barking!
Natalia, 32 years old: I was looking for data on Erespal at what cough to take, doctors' advice differed. I listened to my therapist and gave it to the baby when wet. Very quickly the medicine helped, but the two-year-old son had an allergic reaction - the body was covered with a rash. Apparently, this is a reaction to the syrup. Continue to be given along with antihistamines.
Nikita, 37 years old: I was ill for a long time, I was treated at home with herbs and light syrups. I switched to antibiotics, but there was no relief. When the muscles began to ache from the attacks, I decided to see a doctor, Erespal began to take his advice. It became better not immediately - but after 4 days the pain began to decrease. Cure quickly failed, but after 2 weeks I was healthy.
The preparation "Erespal" at what cough to take? Instructions for use in adults and children
Most colds are associated with the respiratory tract. Especially often children suffer from such ailments. Any viral, bacterial or allergic infection necessarily affects the airways. Bronchitis, laryngitis cause an unpleasant, painful cough. To facilitate the symptoms, doctors prescribe the drug "Erespal". At what cough to take medicine? After all, misuse of medicines can seriously damage the body.
Pharmacological properties
A popular modern medicine, widely used to combat respiratory diseases, is the drug "Erespal". At what cough to take this remedy? The answer to the question is hidden in the pharmacological properties of the medication. Consider the mechanism of the effect of the medicine on the body.
The development of the inflammatory process in the respiratory system is accompanied by the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Bacteria provoke:
- occurrence of inflammation;
- spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi;
- hypersecretion of bronchial glands.
This process leads to painful symptoms. The patient is disturbed by attacks of wet or dry cough, there is shortness of breath. In the area of inflammation, the patient feels painful discomfort.
With such symptoms, Erespal tablets bring considerable relief. The use of the drug in this case is completely justified. The drug is able to block α-adrenoreceptors and H1-histamine receptors. As a result of this influence, the muscles of the bronchi relax. In less quantity, mediators of inflammation are produced, glands secretion decreases. The patient is reduced coughing attacks under the influence of the medicine "Erespal".
At what cough to take a medicine? The answer is very simple. The drug is a unique anti-inflammatory drug with a multifaceted mechanism of action. It is effectively used to combat wet and dry cough. At the same time this medicine is suitable for adults and children alike.
Advantages of the drug
The drug is often used in complex therapy for colds. It helps to accelerate recovery, reduce signs of malaise. Due to such properties, pediatricians often prescribe the drug "Erespal" for children. The instruction gives a whole list of pathologies in which this remedy is very effective.
The use of the medicine allows:
- eliminate nasal congestion;
- rid of persecution and pain in the throat;
- reduce the intensity of cough;
- to remove puffiness of mucous membranes;
- to get rid of the common cold.
In addition, the drug is perfectly combined with a variety of antibiotics. But the greatest value of the drug is that it is allowed to use Erespal medicine for children. The instruction testifies: the preparation in the form of a syrup can be used for kids from 2 years.
Indications for use
Let's consider, at what diseases the pediatrician "Erespal" (syrup) is prescribed for children.
Instructions for use of the drug recommend the use of the agent for inflammation of the respiratory organs:
- pharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- bronchitis;
- tracheobronchitis;
- tracheitis;
- sinusitis;
- otitis;
- rhinitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- measles;
- flu;
- whooping cough.
As a rule, the drug is prescribed in complex therapy. In a variety of diseases, doctors recommend using Erespal tablets. The drug is effective for coughing, hoarseness, sore throat.
Forms of release
The drug "Erespal" is produced in the following dosage forms:
- pills;
- syrup.
The active substance of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride. It is he who prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the lung tissues.
- Tablets "Erespal 80". The instructions for use indicate that they contain 80 mg of the active substance.
- Syrup. Produced in bottles of 150 ml. The syrup contains fenspiride hydrochloride in the following proportion: per 1 ml of the solution, 2 mg of the active ingredient.
Dosage of the drug
Tablets "Erespal 80" (instructions for use especially on this accentuates) are used only for the therapy of adult patients. It is very important during the treatment to follow all the doctor's recommendations.
The instruction gives the following rules for taking the tablets:
- Pills are consumed before meals.
- In the case of chronic inflammatory diseases it is recommended to use 2 tablets - in the morning and in the evening.
- To combat the acute course of the pathology, the prescribed dose of a doctor can be increased. Implied three times a day to take 1 tablet.
Depending on the disease, its shape and individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor prescribes a specific pattern of drug use. These same factors affect the duration of therapy with the drug. Only the doctor can recommend its use.
"Erespal" (syrup) can be used for adults and children who have reached the age of 12 years. During the day, the patient is allowed to consume 3-6 spoons. This is 45-90 ml of the solution.
Application of syrup for children
Never take independent attempts to treat babies. Despite the high efficiency, the drug "Erespal" is not recommended for infants. A syrup for children (the instruction indicates this!) Is not applicable for crumbs that have not reached the age of 2 years.
Prescribe this tool or its analogue can only be a pediatrician. To correctly calculate the dosage for a child, the doctor takes into account the age of the baby and his weight. The norm is rounded down. The daily dose of cough medicine must in no case exceed the permissible standards. The calculated norm is divided into 2-3 admissions. Syrup, as well as tablets, is taken before meals.
The daily norm is calculated as follows: for 1 kilogram of the child's mass, 4 mg of the drug is permissible. In this way:
- For children weighing less than 10 kg, the dose is 2-4 hours. spoons during the day.
- Children who weigh more than 10 kg, it is recommended 2-4 st. tablespoons per day.
The course of necessary treatment will be prompted only by the pediatrician, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease. As evidenced by reviews of this drug, relief is observed 2-3 days after the start of the drug.
Contraindications for use
The effective agent is well tolerated by patients. It has practically no contraindications.
The instruction gives the following prohibitions on the use of the medicine:
- increased sensitivity to the active substance or components of the drug;
- the child's age is up to two years.
With special care, it is recommended to treat this medication in the form of a syrup for people who are diagnosed with:
- intolerance to fructose;
- diabetes;
- glucose-galactose malabsorption.
Because the syrup in its composition contains sucrose.
Do not prescribe the drug "Erespal" during pregnancy. Specialists do not have data on the effect of the ingredients of this medicine on the future mother's organism. At the same time it is confirmed that the active substance does not provoke abortion.
If a nursing mother starts taking Erespal, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding. Since there is currently no data on the ingestion of the active substance into the milk.
Side effects
Unpleasant reactions can sometimes occur with the use of the drug. It is especially important to know about possible manifestations if Erespal is prescribed for children.
Instructions for use give the following list of side effects:
- Heart and blood vessels. Sometimes there is tachycardia. With a decrease in the dose of the drug, this phenomenon decreases.
- GIT. Frequent reactions to the medicine are: an intestinal and stomach disorder, pain in the epigastric region, the emergence of nausea. Sometimes even vomiting may occur.
- Nervous system. It is extremely rare in patients during the use of drugs observed drowsiness or dizziness.
- Skin covers. Sometimes people notice a rash, hives, erythema. Some patients are concerned about itchy skin.
In addition to the above side effects, patients may experience asthenia, a feeling of severe fatigue. Such manifestations must be reported to your doctor.
special instructions
Very often patients mistakenly refer the drug "Erespal" to antibiotics. This is completely wrong. This remedy is not capable of replacing antibiotic therapy. Therefore, you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and take all the drugs that will be prescribed to them.
Studies that would have concluded that it was possible to manage vehicles and mechanisms during the administration of the drug were not conducted. But the instruction clearly indicates that such side effects as drowsiness are possible. Therefore, it is better not to drive the car during treatment.
It is not recommended to combine the drug with alcohol or sedatives.
Understanding how effective the "Erespal" means, at what cough to take this medicine, you should clearly realize that this medication is prescribed only by a doctor. As a rule, this is done in complex therapy. Take care of your health!
Erespal: indications and basic recommendations for use
Erespal is one of the popular modern anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictive drugs, actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The active substance of the drug is fenspiride.
Pharmacological properties
When developing the inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. They lead to the appearance of inflammation, hypersecretion of bronchial glands, spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi. In this process, the following clinical picture is observed: the patient begins to worry about attacks of dry or wet cough, there is shortness of breath and painful sensations in the site of inflammation.Erespal blocks H1-histamine receptors and α-adrenoreceptors, which causes relaxation of the bronchial muscles, reduces the production of mediators of inflammation and the secretion of bronchial glands. The pharmacological action of Erespal on the body is manifested by a decrease in coughing attacks and a decrease in the production of a pathological secret. After applying the syrup from the cough Erespal, discomfort sensations gradually disappear during the respiratory process.Syrup Erespal for cough is indicated for inflammation of the respiratory tract:
- pharyngitis;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- tracheitis;
- tracheobronchitis;
- rhinitis;
- sinusitis;
- otitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- flu;
- measles;
- whooping cough.
This is one of the few anti-inflammatory drugs effective against dry and wet cough at the same time.
Form of application and application
Erespal is produced in such pharmacological forms as tablets and syrup. Adults and children from 14 years of age are prescribed with a dry cough Erespal 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 45-90 mg of syrup. If necessary, when the patient is in an acute condition, the daily dose may be increased to 320 mg, but only as prescribed by the doctor. This amount of medicine should be divided into several receptions.Children up to fourteen years of age, the drug is prescribed only as a syrup. In appearance it is a viscous liquid of bright orange color. Sometimes it has a muddy residue, which disappears immediately after shaking. Dosage should be calculated depending on the age and weight of the child: children up to a year with a weight of up to 10 kg prescribed 1-2 teaspoons of syrup twice a day. You need to calculate, based on the fact that 1 kg of body weight will require 4 mg of the medicinal anti-inflammatory drug Erespal. Children who weigh more than 10 kg pediatricians are prescribed 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day. You need to take the medicine before eating.
For inhalation Erespal in the form of a solution is not released, the medicine is intended only for internal use.
Side effects and contraindications
Erespal from a cough is contraindicated with personal intolerance to any of the components of the drug. In some cases, namely - if the dosage is incorrectly administered, side effects may occur. From the digestive tract as a result of an overdose, Erespal can cause such side effects as:- nausea;
- vomiting;
- uncomfortable sensations in the epistragal area.
Sometimes allergic reactions may occur in children, they are more often manifested as urticaria, and Quincke edema is less common. Allergy usually occurs when taking syrup, not tablets, because it contains para-hydroxybenzoate.
Among other possible side effects, it is worth highlighting such phenomena:
- drowsiness;
- minor tachycardia;
- dizziness;
- diarrhea;
- increased fatigue.
Erespal during pregnancy is contraindicated
In pregnancy, Erespal is not prescribed, since specialists have no data on the absence of teratogenic and fetotoxic effect from the effect of the drug on the pregnant woman's body. But at the same time, penetration into the body of a woman fenspiride does not cause an interruption of pregnancy. When treating Erespal, it is necessary to exclude breastfeeding on the basis of the lack of data on the release of fenspiride with breast milk.
special instructions
The instructions do not describe the interaction of Erespal with other medications.It is not recommended the simultaneous use of Erespal with sedatives or with alcohol. Since the drug can cause drowsiness and dizziness, it is better to refuse for the period of treatment from driving transport and working with complex mechanisms. The use of Erespal does not exclude antibiotic therapy when the disease is infectious.
Based on the fact that the syrup contains sucrose, it is better not to prescribe it to patients with diabetes mellitus, replacing them with tablets. Also, Erespal is cautiously prescribed to people who are hypersensitive to acetylsalicylic acid.
In case of an overdosage, the stomach must be washed and the ECG monitored. In the treatment of overdose, symptomatic therapy should be used.
Erespal does not require special storage conditions, however it is not recommended to keep the product at a temperature above 25 degrees, the shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture.
User Reviews
If you do not know if you should trust the drug prescribed to you, check out the reviews of those people who have already used the action on themselves.
Larissa, 26 years old, Omsk: "Erespal is a sweet syrup, pleasant enough to taste. My children do not refuse to drink it, on the contrary, they really like it. However, he helped us only the first time, when the children got bronchitis. Next time the drug no longer had such a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as I had expected. "
Margarita, 35 years old, Vladimir:"One day I fell ill with ARVI, the condition was heavy, I was not helped by cough medicines, I had to resort to more serious drugs. The therapist wrote me a pill Erespal. This remedy extends the bronchi well, so after the first admission it became much easier for me to breathe, disappeared painful shortness of breath. I had no side effects, but I will not advise this drug because I'm not a doctor. Refer to specialists! "
Lidia, 48 years old, Krasnodar:"My child with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis was given syrup Erespal. Used together with inhalation saline without antibiotics. Everything worked well and after 2 days we were already at home. A few more days continued to drink syrup and do inhalation. "
Christina, 23 years old, Orenburg:"Previously, I always suffered from bronchitis, it happens to me with a complication in the form of obstruction. I use Erespal in a suspension, because it has a faster therapeutic effect, expanding the bronchi. Already an hour after the application of the desired dosage I feel noticeable improvements. If you take the medicine strictly according to the instructions, then, I think, there will be no side effects. "