What to drink from a cough with bronchitis

Cough with bronchitis: what to drink and how to relieve bronchial cough

In a normal state, the glands located inside the bronchi secrete a small amount of mucus into their lumen.

Such secretions are easily removed from the body. When there is inflammation in the bronchi, the state of their shell will change.

At the first stage of the disease, the mucosa dries up, and afterwards releases an excessive amount of secretion. As a result of this process, cough begins.

As the disease develops, the cough becomes paroxysmal. He annoys the sick day and night. Moreover, the symptoms appear in the acute form of bronchitis and become more frequent with chronic bronchitis. In the absence of timely treatment, there is a high risk of developing complications, for example, asthma.

Bronchial type of cough in different stages

In an adult, a cough with bronchitis is different. In the early stages of the disease, it is accompanied by the separation of a small amount of sputum. Cough while doing this:

  1. thoracic;
  2. loud;
  3. obtrusive.
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With the progression of the inflammatory process, the dry cough becomes wet. The amount of secreted sputum is steadily increasing.

When chronic bronchitis worsens, from the very first day the patient develops a wet cough. It is quite productive and is accompanied by the release of mucus. Seizures can very much exhaust the patient. From this he suffers from pain:

  • in the chest;
  • in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • in the throat.


stupid coughing provokes a severe perspiration in the throat, which is difficult to blunt even with medications.

In most cases, the premise of acute bronchitis is a virus or a mixed microflora. The disease gives mucous or mucopurulent discharge. Against the background of an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, the patient will note the formation of a secret with blood veins.

How long will last a bronchial cough - completely depends on the severity of the disease. The more neglected inflammation, the longer this symptom is observed. With an acute process, cough persists for a long time, but the remaining signs of the disease will be gone after 10 days:

  1. heat;
  2. general malaise;
  3. feeling of shatter.

With chronic bronchial inflammation, a patient can cough more than 3 months in a row. This symptom can occur along with an increase in body temperature, dyspnea with any physical exertion. As a rule, scarlet blood veins are observed in dense purulent sputum. In this case, be sure to know how to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi.

Chronicle differs in that it is not always possible to get rid of coughing even in a state of persistent remission. For this reason, complete recovery will require comprehensive treatment.

If the cough does not stop, this may indicate the onset of severe airway disease. Sometimes an incessant cough happens when moving the infection from the bronchial tree to the alveoli. In this case, a dangerous disease of bronchopneumonia develops. Its treatment requires a mandatory appointment:

  • antitussive drugs;
  • broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Drinking such drugs to relieve symptoms, it will take at least 7 days.

Treatment of cough with bronchitis

How to treat bronchial cough knows the doctor is a therapist. He will offer to start treatment from home. At a high body temperature, you will also need a strict bed rest.

For the duration of therapy, you must follow a special diet. It is necessary to completely exclude from the menu culinary dishes that can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs:

  1. sharp;
  2. fatty;
  3. smoked;
  4. salted.

Ideally, you need to eat vegetable and dairy food. It is envisaged to include in the diet a large number of fruits, drink plenty of warm liquid.

It is important to completely stop smoking cigarettes, systematically ventilate the room and moisten the air in it.

As for the drug treatment, syrups will help alleviate severe bronchial cough. They contribute to rapid clearance from the bronchi:

  • foreign particles;
  • viruses;
  • bacteria.
If you drink cough syrups on herbs, you can bring the function of the lower parts of the respiratory tract back to normal. It is possible to reduce spasms, to remove inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree.

It is best to choose the syrups of vegetable origin: Flavamed, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and the like.

Cough tablets are well recommended. Take them required by a special scheme. Preparations of this group can differ in composition and have different actions:

  1. secretory;
  2. mucolytic;
  3. secretolitic.

In addition, treatment requires inhalation. The procedure will help to remove sputum congestion faster. For inhalation it will be necessary to use heated alkaline mineral water, a two-percent solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate, anise oil and eucalyptus.

Treatment with inhalations is carried out three times a day for 5 minutes each procedure. Cough with bronchitis can be alleviated by inhalation of herbal infusions: rosemary, birch buds, licorice root, plantain, mother-and-stepmother. The proposed plants have excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

From cough with bronchitis chronic or heavier antibiotics will help. Take antibiotic therapy should be strictly prescribed.

In this case, the pathogenic microflora is destroyed and the focus of the inflammatory process in the bronchial tree is inhibited.


Treatment of an adult patient does not prohibit the use of folk methods and recipes. A strong dry cough will relieve the essential oil:

  • mint;
  • Pine;
  • bergamot;
  • lemon;
  • Melissa.
It is enough to take a few drops of the drug, apply on a handkerchief, inhale for 5 minutes. When coughing is disturbing at night, 7 drops of essential oil should be mixed in 100 ml of warm water.

The resulting solution is poured into a spray gun and sprayed around the room. For the same purpose, an aromatic lamp can be used.

To treat the bronchial cough will be possible thanks to physiotherapy methods. And the therapy gives in to a dry and strong cough. Wet cough during such treatment can intensify, but this is quite normal phenomenon.

The amount of sputum increases, it becomes less viscous and better clears throat. When a patient observes such a change, it means that the treatment is carried out correctly and there is a positive dynamics.

Cough with bronchitis will help a special mixture of medicinal herbs. Take it to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis, it will take for 1 month. The recipe is this:

  • 100 g of pine buds (dry);
  • 150 g of wild rose juice;
  • 150 g of juice of the century (aloe);
  • 50 g of ginseng root tincture;
  • 300 g of May natural honey;
  • 30 g of mummy (dissolved in warm water).

All components should be mixed and leave to infuse for a week. The place where the medicine will be stored should be dark and cool. Drink the product you need before eating 1 tablespoon.

In general, treatment with folk methods is quite diverse. It is recommended to take badger fat or rub it on the chest.

The best way to get rid of congestion is to drink a lot. During the day, you must drink at least 2 liters of warm liquid. This is especially important if the cough is dry.

The patient will need to monitor the air in the house. If it is dry, with chronic bronchitis it will cause a worsening of the problem. For humidification, it is necessary to use special humidifiers or improvised means (hang wet towels, sheets, put containers with water).

To alleviate the symptoms of inflammation of the bronchi will help baking soda. It can be drunk with milk, used for rinsing the throat cavity. Such a fail-safe tool is useful:

  1. with any cough;
  2. with difficulty in sputum discharge.

The secret to the effectiveness of soda is simple. This alkaline product is able to kill most known viruses and bacteria that live in the bronchi of a person. Therefore, it is possible to stop the multiplication of pathogenic microflora and stimulate the release of bronchial secretion for active sputum ejection.

On how to treat with bronchitis - in the video in this article.


Prompt. What is better to take with bronchitis? Everything hurts from coughing. Maybe some grass to drink?



With bronchitis, grind 500 g of onions, add 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, pour 1 l of water and simmer for 3 hours at low heat. Then cool, strain and store in a refrigerator in a tightly ukuporennoy bottle. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
With the same disease, stir the juice of 1 lemon (or apple cider vinegar) and 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day (once for sure at night).
With tracheitis and bronchitis, you can also use aloe juice with honey: cut off the lower leaves of the century, rinse, grind, squeeze the juice with a hand-held juicer and add honey (5 ml juice - 1 g honey). Take a fresh mixture of 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.
With bronchitis, prepare, l juice of aloe, poultry (or stern) and pork fat, 1 kg of honey, kg of chocolate. Aloe is 3-5 years of age to rinse and scroll through the meat grinder. Fat to overtake and cool to 30-35 ° C. Chocolate grate. Mix all. It turns out a very tasty homogeneous mass, similar to chocolate oil. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Keep refrigerated. Especially I like cold children.
In case of bronchial and pulmonary disease, it is recommended to drink chest tea with honey: the althaea root is 40 grams, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother are 40 grams, the ore of oregano is 20 g. For 1 part of the herbs take 10 parts of boiled water and drink warm by 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Insist 10 to 15 minutes. Honey is added to taste.
In order to prevent the transformation of chronic bronchitis into bronchial asthma and prevent another exacerbations use a 20% alcohol solution of propolis (5-7 drops 3 times a day), as well as aerosol "Proposol". In addition to propolis preparations, take Delagil (5 g per day) and, if necessary, bronchodilators. Preventive course is better to spend in the autumn-spring time during, -2 months.
In acute and chronic bronchitis, cough and other acute respiratory diseases, as well as with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract drink tea from the flowers of the althea with honey. To make it, you need 2 tablespoons of althea flowers put in a porcelain teapot, pour boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. In a warm infusion add honey to taste and drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.
With acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, diseases of the paranasal sinuses, bronchial asthma in interictal period, bronchoectatic disease is quite effective aerosol inhalation 30-50% aqueous solution of honey. To conduct inhalations should be for 20 minutes 2 times a day for 20-30 days.
Simultaneously with inhalations, honey electrophoresis (10-50% solution) is used and honey is taken inside.
For inhalations at home, you can use a kettle filled with water for 1/4 of the volume. Water is brought to a boil, the kettle is removed from the fire, a tablespoon of honey is added to the boiling water and the vapors are inhaled through a rubber tube, put on its spout (as the water cools in the kettle it can be periodically to warm up). To conduct the procedure better at night. It is convenient for this purpose to use an electric stove.

Sergey Chistyakov

badger or bearish fat! macropenum 2 tabs a day and it is desirable a school of an antibiotic differently can pass in a pneumonia!


Linkas syrup

drug for cough relief against the background of colds and flu
Super Duper


Antibiotics should be taken, not grass.

Lady with a dog

herbion-from dry and wet cough... any vegetable cough syrup


tincture of Echinocery, uniquely. I myself have chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component. You can brew a mother-stepmother.

Nadezhda Pakhomova

Bearish, marmalade, badger fats - 1 tablespoon, can be served with hot milk for the night. You can make canned massage with plastic cans - along the spine from the left and right, the tops of the lungs, and finish the bottom of the lungs, every other day until recovery. In pharmacies, these banks are.

Sergey Popov

Brew fake color, good from cough helps.


Ten times a day rub your legs and hands and constantly massage the point of bronchitis, which is in 3-4 intercostal spaces near the sternum on the right.
The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate immunity, that is, rub the palm base with a hand and a forearm, external area, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the lift of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive from three to eight once a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.


In bronchitis and acute bronchitis concomitantly with antibiotics, sometimes Ambroghexal (Germany) or analog Ambroxol (Russia) are prescribed. They cough very quickly and help.

Semenyuk Lilya

Earlier there were ammonium-aniline drops. Instantly removed the attack.

Svetlana Pogorelova

On account of the grass is not sure, but Prospan can drink and you need. He rales and softens the cough. Itself so was treated. The doctor appointed.

Marina Mukhambetova

You need to start inhalation. Several days of regular procedures and coughing decreases, sputum begins to come out. I'm making saps with Proppan. It turns out effectively to get rid of a cough.

Effective cure for bronchitis and cough in adults

Bronchitis is a fairly common ailment. Often it is a complication of colds. Pathology is characterized by coughing, high fever, difficulty breathing. With this disease, bed rest, warming of the chest area, inhalation is recommended. To reduce the strength of the cough, expectorants and antitussives should be taken. But there are a lot of such drugs on the shelves of pharmacies. What should I choose a cure for bronchitis and cough in adults? And how to find the most effective?

Selection rules

How to choose the best medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults? It should immediately be stipulated that universal means simply do not exist. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics. And a drug that has effectively approached one patient may not bring relief to another at all.

Therefore, in order to choose an effective medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  1. Distinguish dry and wet cough. For each type of medicines are provided that have a certain effect. Medications can reduce pain when coughing or help in clearing the respiratory tract from sputum.
  2. Before buying a drug, be sure to read the instructions for use. Pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.
  3. It is best not to engage in self-medication, especially such a serious illness as bronchitis. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose the patient and prescribe the most suitable drugs.
  4. When buying medicines, you should try to purchase medicines that have been tested by the manufacturer. If such drugs are very expensive, then you can consult a doctor. It will help to choose cheaper, but not less qualitative and effective analogues.

We stop dry cough

Various types of medicines are used to treat bronchitis. What medicine for bronchitis from coughing to an adult will bring maximum relief? To answer the question, you need to determine the nature of the symptomatology.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease there is a severely irritating throat dry cough. Therefore, prescribe drugs that reduce pain and frequency of attacks.

Excellent antitussive drugs are issued in the form of:

  1. Syropov - "Bronchikum "Sinekod "Stoptussin".
  2. Tablets - "Kodelak "Stoptussin "Falimint".

A good result is achieved with the use of combined drugs. These are medicines that provide both antitussive and expectorant action.

We get rid of phlegm: we treat wet cough

With the development of the disease, the symptoms change. The cough becomes moist. Sputum appears. At this stage, you can not take medications that reduce coughing attacks. It is necessary that the fluid leaves the bronchi.

Therefore, now you should take a medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults, which helps to liquefy sputum.

Suffice it to effectively cope with this task preparations:

  1. Syrups - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Khaliksol.
  2. Tablets - "Ambrobe "Halixol "ACTS" (effervescent pills).

And now we will examine in more detail some medicines. This will help determine which drug to choose from bronchitis and cough in adults.

The drug "Mukaltin"

For a long time known medicinal medicine. Produced in the form of tablets. It helps with cough and has almost no contraindications. It can not be taken only with ulcers or in case of individual intolerance.

The active substance of the drug "Mukaltin" is an extract of the althaea. The medication affects the bronchi, strengthening expectoration and speeding up the output of phlegm.

The biggest plus of this medication is the minimum price. A blister of 10 tablets costs 15 rubles per pharmacy.

Medication "Ambrobene"

Produce a drug in the form of tablets. This is an effective medicine (for bronchitis) from cough. The drug helps to remove sputum, provides expectoration. Apply it during respiratory diseases, in which it is difficult to remove mucus, including because of its viscosity.

The main active substance is ambroxol hydrochloride. The medication has a number of contraindications.

Its reception is excluded when:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • the first terms of pregnancy.

The side effects are:

  • headache;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weakness.

Half an hour after taking the pill, "Ambrobene" begins to have a facilitating effect, which continues for a day.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies - about 150 rubles per package of 20 pills.

The medicine "Libexin"

Tablets that provide analgesic and antispasmodic effects. They promote the expansion of the bronchi, reduce the cough.

The main active ingredient of this drug is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. Accept "Libexin" when coughing any etiology.

Medication is contraindicated in:

  • intolerance of its components;
  • diseases, with increased mucus formation in the airways;
  • You can not take it also after anesthesia.

With special care, prescribe the drug "Libexin" to children and pregnant women.

The price of the medicine for the package (20 tablets) is about 250 rubles.

The drug "Stoptussin"

Often doctors recommend such a medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults. The instructions for use refer to the medicament for the group of combined preparations. A remedy is made in the form of syrup and tablets.

The preparation has the following properties:

  • affects the receptors of cough;
  • helps to remove spasms in the bronchi;
  • increases liquefaction of mucus;
  • helps rapid release of sputum from the respiratory tract.

The medicine "Stoptussin" is contraindicated for use:

  • nursing mothers;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under 12 years;
  • with myasthenia gravis.

During therapy with this drug, there may be such side effects as:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastric discomfort;
  • headache.

There are also possible manifestations of allergic reactions. It is not recommended simultaneous reception with alcohol.

Packing tablets "Stoptussina" (20 pieces) costs in drugstores about 130 rubles.

The drug "Lazolvan"

This drug is similar in composition and effect with the drug Ambrobene. It is made in the form of syrup and tablets.

The drug "Lazolvan" is contraindicated for taking:

  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with kidney and liver diseases.

As side effects, allergic manifestations may occur.

The average price of a package of 30 tablets is 250 rubles.

The drug "Kodelak"

Another long-used cough remedy. Produced in the form of tablets.

Codeine (the active substance of the drug) acts on the cough center in the brain. Due to this, its tone decreases, and attacks decrease. The medicine "Kodelak" does not affect the functions of breathing, so you can take it even to kids at the age of more than two years.

Contraindicated reception:

  • breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women;
  • with respiratory failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance of the components contained in its composition.

Allergic reactions, digestive problems, headaches may appear during the medication "Kodelak".

The price of the medicine is about 100 rubles per package (10 tablets).

The drug "Bromhexine"

They are made in the form of tablets, syrup and drops. The active ingredient of the preparation is bromhexine hydrochloride.

This cure for bronchitis and cough in adults provides a number of positive effects. It dilutes sputum and stimulates its rapid elimination from the respiratory system.

The drug should not be taken to children under two years, carefully prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation.

During the reception of "Bromgexin" may occur headaches, rashes, sometimes there is an intensified cough.

20 tablets of the drug cost about 50 rubles.

Tool "ACTS Long"

The medicament is produced in the form of effervescent tablets intended for dissolution in water.

The medicine "ACTS Long as well as the drug "Ambrobene has a long-lasting effect. During the day, only one tablet is needed, which helps to withdraw the sputum, liquefying it. The active substance of the drug is acetylcysteine. This is a fairly common medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults.

The instruction recommends to exclude reception of a preparation by pregnant and feeding women, and also children till 14 years.

During the treatment of ATSs, the following side effects may occur:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • noise in ears;
  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • allergy.

In pharmacies, the drug is sold at a price of 320 rubles per package of 10 tablets.

Medication "Tablets from coughs"

Inexpensive, but effective cure for bronchitis and cough in adults. It has been produced for many years. In its composition - a powder of grass of thermopsis and sodium hydrogen carbonate. These components reduce the viscosity of mucus and accelerate its release from the respiratory system.

The admission of children under the age of 12, breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women, as well as people with stomach ulcers is excluded.

Tablets are sold in pharmacies at a price of about 50 rubles per 20 pieces.

Syrup "Gedelix"

If you need to choose a medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults, expectorant, then this drug is completely suitable.

Natural product, does not contain sugar and alcohol. The main active substance of the drug is an extract of ivy leaves. This syrup is remarkable in that its reception is allowed to everyone, even children up to a year, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

The medicine "Gedelix" has the following properties:

  • expands and cleanses the bronchi;
  • liquefies phlegm;
  • has a prolonged action;
  • promotes effective sphagnum expectoration.

The only restriction: it is necessary to take cautiously in those cases when a strong sputum discharge is not recommended.

The cost of the drug is about 300 rubles per bottle (100 ml).

The medicine "Plantain syrup"

Herbal preparation helps to get the sputum out of the respiratory tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contains sugar in its composition. It is indicated for use by children from 2 years of age.

The use of this drug for the treatment of people with diabetes is excluded. The cases of drug overdose are not fixed - the body tolerates the intake of any amount of syrup well.

The price of 100 ml of the drug in pharmacies is about 250 rubles.

Medication "Syrup of primrose"

A natural herbal remedy. Can be used even for children from two years old. Has an expectorant effect, helps to dilute sputum.

The cost of 100 ml of syrup is about 250 rubles.


Treatment of bronchitis with cough syrups

It is known that bronchitis without a cough occurs extremely rarely, because this is one of the main signs of the development of this inflammatory disease. The choice of a medicament depends on the stage of the course of the disease, its signs, the patient's condition and the nature of the inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Manifestation of the disease

Cough with bronchitis can be very diverse, therefore, one by one this symptom to determine the development of the disease is sometimes very difficult. As a rule, in the early stages of coughing, loud, thoracic, when a person is born, the pain behind the sternum is disturbed. During this period, there is a slight formation of sputum, so in the process of occurrence of coughing attacks, throat irritation can occur.

Gradually, this symptom of the disease changes, from dry to wet, as a large amount of mucus begins to be produced. Sometimes this type of cough is also observed in the early stages of the development of the disease, usually this occurs in the presence of any complications caused by bronchitis. Often there is a cough with blood in a complicated bronchitis, in which case the patient needs a thorough examination of the bronchi and other organs of the respiratory system.

How to choose a medicine?

There are a lot of cough medicine for bronchitis, but not all of them are effective. This is explained by the fact that many patients independently choose a cough medicine for bronchitis, which can not be categorically done. First of all, the type of cough, as well as the stage of the disease development, must be taken into account. In addition, important in the selection

In most cases, the factor that triggered the development of acute bronchitis, is the penetration of viruses and infections in the respiratory tract.In the case of a viral or infectious origin of the disease, there can be no bronchitis without a cough, while it is accompanied by the release of mucous or purulent-mucous sputum.

Against the background of an exacerbation, which mainly occurs in the absence of timely and proper treatment, you can see the development of a cough with blood in bronchitis.

How long can cough last for bronchitis, depends on the stage of neglect of the inflammatory process and the effectiveness of its treatment. In the acute form of the disease, there are symptoms:

  • heat;
  • a state of fatigue;
  • pain behind the sternum.
These signs can disturb a person for 10 days, but often the cough after bronchitis does not go on for a long time.Strong and prolonged coughing attacks, which do not go away even after comprehensive treatment with effective may indicate a serious development of the pathological process and the movement of infection from the bronchial tree to alveolam.In this situation, development of bronchopneumonia - a serious disease, which alone anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs will not succeed, treatment will require the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics actions.

Application of syrup in case of disease

At the initial stage of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, the treatment can go quickly and without complications. In this patient, as a rule, helps expectorating anti-inflammatory syrup from coughing with bronchitis. The action of the drug is aimed at removing from the bronchi foreign particles, formed sputum, bacteria and viruses. Also, the drug normalizes the functions of the lower parts of the respiratory tract, helps reduce spasm and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

For the treatment of bronchitis it is better to buy vegetable syrups, such medicines belong to them:

  1. Lazolvan;
  2. Ambroxol;
  3. Flavamed.

Such syrups can be drunk to children even after recovery, as many parents know that the child's residual cough after bronchitis can still last for weeks.

Often, with a dry cough that worries a person at the initial stage of bronchitis, specialists prescribe a syrup based on plantain. He turns a dry cough into wet, promotes the sputum, thereby facilitating the patient's condition. The disadvantage of the drug is that it is not suitable for treating children under 2 years old.

Liquorice root

Treatment for coughing with bronchitis can be done with an old and tested herbal preparation, made on the basis of licorice root. It is used more as an additional method of treatment than a powerful medicinal product, because it has a rather mild effect on the bronchi and lungs. Dosage can be increased to enhance the effect with a minimal chance of side effects. Syrup of licorice root has no toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. However, in severe pathologies, the drug is not effective, applying it, cough after bronchitis may be observed for some time.

"Bronchollitin" combines natural plant components and chemicals, so it is mostly prescribed for adults.The product is made on the basis of basil and glaucine oil, acts on the patient's body quickly and effective, but you should be aware that it can cause many side effects phenomena. The drug has a decongestant, soothing, diluting effect, also after its admission the lumen of the respiratory tract expands, as a result of which breathing is facilitated.It is worth knowing what kind of bronchitis cough can be cured by "Bronchollitin because sometimes it can cause harm. It is prescribed with a damp cough, in addition, the drug is endowed with a slight antibacterial property. This is a very powerful medicine, so when it is used after bronchitis cough no longer bothers the person.

If the disease is caused by penetration of the respiratory tract infection, treatment is not without antibiotics. The use of antibiotics for colds and bronchitis has a harmful effect on all pathogenic microorganisms. For this purpose, Erespal, Augmentin, Ampiox, Amoxiclav, Cefotaxime and others can be appointed. It is important to know how to relieve cough in bronchitis, since severe coughing attacks exhaust the patient's body, complicating the inflammatory process.


How to cure a strong cough in a child with bronchitis folk remedies? ONLY from personal experience !!!


Natasha smooth

I do not know how the child but I have a year or more had bronchitis coughed until vomiting tea popped back and cured me fat is sold in a pharmacy in capsules bearish badger seals any and now the child 2 years old also give fat too bronchitis


From personal experience! Folk remedies you can do dead poultices to do! A living is better than qualified help!

just an angel

Ambrogen is very helpful. and also salt in a frying pan in a rag and on the chest.


My daughter 1.6 I brew her herb Mother and stepmother! Very good cough helps in a week. One day rubbing with turpentine ointment one day mustard plasters! In the afternoon I make an iodine mesh on the chest! So


http://vashidoctora.ru/lechenie-kashlya-u-detej.html Here everything is only from personal experience. just experience is wrapped up in one article

olbga monthly

I write from personal experience: it is very good for bronchitis helps to breathe the steam of pine buds. I dig into a saucepan a tablespoon of pine buds (sold in a pharmacy) and they boil... I ask the child sometimes to come and breathe, and then runs again to play and so throughout the day, not burdensome and very helpful.


Give the child for 7 days ascaril.. in the morning and in the evening.. + diozaline. or tavigil morning and evening. and buy in the pharmacy breast collection.. make sachets and let the child drink half a glass. in the morning for lunch and in the evening. within 14 days.

Zina Zeta

and you are sure that the cause of bronchitis in all one? Do you know how many there are pathogens that give symptoms of bronchitis? Hundreds... Look for the pathogen. gemoskanirovanie in this will help. And they treat it only with herbs.


Honey + onion in equal proportions on the blender, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Rare nastiness, but it helps perfectly.

Alexander Yakovlev

the main thing is to make you drink a lot of water, or even make you drink more

Have you already understood how to "organize" your child's pneumonia?
Put it in a warm dry room, close to the carpet, wash the floor with bleach and turn on the heater. If he says that he does not want to drink, do not bother. Give bronchodilin, so that less coughed and very good ampicillin! This antibiotic for staphylococcus does not work, so there is a chance not just for pneumonia, but for staphylococcal pneumonia! Yes, I almost forgot! If you see a snot - quickly inject naphthyzine - so that the virus in the nose does not stay long, and immediately fell into the lungs.

Accordingly, as advised by a pediatrician, Ph.D., one must do the opposite. It is necessary that the sputum is wet, cleansed the lungs and spit out.
For this, you just need to drink plenty of water.

No water will help without water.

Irina Ivanova

Cynecode helped us cough, and even better, our dad smeared his chest and back with turpentine ointment, except the heart ...


Now you will be cured of folk medicine and provoke even more severe obstruction, my sister brought her son to a hospital. Treated for the doctor's prescription, cough with obstruction can last up to a month.

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