Symptoms and causes of gangrenous appendicitis

Attack of appendicitis is a serious disease that can occur in a person at any age. However, most often in the risk zone is the population aged 20 to 30 years. Pathology develops in several stages, which differ in the intensification of clinical manifestations. The last stage of the disease is gangrenous appendicitis. It is categorically forbidden to admit, as it causes rotting of internal walls and vessels of the appendix. If you do not start the medication in time, the illness leads to a fatal outcome.

  • Gangrenous appendicitis, what is it?
  • Acute gangrenous appendicitis - causes of development
  • Clinical manifestations of the disease
  • Diagnosis of inflammation and treatment
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Consequences of gangrenous appendicitis
  • Postoperative period
  • Diet after removal of appendicitis
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Gangrenous appendicitis, what is it?

Gangrenous appendicitis (code for μb 10) is the last stage of an attack of acute appendicitis. For this stage, the development of necrosis or necrosis of the vascular walls of the appendix is ​​characteristic. Usually, the destruction does not extend to large areas of the body, but only affects its small parts. This stage of the disease actively begins to develop on day 2-3, after the first manifestations. However, such a violation is enough to cause infection of the body and lead to death. At the first symptoms it is necessary urgently to address to the doctor and to begin timely treatment.

If you do not start therapy, the disease acquires a new degree of development - it is gangrenous-perforated appendicitis. For this disease, a rupture of the appendix is ​​characteristic. At this point, the patient has severe pain with the right side, which only intensifies and spreads throughout the abdominal region. The patient develops an intoxication of the whole body, which causes an increase in body temperature and increased heart rate. A person develops severe vomiting, and a brown coating appears on the tongue. This stage is very dangerous, as it can lead to the death of the patient.

Older people sometimes develop primary gangrenous appendicitis. This complication is an independent disease. It develops against the background of a heart attack of the appendix, which provokes further necrosis of the mucous walls of the organ and its vascular network. This pathology requires immediate surgical intervention.

Acute gangrenous appendicitis - causes of development

The root causes for the development of the inflammatory process in the appendix are quite a lot. They are all the same, for people of different ages and gender. As a rule, physicians identify several main causes that lead to the appearance of the disease:

  • pathogenic changes in the vascular walls of the organ develop;
  • Cholesterol plaques appear on the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • congenital pathology of blood vessels in the appendix;
  • presence of thrombosis.

It is obvious that all the reasons are connected with the fact that blood circulation is disturbed, and the appendix can not perform its functions qualitatively. However, there are a number of reasons that contribute to the rapid development of the inflammatory process. The main of them doctors include:

  • development of various infections in the body;
  • excessive activity of immune cells;
  • diseases of the vascular network, which lead to the necrosis of the tissues of the organ;
  • violation of outflow from the appendix.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Gangrenous appendicitis is always accompanied by severe and obvious symptoms. As a rule, a person feels such pathogenic changes in his body:

  • a breakdown and weakness;
  • increase in body temperature to 39 °;
  • nausea, which provokes vomiting;
  • the stomach becomes very hard, which causes flatulence;
  • disturbed stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • on the surface of the tongue appears a white, yellowish or brown hue, depending on the stage of the disease;
  • in the oral cavity dries up;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • a chill appears;
  • the pulse rate increases to 100 beats per minute, and sometimes reaches 120.

All of the above symptoms are the same in people of different ages and sex. However, in children they develop much faster, and are supplemented by tearfulness and lethargy. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to seek medical help.

Diagnosis of inflammation and treatment

Gangrenous appendicitis is a secondary manifestation of the disease. At the initial stage of its development, the pain practically disappears and the person begins to erroneously think that the problem has receded. However, this is a profound error, since in a few hours the pain syndrome will recover again, and will only increase.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor performs several procedures and additionally assigns a series of examinations and analyzes:

  • laboratory examination of blood and urine for the number of leukocytes;
  • palpation of the entire abdomen;
  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • CT scan.

All of the above procedures will allow the doctor to accurately establish the diagnosis and begin timely treatment, which can be life-saving.

Treatment of the disease

Any form of appendicitis needs urgent surgical intervention, since this disease can not be cured by medication. Modern surgery is sufficiently developed, so the doctor can offer the patient several types of operations.

  1. Classical operation. A large incision is made on the abdominal cavity, the process is removed and a seam is applied. If the appendix breaks, then a rinse is performed and drainages are established.
  2. The transluminal procedure is an innovation in surgery. The operation is performed without damaging the skin. Remove the process with flexible tools, through the vagina or gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Laparoscopic method means piercing the abdominal cavity in several places. Through these small holes, special tools are introduced to remove them.

Consequences of gangrenous appendicitis

If the operation was carried out in a timely manner, that is before the break, then the patient will not feel the heavy consequences. The only thing that the doctors note is the suppuration of the postoperative suture. However, if surgery is not performed in time, the inflammatory process always leads to serious complications:

  • rupture of the process, which causes the flow of feces and pus to flow into the abdominal cavity;
  • detachment of the appendix from the caecum;
  • The inflammatory process spreads all over the peritoneum;
  • general infection of the body with harmful decomposition products;
  • spread of infection throughout the body, through the bloodstream.

Postoperative period

The postoperative period, in patients with gangrenous appendicitis, differs from the removal of the appendage, at any other stage. To restore the patient recommend the following activities:

  • prescribe the strongest antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Amikacin, Levofloxacin);
  • use high-quality analgesics, strong action;
  • infusion detoxification treatment;
  • preventive measures of formation of thrombi and ulcers inside the abdominal cavity;
  • daily blood is taken for laboratory testing;
  • Once a day, a dressing is done;
  • gymnastics, massage and exercise therapy.

It is important for the patient to follow all of the above recommendations. They will help to quickly restore the body after the operation and to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet after removal of appendicitis

In addition to the main therapy, it is important for a patient to follow a diet. Gangrenous appendicitis causes serious damage to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, so the diet is the main component of rapid recovery.

  1. The first day after surgery requires a complete refusal to consume any food. However, the patient can drink water without gas, sweet tea, low-fat kefir. If the patient requires a snack, then you can offer him a mashed potatoes, without salt. Portion should be minimal, only a few spoons.
  2. The second day after surgery, as a rule, proceeds well. The patient can be given mashed potatoes, low-fat varieties of boiled meat, cottage cheese casseroles, liquid cereals flavored with butter. However, if the patient does not feel well, the diet regimen is preserved, as in 1 day.
  3. The third day after the operation. At this time, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function fully. However, it is forbidden to eat fatty, salty, smoked, fried, spicy and pickled food. This diet should be observed for at least a month, after removal of appendicitis.

It is important not to burden the body with physical work and lifting of gravity within 3 months. For a quick recovery the patient should follow all the doctor's recommendations. Be healthy!

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