The back aches after a dream in the mornings: the reasons


  • 1Why does my back hurt after sleeping?
    • 1.1Back pain after waking up: causes
    • 1.2What is dangerous is the pain that disappears in the middle of the day
    • 1.3Why does my back hurt?
    • 1.4Osteoarthritis and back pain
    • 1.5Time to take the treatment
    • 1.6Methods of treatment
    • 1.7Medication
    • 1.8Additional measures
    • 1.9Prevention
    • 1.10Disease of the XXI century - back pain due to the computer
    • 1.11Other causes of back pain
  • 2Back pain in the morning: what could be the reasons, how to treat
    • 2.1Causes of back pain in the morning
    • 2.2The cause of pain in the morning - osteochondrosis
    • 2.3Morning back pain due to joints
    • 2.4Muscle pain in the back in the morning
    • 2.5Diagnosis and treatment of morning pain in the back
  • 3Why does my back hurt after sleeping?
    • 3.1TOP-10 causes of spinal pain
    • 3.2When to go to the doctor
    • 3.3How to get rid of pain
  • 4Why does my back hurt after sleeping? Top 5 reasons
    • 4.1Causes of back pain after sleep
    • 4.2What if my back hurts after sleep?
  • 5Why does my back hurt after sleep?
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Causes of discomfort and low back pain
    • 5.2Syndrome of secondary pain in the lower back - what is it?
    • 5.3Changes in the lumbosacral spine
    • 5.4Lumbar lordosis - what is it?
    • 5.5Interesting articles:

Why does my back hurt after sleeping?

Almost every second feels unpleasant sensations from what the back hurts in the morning.

In fact, the factors of the ailment can be a lot - a person moves little, does not notice the development of diseases or all the fault is simply an uncomfortable bed.

Why the back hurts in the lower back in the morning - we will analyze in our review.

Back pain after waking up: causes

Morning can not be called good, if it is accompanied by aching or sharp pain. Especially, if you wake up from it. Why in the morning hours the back hurts - in this review we will consider the factors that can provoke discomfort in the lumbar department:

  • Hypodinamy is an inadequately active way of life, overweight. Try to start the day with the charge and the pain will gradually go away.
  • Stress - constant excitability provokes nerve cells.
  • Pregnancy - a woman "in position" is much more likely to experience discomfort due to a developing fetus.
  • Inflammation in the urinary system. After sleep, the back is hurting in the kidney area, so everything is not ok with the urinary system. A bright sign is a dull pain syndrome in the kidneys, which continues, regardless of the patient's posture. Relief can only come after emptying the bladder.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. Disturbances in the pancreas can be reflected by the fact that the loin hurts in the morning after sleep. A distinctive feature is shivering aching pains.
  • Pathogenesis of the spine: hernia, scoliosis, sciatica and osteochondrosis. The last mentioned diagnosis shows itself most often in the morning. Unpleasant sensations cover the area between the shoulder blades, the coccyx and the belt.
  • Diseases of the abdominal cavity - pancreatitis, appendicitis, gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.
  • The pathology of the joints: arthritis, arthrosis, Bechterew's disease - these diseases can provoke discomfort.
  • Unnatural posture of the sleeper.

What is dangerous is the pain that disappears in the middle of the day

Many people know this situation, when in the morning the loin hurts, and then passes. We talk about unpleasant sensations, which constantly manifests itself in the morning and die down in the heat of the day.

The patient does not even notice the change in his condition and constantly postpones the treatment. And in the morning everything repeats itself. Such a marmot day will sooner or later lead to complications and that's why.

During sleep, muscles and joints relax. With the described pathogenesis, the volume of interarticulate fluid, which acts according to the principle of lubrication, decreases.

In the morning the tissues pass into the activity phase, but the substance that should soften their movement was developed in small amounts, which is why a spasm appears after sleep.

During the day the articular fluid begins to be produced in the same volume and the pain sensations disappear.

Why does my back hurt?

A common cause of pain is osteochondrosis, a common back disease. It causes unpleasant sensations in the joints of the spine and deprives plasticity. If the loin hurts after sleep, then this is the first sign of pathogenesis. There are several other distinguishing features:

  • Even with a slight cough, there is a feeling of painful back and back lumbar spasms.
  • It is impossible to bend freely.
  • After intense movements, you feel a breakdown.
  • Constant morning aching aching pain.

Osteochondrosis is manifested by pains in different parts of the spine.

  1. Cervical - in this case, after the sleep, the back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, neck, shoulders. Loss of sensitivity in the limbs and orientation in space and a front sight.
  2. Thoracic - growing pain in the back, chest, between the ribs. Labored breathing.
  3. Lumbar-hampered movement with inclinations, hind low in the morning, and also there are stomach cramps.

If you suspect that back pain after a dream is signs of osteochondrosis, then do not hesitate to visit a doctor. It is the specialist who will tell you which treatment will be most effective.

Osteoarthritis and back pain

After sleep, the back aches in the lumbar region - often the joints, neck and back suffer from the destruction of the cartilage, which facilitates friction. Cartilaginous tissue (Matrix) is covered and the discs of the spine.

If moisture does not stay in it, then the bones rub and the inflammation begins. Therefore, the joints ache, and the disks stop coping with their main task - fixing the vertebrae. This is the sign of arthrosis.

He, like a silent killer, can be asymptomatic for years and begin to show up as a pain in the lower back in the morning after sleeping.

Time to take the treatment

It is important to understand that although relief comes, but the disease has not disappeared anywhere. The symptom disappears temporarily. Therefore, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible. For this you need to undergo a survey. It includes:

  1. Delivery of blood and urine for a general analysis. A laboratory study will show which phase the disease is in and which organ is affected. A urine test will show if there is an inflammatory process in the urinary system.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. X-ray of the spine - will analyze the condition of the joints.
  4. Possible computed tomography of the spine, which will identify possible pinching and bending.
  5. Anamnesis. The doctor will get acquainted with the history of the disease. Perhaps the pain in the lower back after a dream is a consequence of old sores. He will find out whether there are any similar ailments among your next of kin and whether your working conditions are not affecting your health.

Methods of treatment

After all the preparatory procedures are completed, you need to start treatment. The process can be divided into several stages:

  • Elimination of the cause of pathogenesis.
  • Complex impact on the focus of the disease.
  • Catching symptoms with medication aimed at removing inflammation.


In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, morning pain in the lower back helps to remove anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen and other drugs containing diclofenac. They can be used in various types, the choice depends on the intensity of the pain:

  • Tablets - they are usually taken with food. People with gastrointestinal diseases should drink them together with drugs that reduce the level of acidity in the stomach.
  • Ointments - punctually anesthetize and relieve inflammation.
  • Injections.

In addition, muscle relaxants help well. These are medicinal substances that relieve the tension of skeletal muscles. Among them are Pancuronius and Vicuronius. Use them should only be prescribed by a doctor and not get carried away - they can cause muscle paralysis.

Additional measures

If the pain in the lower back does not stop in the morning, the doctor can prescribe bed rest, and for additional support of the affected area, you should appoint wearing a corset.

To sleep on an orthopedic mattress is much more useful in case of such diseases.

A good support tool will be therapeutic gymnastics and manual therapy sessions. Specialists will help to make muscles stronger, and vertebrae more mobile.


It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it. Especially when it comes to the musculoskeletal system - we need to take care of it. In order not to wonder why the back hurts after sleeping, take a few rules on yourself:

  • Do not lift weights. Without proper preparation, this can lead to a number of diseases.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. More sports, but loads should not be extremely intense. You can just enter new habits - walk, stop using the elevator, make bike rides.
  • Sign in to the pool. Swimming is an excellent prevention if your back hurts after sleeping.

Do not overstay the trip to the doctor. This is useful even in the planned mode as a preventive measure.

Disease of the XXI century - back pain due to the computer

One can not avoid this review of one of the most frequent reasons why in the morning the loin hurts. A long sitting at the computer, which can drag on until the morning. And after a short sleep, aching pain in the lower back.

Under this regime, a whole generation has grown. It is not surprising that now many people at very different ages suffer from the described ailment.


During the online game, a person is in constant tension and can jump up sharply, identifying himself with a hero escaping from monsters. This affects not only the psyche, but also the physical state.


The only cure is to stop sitting in front of the computer and go to bed on time.

Other causes of back pain

Every morning the loin hurts, but it seems with health that's all right. There may be other reasons for this:

  • Incorrect position of the body during sleep. Fall asleep, lying on your back - this is not the most successful pose. The fact is that this creates an unnatural deflection in the lower back, which is the cause of discomfort. Try to get rid of this habit.
  • Disturbed blood circulation of the back. Swelling may be the reason why the loin hurts after sleep. She appears after a back injury. Do so that during sleep the spine gets an unobstructed flow of blood.
  • An inconvenient bed. It is not surprising that an uncomfortable bed can cause a backache in the morning. This is the place where we spend an important part of our life. Too soft a bed or a mattress with sagging rods can bring a feeling of discomfort. After a dream in such a bed, there is pain in the neck and lower back. Choose only hard surfaces, so that your spine assumes its natural position during your rest. This will be the key to correct posture.
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Back health is the guarantee of our activity. And movement is life. Therefore, if you increasingly notice that your back hurts in the morning immediately after sleep, do not take risks and consult a doctor, and then follow all the prescribed recommendations.

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Back pain in the morning: what could be the reasons, how to treat

Our life today is full of loads, dynamics and stress. Even if a person sits for days on end still on the computer, this only for the strangers in his life does not happen, for him the same thing - she is superinteresting, saturated and sometimes full of drama.

This is a kind of "turbulent immobility" when the muscles, ligaments, the entire skeleton are immobile, and the imagination and brain activity overactive, and triggers a chain of spontaneous neuromuscular reflexes, which sometimes leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Why does the back hurt in the morning for seemingly healthy young people who do not subject themselves to physical exertion, who have not yet had time to "earn" age-related degenerative sores?We will try to answer in the end to this question, but we will start with more standard and habitual reasons already.

Causes of back pain in the morning

The dystrophic process in the spine, as it has already begun, does not cease either day or night. The reason for the resumption of back pain in the morning can be quite common:

  • Action of an anesthetic
  • In sleep, the defenses of the body fall
  • Slows at night also the transmission of nerve impulses:

Therefore, if you had a mild pain, and you fell asleep with it, then in the morning everything that is "not enough" during sleep is returned to you with interest.

Perhaps, for these very reasons, the aggravation of all chronic diseases occurs precisely in the morning.

The causes of back pain in the morning can be many. We will consider the following:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Diseases of the joints
  • Muscle pain
  • Computer game syndrome
  • Some other reasons

The cause of pain in the morning - osteochondrosis

Very often back aches in the morning in those who have all the signs of osteochondrosis.

Pain after sleep and other symptoms can occur in different parts of the back:

With cervical osteochondrosis:

  • It hurts in the neck and the occipital region, in the shoulder and scapula
  • Nemuyut hands (impression, as if lying on his arm)
  • There may be a headache and dizziness, ripples before the eyes

In chest osteochondrosis:

  • In the beginning, moderate, but then more and more intensifying pain in the back and chest
  • Intercostal neuralgia, appearing when inhaling, trying to turn on the other side or stand up
  • Symptoms of angina and asthma

With lumbar osteochondrosis:

  • Increasing discomfort and pain in the lower back
  • Increased morbidity during movement, slopes, bends
  • Pain in the stomach and intestinal colic

Morning back pain due to joints

Back pain after sleep is a common sign of joint diseases of the spine:

  • Spondyloarthrosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bechterew's disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Why do joint pains occur in the morning?

During the night, the stiffness of the deformed joint, as well as the muscular-ligamentous kotraktura, are even more increasing, and therefore the first movements cause considerable pain.

In the first stages of the disease, joint pain in the morning usually ceases after the movement begins.

Muscle pain in the back in the morning

Sometimes after a nap in the back, a purely muscular pain can occur. This happens for many reasons:

  • Scoliosis
  • Muscular imbalance due to kyphosis (stoop), overweight
  • An inconvenient posture during sleep, for example, on the back, with outstretched legs
  • Before the great physical exertion
  • Displacement of joints as a result of trauma or muscle tension

Computer game syndrome

We are already familiar with psychogenic and stressful pains, but this option can not be accurately attributed to either, or to another. This is a phenomenon that can be called a computer game syndrome.

The life of modern children and adolescents is unthinkable without a computer or game console. A whole generation has grown up, brought up in games, and this problem is not only for children, but for adults (30-40 and older, and even pensioners) who can play for days.

Observe the player. During the game, he

  • repeats all the movements of the protagonist (deviates to the side, leans forward, jumps sitting, etc.)
  • extremely strains in extreme situations (fights, encounters with monsters)
  • experiencing a stressful situation at critical moments in the game (emits screams of horror or delight)

It's not just about the impact on the psyche and the separation from reality - the computer begins to have a direct physical effect on the person:

  • Jumps arterial and intracranial pressure
  • Vision deteriorates
  • Muscle tension increases
  • Flickering the monitor sometimes causes convulsive seizures

Modern games are so realistic that a person does not want to leave this world, in which he is a hero. In real life, he experiences complexes and discontent.

It is not surprising that a dream for a player often becomes a continuation of the game in which he fights monsters and escapes from someone.

As a result, he wakes up after a broken break, with headache and muscle pain in his back. And this is not surprising: during the game and sleep the player, being still, experienced not less physical exertion than a loader or an athlete.

Of course, this is not a general phenomenon, and not an appeal to abandon the games or the computer at all: it is already impossible to imagine our life without such joys. Many play games, sit at the computer all day - and do not experience any back pain in the mornings after sleep. But everything has its time.

The development of dystrophic processes and diseases caused by inactivity and stress does not happen overnight.

Individuals are physically weak, with a vulnerable mentality (that's who exactly are contraindicated long computer gatherings and even more games) get sick before physically strong and stress-resistant people.

Other causes of morning pain

The causes of morning pain in the back after waking up can also be:

  • Endocrine hormonal disorders:
    • oppression of adrenal function
    • insufficient production of estrogen (in women)
  • Diseases of internal exchange:
  • Infectious processes:
    • tuberculosis
    • osteomyelitis
    • epidural abscess
  • Reflected pains of internal organs:
    • organs of the thorax and gastrointestinal tract
  • Hematological diseases
  • Postponed trauma and even strokes

Very often the problem of incomprehensible morning pain in the back is solved by an osteopathic doctor, if the cause is structural anatomical abnormalities, for example, joint displacement.

Diagnosis and treatment of morning pain in the back

Diagnosis is carried out with the help of:

  • Visual examination (from an orthopedist, neurologist, osteopath and other doctors)
  • X-ray, computer and magnetic resonance tomography
  • Electromyography
  • Densitometry
  • ECG
  • Laboratory research

Back pain is treated, depending on the results of the diagnosis.
It can be:

  • Application of nonsteroidal anesthesia
  • Manual therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage

Sometimes you may need a psychoneurologist, or specialists in diseases of internal organs:

  • Cardiologist, gastroenterologists, urologist, gynecologist, etc.

: What to do with morning pain in the back

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Why does my back hurt after sleeping?

According to physicians, periodically back pain after sleep can feel up to 40% of the adult population of the country. This is not surprising - on the back is the main load for a whole day.

During working hours a person is busy with his own affairs and simply does not notice any small inconveniences, and after rest all "malfunctions" in the body become more noticeable.

The reasons why the back hurts after sleeping are very diverse and most of them are not associated with serious pathologies in the body. But if you leave the problem without attention, then you can allow the development of very unpleasant diseases.

TOP-10 causes of spinal pain

An interesting fact is that the back in the morning can hurt everyone, regardless of age, sex and lifestyle.

Even people who regularly exercise and eat healthy foods experience this problem from time to time.

Sometimes in the morning the back can hurt so much that a person is almost unable to get out of bed, although before going to sleep he felt perfectly normal.

And all because the entire back passes the spine, which is the main load for the whole day.

To him suits a lot of nerve endings, his muscles support, and intervertebral disks consist of cartilaginous tissue.

And any violation of the integrity or normal operation of the entire system immediately causes discomfort or pain.

The top ten reasons for which the backache after sleep, include:

  1. Osteochondrosis. One of the most common diseases of the spine, which by the age of 40 is present to varying degrees in every second. It affects the cartilaginous tissues of various parts of the spine, causing degenerative changes in them, limits the mobility of discs and manifests painful sensations during and after physical loads. Without dwelling in detail on the causes of osteochondrosis, we only note that its prevention should begin already at a young age.
  2. Excessive loads. Muscles supporting the spine are not well developed in all. People who lead a largely sedentary lifestyle or spend a lot of time at a computer usually have weak back muscles. Therefore, even with small physical exertion, they are overextended. And even more so after intensive training, because lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. When a person sleeps, there is active muscle growth and recovery. The next morning, overload can manifest itself with pain and krepature.
  3. Incorrect position of the body.An uncomfortable bed is also a fairly common cause, which hurts your back in the morning.Especially often people who sleep on feather pillows or soft mattresses complain about pain. The bed should be elastic enough to support the spine well, allowing the muscles to relax and rest during sleep. At the same time, it should not be too rigid, otherwise the muscles of the spine will remain tense at the sites of the bending of the spine. For those who have constant problems with their back, the ideal option is a quality orthopedic mattress.
  4. Violation of posture. Incorrect posture leads to the fact that the load on the spine and feet is not distributed correctly. As a result, some muscle groups are constantly overexerted and pains appear, intensifying in the morning. If you do not take measures, the mobility of some parts of the spine is limited, and the situation begins to deteriorate rapidly in the elderly.
  5. Pregnancy. Pain is felt especially in the second half of pregnancy, when the size of the fetus begins to increase rapidly. The maternal spine has to withstand an additional burden, which is also concentrated in a specific area of ​​the body, and not evenly distributed. This is the main reason why the waist is hurting after sleep in almost all pregnant women at a later date.
  6. Women's problems. The female reproductive system is located in the lower abdomen. Periodically, various processes occur in it, caused by natural changes in the hormonal background. Some of them are rather painful.Most women complain that the lower back and lower abdomen are painful during the menstruation or post-menopausal period.
  7. Injuries of the spine. Even minor injuries, such as severe bruising, can give edema and severe pain in the spine for a long time. This is due to the fact that the spine is not protected by the fat tissue, and with a sharp impact, displacements of the discs or microcracks often occur.
  8. Infections and chronic diseases. Systemic infections: HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others are easily spread by the entire body and in the absence of treatment start to affect other organs and systems, including spine. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs, inflammatory processes are reflected on the whole body, they can cause bone loss and aching pain in the spine.
  9. Excess body weight. Although with extra weight, the additional load on the spine is distributed more or less evenly, the body is not that much easier. Cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs with a very large weight begins to deform, the discs flatten, while clamping the nerve endings. Especially often obese people have a backache in the lumbar region. In the lumbar region is a bend, which is a "weak link" in case of excessive loads.
  10. Neurological diseases and stress. Can deliver no less problems with the spine than diseases and fatigue. We can control our own body so well only thanks to the fact that a lot of nerve endings come to the spine, which give signals to the muscles supporting it. With neurological diseases, nerve endings or neural connections become inflamed. And with severe stress, there are vascular spasms and muscle clamps that respond with pain. "From nerves" usually after a backache hurts in the field of scapula.
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Important! It often hurts the back between the shoulder blades after sleep with heart failure!

When to go to the doctor

If the back pain appears from time to time, it is not strong or you suspect that it has a purely external reasons: an uncomfortable bed, overwork, incorrect posture, etc., then we must try to solve the problem yourself.

But it is very important to understand that there are symptoms that can indicate serious problems with the spine and it is very important not to miss them and start treatment in time. Immediately consult with a doctor should be if the regular back pain after sleep is accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature, especially significant;
  • progressive restriction of mobility of the spine and / or joints;
  • the appearance of tumors, swelling, redness of various sites of the back;
  • numbness of limbs, impaired circulation in the fingers and toes;
  • partial or complete loss of sensitiveness of parts of the back or extremities;
  • strong violations of posture with the impossibility of their self-correction;
  • the appearance of any nodes, outgrowths and other neoplasms on the spine;
  • acute pain in the back appeared after an unsuccessful jump, lifting of weights and other kinds of loads;

How to get rid of pain

The best remedy for all diseases is prevention.

Take care of the health of the spine is not when he was sick, but from an early youth, for the time being the posture is formed and it can be easily corrected, it is possible to train the muscles of the back, and they will reduce the load on the intervertebral discs. But it's better late than never. The following preventive measures will be effective at any age, so start right now:

  • Comfortable bed. Without it, you can not have a healthy backbone. You can save on any other interior items, but a quality mattress will provide you with a full sleep throughout the night, which means normal working capacity and a great mood during the day.
  • Special exercises. Excellent development of the spine yoga. But she does not like everyone. Therefore, it is quite possible to limit oneself to several basic exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and developing the flexibility of the spine, which are easy to find on the Internet. Here the main thing is regularity and moderation.
  • Proper nutrition. In order for the back not to fall ill, we must provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Include in the diet a maximum of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, gelatin or agar-agar. The lack of calcium and the excess of salt badly affects the condition of the spine.
  • Maintain optimal weight.The lack of muscle mass affects the health of the spine as badly as the excess fatty tissue.Muscles are needed because they support the spine. And excess fat disrupts normal circulation and overloads the intervertebral discs. If you can not lose weight yourself - contact a specialist.
  • Comfortable armchair. It is especially important for those who are forced to spend a lot of time in a sitting position. The back should be high enough to relieve the spine, and in the lumbar region it is desirable that there is an orthopedic bend. If it is not, you can put a small cushion or pad.
  • Correction of posture. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible at any age, if there are no pathological changes in the spine. For this, too, there are special exercises and orthopedic corsets, which are almost invisible under everyday clothes.

Be attentive and to the stresses to which you put your spine. If you need to lift something heavy from the floor - do not bend over: sit down and lift with the main load on your legs, and do not provoke pain in the lower back.

Do not pull the weights from the high shelves and cabinets - it's also easy to damage the spine. It is necessary to substitute a stable ladder and carefully remove the object. Do not overcool your back - this is a common cause of low back pain after sleeping. The lumbar section should always be covered.

These preventive measures are not at all complicated, but they are neglected by many, and then they pay for their frivolity with their own health.

If your back hurts regularly in the morning - be sure to go to the doctor to make sure that you do not have a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.


Now manual therapists and masseurs working with the spine are very popular. Undoubtedly, among them there are excellent specialists.


But, before entrusting the spine to someone who works non-traditional methods, make sure of his high qualification.

Allowing to manipulate the spine of a person who does not have at least basic medical education, you risk remaining an invalid!

Anna Alexandrova

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Why does my back hurt after sleeping? Top 5 reasons

Quality sleep is a pledge not only of good health during the day, but also an indicator of the state of human health.

But often people complain that they have a backache after sleeping.

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon can be both completely harmless, and quite serious, and even dangerous.

Causes of back pain after sleep

Back pain can be caused by banal supercooling, unsuccessful sudden movement, tilt or lifting of weights. But often the reasons why the back hurts after sleeping are various problems with the spine, as well as diseases of the internal organs.

Most often, back pain is caused by:

  • Osteochondrosis of different parts of the spine;
  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Stenosis of the spinal canal against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes;
  • Spondylarthrosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis;
  • Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • Tuberculosis of the spine;
  • Tumor diseases (tumors of the spinal cord, prostate adenoma);
  • Systemic, autoimmune processes (rheumatism, arthritis / arthrosis, etc.);
  • Systemic diseases of connective tissue;
  • Endocrine or hormonal insufficiency;
  • Overweight;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Gynecological diseases (adenomyosis, adnexitis, amenorrhea);
  • Reflected pains from internal organs (adrenal glands, liver, pancreas, intestines, stomach, etc.);
  • Inconvenient position of the body during sleep;
  • Myositis;
  • Post-traumatic phenomena;
  • Stress;
  • Incorrect body position during sleep
  • Unbalanced muscle contraction and curvature of the spine
  • Muscular stiffness
  • Overweight
  • Ankylosing spondylitis

The cause of back pain in the morning usually indicates its localization, intensity, as well as other clinical symptoms, complementing the main picture of the disease.

Let us dwell in more detail on the most frequent causes of pain in the back after sleep.

  • Incorrect body position during sleep

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the reason that after the night the back hurts is the wrong position during sleep. The waist is especially painful after sleeping on the back with legs outstretched.

In this position, the lumbar flexion increases, muscle spasm occurs and pain appears. Reduce the burden on the lower back with a pillow under the bent knees.

Often the back also hurts after sleeping on the stomach. In this position, the muscles of the back are constantly strained.

In addition, when you sleep on your stomach, you have to turn your head to one side to breathe normally, which also does not allow the body to relax and causes pain in the morning.

Fans of sleeping on their stomachs are advised to put a pillow not under their heads, but under the belly. This helps relieve tension from the waist.

Also important is the quality arrangement of the bed. Especially carefully you need to go to the choice of a mattress and pillow. Ideally, they should be orthopedic in order to provide support of appropriate rigidity for all parts of the human body.

However, quite often patients complain that they have a backache after the orthopedic mattress.


But this is explained by the fact that the spine and the muscles surrounding it are just used to their wrong position and they need time to rebuild.


As a rule, any discomfort disappears after a lapse of 14-16 days.

It is worth noting that the mattress does not necessarily have to be orthopedic. The main thing is that it is not too soft or too hard.

Too soft mattress falls under the weight of the body and bends the spine, and on the hard bed the muscles of the back are forced to not rest, and the whole night to keep the spine in a normal position.

The right mattress will support the body in any position so that the spine does not bend and together with the neck makes up one line.

The most common pathology of the spine, because of which the back hurts in the morning after sleep - osteochondrosis of the lumbar, cervical or thoracic spine.

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In the presence of this pathology in the lumbar region, the back first hurts only in the morning after sleep, and afterwards the pain becomes permanent.

Cervical osteochondrosis makes itself felt by the pain in the neck, in the back of the neck, a sense of heaviness in the shoulders. In addition, with cervical osteochondrosis, the back is hurted between the scapula after sleep and the hands can not dawgle during sleep. During the day, the pain usually fades away.

For early stages of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is characterized by round-the-clock monotonous back pain, which is not very intense.


As the disease progresses, the symptoms of osteochondrosis increase, begin to be present constantly and worsen with sudden movements, coughing, sneezing.


In advanced stages, the disease is difficult to treat and becomes the beginning of the development of various disorders, including the emergence of protrusions and intervertebral hernias.

With pathological distortions, characteristic for a young age, the spine experiences during the night rest increased by compared with a healthy vertebral column load, since the curvature does not allow certain muscles to fully relax. The resulting long asymmetrical spasm of the near-vertebral muscles leads to the appearance in the morning of sharp pain in the corresponding area of ​​the back, usually in the lumbar or cervical region.

In some cases, overweight, incorrect posture and stress can cause stiffness, "frozen" some muscles. With stiffness, the muscles of the back ache after sleeping. By the middle of the day with increasing mobility of the person, the pain usually decreases.

The increased mass of adipose tissue with weakened muscles leads to the fact that the muscles do not cope with with weight retention and most of the load is directly on the structures of the vertebral post. At night, the spine suffers because of excess weight even more, because during relaxation muscles are relaxed and no longer help him to cope with the load.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a rare disease. Nevertheless, it is he who is characterized by a drawing pain in the lumbar region during and after sleep. With ankylosing spondylitis, there is also some stiffness in the spine in the morning.

Often the cause of soreness in the lumbar region is pregnancy. After sleep, the backache of future mothers is hurting, primarily because, together with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of the body also changes.

Muscles of a pregnant woman do not have time to adapt to the increasing burden on the lower back, there is their overstrain and, as a result, pain. In addition, late pregnancy can increase fetal pressure on the spine.

Pains of this kind do not require treatment and, as a rule, cease after delivery.

What if my back hurts after sleep?

If the pain in the back in the morning appeared once, then they should not cause special concern, because most likely result from an uncomfortable posture during sleep, heavy physical work or training the day before.

If the back pain after sleep becomes regular, you need to see a doctor for a detailed examination and finding out the causes of the pain syndrome, which may indicate the presence of certain violations in one part or another organism.

Depending on the results obtained during the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will help to get rid of the pain and stop the development of pathological processes. To stop the pain will most likely be prescribed medication, manual therapy, massage, acupuncture.


Independently avoid recurrence of ailment will allow regular sessions of physiotherapy exercises, properly arranged place for rest, as well as periodic unloading of the spine during working day. It is also important to monitor the correct posture and prevent a sharp increase in body weight, which will inevitably increase the burden on the back.


A source: http://www.

Why does my back hurt after sleep?

With age, a person more often has pain in the body. It can be pain in the spine, upper and lower extremities and not only.

What is the reason? Why can the back ache after sleeping? Doctors say that the first most common cause of back pain in the morning is sleep in an uncomfortable uncomfortable pose.

You could transmit during the night rest or pinch the nerve, which led to the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

But, if your back hurts constantly in the mornings and this pain does not pass within a month, two, three, then this is the first sign of pathology in the body. It is important not to engage in self-treatment, but to turn to the doctor-therapist on time, so that, after a preliminary inspection, he directed you to the right specialist.

Causes of discomfort and low back pain

The causes of increased discomfort in the lower back, arising in the morning - a huge number. If we talk about medical indicators, the pain syndrome in the lumbar region is classified as primary and secondary. What does this mean? Let's see in more detail.

So,primary lumbar pain syndrome- What is it? In this case, the pain caused by pathological changes in the spinal muscle and the skeleton itself is implied. It is because of the fact that the spine starts to break down under the influence of certain factors, you feel pain.

Pain in the lumbar region may appear due to the developingosteochondrosis. This pathology, which occurs in a very severe form and is characterized by degeneration (destruction) of cartilage and bones in the lumbar spine.

Initially, all negative changes are manifested in the vertebral area (this disease is calledspondylosis), but, and after - there is already and an osteochondrosis.

This means that you need to be screened on time, visit preventive medical examinations and contact doctors at the first, even minor back pain.

Spondylarthrosis- this is another disease that leads to the occurrence of pain in the spine, that is, in the back.


This pathology is a kind of osteoarthritis.


During this disease, the joints between the vertebrae begin to collapse in a person, which are directly responsible for the functioning and mobility of the joints of the spine.

Syndrome of secondary pain in the lower back - what is it?

Under the syndrome of secondary lumbar pain in the lower back are the following pathological changes:

  • Scoliosis;
  • Degenerative lesions of bone tissue;
  • Violation of metabolic processes or osteochondrosis;
  • Inflammatory processes in the spine;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Malignant or benign pathologies;
  • Spinal cord injury;
  • Mechanical damage to the spine;
  • Fractures of the spine or lesions of some of its segments (moreover, doctors note that even a small damage to the spine can lead to severe consequences and in the future - to destruction spine);
  • Infections that penetrate the body (eg, tuberculosis, epidural abscess);
  • Pathology and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Stroke, which leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the spinal cord. And this means that the risk of destruction of the spine and the occurrence of pain is great.
  • Pathology and diseases of the urogenital system;
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs in women.

Changes in the lumbosacral spine

Most often a person has pain in the lumbosacral spine.

Most of the reasons for this lie in the diseases: protrusion of the spine, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, as well as spondylarthrosis.

If a person has destructive processes in the body, then outwardly it is reflected in the form of pain when walking, slopes and turns in the sides.

Much rarer, but it is still found that the cause of back pain in the morning are infections, fracture, pinched nerves, gynecological diseases, and tumors. According to statistics, 90% of all pains occur in such pathologies as osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis.

Lumbar lordosis - what is it?

Interestingly, until 1980, absolutely all the pain associated with the inflammatory process in the spine, was treated with antibiotics.

Moreover, this method of treatment was not always successful.

But, with the advent of magnetic resonance imaging, it was finally possible to establish the true cause of pain in the spine.

If earlier, when a person turned to the hospital with back pain, he was diagnosed with "radiculitis" without preliminary diagnosis, today this concept is divided into such diseases as:

  • Vertebrogenic radiculopathy;
  • Reflex syndrome;
  • Compression syndrome;
  • Lumbago;
  • Myofascial syndrome.

Let's get acquainted with these causes of pain in the back closer. If you come across such a diagnosis as lumbago, then this will mean a sharp lumbago.

He appears in the back due to hypothermia, increased physical exertion on the lower back.

The diagnosis of "lumbalgia" is established for patients who spend most of their lives in a sitting position, that is, they are office employees.


When the pain in the back begins to gradually give in the leg, then it speaks of the development of the intervertebral hernia.


Often, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) leads not only to stoop and curvature of posture, but also to morning unpleasant pain in the lumbar region.

Back pain in the morning can develop due to a very long time in one position, because you are frozen or severely strained muscles during sports.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals also leads to destruction and damage to the spine. This can include such reasons as excessive body weight and bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol.

If you have morning pain in your back, then you should not take antibiotics and ointments (usually assigned to yourself). Be sure to seek medical help.

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