What are the drops for the eyes after welding?

The profession of the welder is dangerous: if you break the safety technique, you can burn the cornea of ​​the eye. There is a malaise of "Electroophthalmia it develops in the event that the eye is injured by the beams of the welding apparatus. The main sign of electro-ophthalmia is pain in the eyes. Man also feels a burning sensation in the eyelids, some welders have lacrimation. Burns from welding require prompt treatment: should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will prescribe drops that will reduce the pain syndrome and relieve other symptoms of the disease.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Drops for the eyes after welding differ in composition and effect.The drug is selected individually. If the cornea burn is relatively light (1 to 2 degrees), the doctor prescribes drops and special gels.The fourth-degree burn is the most dangerous: in this case, surgery may be required.

If electrophthalmia of the 1st degree is diagnosed, the ophthalmologist appoints drops that remove redness. The drug also reduces pain, eliminates itching, flushing of the eyelid. Electroopthalmia is dangerous in that it reduces the transparency of the cornea. Treatment of this disease should be timely.

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If the electrophthalmia passes to the second stage, the eyes begin to ache much. There is photophobia. The doctor prescribes several medicines: complex treatment.The second stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of a thin film. Eye drops are effective for corneal erosions.

The third degree of electro-ophthalmia leads to a violation of the transparency of the cornea. Drops are needed to eliminate hyperemia, drawing pain. Untimely treatment leads to loss of vision.Preparations for the eyes after welding are necessary, but only if there are signs of electro-ophthalmia. With the development of this disease you can feel as if there is a grain of sand in the century. The fourth degree of electro-ophthalmia is the most dangerous.Progression of tissue necrosis, the conjunctival membrane is rejected. You should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise, the pathological process will not stop! There are cases when electro-ophthalmia leads to loss of vision.

The illness is treated in a complex way. Drops intended for the therapy of burns have different components. When choosing a medicine, the doctor takes into account the degree of the disease; take into account the characteristics of the body, contraindications for a particular patient.

Features of preparations

Drops for eyes after welding are recommended by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication is unacceptable!Separately released funds designed for the removal of edema, separately - anti-inflammatory formulations that prevent burning and redness. Dosage is also prescribed by a doctor.

If electro-ophthalmia is accompanied by severe pain, the patient uses drugs with a powerful analgesic effect. They are able to block the perception of pain by the receptors of the eyeball: they are instilled 2 times a day. Other drugs have a powerful antibacterial effect, they also eliminate pain, it provides prevention of infection. Anti-inflammatory drugs restore the mucous membrane of the cornea, are used to prevent complications of electro-ophthalmia.


  1. The "Emix-optic" remedy pains caused by electro-ophthalmia.Drops of this type have a pronounced antibacterial, antihypoxic, antioxidant effect; are prescribed for electrophthalmia of the 1 st and 2 nd degree. The drug is used and in the event that the cornea has inflamed from contact lenses. According to the instructions, eye drops Emoksi-optician is prescribed for hemorrhages in the sclera. It is effective in myopia complications. The medicine improves metabolism in the tissues of the eye, has a regenerating effect.
  2. The drug "Tziprolet" is very in demand.It is prescribed for eye burns. Tsiprolet has antibacterial effect; the active substance is ciprofloxacin. The drug can be used to treat infectious diseases associated with the eyes. It is prescribed for blepharitis, keratitis, chronic conjunctivitis, ulcer of the cornea. Ciprolet restores the eyes tissue for burns. The medicine is prescribed and in the event that a foreign body enters the eye.

Read also the instructions for the use of eye drops Ciprofloxacin.

  1. The drug "Tobrup" has an antibacterial effect and is often prescribed for burns of the cornea. Tobropt is an antibiotic, the pharmacological group "Aminoglycosides". The medication is prescribed in case the burn is accompanied by infection. Tobrop can be prescribed before the operation before the eyes or during the recovery period. Proper use of the drug will avoid postoperative complications.
  2. Drops "Oftan dexamethasone" is used to treat inflammatory and allergic diseases. The medicine is released on prescription. If you do not comply with the dosage, it leads to viral and fungal complications.
  3. The claimed agent is Okomistin. The drug has antiseptic effect, it is used for corneal burns (included in complex treatment). Eye drops Okomistin recommended for burns of the cornea, acute and chronic conjunctivitis. The medicine provides prevention of purulent complications, it is used for eye injuries.
  4. "Naklof" - a preparation of the Swiss manufacturer, has a pronounced analgesic effect.Naklof is used for corneal burns. Also the doctor recommends it in the postoperative period; the purpose of the application is to eliminate the pain syndrome.
  5. Novocaine is used to treat electro-ophthalmia.In comparison with other drugs, it does not have such a powerful effect. The purpose of novocaine drops is to eliminate pain in the eyes. The drug can be part of a comprehensive treatment and used along with other drops. Before applying novocaine, you need to get a consultation from a doctor (he will also prescribe a dosage). The advantage of the drug is that it quickly relieves pain, thereby facilitating overall well-being. It is important to say that novocaine is in demand in medicine: it is used to treat various diseases.

Eye drops Ophthalmoferon

Drops for the eyes of Okumil are described in this article.

Drops for eyes Okapin http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-okapin-vitaminnyj-tonik-dlya-glaz.html


Recommendations for use

Apply eye drops as recommended by your doctor.Each product is available in individual packages: it can be a mini dropper, a glass bottle with a volume of 10-20 ml.Mini-droppers are convenient: to use them, you do not need to buy a pipette.

When instillirovanie it is necessary to monitor the fact that the tip of the mini dropper (or pipette) is not in contact with the eye. If you carelessly perform the procedure, you can injure the cornea. Overdosing leads to side effects. With regard to novocaine, it is better to use less funds than more. As a rule, an ophthalmologist recommends 2 drops of novocaine drops in each eye. If desired, replace the pipette with a syringe without a needle.



Any ophthalmic diseases are dangerous complications (the most dangerous is blindness). Therapy in the early stages gives good results: a person can completely restore vision. To treat severe burns, surgery may be required. Most eye drops contain powerful substances. Before using these medications, you should consult your doctor.

Also, read about what drops are used for conjunctivitis and allergies.

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