Pregnancy and drugs, the concepts are incompatible and completely opposite

This article is intended to show the incompatibility of two directly opposite concepts of "pregnancy" and "drugs."

The first concept gives life, the second - it takes away. Drugs completely destroy the health of a person and disfigure his personality. Abuse of narcotic drugs reduces the production of sex hormones. The ability to conceive and fertilize is gradually lost. Sexual desire is reduced, because all the strength is taken "kicks", although a quarter of a hundred addicts still have children.

Children of drug addicts are unhappy and have severe intrauterine pathology, as well as various abnormalities after childbirth.


Harm to taking drugs during pregnancy

Unfortunately, now, young girls have become addicted to drugs, and they are the future mother! What a fate they are unwittingly preparing for their future children! Drugs cause severe damage to the body of a woman and call into question her childbearing abilities. Increased risk of having children in general and how to still give birth to an initially unhealthy child. Even light types of drugs and those harm the female body. Not to mention synthetic drugs like LSD.

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Are the narcotic drugs worth it, then to reap the poisoning of the whole life of the fruits of the severe consequences of drug addiction. Future offspring - viable and talented, requires a total refusal of narcotic drugs, alcohol, tobacco smoking.

In pregnancy, much is important for the health and happiness of the future person - normal behavior, calm and balanced state of emotions and consciousness, the desire to become a good and exemplary mother for your future baby. And to drink, smoke, prick during pregnancy is to commit violence against nature, Nature. It is immoral and unnatural.

How do drugs affect pregnancy?

Reproductive health and the ability to create a new life all drugs are taken to some extent. Depends on the type of drug, the initial health of a person, narcotic "experience".Narcotic drugs delay puberty, in women - there may be no menstrual cycle at all, and in men - spermatozoa do not ripen and reach the required level of vitality. In drug addicts, infertility is developing. Even if the conception occurs, the percentage of miscarriages is high, the narcotic compounds and the products of their decay easily penetrate the fetus through the placenta, while feeding the baby in the postpartum period, the indecent also goes into the child's body.

Drugs have a very negative effect on pregnancy, affect all of its period. Hemp products - plan, drape, hashish, marijuana affect the brain and nervous system. Addicts can not stand the baby. Children of drug addicts are very lagging behind their peers in terms of mental and physical development. They are painful, their immunity is reduced, the digestive system and the respiratory system are constantly upset.

There are such narcotic substances that pathologically affect the chromosomes. In the sex cells, even a chromosomal rupture occurs. Therefore, with drug addiction during pregnancy and conception, the phenomenon of improper laying of the baby's fetus and the formation of congenital malformations are frequent.

By the way, the abuse of narcotic drugs during pregnancy in some cases is combined with constant vomiting, which can be complicated by premature births and miscarriages.

A drug addict, and even one who uses drugs for fun, during pregnancy, must understand that she not only harasses herself, but also her future child. After the birth, the children are very excitable and restless, they even have a real narcotic breakdown.

The negative and destructive effect on the fetus of the drug can be direct - through the placenta and indirectly - through changes in the uterine mucosa and abnormalities in the hormonal metabolism. Drugs very easily pass through the placenta to the fetus. By own strength, the fetus of the unborn child can not withstand and neutralize poisonous chemical narcotic compounds.

Complications of pregnancy under the influence of drugs:

  1. Risk of miscarriage.
  2. Risk of stillbirth.
  3. Premature delivery.
  4. Small weight of newborn.
  5. Delayed mental development in a baby.
  6. Syndrome of sudden infant death.

How different types of drugs work in pregnancy

It is difficult to specifically judge the specificity of the effect of drugs on a pregnant woman. A narcotic opiate group is affected by a similar nutritional deficiency-fetal development anomalies and postpartum complications, both for the woman herself and her newborn. In addition to the mental inferiority of the baby and its malformations, as well as the pathology of mother-addicts, trouble is also brought by additional problem diseases with hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS, HIV infection with intravenous drug use.

Derived cannabis - hashish, marijuana, cause malformations of the heart and blood vessels in the fetus. In crack and cocaine intoxication causes a violation of the rhythm of the heart in a pregnant woman, an increase in blood pressure and an increase in body temperature. The placenta is particularly vulnerable, cocaine causes its separation, narrowing of its vessels. Fruit, not only that involuntarily passively uses drugs, but in addition it suffers from a permanent deficit of nutrients necessary for its development. Also, with the abuse of potent substances - tranquilizers, fetal malformations develop.

For any woman, pregnancy is a special condition. After the birth of the child, the mother is responsible for two people - for herself and for the child. So, what will be the child, his future development and the present - entirely depends on the ability of a woman to be a real mother.

Because drugs, like alcohol, ruin not only the health of the woman's body, but also spiritually, morally and morally deform her personality, take away moral and moral qualities, there are very few chances to appear to the new person.

Is the momentary illusory high, the artificial forgery of the feeling of inner happiness with the help of strong narcotic substances, followed by the syndrome of narcotic withdrawal and psychological hell cost the real life full of an innocent child. And the mother herself, who made a mistake in the direction of her life's path? Some of the children have the misfortune to be born from the parents of drug addicts, and there are many such.

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