Children of drug addicts: their health, personal qualities and future

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It is known that any narcotic drugs most negatively affect the potency in men, and a woman is made unable to bear childbirth. Nevertheless, drug addicts have children, that is, drug addiction is not an absolute sentence to infertility. And at the same time, drug addicts, think about how your children will be born, how you prepare for them, and what will be their life's path. After all, the ability to conceive a child is simple, but to cultivate a full-fledged person is a whole science in which there is no place for frivolity and irresponsibility. During pregnancy, future mothers are drug addicts who are unable to stop drug abuse, and the child's fetus is damaged.

In addition to serious disorders and pathologies in children addicts from the internal organs, the proportions of parts of the body, they still have big mental development problems. The children are abandoned, the attention of their parents is absorbed by the search for narcotic doses, the living and living conditions are none. Naturally, if such children can grow up, they will have a clear propensity for narcotization, rather than for other children - from socially-advantaged families.

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What are the children of addicts

Narcotic substances are very harmful to the body, even if some of the pregnant women decide to do without them during their pregnancy. Without a good purification of the body fluids and internal organs in the female body, the chance of getting a healthy baby is very low. Harmful substances are stored in deposits in the human body and toxic substances gradually, entering the blood, poisoning effect produce. The placental barrier for them is not a problem.

Women-toxicomaniacs have children with severe mental retardation and genetic mutations. Proportions of the child's organism are violated, children have a small head, a wolf's mouth, a hare's lip, fused eyelids.

There is a misconception that "light" drugs - hashish, marijuana - do not harm the future child. In fact, newborns have dystrophy, lack of weight. Smoking women are often the phenomenon of premature birth, lack of immunity in children. The newborns are impaired vision, hearing. Gradually, with the growth of the child, symptoms and signs of infantile cerebral palsy begin to appear.

Cocaine intake during pregnancy leads to an increased risk of impaired cerebral circulation in the child in the form of a stroke and damage to the urinary system of the fetus. In the case of cocaine, a stillbirth is often observed in women.

An amphetamine drug makes a child mentally and physically retarded, because during the gestation of the fetus in the mother's body, the balance of blood circulation is disturbed.

Heroin dependence causes sudden death syndrome in infants. The surviving children experience mental underdevelopment, motor and speech development disorders.

Abuse of LSD in pregnant women is accompanied by premature birth, placental abruption, miscarriages. At birth, the child has a very high risk of genetic mutations.

Children from parents who indulge in "light" types of drugs based on cannabis have no less serious consequences: sudden death, delayed mental and motor development, accidents in the absence of proper child care.

What is the future of children born to drug addicts?

Children of drug addicts, as well as alcoholics, can not be full. Often addicts abandon the child and leave him in the care of the children's ward of the hospital. Along with the problems in the health and development of such children, their chances of getting into a good patronage family are reduced. Abandoned children absorb loneliness, dullness, mistrust of peace and people. For them to become a normal member of society is not easy. And then. .. what will they be able to give their future children good, if in their lives it was not?

If drug addicts still do not abandon their child, then what can they provide to him? Kindness, love, attention, care, care? We can not give the child what we do not have. Drug dependence is transferred from careless parents to their children. Children of drug addicts may experience an inexplicable craving for drugs, narcotic withdrawal. Especially with heroin addiction.

Lack of constant proper care of the child from the parents of drug addicts, as well as their negative life experience leads to the fact that the child does not see anything good in his life and does not get a good vaccination. A drug addict for the sake of a drug will do anything, not an exception - a drug addict parent. There are cases when for the sake of receiving money and narcotic substances, drug-addict parents sell their child.

What happens when a child is a drug addict?

It also happens that normal parents sometimes become addicted to drugs. Therefore, it is important to know the signs and symptoms characteristic of drug use. It is inadmissible to turn a blind eye to the problem of drug addiction and, at the same time, it is also not necessary to panic. Seeking help from a specialist in narcology is the best way out of crisis situations due to narcotization in children.

The most difficult age for children and vulnerable to anesthesia is 15 to 18 years. The following moments may disturb the adolescence:

  1. Frequent changes in mood.
  2. Changes in the circle of communication in a teenager - the emergence of new adult "friends" not inspiring confidence, at the same time - the break of old friendships with friends of childhood. Disorders of appetite. The whole day does not eat anything, and in the evening a "wolfish" appetite.
  3. In the behavior appears unmotivated irritability and aggression.
  4. Spaces in school and a sharp decline in academic performance.
  5. Money and valuables are beginning to disappear in the house.

If this occurs, delay with a serious conversation with the child. Think carefully about everything, weigh, start a conversation with the child on an equal footing, without attacking him. Be diplomatic - this is the key to success. Then the teenager will not break from the chair and will not leave from you, where the eyes look until the night. Talk to him heart to heart. Let it open. Say that you suspect that something is going wrong with it. Tell us about the dangers of drugs, how you deal with your problems yourself, without any psychoactive substances.

The easily formed drug addiction is easy to blink. If this happens, do not be killed and do not blame yourself for all your sins. Calm down. Only in mental and nervous rest rational and light solutions are born. In the fact that the child became a drug addict entirely and completely parents were never to blame. The whole society is guilty, which has not developed and is not yet ripe for a perfect social creative model of behavior and world order. Of course, from parents a lot of what it means, but not all.

Contact the narcological clinic, dispensary, to the clinic in the doctors-narcologists. Ask for advice. Let your child-teenager change his lifestyle, the social environment into useful, he needs social, psychological help. Do not ignore the problem and do not run away from it. You can not escape from it, it will not resolve. It can be solved only directly, openly and with the help of professional specialists, who do not need to hesitate to address.