For bronchial diseases, which must be treated with mucolytic agents for sputum discharge, Ambrobene is prescribed for inhalations with saline solution or in the form of syrup or tablets.
The most effective method is the introduction of medication into the respiratory tract through the nebulizer. It is suitable for therapeutic manipulation of adults and children.
On this page you will find all information about the Ambrobene solution: complete instructions for use for this medication, medium prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used a solution for inhalation Ambrobene. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
The drug in the form of a solution for ingestion and inhalation is allowed to be used as an agentover-the-counter vacation.
Price list
How much does the Ambrobene inhalation solution cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of130 rubles.
Form of issue and composition
Available in the form of a solution, syrup and tablets. Depending on the form of release, it is prescribed for both ingestion and inhalation. Solution for ingestion and inhalation is a clear or light yellow to brown color, odorless solution.
- The main active substance of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride, the amount of which in 1 ml is 7.5 mg.
- Auxiliary substances of the preparation: potassium sorbate - 1 mg, hydrochloric acid - 0.6 mg, purified water - 991.9 mg.
Packaging: 40 and 100 ml bottles of dark glass with a stopper-dropper. It is completed with a measuring cup. All together is contained in a cardboard box.
Pharmacological effect
Ambrobene is a synthetic drug with mucolytic action, used to treat cough in adults and children. The drug dilutes sputum, accelerating the excretion of mucus accumulated in the respiratory system and facilitating its expectoration. In addition, the drug exhibits antioxidant properties and neutralizes the effect of free radicals that have a damaging effect.
The active substance of the preparation - ambroxol stimulates the activity of the bronchial mucosa cells, forms a surfactant, which prevents their coalescence. Its action is aimed at accelerating the production of enzymes that break down the bonds of polysaccharides of sputum, thereby reducing its viscosity. Thanks to adhesive properties, the excretion of diluted sputum from the upper respiratory tract is accelerated The largest percentage of the drug taken is deposited in the tissues of the respiratory system - lungs, trachea, bronchi. In addition, the drug easily overcomes the placental barrier, penetrates into breast milk (with lactation), a small part settles in the cerebrospinal fluid and other tissues of the body.
Act on the bronchial secret of the drug begins 30-40 minutes after taking, the duration of the process depends on which version of the medicine and in what volume was adopted and is from 6 to 12 hours. The fastest and longest-lasting effects are different injections of the drug. The maximum activity of the medication is achieved 15-20 minutes after administration and lasts from 6 to 10 hours.
Indications for use
Inhalations with Ambroben can be carried out, according to the instructions for use, for all diseases accompanied by increased production of sputum, difficulty in withdrawing it, stagnation in the bronchi.
- Bronchitis is acute and exacerbation of chronic.
- Bronchitis and laryngotracheitis, as complications of respiratory disease and influenza.
- Bronchial asthma (after the remedies that relieve spasm).
- Bronchoectatic disease.
- Inflammation of the lungs (for additional surfactant synthesis).
Use of solution for inhalation Ambrobe is contraindicated in such cases:
- Severe sensitivity to ambroxol or other accessory components of the drug.
- A peptic ulcer with localization of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum.
- Pregnancy in the early term (I trimester).
In pregnancy for the second and third trimester Ambrobe can only be used as prescribed by the doctor, when the expected benefit exceeds the potential risk for the growing fetus.
Application in pregnancy and lactation
Abroxol penetrates into the amniotic fluid, which is dangerous in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Be wary appoint a medicine in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
When taken during lactation, ambroxol is found in breast milk. There are no data on its effect on babies.
Instructions for use on the solution Ambrobene
The instructions for use indicate thatsolution for ingestion and inhalation Abrobentake inside after eating with a sufficient amount of liquid (water, juice, tea) with a measuring cup.
1 ml of the solution contains 7.5 mg of ambroxol.
- Children under 2 yearsprescribe the drug for 1 ml of the solution 2 times / day (15 mg / day).
- Children aged 2 to 6 yearsprescribe the drug for 1 ml of the solution 3 times / day (22.5 mg / day).
- Children aged 6 to 12 yearsprescribe the drug for 2 ml of the solution 2-3 times / day (30-45 mg / day).
- Adults and teenagersin the first 2-3 days appoint 4 ml of the solution 3 times / day (90 mg / day). In the following days - 4 ml 2 times / day (60 mg / day).
When applying Ambrobene in the forminhalationsuse any modern equipment (except for steam inhalations). Before inhalation, the drug should be mixed with 0.9% sodium chloride solution (for optimal humidification, it can be diluted 1: 1) and heated to body temperature. Inhalation should be carried out in the mode of normal breathing, so as not to provoke coughing tremors.
Patients with bronchial asthma should be treated with bronchodilators to avoid nonspecific irritation of the respiratory tract and their spasm before inhaling ambroxol.
- Children under 2 yearsinhalate 1 ml of the solution 1-2 times / day (7.5-15 mg / day).
- Children aged 2 to 6 yearsinhalate 2 ml of the solution 1-2 times / day (15-30 mg / day).
- Adults and children over the age of 6 yearsinhalate 2-3 ml of the solution 1-2 times / day (15-45 mg / day).
Side effects
Solution for inhalation Ambrobe transferred well. Nevertheless, the development of side effects after its application is possible, which include:
- On the part of immunity, the reaction of delayed hypersensitivity develops infrequently (for each subsequent application of the drug, the reaction from the immune system develops more pronounced).
- On the part of the digestive system, nausea, vomiting develops more often, diarrhea, dryness of the oral cavity and pharynx mucosa, bloating, abdominal pain (spastic) are more rare.
- From the side of the nervous system - the development of changes in taste sensations (this side effect can develop quite often).
- Allergic reactions - develop very rarely (less than 0.01%), characterized by skin rash and itching, the appearance of urticaria, and edema of Quincke. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock can develop.
At the moment, no symptoms of intoxication with an overdose of the drug have been identified. In isolated cases there is information about nervous excitement and diarrhea. Ambroxol is well tolerated when ingested at a dose of up to 25 mg / kg per day. In case of severe overdose, possibly increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure.
If symptoms of an overdose occur, intensive care should be used, such as inducing vomiting, rinsing stomach, should be used only in cases of severe overdose, in the first 1 to 2 hours after taking the drug. Symptomatic treatment is indicated.
Drug Interactions
Simultaneous use with drugs that have antitussive activity (for example, containing codeine), is not recommended because of the difficulty of excretion of sputum from the bronchi on the background of a decrease in cough.
Simultaneous administration with antibiotics (amoxicillin, cefuroxime, erythromycin, doxycycline) improves the flow of antibiotics into the pulmonary pathways. Such interaction with doxycycline is widely used for therapeutic purposes.
Some feedback from visitors:
- As you know, young children are more susceptible to colds than adults. The most difficult is the cough. Having tried a lot of means from a cough, came to the conclusion that inhalations are most effective. Our son - allergic (sometimes a rash appears on the skin) is best helped with Ambrobene, I do not know why. We are treated according to the scheme proposed by our pediatrician. It is necessary to take 1 ml of Ambrobe and mix it with 2 ml of saline, it's sodium chloride, pour into a nebulizer and breathe three times a day. It is noteworthy that soon the cough from the dry passes into the wet one, and the child recovers faster.
- Once I had to stay with my daughter without help. The trouble came unexpectedly, the child began to show signs of a cold. The doctor recommended using a nebulizer for inhalations with Ambrobene. I easily and adequately left the situation, the child was healthy after 4 days.
The drug Ambrobene has a whole list of similar drugs, similar in composition and principle of action. Below is a short list of analogs Ambrobene, sold in the form of solutions for inhalation:
- Ambroghexal (Germany)
- Lazolvan
- Ambroxol
- Berodual
- Berotek
- Sodium chloride and others.
In modern pharmacy chains a wide variety of similar preparations with the same composition is represented, but in various medicinal forms - syrup, drops, tablets. Many of the drugs sold are cheaper than Ambrobe, but it is better to get professional advice from a specialist when choosing a medicine.
Storage conditions and shelf life
At a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children!
Shelf life 5 years. Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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