Infectious conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease that is conjunctival of the eye.It has a different origin, but most often it is caused by various viruses, bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, there are forms of conjunctivitis that can be transmitted easily from person to person.

In this article, we will discuss one of the forms of this disease, namely, infectious conjunctivitis. You will learn about how and why it can appear, and how to properly cure it to prevent the development of serious complications.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Infectious conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by various viruses and bacteria.In addition, the disease can be provoked by microorganisms, however, it is proved that the main provoking factor is adenoviruses.

Conjunctivitis, which is of an infectious nature, is very dangerous, as it can lead to scarring of the conjunctival membrane and deformation of the tear film.

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In the future, the infection can spread to the cornea of ​​the eye, which leads to a significant decrease in the quality of vision.Infectious conjunctivitis is easily transmitted from one eye to another, and from person to person.


Infectious conjunctivitis can be caused by contact with a conjunctiva and conjunctival sac of pathogenic microorganisms, for example streptococci and staphylococci, chlamydia, viruses and fungi.The appearance of this disease can also be caused by eye microtrauma, improper hygiene, decreased immunity, infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

Conjunctivitis of infectious nature can develop in the event that an external provoking factor acts, and in the case of autoinfection.

Autoinfection is the transformation of the normal microflora of the conjunctiva into a pathogenic one.In this situation, the cause of conjunctivitis may lie in the reduction of immunity, diabetes, arthritis and so on.Therefore, do not forget that infectious conjunctivitis can occur even without a mechanical trauma and getting into the eye infection.


The main symptom of infectious conjunctivitis is irritation and discomfort from bright light.In this case, the conjunctiva changes its color to pink, as its vessels expand. You can notice the appearance of excreta, which glue the eyelids.Allocations can provoke a blurred vision, but if they are removed, everything comes back to normal.

In the event that blurring of the eyes remains even after blinking and removal of secretions, it is worthwhile to suspect that the infection has passed to the cornea. Because of this in the subsequent on the conjunctiva can form scars, there is a visual impairment.

There are some differences in how the viral conjunctivitis differs from bacterial conjunctivitis.

Signs of viral conjunctivitis:

  1. Watery discharge from the eyes;
  2. The provoking factor- infection of the nasopharynx;
  3. Increase and soreness of the parotid lymphatic vessels.

Signs of bacterial conjunctivitis:

  1. Thick white or yellowish discharge;
  2. Lymphatic vessels do not increase.


To diagnose infectious conjunctivitis, the doctor needs to know what symptoms and external manifestations are accompanied by this disease.

For diagnosis, a slit lamp is used, with which the expert examines the eye.

To determine the causative agent of conjunctivitis, you need to take a sample of excretions for laboratory analysis.But this is done only if the conjunctivitis occurs quite heavily and with relapses, or when there is a suspicion that chlamydia or gonorrhea is the cause of the inflammation.

Forms of conjunctivitis


You should know that infectious conjunctivitis can not always go by yourself.So, for example, bacterial conjunctivitis without proper treatment can proceed with relapses, then disappearing, then appearing again.

Discharges from the eyes should be wiped with a clean cloth, which must be moistened in boiled water.You can do both warm and cold compresses, which for a while help to remove irritation.

Since infectious conjunctivitis spreads well from person to person, one should observe the hygiene of the hands (they must be washed after washing the eyes, after using medicines). Do not touch the healthy eye so as not to suffer an infection.

Those towels and napkins that are used to care for the sick eye should be kept separately.When infectious conjunctivitis is recommended to spend the first few days at home, so as not to spread the infection among others.For the treatment of infectious conjunctivitis, eye drops such as:

  • Albucid;
  • Tobrex;
  • Gludantan;
  • Forenal;
  • Oftadex.

There are many other medications.It should be remembered that it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe a more effective and effective treatment.Self-medication can be dangerous.

To treat bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Erythromycin or Azithromycin.To help eliminate dryness and inflammation of the eyes, it is recommended to make cold compresses and use moisturizing drops. To remove the secretions, you can wash the eyes with saline.

Viral conjunctivitis is treated quite simply. You can make cold compresses, use vasoconstrictive and moisturizing eye drops.If conjunctivitis develops due to herpes, then antiherpetic drugs are prescribed, for example, Acyclovir, Trifluridin and so on.


Infectious conjunctivitis, caused in particular by chlamydia, can last for several months.

Any conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is very dangerous, and especially for prematurely born children.

Complications that can occur if you do not treat infectious conjunctivitis:

  • Meningitis.It is an infectious disease that manifests itself as an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, resulting in a change in the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid. Meningitis is very dangerous, because it leads to disability or even death.
  • Sepsis.It is also called blood poisoning. Sepsis develops when harmful bacteria enter the bloodstream and begin to affect the tissues of the human body.
  • Otitis media.This ear infection occurs in children, but it is rare. In particular, otitis media can develop after conjunctivitis, which triggered the hemophilic bacteria of the influenza virus.


To prevent the emergence of infectious conjunctivitis, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. You can not use other people's towels and other personal hygiene products, and also give your own to others.
  2. Chihaya or coughing, you should close your mouth and nose with your hand. After that it is tiresome to wash your hands.
  3. You can not give your contact lenses to others, and take strangers.
  4. You should wash your hands with soap as often as possible.
  5. It is recommended to always have moist antibacterial wipes or gels.
  6. Swimming in pools or pools, you should wear swimming goggles to protect your eyes from getting germs.

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Infectious conjunctivitis is a rather dangerous disease, but only if it is not treated. When symptoms of conjunctivitis occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the disease and will prescribe the correct treatment.

Do not forget to take preventive measures. They will prevent the development of infectious conjunctivitis in adults and children. Be healthy!

Read also about the treatment of acute conjunctivitis.

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