Strengthening the immunity of folk remedies in adults: the most effective recipes

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Unfortunately, human health is a fickle thing. It resembles a capricious child, who is upset because of the slightest non-fulfillment of his whims. Immunity acts like a child's mind: it is worth ignoring his "urges", as he immediately makes you regret the perfect deed.

In modern life, poor immunity in humans is more likely a rule than an exception. Often a person simply does not understand where he "sinned", as a result of which the body's defenses suddenly fell. And everything happens for a reason. But then why?

content of the article:
  • Causes of poor immunity
  • Characteristic symptoms tested recipes
  • mixture of nuts and dried fruits
  • onion and sugar mixture
  • Vegetable juices
  • Coniferous broth
  • Ginger Herbal infusion
  • Shilajit
  • walnut leaves
  • «Vitamin mix" or fruktovo-nut mixture
  • Preventive measures

Causes of poor immunity

There are many reasons for poor immunity, but for convenience they are better divided into two large groups:associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and certain diseases.

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Smoke without fire does not happen, or why the immunity leaves much to be desired through the fault of the person:

  • Power. Unbalanced nutrition with low vitamin content, excess of animals and refined fats, starch, flour products, mixing of food in unacceptable combinations, ignoring fresh fruits and vegetables - guaranteed immunity problems in the future. Most people forget that it is better to worry in advance about the receipt of good quality foods in the body, rather than later to spend huge sums on medicines.
  • Too much muscle strain( or no load at all).
  • Violation of normal sleep and wakefulness.
  • Neuroses, stress, depression.
  • Bad habits.
  • Location in settlements with an excessively high radiation background.
  • Bad ecology( the body is attacked by a huge number of toxic toxic compounds from factories, factories, highways).

Another side of the problem: can 's immunity decline due to the presence of certain diseases not always controlled by humans, and what are they? Diseases of the blood( leukemia, hemophilia).

  • Diseases of the liver, its severe lesions.
  • Diarrhea, parasites in the intestines, problems with peristalsis, absorption of nutrients, constipation.
  • A number of renal ailments that promote the removal of abnormally high amounts of immunoglobulins.
  • HIV disease.
  • Consequences of chemotherapy for oncological diseases. Active oncological diseases.
  • Consequences of severe injuries.
  • Prolonged intake of drugs that destroy the natural microflora in the body.
  • Immunodeficiency( congenital and acquired).
  • Effective treatment of cystitis with folk remedies at home.

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    Characteristic Symptoms of

    How does one determine that your body is poorly protected from infections and has serious difficulties in repelling the negative impact of the environment?

    • Constant colds. The most obvious sign of poor immune protection is that it is more often than 3 times a year. The disease is transferred very hard, often with possible complications to other organs and body systems.
    • Bad condition of skin and nails .Ulcers, fungi on the surface of the skin and nail plates are a serious reason to be alert and think about strengthening their immunity. This includes recurrent candidiasis and wounds, which do not last long.
    • The complexion of .If you are pale, there is no blush on the cheeks, and under the eyes bruises are a sign that the body simply does not have the strength and energy to maintain the normal state of your skin.
    • Tuberculosis in different manifestations. Diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems with relapses.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.

    Proven recipes

    Traditional medicine recipes have saved mankind from many diseases for thousands of years, when there was not a single drug or antibiotic in sight.

    So, how can you help yourself, relying solely on the forces of nature?

    Mixture of nuts and dried fruits

    To prepare the product you need to take 0.5 kg of dried apricots, as well as prunes and raisins. You can add walnuts, but any other( better, if they will be raw) will do. Ingredients to pass through the meat grinder 2-3 times, after which honey is added to the mixture.

    "Pasta" is transferred to the dishes, covered with a lid, and then placed in the refrigerator.

    Should be taken on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes before breakfast. As a preventive of low immunity, one tablespoon per day will suffice.

    If for some reason you can not get the ingredients specified in the recipe, you can replace the prunes with two lemons( they need to be passed through the meat grinder directly with the skin).

    Onion-sugar mixture

    Take a glass of onion, chop with a blender, add a glass of sugar, then add half-liter of water to the mixture and leave on low heat for an hour and a half, stir occasionally.

    When the mixture is ready, add a couple of spoons of honey, mix thoroughly and put it on a cold. After this, strain and drain into a clean container. Keep the mixture in the cold.

    Take up to 5 times a day for one spoonful. It is advisable to do this before eating.

    Vegetable juices

    Take 100 ml of carrot and radish juice, after which add cranberry and lemon juice( 1 spoonful).To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey, then mix.

    The mixture should be drunk to the end throughout the day. A new portion should be done daily.

    Coniferous broth

    To prepare this excellent fortifying agent, it is necessary to take a handful of spruce needles( collect in a clean place, away from roads), rinse well with water, and then simmer in a glass of water for 20 minutes. The lid must be closed! Broth insists half an hour, filter and add honey to taste.

    You need to drink a glass 3 times a day.


    Buy the root of ginger, peel and grind it( you need 200 g), add lemon juice and a glass of any berries. Blend the mixture in a blender, then insist for two days, strain and wring out. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Herbal infusion

    Take 100 g of hop cones, lemon balm, mint, linden, motherwort, valerian, and then grind into flour.

    The resulting powder is stored in a closed pot. When symptoms of low immunity from the pot take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs, brew in a teapot from porcelain in half a liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours. The mixture is drunk half an hour before meals.


    It is necessary to take 7 g of mummy, add a little water to the state of homogeneous slurry, then pour in 0.5 liters of liquid honey and mix thoroughly. Take the remedy on a tablespoon for half an hour before eating. To achieve a serious effect, you need to do this at least 3 times a day.

    In addition, you can prepare and mix of mummies with aloe juice and lemon.

    For 200 g of lemon juice and 100 g of aloe, take only 5 g of mummy, mix and insist in a dark place for a day. Take before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.

    Important: should be rinsed after the remedy, since the lemon's acidic medium can adversely affect tooth enamel.

    walnut leaves Take 2 tablespoons of leaves, dry, grind to powder, and then pour 500 ml of very hot water. The mixture is infused for 10 hours, filtered and stored in a refrigerator.

    Take ¼ cup in the morning and at lunch( shortly before meals).

    The experience of many people suggests that improvements can be expected after 3 days, and the course of application of this method is about 2 weeks.

    "Vitamin mix" or fruit and nut mixture

    The method is not only very useful, but also delicious.

    Take a pound of cranberries, pass through a meat grinder, do the same with a glass of walnuts and four green apples without pits( the grade "Granny Smith" is well suited).

    Add half a cup of water and 0.5 kg of sugar to the mixture, then boil on low heat until boiling, while stirring constantly. After preparation, the mixture is transferred into a clean container, covered with a lid and consumed several times a day on a tablespoon.

    Warning! Before using any of the means, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to it and possible side effects;in some cases, a doctor's consultation is mandatory. Also it is necessary to take care of the correct combination of medicamental treatment with folk methods.

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    Preventative measures

    How can an adult help his or her immunity every day?

    Contrast shower and hardening. When "collision" with a contrast shower for the first time, without any experience of hardening, you need to start the procedure with a moderately low water temperature, and only then gradually reduce it. It is necessary to alternate warm and cold water 10-15 times, to finish always with cold water.

    It is best to start taking contrast shower in the warm season. The ideal time of day is morning, half an hour before the first meal. If you take such a shower in the evening, until after it until sleep should not be less than an hour, otherwise it will be hard to fall asleep, because such a shower invigorates.

    For a persistent tendency to increase immunity, take a contrast shower regularly, rather than periods.

    It is not recommended to take a contrast shower after a sleepless night, immediately after a meal and with strong emotional overload.

    Healthy intestine. Maintaining the ideal intestinal flora is necessary by getting enough fiber in the diet, as well as timely cleaning from slags, stool and parasites.

    Physical stress. Even the child knows about the benefits of charging. Exercises from yoga, running, active games in the fresh air, exercises with "iron" in the gym - and immunity will never become an enemy to its owner!

    Vitamins. You can take multivitamin complexes, but do not forget that the best medicines and human friends are raw vegetables and fruits! They contain a huge amount of vitamin C and there is on the counter all year round( for example, all your favorite oranges).Of course, before buying, you should take care of the freshness and quality of the products.

    In conclusion, we must say that to prevent the emergence of weak immunity is much easier than then to apply incredible efforts to strengthen and restore it. One must never forget that the power of health is directly proportional to a person's concern for him.