Diet with pains in the stomach

  • Nutrition in stomach pain
  • Nutritional features depending on the cause of pain
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Stomach pain( gastralgia) is a common complaint that patients address to the therapist. This is due to the intense rhythm of modern life. Eating food on the go, stressful situations, taking aggressive medications - all this negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Just drink painkillers with discomfort wrong. Such drugs do not eliminate the problem, but only damp it. Moreover, analgesics further exacerbate the pathological process. A painful outbreak can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from overeating or, conversely, starvation to serious diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region( just below the center of the chest) appear with exacerbation of already existing chronic processes. In this case, patients are disturbed by nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, bloating, rumbling and other.

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To combat gastralegia, an integrated approach is important, including medical therapy, the use of folk recipes and dietary intake. Diet with pain in the stomach plays an important role in the treatment process. It is just necessary for recovery.

If you do not follow the rules of proper nutrition, all treatment may be unsuccessful. In this article, we'll look at what you can eat with pain in the stomach. What is the best diet to use for various diseases of the body?

Nutrition for stomach pains

Diet for stomach pain may differ depending on the provoking cause, which can be determined by a competent specialist. So, with chronic gastritis, usually there is mild stomach pain, which a person can not even pay attention to.

At oncological processes at once there can be an insignificant pain which in due course becomes more intensive. With a performative ulcer, painful shock occurs, pain is so strong that it can not be tolerated. Cramping pain can occur with inflammation of the pancreas or intestine.

To determine the cause, experts pay attention to the relationship of soreness to food intake. Usually, with gastritis, pain occurs immediately after eating or after a few minutes. With peptic ulcer pain usually occurs after a few hours.

Products for stomach pain should be eaten fresh. Raw vegetables and fruits are better not to eat, they should be either boiled or cooked steamed. Vegetables for soups should be necessarily grinded. It is extremely important to exclude foods that contain preservatives and flavor enhancers. Acute, fried, fatty, salted, smoked, seasonings and spices are taboo.

When asked about what you can eat when your stomach hurts, you will be responded by a gastroenterologist based on your diagnosis of

White bread loaves are well digested and digested. Rye croutons are considered low-calorie, while they well satisfy the feeling of hunger. During an exacerbation, it is better to give preference to liquid porridge, light soups on vegetable broth. Sour-milk products normalize the digestive process and help strengthen the immune system. But the main condition is that they are low-fat.

Special attention should be paid to fruit and herbal teas. These drinks increase the production of gastric juice and normalize digestion. Often, doctors recommend patients to enter the diet of jelly and jelly. They are of great value, as they envelop the walls of the stomach.

Nutrition for stomach gastritis

The menu must contain lean fish and meat. This protein food, which contains a huge amount of nutrients, just necessary to normalize the work of the digestive tract.

Since store sweets need to be excluded, and many like sweet, it will be useful to bake an apple with honey in the oven. This dish contains a lot of vitamins, it will help to strengthen the immune system and normalize the entire digestive tract.

Try to eat at the same time, so your body will get used to a certain routine and the stomach will be ready for a new meal. After one or two weeks you will feel a noticeable result, while you need to be patient and do not expect rapid changes. After a diet you will feel vivacity, a burst of strength, and also ease in the stomach.

With pains in the stomach, you can eat lean fish and meat

Features of nutrition depending on the cause of pain

As mentioned above, gastralgia can be a consequence of a variety of pathological processes, for example, gastritis, ulcers, reflux esophagitis and much more. Consider useful advice on nutrition with various digestive diseases.

Peptic ulcer

Ulcer is a chronic disease of the stomach, which in most cases causes Helicobacter pylori infection. This bacterium damages the mucous membrane, forming ulcers on its surface. A pathogenic microorganism can damage the stomach and nearby organs.

Helicobacter pylori can penetrate the body due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The source of infection can be saliva, water, unwashed dishes and much more. Many people are carriers of this infection. You can get infected if such a person at home simply has tea.

The state of the immune system plays an important role in the process of the onset of the disease. If your internal defense of the body is at the proper level, then the immunity can overcome the pathogen and the disease does not arise, but if the resistance is weakened, then there are all chances of getting sick.

Stressful situations, smoking, alcoholism, genetic predisposition, malnutrition, uncontrolled use of medications - all this and much more can serve as a catalyst for the development of peptic ulcer.

The main symptom of the pathology is the appearance of pain in the upper abdomen, the intensity of which increases at night. Physical activity, large intervals between meals, drinking alcohol, fatty and spicy food can all contribute to a painful outbreak.

When the stomach ulcer is assigned table number 1

Nutrition for peptic ulcer includes sparing soups based on various cereals. As a preparation of meat dishes it is better to use chicken, turkey, veal. Chicken eggs are better to cook soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet. Sour berries and fruits, alcohol, muffin, soda, hard brewed drinks, preserves, smoked products - all this is prohibited.


The disease is caused by the defeat of the esophagus due to the repeated casting of gastric contents. The pathological process can develop against a background of gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, hernia, pregnancy, obesity, alcoholism. Increase the risk of the occurrence of an illness taking medications that reduce the tone of the esophageal sphincter.

Such harmful habits as alcoholism and smoking can also trigger the development of the disease.

On the mucous membrane of the esophagus eruptions and sores are formed. There is reflux esophagitis in the form of eructations, heartburn, swallowing, chest pains or in the epigastric region, lumps in the throat. I can also develop extra-esophageal symptoms, for example, constant coughing and hoarseness.

The diet for this disease includes restriction of gas-forming products. It is extremely important to avoid overeating, the last meal should be a maximum of three hours before bedtime. Hot, cold, hot food, alcohol - all this is prohibited.

Special attention should be paid to products that lower the tone of the lower sphincter of the esophagus and further aggravate the process: pepper, peppermint, chocolate, coffee, onions, fatty meat, cakes, garlic. When the pathological process worsens, it is difficult for patients to swallow food, so they recommend a two-day fasting. Then they can switch to semi-liquid food.

Onions and garlic weakens the tone of the esophageal sphincter, so when reflux esophagitis is consumed, it is extremely important to avoid

. Preference is given to mucous soups, kissels, steam omelettes, and dairy products. Greens are allowed to consume in unlimited quantities. Raw vegetables and fruits during the exacerbation will further irritate the mucous membrane. From sour and rich first dishes will have to be abandoned. Light vegetable soups without roasting are allowed.


Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from stomach cancer. The causes of the development of the disease have not yet been fully understood. But there are many theories and assumptions, for example, it is believed that the risks of an ailment increase in those whose relatives have been diagnosed with cancer. According to statistics, the Japanese are leading on the incidence of stomach cancer.

Perhaps this is due to their diet. They have a lot of salty, smoked, pickled food. Also, specialists see the connection between the onset of cancer and bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse. In half of the removed cancerous tumors, Helicobacter pylori infection is found! In the early stages of the pathological process, there may not be any symptoms at all.

Neoplasm can hide behind the clinic of gastritis, ulcers. Deterioration of appetite and pain in epigastrium, few people are forced to undergo a complete examination and consult a gastroenterologist. Many stifle the pain with painkillers. As the disease progresses, the patient notices that he is no longer pleased with his favorite food, he loses weight, there is an unreasonable weakness, a decrease in efficiency.

The development of stomach cancer is affected by the presence of carcinogens in food, so in such patients on the table should be an exceptionally healthy food

Many habitual and favorite dishes for stomach cancer are strictly prohibited. Portions should be minimal. Try to keep the intervals between meals about the same. To reduce the load on digestion and better absorption of nutrients, thoroughly chew the food.

It is better to eat fresh dishes, if possible, cook them directly before eating. Consumption of table salt should be sharply limited. Also follows the amount of fat, their total volume should not exceed the third part of the diet. In the first three days after the operation, hunger and a large amount of fluid are shown. Thanks to this, the internal seams will heal faster.

All nutrients will enter the body parenterally, that is, through droppers. On the fourth day, low-fat broth with ground vegetables or cereals is introduced. About a week later, it is allowed to eat vegetables and cereals in a puree state.

When chemotherapy is also important to comply with dietary nutrition. Patients are advised to consume dairy products, because they contain a large number of nutrients that can restore a weakened body. Low-fat meat varieties will enrich the body with protein, iron and vitamins of group B.

Seafood is extremely important for a patient with cancer of the body. They include omega-3 fatty acids, which have a harmful effect on the atypical cells.


Gastritis is one of the most common ailments. In eighty percent of cases people at least once in their lives faced this disease. In the inflammatory process, the food begins to digest worse, which results in a decline in energy and a lack of energy.

Patients complain of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain that go away after eating, diarrhea, belching sour, heartburn. The stomach is the most vulnerable organ of the digestive tract, because it is here that three stages of digestion of food take place: mechanical stirring, chemical cleavage and absorption of nutrients.

Diet for gastritis is selected depending on the level of acidity

With gastritis you can eat porridges, rusks, potatoes, soups, lean fish and meat. At high acidity, low-fat dairy products are allowed. It is useful to drink milk with tea. Kefir has high acidity, so it is better not to use it with hyperacid gastritis.

Curd is very useful for the stomach. From it you can make casseroles, vareniki, syrniki. With gastritis with low acidity, it is better not to consume whole milk, it can be added to porridges and teas. Cottage cheese, as in the first case, can be consumed, only in moderation.


The ingestion of substandard products or poisonous substances can cause poisoning. Intoxication for the body is a strong stress, to get rid of which all protective mechanisms are included. The most common are food poisoning.

Intoxication causes not only digestive disorders, but also affects overall well-being. Most often, people are concerned with such symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weakness, headache, chills. When poisoning, there is no appetite, sometimes even from one thought about food, nausea becomes worse.

Diet during intoxication includes fasting for 12-24 hours. At the same time, you should drink as much water as possible. Due to fever, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a large amount of fluid, so sufficient intake of simple water will help restore balance and prevent dehydration.

As drinking mineral water without gas, rice broth, compote from dried fruits, rose hip tea and more. Do not forget that water should be drunk in small portions, since a large volume of liquid can provoke vomiting. Food for poisoning must be taken in a mashed or pureed condition.

Limit the intake of table salt. Too salty food irritates the digestive tract and prevents the restoration of the mucous membranes of the

. So, stomach pains are a symptom that can signal a variety of pathologies, among which there is gastritis, ulcers, cancer, pancreatitis, polyposis. The diet is selected individually by a qualified specialist.

Therapeutic diet may differ depending on the diagnosis. Diet with pain in the stomach is the key to your recovery. Do not drown pain analgesics, and if you have the first alarm symptoms, contact a specialist!