How to drip drops in the eyes

The main form of medicines used in ophthalmology are eye drops. They are isotonic solutions (on osmotic pressure close to the blood plasma), which makes it possible to apply them with the greatest efficiency. In addition, each preparation contains an active substance, depending on the expected effect.


  • 1Application of drops
  • 2Hygienic standards
  • 3Procedure of instillation
  • 4How to drip eyes when wearing lenses
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application of drops

At first glance it seems that it is easier to drip eye drops.However, without knowledge of the basic rules for conducting it, and even more so without observing hygienic norms, it is possible not only to not achieve a therapeutic effect, but also to do harm instead of good.

After all, many drugs have a high degree of activity, and the higher it is, the more pronounced the therapeutic effect, and hence the risk of side effects increases.Although drops are a preparation of purely local action, if used incorrectly, they can systemic influence when penetrating the bloodstream through the nasolacrimal canal mucosa, nasopharynx, esophagus and stomach.

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The most dangerous in this regard are drugs with corticosteroids and antibiotics, because these substances directly have an effect on immunity.These funds can in no case be used without the appointment of a doctor, especially when treating pregnant and young children.

The most harmless drugs are moisturizing drops and vitamin-containing ones.They are usually sold without a prescription and can be used even for preventive purposes. However, they contain chemical ingredients, so they should not get carried away.

When prescribing eye drops do not forget to tell your doctor if you are taking any other medicines (local or systemic). And also about the possible existing diseases of a general nature, since some drops have a number of contraindications in use.

Hygienic standards

The most frequent pathological conditions of the eye arise from their inflammation for various reasons.It can be irritation, allergy, dry eye syndrome, but most inflammations (up to 80%) are of an infectious nature.

Therefore, in the treatment of eye drops, it is necessary to carefully observe hygienic standards, especially with infectious lesions.And even if your disease is not contagious, the diseased eyes are in a weakened state, which means that if bacteria or viruses are introduced, they may undergo a microbial attack.

During preparation and carrying out of procedure it is necessary to observe some simple sanitary-and-hygienic requirements:

  • When buying a drug, make sure that the medicine is not overdue, and also that it meets its purpose, since some of the same-name drugs are available for the nose, ears and eyes;
  • Store both sealed and opened medicines in accordance with the conditions required by the instruction(most often in the refrigerator);
  • After opening, do not use the medicine for more than 1 month;
  • When instilled, do not touch the eyelashes and eyes with a dropper.- thus it is possible to injure mucous or infect with a microbes the tip of a vial or flask;
  • Do not use other people's medicines and do not give their medications to others- In this way, you can "pick up" someone's infection or infect another person;
  • Use only sterile wipes or cotton balls to drip excess medicines during the procedure.

The most important rule of hygiene - do not forget to wash your hands with soap before and after the procedure. In the case of purulent discharge from the eyes, it is recommended to rinse them with furatsilin solution from the outer corner to the inner corner, also using a sterile material.

Procedure of instillation

For the procedure, the patient must take a stable posture - lying down or sitting on a chair with a head thrown back.If the patient himself buries the medicine, then you can sit in front of the mirror.

Few people know how to properly drip drops in the eye:

  • The bottle with medicine is placed in the right hand with a dropper downwards at a height of 2-3 cm above the surface of the mucous eye;
  • With the left hand, the lower eyelid is slightly retracted, and a peculiar "pocket" is formed between its inner side and the eyeball;
  • With two fingers of the right hand, the bottle is slightly compressed, exactly enough to drop one drop.Usually the required therapeutic effect is exactly 1 drop, but if necessary, it is necessary to drip more than 1-2 minutes, otherwise the excess medicine will simply flow out;
  • After that, the eye closes, without squeezing the eyelids, and the pincushion of the index finger is placed on the inner corner of the eye to prevent the penetration of the medicine into the nasolacrimal canal;
  • A napkin removes excess drug, if any.

In this position it is recommended to sit or lie down for a few minutes. Sometimes you need to drip just two drugs - in this case, the interval between taking different medications should be at least 10 minutes. If you accidentally touch the eye or eyelashes with a pipette or dropper, do not use these tools - for further treatment, you need to change the pipette or open another vial of medicine.

How to drip eyes when wearing lenses

Contact lenses have certain chemical and physical properties that, under the influence of eye drops, can change, and not at all toward improvement. Therefore, for most eye drops, it is recommended:

  • Before the procedure, remove the lens, placing them in a sterile solution, for 15 minutes. before the beginning of instillation;
  • After the procedure, wear the lenses no sooner than 20 minutes later.

For some types of treatment (as prescribed by a doctor), you should temporarily give up wearing contact lenses.

Instructions for instillation of the eyes

An exception may be drugs in which, on the advice of a doctor, soak the lenses, or drip drops without removing them.This can improve the effectiveness of the use of medicines. However, such treatment can be carried out only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces a number of drugs specifically designed for people using contact lenses.

These drugs contain components that are close in chemical composition to the fluids produced by the body and can help in eliminating the problems that arise when wearing contact lenses:

  • Overexertion of the eyes;
  • The appearance of uncomfortable sensations;
  • The need for additional moisture.

Such drugs may have an additional therapeutic effect: vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic.In this case, consultation of an ophthalmologist is mandatory, otherwise instead of alleviating the condition you risk earning extra problems with the eyes.


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With proper and timely use, eye drops help to quickly and effectively get rid of various pathological conditions of the eyes. However, before beginning treatment carefully read the instructions in addition to consulting an ophthalmologist.

Do not forget about the hygienic requirements when instigating the eyes, and also use the drugs in accordance with the required dosage. And then the conducted procedures will bring the expected curative effect in accordance with the term specified in the instruction.

Also read the drugs used to remove redness of the conjunctiva and treat dry eye.