How to make shugaring at home in the bikini area yourself

Currently, shugaring is very in demand among the fair sex, wishing that the skin for a long time remained smooth and attractive, especially when it comes to the most delicate places.

Men also have an interest in skin care for their body, and this article will also be useful for a strong sex.

  • Contents of the article:
    • The main concepts of
      • The advantages of vegetation removal
      • The disadvantages of the
      • epilation method How to do at home
        • The preparation recipe
      • Other recipes
      • Technique for the procedure
      • Useful advices

      Basic concepts

      Shugaring is a cosmetology method for removing undesirable hairs from the body.

      Often, it is called sugar epilation.

      It is believed that the method was invented by women in the days of Ancient Egypt.

      Thanks to its high efficiency and availability, it is still in use.

      Advantages of vegetation removal

      Sugar epilation has a number of advantages:

      • Visible effect. Even after the first procedure up to 2.5 weeks, the skin will remain tender and smooth.
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        In the future, the hairs will become thinner, more soft.
        It will be easier to delete them, and it will be less necessary to resort to sludge.
      • Availability .
        For pasta preparation, a minimum of time and money is required.
        You do not need to go to beauty salons.
        The epilation can be done at home .
      • Mixture is prepared from natural products , does not contain chemicals, dyes, flavors, rarely causes allergies.
        It is ideal for women with sensitive and prone to irritation.
      • Before use, does not require the to warm up, which means it eliminates the possibility of a burn.
      • The method can be used by both women and men.

      And what do you know about folk remedies for hair growth on the head? Folk ways and recipes are published in a useful article.

      About how to wash your head with an egg instead of shampoo is written on this page. Learn the secrets of finding an excellent hairstyle.

      Disadvantages of the

      epilation method Before starting the process, one must clearly understand how to get rid of hair in intimate places correctly and without undue consequences.

      What are the negative aspects of these methods:

      • Contraindications.
        Shugaring is forbidden for people with dermatological and oncological diseases, diabetes, venous insufficiency, with papillomas, ulcers, inflammatory processes on the skin.
      • Be careful of the with the components used.
        Honey, lemon, sugar can cause allergies.
      • To qualitatively perform the procedures of , you will have to wait until the hairs grow to 3-6 mm, otherwise the epilation will go to waste.
        Too short hairs( 1-2 mm) shugaring will not take.
      • The bikini zone is very sensitive .
        During the procedure, discomfort and pain may be felt.

      How to use at home

      Epilation of the delicate zone requires rigorous preparation:

      • For 3 days it is recommended to clean the skin surface with an emollient scrub.
      • On the day of epilation you can not use various cosmetic products , so that there is no irritation.
      • Be sure to take a shower with , rinse the skin before applying sugar. This will help the pores to unfold and the hairs will be easier to remove.

      Recipe for pasta preparation

      Preparation of a mixture for slurping is an interesting, pleasant process accompanied by a sweet aroma.

      On the Internet you can find different recipes. They differ slightly in terms of the ingredients and proportions used, but the technology remains similar.

      • First we mix sugar with water .
        To do this, take 10-15 spoonfuls of sugar and add three spoons of hot water, mix thoroughly.
      • Place the mixture in a saucepan of , add the juice of half a lemon( or 1.5 tablespoons of citric acid).
      • Now the pan is placed on the plate.
        The mixture is cooked on low heat, constantly mixed with a spoon, so that sugar does not burn.
        The readiness indicator is the color change of the mixture.
        It should turn out golden-orange, homogeneous, pulling .
      • Set the mixture to room temperature.

      And do you know how to clean the pores on your face at home? Follow the link and find out how to take care of your skin.

      About treatment of whiteheads on the face is written here.

      On the page: http: // uhod-za-kozhej / retsepty.html written about facial creams that you can do at home.

      Other recipes

      Other components can be added to the sugar mixture.

      Pasta with lemon honey

      Honey has a number of useful properties: it increases elasticity, softens, removes dryness and peeling, has bactericidal properties.

      To prepare a honey paste you will need:

      • 250 grams of sugar.
      • 2 spoons of honey. Honey is suitable for anyone, but it's better to give preference to a lime one.
      • ¼ cup lemon juice.
      • Tablespoon of water.
      • The cooking technique is similar to the standard recipe. Before using, make sure that you are not allergic to honey.

      How to make a body scrub from coffee is written here. Find out some useful recipes.

      Pasta with vinegar

      This mixture has a bactericidal, softening effect.

      For cooking, you will need:

      • 6 large spoonfuls of sugar;
      • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
      • 2 large spoons of water.
      • Vinegar is added to the mixture at the very end of cooking, before removing the pot from the plate.

      Ready-made sugar mixtures

      You can also buy ready-made pastes for epilation. It is convenient to use it, because you do not need to waste time preparing.

      It can be sold in different packages( cassettes, jars), differ in weight and consistency.

      For a deep bikini, a thick or very dense consistency is suitable.

      Technique for performing the

      procedure. When proceeding to the procedure, follow the instructions clearly:

      • Take a small piece from the caramel mass of ( about 3 by 3 cm), knead it in hands until the soft and dense "".
      • Apply mass to the skin of , pressing against the problem area.
        Roll your fingers against hair growth.
      • Now rolls in the direction of hair growth , wait for 10-20 seconds and with a sharp movement tear off the "joke" over the edge.
      • Remainder of "pull" wash off with warm water.
      Please note! To reduce pain, follow the procedure gradually in several steps. Do not immediately grab large areas of the skin.

      Useful advices

      The bikini zone is very sensitive. To reduce the painful sensations of , you can take advantage of several methods:

      • Before showering, take a shower of to steam out the skin and the hairs are easier to move away.
      • You can apply special medicine painkillers or use ice cubes.
      • To less damage to the skin of , apply flour or talc before epilation.

      Can I use the fabric strips

      Many women use paper or cloth bandages.

      They allow you to capture a wider body surface for hair removal.

      The process of epilation itself will be faster, but it will be more unpleasant.

      Skin Care in the Bikini Zone

      After the procedure, redness, irritation on the skin may remain. This is a normal phenomenon that will soon pass.

      • To accelerate the healing process of , be sure to take a warm shower, use a moisturizer.
      • After 3 days of , after epilation, apply a scrub.
        It is advisable to use it 1-2 days a week to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.
      • Daily moisturize the skin .
      • The first two days after the slogan is forbidden to visit the pool, sauna.
        It is not advisable to also sunbathe and visit the solarium.


      Shugaring is one of the most effective and affordable ways to remove unwanted hairs.

      If you dream to be the owner of perfectly smooth and beautiful skin in a delicate zone, this procedure is for you!

      The only drawback of the procedure is its soreness. Be sure to read the technique and useful tips to minimize discomfort and not injure the skin.

      Step-by-step video instruction on cooking paste to remove vegetation on human skin.