Castor oil for face from wrinkles: reviews and recommendations for use

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Castor oil is of vegetable origin. To obtain it, the method of cold pressing is used, the raw material is castor oil ordinary.80% of its composition is given to glycerides of ricinoleic acid, 20% of oleic and linoleic acid.
Article Content:
  • Useful Properties
  • What results can I achieve?
  • What can I make from it?
  • Home lotions
  • Anti-wrinkle masks
  • Compresses
  • Cream
  • Contraindications for use
  • Can I use it to prevent wrinkles?
  • Reviews for

The liquid is slightly yellowish, has a weak odor, an unpleasant taste. In medicine, refined castor oil is used. In cosmetology, a kind of oil called "Jamaican"( black) is used.

Useful properties

No restrictions for skin type or age. In cosmetology it is used to eliminate the increased dryness of the skin, peeling, shrinking, increasing moisture.

Well softens and soothes sensitive skin, smoothes shallow wrinkles, removes irregularities, brightens freckles. The ability of oil to penetrate deeply into the pores is used for cleaning:

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  • helps to cope with acne;
  • eliminates acne and black spots;
  • removes increased greasiness.

With regular use, castor oil has an effect on the skin:

  • antibacterial;
  • moisturizing;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is nutritious;
  • soft whitening.

What results can be achieved?

Cosmetologists recommend using castor oil as an anti-aging agent. It helps to retain moisture in the layers of the skin, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. At the same time, fine wrinkles disappear completely and deeper ones are noticeably smoothed out.

For this purpose, a few drops of castor oil( 3-5) should be added daily to your cream. In combination with masks, the effect is enhanced.

What can I cook from it?

To prepare the product for washing, you will need:

  • castor oil;
  • glycerol;
  • shaving cream.

Shaving cream, place in a container, add oil( 1 tsp) and a few drops of glycerin( with fading skin), carefully shuffle. Use for washing before going to bed and then applying moisturizer.

The most effective recipes for lifting facial masks at home.

Read in this article reviews about the application of almond oil against wrinkles.

Home lotions

Lotion with oil helps to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, get rid of redness and pimples. To prepare the lotion you will need:

  • castor oil;
  • dried marigold flowers;
  • water.

With boiling water pour the flowers of calendula, insist 2 hours, strain, pour a few drops of oil. The obtained lotion is used for rubbing the skin in the morning and in the evening.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Masks based on castor oil well nourish dry skin, activate regeneration processes, relieve pigment spots, soften it, relieve unevenness. For greater efficiency, the oil should be heated to 35 ° C in a water bath before mixing with other ingredients.

Apply the mask in the direction of the massage lines with fingertips, apply once a week. Do not leave face masks for more than 30 minutes, before washing it is recommended to wipe the face with a dry cotton pad or cosmetic napkin. After this, remove the residue with milk or a cleansing tonic and apply a nourishing cream.

  • Cosmetic black clay( 1 tablespoon) mixed with castor oil( 1 teaspoon) and 1 egg yolk. Prior to application, whip, add retinol( 5 drops).
  • Cottage cheese, honey, castor oil( taken for 1 tsp) mixed with yolk and fruit puree( 2 tsp).The mask removes facial and age wrinkles, smoothes the skin.
  • Mix equal parts of olive, sea-buckthorn, castor oil, preheat to 35 degrees in a microwave. Apply on the skin, lightly massage, leave for 30 minutes.


You can use the compress not more than once a week. A little oil to heat in a microwave up to 60 degrees. Apply in warm form on the face on the massage lines pokolachivayuschimi movements of the pads of fingers. After 15 minutes remove the napkin from the excess.


For preparation of a cream from wrinkles it is required:

  • honey 1 tbsp.l.;
  • Vaseline 1 tsp;
  • iodine 2 drops;
  • castor oil 1 tbsp.l.

Ingredients carefully mix, ready to store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Apply on face skin, after removing makeup.

Contraindications to the use of

To prevent an allergic reaction, it is necessary to use a castor mixture with other oils or add it to cosmetic products( creams, lotions, tonics).In its pure form, castor oil is used to remove warts, skin growths. Do not apply to damp skin and open wounds.

Use to handle wrinkles with self-preparation should be carefully.

It must be ensured that allergic reactions to components of such agents are not available. For this, you need to apply a little remedy to the skin in the wrist area and after 30 minutes to see the reaction. If there is no itching and redness, it can be applied to the face.

When applying castor oil on the skin around the eyes, care must be taken not to stretch the delicate skin. It is recommended to apply the product with a light tapping of the fingertips or a soft brush.

Do not use metal utensils for home-made cosmetics: an undesirable oxidation reaction may occur on contact with some ingredients. Keep cooked products should be only a few days and always in the refrigerator.

With frequent use of castor oil, there is a blockage of pores. Therefore, every 10 days you need to do face peeling. Acquire the product should be in the pharmacy, pay attention to the expiration date, store in a cool dark place.

Can I use it to prevent wrinkles?

With the active use of castor oil, the complexion improves, the skin is smoothed, and wrinkles become less.

To prevent the formation of wrinkles in the evening, remove makeup, make a compress to open the pores, applying a moistened with hot water( 40 degrees), a napkin to your face and apply a few drops of castor oil on the massage lines. Repeat the procedure for 14 days daily. After a 2-week break, the course should be repeated.

A patch with castor oil prevents the formation of "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes. It is enough to apply a bactericidal plaster for a short while to problematic areas, with a few drops of oil applied in advance.

Reviews about the tool


I use castor oil for cosmetic purposes for a long time. I add it on some drops in masks, I put in the pure state around of eyes. It improves the skin condition, makes it smooth. Effectively eliminates small wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. I use oil not only for the face: I put it on my nails.


Castor oil was used by my mother and I was accustomed to it. I use this way: I make a compress beforehand( I apply a towel soaked in warm water to my face for a few minutes), so that the pores open. After that, I put castor oil on my skin and leave it overnight. This procedure I spend for 2 weeks. The skin becomes smooth, smooth, velvety.


I have very dry skin, wrinkles began to appear early, after 30 years. It upset me, so I started looking for ways to at least reduce their number. I bought expensive newfangled money, but I did not observe any results. And then my mother's friend shared her "secret" of using castor oil. I was skeptical about this, but considering her age and how she looks, she decided to try the compresses. The result was noticed by others: the outlined wrinkles were smoothed out, the skin became moistened, the dryness disappeared.

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Can I get rid of wrinkles on my face with olive oil? Learn from this article.

How to make a mask for wrinkles with gelatin?http: // maski-dlya-litsa / s-zhelatinom-ot-morshhin.html


I have oily skin, naturally, so wrinkles are not particularly annoying. But over time, the skin became drier and there were "crow's feet".I realized that it's urgent to take action. She began to add castor oil to her usual cream. Dryness disappeared, wrinkles became less noticeable. And every week I make masks with castor oil, cottage cheese and honey. The effect is stunning!


Since childhood, I could not tolerate castor oil and when the cosmetologist advised me to use it to prevent wrinkles, I reacted skeptically: now there are so many modern skin care products! And then I met a school friend who looked great: smooth clean skin and no hint of wrinkles. I could not resist and asked how she looked after the skin. She replied that she was using castor oil. And here I remembered the advice of a cosmetologist. .. Now I make masks with castor oil and I cook lotion with it. The result I like.

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