The field of vision is that part that a person can observe by fixing a glance on one object. If this indicator begins to narrow, then it inevitably leads to a deterioration in the quality of vision and in any case means presence of any disease of the visual organ or symptom of disturbances in the work of the nervous system, the brain. Computer perimetry is the safest way to diagnose a violation in the fields of vision.
1Method definition
3Application area
Method definition
Computer Perimetry- A new and safe method for diagnosing patients with eye-related diseases in patients. It gives an accurate assessment of the fields of vision and at the same time excludes errors and inaccuracies. With its help, you can diagnose the following diseases:
Stratification of the retina in the first stages;
Disease of the optic nerve;
Identify the presence of tumors;
Pathology of the retina, which is of a dystrophic nature.
The undisputed advantage of this method is its painlessness and complete absence of complications.
This procedure does not use any medications and completely lacks surgery. Due to this range of contraindications is extremely small, they are referred to:
State of alcoholic intoxication.
The presence of human deviations in the psyche.
People suffering from degenerative diseases.
This method allows you to evaluate the quality of the fields of vision and establish an accurate diagnosis, if one was found.
There are such methods of computer perimetry:
Kinetic- the essence of the method in determining the diseases not only of the eye, but also of the brain. The patient needs to monitor the moving object, and the equipment fixes the reaction to the appearance and disappearance of the object from the field of view.
StaticIt is used for the diagnosis of eye diseases associated with the violation of internal structures (optic nerve, retina). The patient must observe the motionless object, at which time the illumination of the object of observation is changing. The device fixes the appearance of the object in the field of view at a certain illumination. Thus, it is possible to diagnose hemorrhagia or night blindness.
Statistical reverting
Amsler test- used to diagnose astigmatism. The patient is invited to look at the image with lines directed from the center and to the boundary of the circle in the type of rays. With distorted lines, the disease is diagnosed, with direct lines, its absence.
Campimetry- this method determines the visual function of the eye. The patient is observed behind a white dot on a black background, and the device fixes its disappearance from the field of vision on certain parameters.Amsler test
According to the results of the Amsler test, only the presence of astigmatism is diagnosed, but this disease, as a rule, has a form depending on the distortion - myopic, hypermetropic or mixed.
Application area
Indications for use are suspected of such diseases:
Pathological changes in the retina: dystrophy, stratification, etc.
Hemorrhages in the brain.
Hypertonic disease.
Disturbance of blood circulation and blood circulation in the brain.
Predisposition to strokes.
Head injuries.
Also, the perimetry is used in case of vitreous humor, where the main symptoms are scotomas and the appearance of flies before the eyes.
This method of diagnosis is completely safe, very accurate and does not have a huge number of contraindications.
The device used for computer perimetry is a hemisphere.In the inner side there is a chin rest and a place to place your forehead. The patient occupies a comfortable position on the chair and has the chin on the stand as comfortable as possible. The procedure is the same for each eye. The principle is the same as with a normal vision test. One eye is always closed for the time being while examining another.
At the moment of perimetry passing, a person directs his gaze to the central part of the darkened area of the camera, into which the luminous point - the marker - is displayed.Then the computer absolutely arbitrarily on the surface of the sphere these same points.Using the joystick, which is in the patient's hand, he presses the button in the event that he saw a light.
To guess where and when exactly the dot will appear is impossible. The program loaded into the computer itself determines not only the size, but the brightness of the point.The time, which for all this is needed, does not exceed 25 minutes.
The head, chin and look should be fixed and during the procedure, in any case, you can not make arbitrary movements.Otherwise, there is a high probability that the device will not be able to accurately assess the quality of vision.
The procedure of computer perimetry
The procedure is based on the study of each eye on the quality of vision, all it takes not more than 25 minutes of time.
Results of diagnostics are marked in a special map,where the central zone is the macular macula of the retina,responsible for the refraction of light rays,and the divergent field is the zone of visibility of peripheral vision.
If a person is OK, the indicators will be in the range from 50 to 60 degrees. This means that the upper boundary will be in the region of 50, and the lower limit will be 60. Inside these figures should not exceed 60, and outside 90 degrees.
Normal results
Also outlines peripheral visibility with the indication of livestock - blind spots. In the normal state of the eye, there will be several such zones. They are formed due to the fact that there are cells in the eye that are insensitive to light waves, they can be found in the vicinity of the optic nerve.In the event that the number of blind spots is more than normal, pathology of different degree is diagnosed depending on their number.There are a number of varieties of cattle. They can be both absolute and relative (ciliated still called eye migraine).
If the deviations are associated with the macula, then macular degeneration of the retina is diagnosed, and if the deviations touch the periphery, then peripheral dystrophy is established.By means of perimetry, one can also determine the presence of retinoschisis - retinal bundle.
Peripheral dystrophy
The interpretation of the data is fairly simple and what is in the center, displays the state of photoreceptors in the macular area of the retina. After the procedure, the lab technician writes a conclusion about the results, but the exact diagnosis is carried out solely by an ophthalmologist.
Computer perimetry at the moment is not only the safest, but also the exact method of diagnosing diseases of the organs of vision. Due to the lack of the use of drugs and surgical interventions, it has very few contraindications. The procedure does not take more than 25 minutes. Through this diagnostic method, it is possible to detect retinal diseases in the early stages.
Classical perimetry is included in the list of techniques in the framework of the annual survey at enterprises, and the computer provides more accurate indicators.