Differences in congenital and acquired heart defects in newborns, children and adults

The heart and the circulatory system provide the body with oxygen and nutrients, so you need to constantly monitor their condition.

Congenital and acquired heart defects in newborns, older children and adults cause circulatory disorders, which affects the condition of the whole organism badly. It is necessary to diagnose this disease in time in order to avoid serious consequences.

Contents of

  • 1 General information and causes of
  • 2 Clinical manifestations of CHD
  • 3 Development of
  • 4 Treatment of CHD and how many people live with it
  • 5 Therapy of PPP and its prognosis

General information and causes of

In case of cardiac failure, the structure of this organ is damaged due to damage to the valves,as a result of which the circulatory system begins to function incorrectly .Defects can be congenital and acquired( this species occurs most often).

Congenital malformations occur during intrauterine fetal development. The reasons for the appearance may be different:

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  • severe maternal illnesses in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • taking medications that adversely affect the development of the fetus;
  • heredity;
  • combination with other pathological organ disorders.

Usually this disease is found in children in the first hours after the birth of , but there are cases when the disease manifests itself at an older age. As the heart muscle grows baby can not provide good blood flow to the body, which adversely affects the overall condition.

Congenital heart disease( CHD) can be detected during a planned ultrasound of a pregnant woman. Statistics say that this disease occurs in 8-9 children out of a thousand.

Acquired heart defects( PPS) of the muscle develop after the transferred diseases .Usually, this disease affects the mitral valve, the rest( tricuspid, aortic and pulmonary artery valve) are less likely to be affected. Most often there is a rheumatic heart disease caused by rheumatism.

Clinical manifestations of AID

Active formation of all organs occurs during the period of fetal development, it is at this time that congenital heart diseases can develop. There are several reasons for their appearance, they include:

  • radiation ionizing;Radiation radiation
  • ;
  • severe infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy( measles, herpes, rubella, chicken pox);
  • reception of potent medicines during pregnancy;
  • heredity.

There are several types of AMS, and each has its own symptomatology. The first species is the "blue" , it includes diseases such as atresia of the pulmonary artery in newborns, the transposition of the main arteries and the tetralogy of Fallot. The main symptom is the blue coloration of the skin of individual parts of the body( fingers, hands, feet, nose, lips, ears) or the whole body( in case of a serious illness).

With EPS of this species, the patient has severe shortness of breath, tachycardia, there may be convulsions and fainting. Children with such a disease often lag behind in development and growth, are constantly ill, they may show neurological symptoms due to poor blood supply to the brain.

Heart defects of the "blue" type are often found in infants in the first few hours after the birth of .

The most dangerous is the transposition of the main arteries( the aorta departs not from the left ventricle but from the right ventricle, the vena cava enters not into the right but to the left atrium).

Lethal outcomes in this disease are very common, children without treatment live 1-2 years, but a large percentage dies during the first week of life.

The second - "white" type of AMS - include diseases such as an open arterial duct in children, an interventricular septal defect in a newborn and a defect of the interatrial septum.

The main symptoms of this type are :

  • pallor of the skin;
  • frequent colds;
  • development gap;
  • shortness of breath and heart rhythm disturbance.
Defects of the heart of the "white" species may not manifest immediately, but only to adolescence.

of AMS, in which blood flow is disturbed, is accompanied by shortness of breath, swelling, chest pain .The child develops more slowly, quickly becomes tired. With segmental narrowing of the aorta, children live about 2 years.

Development of PPP

In the early stages of the disease, symptoms may be minor or absent altogether, so the patient does not take them into account. Here is the list of the first signs of cardiac muscle disruption:

  • heartbeat becomes rapid;
  • appears dry cough;
  • the voice becomes hoarse;
  • is worried about shortness of breath;
  • pain and a feeling of raspiraniya in the chest;
  • the patient can spit blood;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • on the cheeks may appear blush;
  • swelling of the feet.

PPPs rarely find themselves at the initial stage. Bright symptoms appear already in the period of active development of the disease , therefore it is necessary to undergo examination at the first signs of disruption of the cardiac muscle.

This disease may develop after the infections( they can have a negative effect on the structure of the internal organs).Another cause is the excessive strain on the heart muscle, after which the destruction of living tissue begins.

Treatment of CHD and how many people live with it.

Doctors use several methods of treating AMS.The method is chosen by the cardiologist based on the examination, the age of the patient and the type of the disease.

  1. Taking medication .Drug therapy is prescribed for patients who have a congenital defect in adulthood. In this case, surgical methods are not used.
  2. Long-term treatment for the .In some cases, children with this disease need lifelong treatment. It includes surgical correction and taking medications. Patients need constant care. These procedures significantly prolong life.
  3. Catheterization of the heart .The most common method of treatment is cardiac catheterization. This procedure is performed without opening the chest. The doctor enters the catheter through the vein and removes defects in the heart muscle with surgical instruments that are located at the end of the catheter. In some cases this method does not apply.
  4. Open heart surgery for malformation. Operative intervention is used in cases where the defect can not be eliminated with a catheter. This method requires a long recovery of the patient. Heart transplant .This method is used in the case when surgery will not bring the desired result.
  5. Follow-up by the attending physician and maintenance treatment .After the surgical intervention the patient should be observed by the attending physician.

    Congenital heart muscle defects may be associated with impaired functioning of other organs. It is necessary to educate an adult child to observe his condition and take prescribed medications.

  6. Restriction of activity of .Children with congenital defects of the heart muscle should be limited in activity.

    Parents should constantly monitor the child's activities and ensure that they are calm and not dangerous. Safe exercises for such patients can be obtained from the attending physician.

  7. Prevention of infection .In some cases, patients with congenital heart muscle defects are prescribed antibiotic therapy to avoid the development of infections. Such procedure is performed before any surgical interventions.
The life expectancy of people with such ailment depends on its degree and severity. On average, it is 35-40 years. A very high percentage of deaths in children. With some types of UPU, babies die in the first months or years after birth.

PPP therapy and its predictions

PPP treat only by surgery, followed by the taking of medications. The most common method is to replace the damaged heart valve with an endoprosthesis. The operation is performed before the development of heart failure.

After the treatment, the patient must adhere to the following rules:

  • regular intake of medications;
  • compliance with diet and regimen;
  • maintaining the weight in normal condition;
  • no bad habits;
  • exclusion from the diet of all harmful products;
  • frequent walks;
  • continuous monitoring by the attending physician.

The forecast is considered favorable when the operation is conducted in a timely manner by .The quality of life in this case is greatly improved.

Surgical intervention after the development of heart failure will not give the desired result, so treatment should be done on time.

People with congenital or acquired heart disease can live a long life if they visit a doctor and follow the main rules and recommendations. Currently, knows many ways to treat this disease , so for each case, specialists choose their method and prescribe supportive therapy.