Bad nose breathes, there is no cold

Bad nose breathing: one nostril much worse than the other.



The nose may not breathe well for 2 reasons:
Curvature of the nasal septum (most often by inheritance or after trauma)
Vasomotor rhinitis (can be on the background of vagitocrovascular dystonia)
Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease, in which a slight irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal cavity (cooling, sharp odor, ) leads to a "violent" reaction of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. It is often observed in individuals with general vegetative disorders. In the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, attention is focused on tempering the body, treating common vegetative disorders of the body. if necessary, perform galvanic caustic of the lower shells (burning tissues with electric current) or laser photocoagulation of the inferior nasal concha
The main thing is not to use vasoconstrictive drops of naphthysine, glazolin, prinos, and so on. as they cause vaginal paralysis if they are used more than indicated in the instructions for use and try to temper the nose and nazonex or fliksonase:

instagram viewer

Try hardening nose nose with salt solution or warm mineral water without gas, or boiling water 2 times a day, only begin to wash the nose should be from 36-38 degrees and gradually every 3-4 days the temperature of the water is reduced by 1 degree, and so reduce to 17-18 degrees. Only wash better with a device for washing the nose (Dolphin or Rhinolife) or drip 2-3 pipettes, but not in any case you can not draw water into your nose and rinse with syringes, just as water can get into sinuses and auditory tubes and there will be otitis or sinusitis.
NAZONEX (or fliksonase) can try this hormonal drug local action only affects the nasal mucosa removes edema mucous and in most cases is prescribed for allergic rhinitis (runny nose), polyps in the nose, can sometimes cause dryness mucous membranes.
You can do in the clinic phonophoresis with hydrocortisone ointment on the nose, or a magnet on the nose. this procedure will slightly remove the mucosal edema,
If this does not help then it is better to find a good ENT doctor

Vlad Gladkov

descend or go necessarily to the doctor, accept voledol and bioparoks and formazolin (but it for punching)


Eka unpleasant assymetry! Naphthyzine does not help? In general, at me too often at night nostrils work in shifts. Fortunately, naphthyzine. galozolin or sanorin help.


To go to the doctor for examination. And do not worry, everything will be fine!
There may be edema of the nasal mucosa. Also adenoids can be quite large and because of this the passage is closed, especially if the septum is curved.

Natalia Giesinger

promoite nos.i shodite k vra4u

Sasha Yudin

can the bend be curved

Sergey Leshev

if constantly and only on one side - then, most likely, the curvature of the septum of the nose, is treated surgically. contact LOR

Aleksey Zaharov

Cervical osteochondrosis covers the canal, because the nose does not work properly

The problem of nasal congestion when there is no cold

Most people are used to the fact that with cold they have a runny nose and nasal congestion, but with the emergence of a situation where nasal breathing is difficult, and there is no snoring, serious anxiety about the condition begins their health. Nasal congestion without a cold makes unpleasant, and even painful sensations, because in this state a person constantly experiences a headache.

The reasons for this state

All patients are interested in the question of why the nose lays its nostrils, because this phenomenon is considered abnormal and indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. Experts call a number of reasons for nasal congestion without a cold, which every person can face. Among the main ones, it is customary to include such factors:

  • too dry air in the room;
  • reaction to the use of certain drugs;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • hypothermia, dressing not according to the weather;
  • impact on the body of colds and flu;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • nicotine dependence;
  • adenoids and polyps in the nose.

If nasal congestion without snot is caused by these reasons, there is no reason for concern, it is enough only to eliminate these factors and normalize nasal breathing. However, the congestion of the nasopharynx can indicate the development of some serious diseases. For example, in the case where only one nostril is embedded and the snot is not present, alternately lays the right or left nasal passage, in most cases, the otolaryngologists place the diagnosis "vasomotor

rhinitis". As you know, this disease is difficult to treat and can cause some complications in choosing the wrong tactics for performing therapeutic actions.With vasomotor rhinitis, there is such a symptomatology: instead of air circulation in the nasal cavity, there is tickling, there is a constant sneezing, a clear liquid is released from the nose, not typical for the usual coryza.

Some experts consider vasomotor rhinitis, in which the nose is heavily embedded, not as a disease of the nasopharynx, but only as a reaction of the body to aggressive environmental factors. With pollinosis, the nose also in most cases lays a nose without a cold, which is caused by the proliferation of polyps that cover the nasal passages.

What is dangerous nasopharynx obstruction?

Nasal congestion without a cold that worries a person for a long time can be very dangerous for his health, and even for life. The most common and dangerous complications of shortness of breath are such painful conditions:

  • complete loss of smell, which can not always be restored;
  • pressure on the head area, painful sensations;
  • sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • otitis.

In any case, in order to eliminate the problem associated with the fact that the nose is laid, and there is no rhinitis, it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating the root cause of this condition. In addition, it is important to understand that you can not take medication yourself. The choice of the drug should be carried out only by a specialist, because it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, the presence of allergic reactions, the individual tolerability of the components of the drug.

Treatment of congestion

If a person complains of a strong nasal congestion without a snot, while it does not develop a cold disease, it is worth to see a specialist for the appointment of treatment. Therapeutic actions are conducted depending on the causes of the problem. If, when examining the nasal cavity, the otolaryngologist discovered polyps or adenoids, they may need to be removed. In a short time after the operation, the patient will be able to perform normal nasal breathing.

When the allergic reaction of the body to certain allergens, which manifests as a stuffy nose without a cold, antiallergic agents are prescribed.

Sometimes it is not possible to determine the cause of such a process even for specialists, then they prescribe vasoconstrictors, which help to eliminate puffiness and restore normal breathing.

Application of cryotherapy

When a person suffers from the fact that the nose is laid, and there is no snot, often such a method of treatment as cryotherapy is used.This technique is that certain zones of the nasopharyngeal mucosa are affected by applicators, with a temperature of -200 ° C. Under the influence of such a low temperature, the damaged nerve fibers are torn and further restored. After such a procedure, the vessels themselves are destroyed, because of which the nasal congestion has arisen.Deep freezing favorably affects the mucous membrane - the vessels narrow, and the air freely passes through the nasal passages. Cryotherapy can be performed many times, while it does not leave scars or atrophic ulcers after itself.

Other treatments

Traditional medicine is also rich in means that are effective in combating the problem, when there is no rhinitis, and the nose pawns, so do not completely exclude them. Certainly you need to drink tea with raspberries, honey and linden, after which you need to go to bed. Also, before going to bed it is useful to soar your feet in hot water, you can with the addition of mustard, although if it is not allergic. With zalozhennosti will help such folk remedies:
  • garlic juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • juice of aloe and calanchoe.

It is important to instill the juice in the nose, dilute it with water in the ratio:. If there is no allergy to honey, it can also be used to make drops in the nose. A good therapeutic effect on the nasopharynx is provided by aloe and calanchoe juice, they can be used together or separately. In addition to the fact that the Kalanchoe exerts a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucosa, after digging into the nasal passages of the juice of this plant, a person begins to actively sneeze, thoroughly cleaning the nose.

Some people also take mint candies, designed to treat a sore throat. They eliminate the stuffiness of the nose without a cold, but only for a short time, so they are not considered an effective remedy. Everyone should understand that some medications can bring both benefit and harm, so you should definitely give up self-treatment.

One nose is bad breathing, there is no rhinitis. This is from childhood.. Tell me what could be the problem??? How to cure?? ?


The Darkness

genyantritis probably

Nobody Nobody

Do you have two noses?

irina melteshinova

Um, just do one person have one nose

darya mytareva

This rival is difficult to treat

Olesya Gaichuk

There may be a curvature of the bridge of the nose, for example.. It is worth turning to the otolaryngologist.. most likely it is treated only through surgical intervention. .
Good luck and health!


I had a similar situation. Probably the septum of the nose and the genyantritis at the same time are curved. You go to LOR and he directs to the operation with a local anesthetic. There, along the way, and the genyantritis is treated. More sekazhet only ENT.

Lyudmila Klochkova

until a young operation is done. although without surgery you can live like this.


Physical manifestations
The nose performs three main functions: 1) its mucous membrane provides the necessary for normal gas exchange, humidification and heating air; 2) its mucous membrane filters out foreign particles, protecting the respiratory tract; 3) Finally, the nose is the organ the sense of smell.
Problems with the nose is everything that prevents a person from breathing normally (when they usually say: "Nosed"). We will not deal here with questions related to the size of the nose, since these are the problems in the first place aesthetic character and most often they arise in people who are more concerned about how they LOOK than who they are.
Emotional causes
Since the nose is the main organ of breathing, and breathing provides life, the stuffy nose indicates a person's inability to live a full life. This problem often arises in a person who suppresses his feelings, because he is afraid to suffer or feel the suffering of a loved one. A stuffy nose can also mean that its owner does not tolerate any person, thing or situation in his life.
Sometimes a man smells something bad at the scent. He has distrust and fear. It is also interesting to note that problems with the nose (for example, runny nose) often arise in those times of the year when people spend a lot of time with each other in a confined space. This is already a problem of social adaptation.
Mental causes
If you have a stuffy nose, ask yourself the following question: "Who or what can I not tolerate at the moment? "If it seems to you that a stuffy nose will save you from having to solve a problem, you are mistaken. Determine what scares you in this situation. My experience shows that most often the stuffy nose corresponds to situations in which a person is afraid of injustice. Try to perceive what is happening with love and understanding, that is, the heart, not the mind that constantly criticizes and wants to change the situation, giving you cause for negative emotions.
If you often suffer from problems with the nose, you are definitely very sensitive and try to restrain your feelings, because you are afraid of them. You must learn how to show your feelings; it will help you develop your ability to love people and help them. At the same time, you no longer need to feel responsible for the happiness and emotions of others. Realizing the difference between sensitivity and emotionality, you can better use your potential and live a fuller life.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Bad breath, but the asphoria is not, I do not help for a long time, why?



Can at you an allergy on what that?? If you use constantly one drop is addictive and then ceases to help. There are two options.. or to address to lora, can make prophylaxis of a genyantritis, can register is similar to a lavage of a nose, is called cuckoo)) If this sounds scary for you, then you can just try to rinse your nose with saline in your home conditions

Irina Pristinskaya

prescription ladies buy in the pharmacy tincture of propolis.. you boil 1 liter of water pour a tablespoon there propolis, covered with a blanket and you breathe over a hot pan raa 3 a day for several days and even sinusitis passes... just drops of burned sinkiness does not help have passed into a chronic form ...

Anastasia Ponomorova

Try or taste vibrosil (to me lor ordered)
it you have renite, complications after a cold, a protracted runny nose. it was so. or go to Laura, he will give you a prescription.


Can the swelling of the nasal mucosa? Then the allergy tool will help!

Vladislav Vlasov

The wall is probably curved, the drops will not help here. In general, it is better not to engage in self-medication, but to consult a doctor

Elizaveta Kirillova

Allergic rhinitis is possible.

Svetlana Solomatina

It can be an allergy or sinusitis ...

The nose is not breathing well, there is no rhinitis, very rarely the snot and the nose is always dirty. What could it be? How to cure?


Rinat Murtazin



try not to breathe for 20 minutes, all problems will be passed


itself will pass. allergy to anything

Albina Gabdrakhmanova

It is necessary to treat not only the nose, but the throat and ears - bury the drops in your ears before going to bed, rinse with different formulations of the throat and rinse your nose, and everything will be fine.

Denis Britvin

Rinse / rinse the nose with a saline or other suitable composition + active fiz. load on breathing. If within a few days does not get better then to the doctor. But once the nose is dirty - love to wash.

[email protected]

can dryness of the mucosa?

Muscovite Moscow

Most likely - allergic rhinitis. Be surveyed at the allergist.

Maria Kulikova


Aida Ivanova

I use with stuffy nose spray Morenazal with chamomile - and breaks well and moisturizes.

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