Essential oils from the common cold for children

Essential oils from the common cold for children and adults

Essential oils are a natural component that forms the basis of many medications, including the common cold. They can also be used separately, not in the composition of medications, because they are in no way inferior to drugs by their action. Essential oils from the common cold have such an effect on the nasal mucosa in rhinitis:
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • restorative.

Not every tool is endowed with these all properties, but you can choose exactly the product that is needed to solve a particular health problem. Do not underestimate these tools, they are potent, so they need to be able to properly use in the treatment of the common cold.

What oils from the cold are effective

That the chosen agent really helped to improve a condition of a nasopharynx at a rhinitis, it is important to use 100% natural product. To increase its effectiveness and accelerate the healing process, you can use a mixture of several components. You should also know which oil from the cold is the most effective and at the same time safe for the patient. In the treatment of rhinitis in folk medicine, such oils are actively used:

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  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • fir.

A product based on these plants is the most effective in controlling rhinitis. Well-proven and funds from sage, thyme, rosemary, thuya.

Essential oil from the common cold for children should be used very carefully so that this treatment does not cause an allergy in the child. Usually, such products are suitable for children, but a test for sensitivity to the product should be made first: several drops of it should be applied to the skin of the child and the reaction should be monitored. If there are no unpleasant symptoms within a few hours, then you can drip your nose.

In the absence of allergic reactions to a certain plant, on the basis of which the product is made, it can be used even in the treatment of infants. If the child does not have fever, you can inhale. When a child refuses such a procedure, you can do otherwise: draw a warm bath and add a couple of drops of cypress oil, thuja, mint to the water. During bathing the child will breathe healing couples, improving the condition of the nasal mucosa.

Essential oil can also be used for the preparation of drops, but it must first be diluted with water, otherwise such a tool will cause a burn of the mucous membrane. You can dilute it with half of water and drip 2 drops into each nasal passage of the baby. Adults, except for drops, you can use and cotton turuns, soaked in a prepared solution.

  1. Among such folk remedies, thyme has a good curative effect in the rhinitis. It is known for its immunostimulating properties, so it can increase the resistance of the mucous membrane to the action of pathogenic microorganisms. From it you can prepare such a means for instilling a nose: take a half-spoonful of olive oil and 2 drops of such a product based on thyme. Drip your nose three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. You can use the prepared medicine and for cold inhalation - drip on a handkerchief and breathe fumes.
  2. If a person is worried about a chronic rhinitis, you can regularly do acupressure. For the basis of the means should take olive oil, dissolve in it 5 drops of this natural product based on rosemary, geranium, pine, mint and eucalyptus. Use several times a day, doing a circular motion massage the wings of the nose, forehead and maxillary sinuses.
  3. Cumin oil from the cold will help get rid of the disease if they lubricate the wings of the nose. You can also put in the nose for 10 minutes of cotton turuns, moistened in this natural product.
  4. Camphor oil has a strong bactericidal effect, so they can fumigate the room and use it for inhalation. But for the burial of the nose, camphor should not be used, and with caution it is necessary to use it for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Oils from the common cold: with garlic, peach and tea tree oil

Garlic has a powerful bactericidal property, it is able to destroy pathogenic bacteria immediately after their penetration into the human body. To do this, you can use the oil from the cold with garlic to bury the nose and conduct steam inhalations. Preparing the drug is simple: you need to grind garlic, pour it with sunflower oil and place in a dark cool place for a week. Then drip the nose 1 drop 3 times a day.

Peach oil from the common cold is able to cope even with the chronic form of this disease. It is used in the form of nasal drops. Such treatment can be carried out within a week.

Tea tree is famous for its anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial properties, therefore often becomes a true assistant in the fight against colds, viral and bacterial infections. Treatment with this drug gives a quick effect, which consists in removing edema and inflammation, reducing secretion and alleviating nasal breathing.

Tea tree oil from the common cold is recommended for inhalation, bathing and lubrication of the wings of the nose. However, this remedy is strictly forbidden to use from the common cold during pregnancy and its individual intolerance.

Fir and eucalyptus oil from the common cold

To remove stuffy nose, normalize nasal breathing and eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane will help fir and eucalyptus. Extracts of these natural components are part of many herbal preparations.

Oil fir from the common cold is most often used for inhalations and baths. When treating rhinitis with this remedy, one should know its peculiarity: it has a sharp odor, which often causes an allergic reaction. People with a tendency to allergies, fir oil from the common cold should not be used.

Another common folk remedy is eucalyptus oil from the common cold, effective also from sinusitis. It helps to cope with sinusitis and etmoiditis, if used to wash the nasal passages, it cleans them well of thick mucus. Eucalyptus oil from the common cold is also effective in case the disease is already started and the mucus has acquired yellow, green or brown color. You can prepare a good medicine using such components:

  • 1 tbsp. warm water;
  • 1 hour l. salts;
  • 2 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 2 p. l. alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt.

All these components should be mixed and rinsed with a prepared solution 3 times a day until nasal breathing normalizes.

Essential oils - really effective natural remedy, which has a powerful therapeutic effect in the common cold. At the same time they do not cause such side effects as some medications from rhinitis.

Essential oils from the common cold for children and adults

Essential oils from the common cold are now widely used in modern medicine. With the help of such tools it is possible to achieve a sustainable positive result.

The use of aromatherapy is effective not only in the fight against the disease, but also in order to improve the general tone of the body.

Since ancient times, people know that extracts of various plants have a large number of medicinal properties. Now, the oil from the cold is used in various medications.

Of course, essential oils from the common cold are not the only treatment option. Reviews say that if you use essential oils, the process of recovery will be faster and easier.

Means are added to:

  1. cosmetics,
  2. perfumery,
  3. bath salts,

Essential oils from the common cold and sore throat can be used, both orally and externally.

Bath with oils (peach, eucalyptus, lemon) can quickly get rid of:

  • fatigue,
  • headache,
  • psychoemotional stress.

Peach oil

Peach oil is often used for massage. Thanks to such procedures, the skin is renewed, receiving nutrition and moisturizing. Peach oil can be used to aromatize the room, it is added to candles or aromatic spoons to make the house calm and cozy.

Peach oil is also often added to cosmetics, it allows the body to receive strengthening components that stimulate cells to renew.

Peach oil has these effects:

  • reduction of pain in the throat and nose,
  • restoration of the nasal mucosa,
  • healing of microdamages.

To prevent the occurrence of a cold, peach oil is buried in the nose 2 drops 2 times a day. The use of the drug in tonsillitis reduces inflammation of the throat.

Peach oil is an excellent remedy for people who are allergic to nasal drops. This substance can be dripped into each nostril for 15 drops without consequences for health.

If you lubricate the bandage with the substance of the surface of the throat, then the pain will be gone within a couple of days, the infection on the airway will not go down.

Thuya oil in the cold

As you know, the common cold causes a person a lot of discomfort and constant discomfort: it's hard to breathe, sleeping at night is difficult, especially for children.

The desired result in treatment is achieved with the help of medication, but if the thuja is added to the list used means, it will help not only to eliminate nasal congestion, but also help to keep the body in a tone.

Tuya is a coniferous plant of the cypress family. With it you can treat:

  • rhinitis,
  • sore throat,
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia and other diseases.
Tui oil from the common cold is not an etheric remedy, but a homeopathic oil. One of the most effective drugs is Tuy-GF ointment, it receives numerous positive reviews.

Ointment Thuya-GF should be used from 1 to 2 weeks. Bury the ointment in each nostril alternately until complete relief from the stuffiness of the nose. As a rule, the runny nose disappears after 5-6 days.

Before digesting the Thuya-GF ointment in the nose, it must be cleaned beforehand by rinsing. To this end, use of salt water or special medicines. The washing procedure is carried out before each instillation.

Thuya-GF means, which is indispensable in the treatment of sinusitis. The instruction states that due to the application of:

  1. easily discharge purulent discharge,
  2. microbes are being destroyed,
  3. nasal breathing is facilitated.

In the treatment of sinusitis also help Tuy-GF. Thanks to bactericidal properties, the drug fights infection, contributing to the complete separation of mucus and pus.

The drug Tuy-GF has no contraindications, its use is allowed during pregnancy. However, the instruction warns of possible allergies and individual intolerance of the components.

Good reviews get a remedy for rhinitis at home. To prepare you will need thuja and such ingredients:

  1. sage extract,
  2. chamomile extract.

Brewing a little water extracts and adding a few drops of thuya oil, you can wash the nasal cavity 2 times a day.

Thuya will also help if you add a few drops of oil to the bath. Evaporating, the oil fills the bath with beneficial substances that are absorbed into the skin, relaxing the body and clearing the nose passages.

Sea-buckthorn oil from the cold

Sea-buckthorn oil from rhinitis and sore throat, due to its special consistency has such properties:

  • envelops the mucous membrane,
  • removes irritation,
  • reduces the inflammatory process,
  • softens the appeared crusts.

Sea buckthorn oil with nasal congestion removes the swelling of the mucosa, which reduces its secretory activity, so the nasal breathing is quickly restored.

Seabuckthorn contains fatty acids, keratonids and phospholipids. Sea-buckthorn oil with a cold is beneficial due to the large number of vitamins, which contributes to the active struggle of the organism with viruses, bacteria and infections.

Active components of sea buckthorn activate blood circulation and have the following effects on the body. Note that sea buckthorn oil with a cold:

  1. antimicrobial,
  2. anti-inflammatory,
  3. antioxidant,
  4. regenerating,
  5. immunostimulating.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

Eucalyptus oil is useful in that it contains phellandrene and aromadendrene, these substances, when interacting with oxygen, are converted to ozone, a potent bactericide.

The oil is washed with the nasal sinuses. To do this, in a glass of warm water, dilute a small spoonful of sea salt and add there 2 teaspoons of chlorophyllipt and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Sinuses are washed with this solution several times a day. This is the most effective remedy even with a severe cold. Eucalyptus and fir oils are also used for inhalation in the rhinitis, which helps to get rid of rhinitis.

Feedback suggests that such procedures also help to reduce mental overexertion.

Fir oil for rhinitis

Fungus of any origin fir oil shows an excellent positive effect. Means, fir oil from the common cold, has a powerful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant property.

Applying fir oil from rhinitis, you can improve your well-being, namely:

  • the inflammation and congestion of the nose will go away,
  • will reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane,
  • the viscosity of the secretion will decrease.

The reviews suggest that the puffiness passes quickly enough, as the curative effectively reduces the vessels of the nasal mucosa, and the application is extremely effective.

The product is also used when making many cold medicines. It is a wonderful antidepressant, which improves mood, reduces fatigue and stress.

Fir oil is also used for medicinal baths. It destroys germs in the air. You can carry out aromatherapy in the room where the patient is staying for disinfection purposes.

To do this, the oil from the cold is added to the aromatic lamp. The effect of the procedure is that microbes and viruses are destroyed. Gradually the breathing of the patient becomes freer.

Aromatherapy with fir oil can also be carried out for preventive purposes for both children and adults.

What is the use of essential oils

The wide use of essential oils is understandable, since they have a huge amount of medicinal properties, which are indispensable in many diseases.

Applying oil from a cold with skin diseases and other health problems, you can achieve great positive results, and in a short time. People who systematically use oils notice serious improvements in their health, which can be both essential oils for colds and other problems.

With the right selection of oil and its use as an additional method for medical healing properties, and the risk of side effects is minimized. effects.

Thanks to the widest range of essential oils, almost any disease can be successfully eliminated, while improving the overall tone of the body and its endurance. More about this in the video in this article.

Applying tea tree oil from the cold

Tea tree oil from the common cold, like other essential oils, is often used by people to treat cold and cold symptoms.

A bit about the cold

Runny nose is a problem that is familiar to everyone and is common in children and adults. Coryza, as a rule, appears not only in winter, but also in spring or autumn, when the temperature drops sharply, windy weather or rain on the street. The occurrence of a cold can not be excluded even in summer as a result of the same cold snap, a draft or a viral infection.

Essential oils have been used for a very long time and show good results. Aromatherapy is not only an excellent way to get rid of the common cold, but also a very effective prevention of colds.

It would seem that everyone is so accustomed to free breathing that they do not even think about how difficult this process is. We appreciate our ability to breathe normally and talk, smell, we start only after the body attacks the cold and we come across a cold.

Most people know that the nasal mucosa is a kind of filter that cleans the air of dirt and various kinds of substances that can harm a person's health. When there is a runny nose, there is no way to breathe through the nose, and we breathe through the mouth, accordingly, all the harmful substances easily enter the lungs. If you do not begin to treat a cold in time and the rhinitis immediately, very soon this illness can become chronic, and in time can cause serious health problems.

Few historical facts

Scientists in ancient times noted the fact that in the area where a lot of coniferous trees grow, people get sick less often, especially it concerns the common cold and colds themselves.

No native Australian has ever even heard of the common cold. This is due to the fact that the territory of Australia is growing eucalyptus forests. These trees not only saturate the air with useful substances, but also are sources of eucalyptus oil, which is excellent for catarrhal diseases. It is interesting that the eucalyptus product, just like the tea tree, cures very easily from the cold. Many medicines have these ingredients, they are actively used in folk medicine.

Essential oil will cure a cold

A lot of essential oils can save a person from colds and colds. It is interesting that such methods of treatment have no contraindications, of course, except for individual intolerance of this or that essential oil or its individual components.

The etheric product can be used for children and adults, because treatment of this type does not cause side effects. Many experts argue that it is better to prepare yourself a remedy for an ailment for a small child based on tea and eucalyptus oil than buying synthetic medicines. They can help much faster, but at the same time they contain a lot of chemical elements, which can have a very negative effect on other organs of the child.

How to treat a cold in a child with tea oil

In order to save the child from a cold, you can even not use drops. It is enough to mix in equal amounts the oil of tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender or mint. In this mixture, moisten wadded disks or cloth and put in the child's room in several places. The fragrance from these oils will gradually fill the entire space, the child will begin to breathe freely, and his sleep will be more calm and deep.

If the ailment is not accompanied by a temperature, then it is possible to make for the child a kind of inhalation. Type in the bath water and add there essential oils. The baby will be very pleased to buy and simultaneously inhale the healing couples.

Literally in 15 minutes you can remove the stuffiness of the nose, and after a few procedures will pass and the rhinitis itself.To do this, just add to the foam for the bath or directly into the water mixture of oils of eucalyptus, mint, cypress and tea tree.You need to take a few drops of each product, this will be enough. The same method is very effective for adults. In addition, you can use ethereal products in a sauna or a sauna, which will only speed up recovery.

As soon as the first signs of a cold appear, you should immediately begin treatment. For example, you can immediately put on the area under the nose a few drops of tea tree products. Then the problem will be eliminated before its full development. In addition, oil can massage the nose or dilute the ethereal product with a small amount of boiled water and dig in the nose with a cold.

Treatment of a cold with tea oil

As a rule, it is customary to use a mixture of several oils to treat the common cold. This will quickly get rid of the problem. In order to make an effective remedy for catarrh, you need to take olive oil as a base. Next, add essential oils of tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary (5 drops in total) and 2 drops of mint oil.

Another recipe will be effective: take 30 g of olive oil, add to it 5 drops of sage, 2 drops of pine oil, and 4 drops of eucalyptus, geranium and tea tree oil. Use this mixture for the massage of the forehead, nasal sinuses and wings.

Inhalation with the addition of tea oil against the common cold

Sufficiently effective in case of an illness are inhalations. In order to carry out this procedure, it is necessary to mix very carefully a couple of drops of oil from bitter orange, black pepper, rose oil and, of course, a few drops of tea tree. Pour all this with a small amount of boiling water and breathe the steam for 5 minutes.

You can mix black pepper oil with eucalyptus oil or tea tree. During the day, you need to breathe several times this mixture, it does not need to be heated, such a recipe belongs to the number of cold inhalations.

Some experts recommend using homemade balsam. It can be used to treat a cold for about a week, and all this time the medicine is stored in the refrigerator. In order to prepare a balm, you need to take a tablespoon of petroleum jelly and pre-melt it in a water bath. Next in it is worth adding a few drops of eucalyptus and mint. Instead of the eucalyptus product, tea tree oil or thyme is also used. In application, balm is also incredibly simple: it is enough to lubricate the wings of the nose 2-3 times a day, and in severe cases - also the mucous membrane of the nose.

To make medical steam inhalations for the treatment of ailment and that they are most effective, always use a mixture of several ethereal products.

As a rule, they combine lavender, pine, lemon oils with tea tree oil, eucalyptus, mint, thyme.

A small amount of this mixture should be added to, l of hot water. It will be enough a few drops of the mixture. Further bend over the container with water and cover the head with a large dense towel. Inhale steam for about 5 minutes. The procedure should be repeated one day up to seven times and literally a few days after the stuffiness of the nose there will be no trace.


You can add the tea tree product to the hot water bath and lie down in it a little, and it is also desirable to inhale the pairs with the nose. This method of treatment is perfect for both an adult and a small child. The difference will only be that an adult needs 2-3 times more use of an ethereal product, so that the result can be seen as quickly as possible.

As soon as you notice the first signs of a cold, start treatment immediately. This will stop the development of the disease. Cure a runny nose at the initial stage is much easier than in a more neglected form.

Eucalyptus oil from the common cold and its beneficial properties

Currently, more and more doctors recommend the use of natural medicines to treat the common cold and various types of sinusitis, in particular, sinusitis. Although of course the drug treatment remains quite demanded. For example, Albucid is often prescribed as an alternative to modern antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Doctors quite often discharge Albacid in the nose to children, since the composition of the drug is quite effective and safe. But before you treat the cold with medications, it is worthwhile to try home remedies. To stop the stuffing, you can apply the technique of acupressure, especially effective massage, if you spend it with Vietnamese balm "Star" from the cold.

Essential oils from the common cold are not inferior in effectiveness to the most modern pharmaceuticals.

Compared with synthetic drugs, essential oils act on the body more gently and cause much less side effects. It should be noted that with great care it is possible to use essential oils when treating children from the common cold in order to avoid bronchospasm or severe allergic reactions.

One of the most effective natural medicines can rightfully be called eucalyptus oil from the common cold. It should not be confused with camphor alcohol, application and instruction are different. Eucalyptus oil can not be ingested, it is applied directly to the skin.

Eucalyptus essential oil is a clear liquid with a very pleasant, fresh fragrance, extracted from fresh eucalyptus leaves. Only about 20 kg of ready-made essential oil comes from one ton of vegetable raw materials.

The largest part (about 80%) of the chemical composition of eucalyptus oil is eucalyptol - a colorless liquid with a pronounced etheric-camphor smell.

Eucalyptus oil is valued not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine due to its pronounced useful properties: antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial, as well as expectorant, antipyretic and balsamic.

The destructive power of eucalyptus oil for a variety of harmful microorganisms is explained by the presence in its chemical composition of special substances - fellandren and aromadendrene. Upon contact with oxygen, they convert it into ozone, which is the most potent bactericide.

It is worth noting

Regular inhalation of vapors of ethereal eucalyptus oil from the common cold greatly facilitates leakage diseases, clearing the sinuses of the nose, eliminates the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and also helps it easier to separate phlegm.

Quite effective is the combination of eucalyptus oil from the common cold with essential oils of tea tree, fir, bergamot, and anise. Inhalation of eucalyptus oil vapor before going to bed helps to clean the nasal passages and promotes a more restful sleep.

Eucalyptus oil for rhinitis: methods of application

Eucalyptus oil with a cold is excellent for washing the nose. It works especially well if the mucous discharge from the nose acquires a green or yellow color (this often means that the bacterial infection has replaced the virus infection).

To wash the nasal sinuses, the following solution should be prepared:for 250 ml of warm water, take a teaspoon of sea salt and two drops of essential oil of eucalyptus.

A prepared solution should be washed out the sinuses three times a day.

Eucalyptus oil for colds is also used in the form of steam inhalations.For one procedure, it is sufficient to use 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil, the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

It is important to know

Eucalyptus oil can not be used for inhalations with a nebulizer.

However, there are a large number of inhalation solutions suitable for use through a nebulizer. What kind of nebuliser is better advised by a specialist.

Eucalyptus oil from the common cold is added to the bath and used externally, applying the drug 2 - 3 times a day on a clean and dry skin. In doing so, it should be remembered that eucalyptus oil should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin, since it has an irritating effect.

Despite the fact that eucalyptus oil is a strong and effective natural product in the fight against the common cold, this remedy has its own contraindications. In particular, eucalyptus oil is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for the treatment of young children (bronchospasm may occur). Also, it is recommended that people who are predisposed to allergies, as well as those suffering from excessive skin sensitivity, should refrain from using this medication.

It should be borne in mind that eucalyptus oil is a strong drug, and to use this remedy, you must first consult with your doctor. Remember that your health is in your hands.


Ways of using tea tree oil for a cold

Tea tree oil is a remedy for people from nature by bacteria and fungi.

It can serve to disinfect the house, act as a means of treating infectious diseases, in particular, sinusitis.

It is a light yellow liquid with an easily distinguishable smell, reminiscent of nutmeg. It is produced by steaming the leaves of the tea tree and then squeezing the oil.

Tea tree oil became popular in the 1920s, after Australian soldiers reported its therapeutic use. In 1922, the Royal Society of New South Wales reported that oil is a very effective antiseptic.

Tea Tree Oil is one of the best cure for the common cold. It is successfully used for the treatment of nasal congestion, which is caused by swelling of the nasal concha, it can also be used as drops in the nose for children. To stop the stuffing, you can apply the technique of acupressure, especially effective massage, if you spend it, using the ointment "Asterisk the instruction for which is extremely simple.

How to use tea tree oil for a cold?

  • Pour the tea tree oil into hot or boiling water, lean over the container, cover your head with a towel, and inhale steadily. A glass of water only needs a couple of drops of essential oil. Enough for five minutes to feel a temporary relief.
  • Tea tree oil (up to ten drops) can be added to the aroma lamp. Thus, its fragrance will be felt throughout the apartment. This procedure can be done both in the daytime and at bedtime. It is useful to combine the use of aromatherapy with ointment for the nose from the common cold.
  • Tea tree oil in the cold can also be added to gauze, attach to the nose and inhale a short time. Repeat this "nasal compress" should be several times a day.
  • Bathing in a bath with tea tree oil will improve your health for a cold and runny nose. Add 15 drops of oil in half a cup of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) and dissolve in a bath.

Contraindications and possible side effects:

  • Women who are expecting a baby or breast-feeding should not take tea tree oil orally or use it for massage.
  • The use of skin products that contain tea tree oil along with lavender oil can not be safe for young boys who have not yet reached puberty. These products can have hormonal effects that are capable of disturbing the hormonal balance in the child's body. In some cases, boys developed gynecomastia. The safety of these products when used by girls is not known.
  • Tea tree oil is probably dangerous if taken orally. Do not take it in your mouth. Never use undiluted essential oils due to the possibility of serious side effects.
  • Taking this oil inside can cause blurred vision, vomiting, inability to walk or unstable when walking, rash and coma.

Is tea tree oil good for children

Unfortunately, children get sick often enough. Schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and community centers are "restaurants" for bacteria.

Colds, abrasions and insect bites - these are the three problems that occupy the first place in the "hit parade" of children's problems.

Tea tree oil from the common cold to children will relieve the child of cold symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, fever and pain.

  • Add 5 drops of oil to a bowl of hot water or inhalator for inhalation and let the baby breathe.
  • Massage your baby's chest and throat with a base oil mixed with a couple drops of tea tree oil.
  • Before going to bed, dip the tea tree oil into your nose, diluted with vegetable oil in the proportion of 1 drop of tea to 5 drops of vegetable oil. You can alternate with the use of sea buckthorn oil in a child's cold.
  • As a preventive measure, wash your hands with soap and tea tree oil.

The use of tea tree oil (also called "living tree") from the common cold for a child who has not reached the age of 7 is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Before using it, check for an allergic reaction. To do this, put a drop of oil on your wrist and wait an hour. If redness appears, wash your hand with cold water and stop using this oil.


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